Fragrant herbs for sachets. scented pouches

Not only the right mattress and quality bedding will help ensure a good sleep throughout the night, but also the pleasant aroma that comes from it. Special conditioners, which are used for washing and rinsing, give a too strong smell, and also contain fragrances that are dangerous to health, often causing allergies. A more pleasant aroma can be obtained by using a natural laundry fragrance in the closet. It can be dried herbs (lavender), needles, citrus fruits, coffee beans, essential oils. How to make such a flavor with your own hands, we will tell in our article.

How to make a sachet - fragrance for linen in the closet?

A sachet, or small scented pillow, has long been used not only to scent linens in the closet, but also to repel moths. Unlike flavors from the store, the composition of the filler is selected individually, which eliminates the occurrence of allergic reactions, rashes and other troubles. In wardrobes for clothes and linen, sachets are laid out directly between piles of linen or hung up by a loop.

What can be used as a bag filler? Ideal fit:

  • dried herbs (lavender, mint, lemon balm, rose, jasmine);
  • spices (cloves, cinnamon sticks, rosemary);
  • dry peel of citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit);
  • essential oils previously applied to cotton wool.

Sachet bags are easy to sew with your own hands. To do this, you need a small piece of natural fabric in the shape of a rectangle. Coarse burlap, linen, cotton or silk will do. A piece of fabric is sewn on three sides, filled with flavoring, and then tightened with a ribbon, braid or sewn with threads on the fourth side. Pleasant, light aroma will delight you for about 3 months. After this time, the filler will have to be replaced.

Easy baking soda flavor

To make a do-it-yourself soda flavoring, you will need a small empty jar, for example, from under and a few drops of essential oil. Baking soda is poured into the jar, then essential oil is added, after which the container is closed and shaken. Further, several holes are made in the lid of the jar, after which the laundry fragrance in the closet can be used for its intended purpose.

If you use a jar without a lid when making a flavor, you can use foil instead.

Fragrant stones for cabinet

Stones made from salt dough with their own hands are both a flavor and a stylish element of decor. They can be laid out one by one in different corners of the apartment, including in the closet, or you can put them all together in a beautiful vase or basket.

Such a fragrance for linen in the closet with your own hands can be made in the following way:

  1. Knead the dough from flour (300 g), fine salt (500 g), starch (2 tablespoons with a slide) and hot water with dye (100 ml). Depending on the color of the stones you want to make, you can use water-soluble dyes of different shades.
  2. Divide the dough into pieces of arbitrary size, apply a few drops of essential oil and form stones with your hands.
  3. Let the stones dry well, then put them in the bed linen storage cabinet.

When the smell ceases to be so saturated, it will be enough to drop 1-2 drops of essential oil on each stone, let it dry and put it back in the closet.

Gel fragrance for linen in the closet

For a gel flavor, gelatin (10 g) is poured into 120 ml of water and left for half an hour. After a while, the swollen mass is put on fire and heated until the gelatin is completely dissolved. At this stage, you can add any dye you wish. As soon as the gelatin mass becomes warm, you can add glycerin (15 g) and 7-8 drops of essential oil. These flavoring ingredients can be bought at almost every pharmacy.

It remains only to shift the gel-like mass into a beautiful transparent bottle. It is enough to put one such flavoring in wardrobes for clothes and linen. Thanks to the gel-like consistency, the fragrance lasts for three months or more.

Don't have time to make homemade flavoring? Place a few bars of your favorite toilet soap or an empty perfume bottle in your linens closet. A pleasant aroma for 2-4 weeks will be guaranteed.

The word "sachet" came to us from the French language, which means it is translated into Russian - "pouch". Most often, this item is a fabric pocket filled with fragrant herbs or stuffed with a cloth soaked in essential oils. The sachet is used for aromatization of rooms, linen, clothes.

What is a sachet?

Each house has its own specific and special smell and, unfortunately, it is not always fragrant and fresh. The reasons for this may be the age of the dwelling, the end of a protracted repair, as well as the smells that a person brings from the street. To eliminate these very problems, sachets are used.

Such bags were invented in ancient times. The first of them were sewn from fabric, leather, grass could even be worn in furs and medallions. A little later, aromatic substances began to be sewn into clothes to protect themselves from evil spirits, bad people and the evil eye. Moreover, the components were mixtures of herbs and flowers in order to doom the house, lure love, finances, and improve one's health. But often, compositions were simply made from the most pleasant smells, and after that the bags were hung or laid out throughout the living space.

Sachets were especially popular in order to give a unique and pleasant aroma to lace and bed linen, towels. The hostesses made bags from various materials, decorated them with embroidery, patterns, lace, beads and even pearls! A small loop was sewn to such a pillow and then hung in the kitchen, near the front door, in the bedroom. The finished sachet served as an indicator of the skill of the needlewoman, and also gave an idea of ​​her as a hostess and as a woman in general.

How to sew a sachet bag yourself?

Nowadays, sachets in the form of small bags filled with fragrant herbs are very popular. Thanks to such devices, you can give a pleasant smell not only to clothes, but also to paper, toys, linen. Sachets are also an excellent remedy for moths.

Herbs for the bag can be purchased ready-made or independently collect those whose aroma is most preferable to you. Herbs should be collected early in the morning. Dry them in a well-ventilated place, in the shade, without direct sunlight. Drying often takes 5 days, after which you can start creating a composition for a future sachet.

If you want to make a bag with refreshing properties, then you should fill it with lavender, rose petals, sage, and add a drop of lavender oil or rose oil. So the smell will remain for a long time.

For a child's room, a mixture of rose petals, sage, chamomile and lavender is suitable. We must not forget that the smell should be barely audible, not pronounced. Hanging the bag next to the baby's crib is not recommended. It is better to put it in the closet with clothes.

For the kitchen, a combination of herbs, spices with citrus zest is suitable. By the way, in the kitchen, sachets are used not only to add flavor, but also to prepare the food itself. For example, a bag filled with Tuscan herbs can be dipped into a saucepan in the process of boiling broths, stewing fish or meat.

For the pillow itself, it is best to take a fabric made from natural material; fabric for embroidery is perfect. Unlike synthetic, such a fabric will exude fragrance in the room for a longer time, which in turn will not be drowned out by notes of synthetics. Since the bag itself should be beautiful and original, it can be decorated with embroidery.

If you do not have the necessary herbs at home, then do not despair, you can fill the sachets with ordinary sawdust, which were previously soaked in essential oils. Sawdust is inexpensive, and you can buy them at almost any pet supply store. A huge selection of essential oils can be found in pharmacies.

To prepare the sawdust, you need to pour some of them into a glass jar with a tightly screwed lid, add a few drops of essential oil there, then close the jar and shake everything well. Then repeat the same manipulations: pour sawdust into a jar, drip essential oil, shake. Then the jars with contents should be placed in a dark place for at least 7 days.

It is also very easy to sew the bags for the future sachet: for this, rectangles or triangles, rhombuses, circles should be cut out of the fabric - as you like, decorate with lace, embroidery, beads, and then sew the edges. After the bag should be tightly stuffed with a mixture of herbs prepared in advance or sawdust with essential oils and simply tied with a ribbon or braid.

So, sewing a bag is not at all difficult, but still how to fill it? There can be a lot of options, here are the most popular ones:

  • Many people know that the smell of coffee improves mood, kills unpleasant odors, and also increases appetite. A sachet filled with coffee beans can be hung in the kitchen, it will bring a lot of benefits there!;
  • The smell of pine needles has an antibacterial and refreshing effect. The natural aroma of pine and spruce needles can be enhanced with essential oils. By the way, cedar, fir and pine oils are not only beneficial for the human body, but also uplifting;
  • Herbs such as fennel, basil, mint, thyme, rosemary have unique beneficial properties and aromas, and mint also calms, relieves stress and puts in order the emotional state of a person;
  • To improve sleep, sachets can be placed inside pillowcases or your regular pillow stuffing. In addition to herbs, you can use berries or wild rose. To create such a sachet, you need 1 part lavender buds and ½ parts each of jasmine, chamomile, hop and rose petals. Herbs need to be mixed, poured into a bag, and, in turn, hidden in a pillowcase or pillow itself;
  • To strengthen immunity, mix sage, rosemary, lemon balm, thyme and essential oils of these same plants;
  • In the child's room, you can place a sachet filled with sage, rose petals, dill seeds, lavender and chamomile flowers with the addition of essential oils of lemon balm, chamomile and sage.

By the way, it is the lavender smell that leads among others when choosing the components of sachet fillers. It is persistent, prevents the appearance of moths, brings health benefits - calms and relieves stress.

Do-it-yourself sachet: master class

For self-production at home, sachets are needed:

  1. A piece of linen, cotton fabric or cambric;
  2. A small piece of lace;
  3. Braid, ribbons - it is necessary to choose such details based only on your taste preferences;
  4. Napkins for decoupage or transfer paper;
  5. Filler for the bag: dried herbs, needles or orange peel or sawdust, pre-soaked in essential oils, as well as a small ball of padding polyester, so that the sachet has a beautiful shape;
  6. Needle, thread, scissors.

First of all, a pattern of the desired shape should be made from the material. As an example, 2 blanks are presented - 1 in the form of a heart, and others in the form of a rectangle.

Using a hot iron, you need to transfer the image from the transfer paper onto the fabric. To do this, the paper should be ironed several times, then peeled off, and the image will be transferred to the fabric!

Then, with the help of pre-selected ribbons of braid and lace, you should decorate the front side of the bag. By the way, it is better to do it manually, without the help of a sewing machine.

Now it's time to sew both halves of the heart and the rectangle by hand. This is done from the wrong side of the product with a rough seam. A small loop of tape should be sewn to the corner of the rectangle and in the middle of the heart, for which the bags will subsequently be hung.

Now the rough seam must be stitched on a sewing machine, while leaving a small hole through which the sealant will be poured, turn the product on the front side.

It remains to fill the pillow filler. To begin with, they should be filled with crushed and dried orange zest, for the accuracy of the procedure, a synthetic winterizer should be placed around the corners and edges. Then you should take a couple of cotton pads and drop a few drops of essential oils prepared in advance on 1 of them, and then cover it on top with a 2nd cotton pad and place it inside the bag.

After that, the hole must be carefully sewn up and that's it - the aromatic sachet for the house is ready!

It is best to store such bags in a tightly closed container; it can be a large jar or any other container with a lid.

There is a legend that the wife of the God of Olympus, Zeus, Hera, seduced him with the help of a magical fragrant belt. Modern experts in the field of aromas believe that the composition of the filler of such a belt could well be as follows: nutmeg, jasmine, carnation, pink vanilla. You can take this into service by creating a composition of aromas for sachets with your own hands.

Why lavender is one of the most popular fragrant herbs and how it can be used as such.

Since the most popular handicraft that was brought to became a sachet, let's dwell on it in more detail :)

In souvenir shops on the "lavender" routes, you can now find various aromatic souvenirs: bags, pillows, toys, etc. (for details see stories for FM "Lavender", category "Travel"). Usually these souvenirs, or part of them, are simply filled with dried flowers (either lavender mixed with lavandin flowers, or lavender/lavandin flowers mixed with artificial filler). When we prepare such souvenirs at home, we can make them more cozy and practical, and we can use other fragrant herbs along with lavender.

I make similar herbal gauze bags for almost all of my sachets: they are easily removed from the main packaging, they can be replaced with new ones or additionally flavored with essential oil. They are also convenient to use, for example, taking a bath. I sew up such an insert from all sides so that the herbs do not get enough sleep. It can be sewn from any thin fabric.

That is, I prepare a decorative top (usually without buttons, beads, rhinestones, sequins, metal fittings, etc.; I very rarely use the smallest round beads), and then put a bag of fragrant herbs into it. This reduces the undesirable effects of using sachets: you inhale less crushed "grass dust", particles of herbs do not prick, do not crawl through the fabric. The aromatherapy effect remains unchanged: the aroma of herbs is still audible. You can even crush the bag with your hands so that this aroma intensifies, and the grass dust does not get enough sleep.

How do I fill herb inserts and single sachets: I put large parts (leaves, spikelets of flowers, buds) with my hands, small ones - through a funnel :)

So that the insert with herbs does not fall out, the decorative bag is sewn in different ways: someone sews using pillowcase technology, someone simply ties it with a ribbon on top, and someone also completely sews it up.

In a previous article, I mentioned cupboard scent bags and "warm compresses". They can also be made double (decorative top and insert with herbs), or you can pour herbs into a single bag of dense fabric.

For the manufacture of sachets, I use a fabric that holds well, but at the same time allows odors to pass through (usually cotton, linen, felt, fleece). Sometimes I sew a decorative top with an organza window.

Sleep sachet "Big Dipper" with lavender flowers

Two-tone decorative fleece pouch with organza window (blue front, yellow back). On the front side, the constellation Ursa Major is laid out with small beads. In this case, there is still a lavender insert here: it can be sewn either from organza, or from fabric in yellow or blue.

In a broad sense, sachet- this is generally a small bag for storing something, not only fragrant. This is also the name of bags with herbs, which are dipped into the soup during cooking, and bags of the type of incense known in Rus', and bags for storing combs. tea bags are also called that.

It is possible to make sachet-cases for storing / transporting bottles of aromatic oils or jars of creams.

"Lavender Honey" Case for storage of medicinal propolis oil.

I always make my own oil. The case is so called because, for example, lavender essential oil can be included in the composition of such a preparation, well, propolis oil itself has a honey-wax aroma - bitter, but pleasant for me :) Case materials: fleece, felt, floss, braid with lavender motif; The letter "L" is embroidered on top.

I will include both sachets in the Consolidated post of my

Sasha with his own hands.

Do-it-yourself sachet - three master classes on this topic will help you figure out what these fragrant bags are for and what materials these cute souvenirs can be made from.

Sasha can be hung in the bedroom, children's room, office, placed in a beautiful vase in the living room and even put in the interior of your car. Aromatic pillows in the bedroom, living room and office not only fill the air with a pleasant aroma, but also make you relax and have a good time, a bag of herbs at the head of the bed will promote healthy sleep, and in the linen closet it can eliminate unpleasant air and give linen freshness.

Sachet with your own hands

A small bag filled with fragrant flower petals, dried fruits, essential oils has long served as a source of freshness and original decoration of the room. A handmade sachet can be a wonderful gift for any occasion. This necessary little thing can be placed in the bedroom, car interior in the children's room or just in the closet with linen, depending on the filler, it can freshen the air, promote healthy sleep, be able to help you relax or, on the contrary, get together.

The filler for the sachet is most often various fragrant herbs, flower petals, fragrant spices, dried fruits. These components are slightly crushed and mixed with violet root to fix the smell (1 tablespoon of violet root per 25g of dry herbs). Suitable essential oils can be added, in this case they are added to the dry components, mixed and put in a plastic bag for several days. When the dried flowers are properly saturated with oil and no longer leave greasy marks, they are poured directly into the sachet. Sea salt can also be added to the mixture of herbs and flowers. If you do not have natural ingredients for the filler, you can replace them with ordinary rice by thoroughly mixing 4 tbsp. tablespoons of grains with 10 drops of essential oils.

Well, we figured out the contents of the wonderful bags, now let's see what materials you can create such a useful gift from.

The first photo lesson was prepared by a craftswoman Corinne, this is what she writes in the preface to her master class: “I sewed these fragrant pillows when the trees had not yet blossomed, I prepared in advance, because I had a lot of events planned for the spring - this is a trip to my friends, who just bought their first home in Madison , and two weddings in New York, and a meeting with a friend on the Jersey Shore, and a brunch with my mother in May. All the upcoming events were of course wonderful, but how difficult it was to find the right gifts for all these holidays! I turned to the Internet and the solution was found. The original felt pillows gave me the idea of ​​creating fragrant sachets in the form of cute pillows. The result of my work is before you.

Sachet with your own hands

To make a sachet you will need:

  • thin felt of different colors,
  • cotton or linen fabric in a neutral color,
  • fabric glue,
  • needle and thread of a color matching the felt,
  • sewing machine,
  • sachet fillers (the author used a mixture of orange peel, lavender, rose petals and buckwheat husks)
  • disappearing fabric marker.

For one sachet, you will need to cut out one square of felt, one square of fabric, four large leaves and four smaller ones from felt in a contrasting color. You can download the leaf template.

Step 1. Draw 10 cm * 10 cm squares and leaves for the pillow on sheets of felt.

Step 2. Cut out leaves from multi-colored felt. The craftswoman made many pillows at the same time, so she turned out like this. In my opinion, it’s very beautiful.

Step 3. Cut out a square from the felt and draw diagonal lines on it with a disappearing marker.

Step 4 Apply fabric glue to the diagonal lines and attach the leaves to the felt square as shown in the photo. This will help you keep the pieces in place while sewing.

Step 5. Attach the leaves to the base with a sewing machine or by hand.

Step 6. Lay the square of felt on the square of fabric and fasten them with pins.

Step 7. Sew the squares around the perimeter right side inward, leaving a small part unsewn for further stuffing with dried flowers.

Step 8. In order to make it easier to turn the bag inside out, cut off the corners of it as shown in the photo.

Step 9. Turn out the resulting square bag and put dried flowers in it. The author does not recommend overfilling the sachet, it should remain soft.

Step 10. Sew up the pillow with a blind stitch.

Fifteen sachets! Here is the result! I think it's very beautiful, and the smell ...

Sachet with your own hands

In the second master class, the sachet bag is made of lace. In my opinion, the idea is wonderful, the product looks gorgeous, and the costs are quite small, you can use the remnants of unnecessary lace. This master class was prepared by craftswoman Jenny from the UK.

To make you will need:

  • lace (the author used lace 3 cm wide),
  • lavender flower filler,
  • 4cm*4cm embroidery fabric,
  • floss green and purple,
  • marker (black) for fabric,
  • satin ribbon (narrow, black),
  • black thread, needle,
  • button white.

Step 1. Cut the lace into fragments 14 cm long, the width of the lace from the author is 3 cm, she used four pieces.

Step 2. Sew the pieces of lace over each other with a curly edge down as shown in the picture. Attach the top lace with the curly edge up.

Step 3. Fold the rectangle obtained from lace in half right side inward and sew the side and bottom seam.

Step 4. Turn the bag right side out and fill it with dried lavender flowers.

The highlight of this pouch is undoubtedly this tiny lavender flower embroidery. Making such a decoration is not difficult at all if you follow Jennie's instructions.

Step 6. Cut out an oval from the fabric for embroidery and embroider a lavender flower on it.

Step 7 With a black fabric marker, draw a pattern around the perimeter of the oval.

Step 8. Sew the resulting element to the bag.

Step 9. Tie the bag with a black satin ribbon and secure the knot by sewing a button on it.

Step 10 Place this sachet in your bedroom and enjoy its relaxing scents.

Do-it-yourself aromatic sachet

The third option for making a sachet is probably the simplest, but the resulting multi-colored products look very elegant. The work uses cotton fabrics, perhaps even unnecessary trimmings. Prepared by craftswoman Leanne Garrity. These are such cute pyramids she got.

Yarrow, tansy, sage, motherwort - bunches during drying. Photo - Doris Ershova

And in this post we will talk about recipes for filling aroma sachets.

Sachet- translated from French means bag .

Aromatic sachets are made from anything. It can be a fabric, mesh or even a paper bag filled with dry aromatic herbs, flower petals, spices, stems or bark of plants or their mixtures, well crushed. Sometimes they are ground into powder. Often their aroma is enhanced with the help of natural essential oils and the aroma is fixed with fragrant resins.

Every housewife had sachets since the ancient times of the Middle Ages. According to old beliefs, such bags not only scented the room or clothes, but also protected the house from evil spirits, the evil eye, and unkind people. Carefully selected combinations of herbs in the sachet served for the home and family well-being, brought love, prosperity, improved well-being, restored the harmony of relations between the inhabitants of the home.
