Gimenokallis at home. Growing an unusual hymenocallis flower

Not too experienced flower growers are afraid of these, believing that caring for them requires special knowledge and a lot of time. And we will prove the opposite, using the example of the unusual, completely.

Description of the genus

Gimenokallis is an incredibly beautiful belonging to the Amarylis family. Its homeland is Central and South America, India and Africa. In the wild, it is most often found on the banks of rivers and lakes. In culture, it is grown both in open ground and at home. The bulb of plants is quite large and resembles the shape of a pear, it is covered with dry shiny scales. In a mature hymenocallis, the tuber reaches 10 cm in diameter. The leaves are narrow, xiphoid in shape, collected in a thick fan at the base of the bulb. They can reach a length of 80-100 cm. The color of the leaves can be bright green, dark green and gray-green.

Important! The main thing is to prevent the bulbs from drying out during transplantation, so they are recommended to be planted immediately after separation.

Home Care

Gimenokallis belongs to, so caring for him at home will not be difficult. By adhering to simple rules, you can easily have an unusual, attractive plant in your home.


The best place for growing hymenocallis in a pot will be a sunny window on the south side. The plant loves light very much, but at the same time it is calm about light short-term shading, so if it is not possible to provide a flower, southern, eastern and western are also suitable.

Air humidity and temperature

In nature, the plant is found on the banks of water bodies, humidity plays an important role for its comfort. If the air in the room is too dry, you should take care of moisturizing it and put water containers near the flower pot. It will not be superfluous to spray the leaves daily with settled water, but avoid getting it on the buds. In summer, the ideal comfortable temperature for an exotic flower is 22-24 ° C.

Important! At the end of the growing season, during the dormant period, you should move the pot with the plant to a dark, cool place with a temperature of 10-13 ° C and stop watering. The flower will "rest" for 3 months.


The bulbous perennial needs constant soil moisture, if you miss the moment and the soil dries out, this can turn into a drying of the foliage. Just do not confuse regular with abundant, excessive moisture is detrimental to bulbs, as it causes tuber rotting.


During the growing season, the flower is fed with complex 1 time per week, this is necessary in order for the flowering to be lush and long. Do not forget about hymenocallis during the dormant period, although at this time top dressing is applied no more than once a month.


Mature bulbs are transplanted every 3-4 years. It is best to do this during the rest period, then the process will be completely painless. In order to ensure abundant flowering, small pots should be preferred. The fact is that in close quarters, a herbaceous perennial produces more buds.

Features of care in the garden

Gimenokallis is great for growing in the garden. It must be taken into account that before planting the bulbs must be germinated, and only after that they should be moved to the ground. To do this, use special boxes for seedlings, ordinary ceramic or plastic pots, the main thing is that there are holes in such a container to drain excess water. Then the container is filled with sawdust and peat and the bulb is placed at a depth of 5-7 cm. Then it is left to germinate for 2-3 weeks at a temperature not exceeding 15°C. At the end of May, when the earth is already warm enough, you can transplant the bulb into open ground. Further care is not much different from home care. Regular

Gimenokallis is a herb of the Amarylis family. The main places where it grows are the shores of fresh water. Cultivated species of hymenocallis flower growers are successfully grown both in open soil and in a pot on the windowsill.

Hymenocallis is a bulbous plant. The bulb itself is pear-shaped and very large in size. In adult specimens, it can be 10 cm in diameter. Dry scales on top of the bulb.

The foliage of the plant is bright, dark or gray-green. All leaves are narrow and xiphoid, from 80 cm to 1 m long. They gather in a thick fan at the base of the bulb. Some types of hymenocallis are evergreen, and some of the leaves are shed.

A feature of the plant is its unusual, decorative and bright inflorescences. The bud is an umbrella center and 6 long and narrow petals that can reach 25 cm.

Seeds are formed after flowering. They are oval in shape and covered with a soft shell.

Species and varieties with photos

Hymenocallis recorded 55 species, of which some popular ones can be distinguished:

Coastal hymenocallis is an unpretentious exotic species, the care of which is not at all difficult. The height of this species is approximately 35-40 cm. Several arachnid-shaped flowers with a pleasant aroma grow on the peduncle. The leaves can reach 1.5 m in length and 6 cm in width.

Caribbean hymenocallis is an evergreen perennial that loves home care. The amazing appearance of this plant surprises with its originality. Snow-white arachnid flowers and bright yellow anthers will effectively decorate the windowsill. A sunny side is suitable for growing this species.

With proper care, flowering can be up to 3 times a year. The first flowering usually occurs at the end of summer.

Pleasant (beautiful) hymenocallis - distinguished by spectacular flowers that look like umbrellas. A powerful peduncle holds from 6 to 12 buds. They bloom in turn and exude a pleasant aroma, similar to the smell of lilies. In its natural environment, it grows in the subtropics.

Broad-leaved hymenocallis is an ornamental herbal culture that grows about 50-70 cm. The flowers of the plant are in the form of umbrellas with twisted petals. Sword-shaped leaves with a distinct central vein.

How to propagate

There are two ways to grow hymenocallis.

Planting seeds

Growing a plant from seeds is a laborious and long process. For their germination, they need to create the right conditions. Sprouts sprout very slowly, and the whole process can be delayed for a period of 2 weeks to 3 months.

For planting seeds, soil consisting of peat and sand is used. The soil must not be allowed to dry out, so it must be constantly watered. To avoid burns on sprouts, avoid direct sunlight.


The easiest and fastest way is to propagate with bulbs. In hymenocallis, which has reached the age of 4-5 years, babies should form on the tubers. To divide them, the mother plant must be dug up, carefully separated brand new bulbs and planted in a prepared place. There should be loose soil and drainage is provided.

Care rules

Grow hymenocallis is not difficult. A novice grower can handle this, although they are afraid to start their hobby with growing an unusual strange flower. When creating the right conditions and observing simple rules for care, the plant will delight with its well-groomed and flowering appearance for a long time.


The plant loves light and the sun very much, so you can safely grow it on the south side.

The west and east side will also suit him, since some shading will not harm him at all.

Humidity and temperature

In its natural habitat, hymenocallis is often found on the banks of water bodies. And this means that the level of humidity is important for the plant for comfortable conditions. If the air is dry at home, then you should think about additional humidification, for example, put a container of water next to the pot or use a humidifier.

During the active growing season, the foliage is sprayed with water, but it is impossible for moisture to get on the buds. The temperature during this period should be around 22-24 o C.

When the plant begins a dormant period, it is removed to a cool place (10-13 ° C) and not watered. Maintain these conditions for 3 months. That is how long the "hibernation" of the flower lasts.


This perennial bulbous plant requires constant soil moisture. It must not be allowed to dry out, otherwise it will adversely affect the hymenocallis. Leaves may begin to dry. Overwatering the plant is also harmful. Excessive water levels can cause rot.

top dressing

During active growth, hymenocallis should be fed with mineral fertilizers about 1 time in 7-10 days. This will immediately affect the flowering. It will be longer and more magnificent. During the rest period, feeding is enough to carry out 1 time.


Mature plants should be repotted every 3 or 4 years. Most suitable for this period of rest. For active and lush flowering of hymenocallis, it is worth choosing small pots for it. In cramped conditions, it forms more buds.

Features of growing in open ground

In open soil, hymenocallis feels great. It is important to remember that before planting the bulb must be germinated.

This can be done in any suitable container that has drainage holes. It is filled with peat and sawdust, and then place the bulb there, deepening it by 5-7 cm. Leave this container to germinate for a couple of weeks in a cool place (not higher than 15 o C).

The bulb is planted in open ground at the end of May, when the weather is already warm. After flowering is complete, the bulb will need to be dug up and left in a cool and dark place. It can be planted again next season.

Pests and diseases

  • Spider mite or aphid - appear due to waterlogging. They should be dealt with with special insecticide preparations.
  • Rotting - begins due to increased moisture in the roots. To combat this problem, dig up the bulb, remove all affected areas, treat them with ash and Fundazol.
  • Staganospor - black and red spots on the leaves testify to it. For treatment, treat with "Fundazol".
  • Anthracnose - brown spots and black dots. Remove damaged leaves and burn. The rest of the flower is also treated with a fungicide.

Wherever you plant this beautiful flower, in the garden or on the windowsill, it will add extravagance, originality and brightness to the atmosphere. Plant care is very simple, the requirements for care are minimal.

Under all conditions, hymenocallis will create an atmosphere of exoticism for a long time, delighting with its subtle beauty and delicate aroma.

bulbs early hymenocallis (early change) in the spring can be found in many stores that have departments for the sale of seeds and other planting material. Several species of this amazing perennial bulbous plant from tropical and subtropical America and the Antilles have recently been grown in the Moscow region. In summer, early change can be grown in open ground. Hymenocallis narcissus flower (ismene basket-shaped) can be on the site only in warm summers Other species - hymenocallis beautiful and hymenocallis caribbean- grown only as indoor culture. Recently, hymenocallis hybrids with colored flowers have appeared on sale. Attracts attention and variety "Variegata" with a very decorative color of the leaves. Be careful, all these plants, like many flowering bulbs, are poisonous.

Hymenocallis early is sold under the name "Ismene early"

Hymenocallis early, or pleasant ( Hymenocallis festalis) is exactly the species that has been on the general market for several years. You need to look for it under the name "Early Ismene". Sometimes this bulbous plant is called "Peruvian white daffodil", "angel's trumpets" or "spider lily". The very shape of the flowers is unusual with six long narrow curved petals. On a peduncle about 70 cm high, there are three to five large white fragrant flowers with orange anthers. Partially fused stamens form a crown resembling that of daffodils. Large mature bulbs produce two or three peduncles. At first, all the buds are hidden under a common shell. When it breaks, it becomes clear that there is not one, but several buds on the peduncle. I heard that each of them open in just 1 - 2 minutes. And at the same time of day with a delay of several days. How many times we were going to check this information, and each time something did not add up! From June to August is the time of flowering. During the dormant period, the entire terrestrial part dies off.

Other types of hymenocallis

Hymenocallis daffodil ( H. narcissiflora), he, ismene basket-shaped ( Ismene calathira), can be grown in a flower pot, which is dug into the ground in a flower garden in summer. Since June, on a high peduncle (up to 1 meter), 5-6 fragrant flowers open. The dormant period begins in October and continues through February. At this time, the bulbs need an air temperature of +10 - 15? At the end of February, the pots are transferred to a lighted place (with an air temperature not higher than +18? C). At the same time, new planting material is planted in flower pots. At the end of winter, there is still little light, so without additional lighting in a too warm room, the hymenocallis stretches strongly. During the period of growth and flowering, constantly moisten the soil and fertilize once every two weeks. It is better to keep a pot with hymenocallis in the house until the onset of heat. In summer, it is put out in the garden or on the balcony.

Hymenocallis splendid and Hymenocallis caribbean as indoor plants

Hymenocallis is beautiful H. speciosa) grows in the Antilles. Its leaves do not dry out all year round. It is more difficult to get bulbs than caribbean hymenocallis. Most often they are brought from foreign trips. Gimenokallis beautiful - the leader in the number of flowers. In June - August, from 10 to 15 snow-white fragrant flowers bloom, with a strong smell of vanilla. A warm and bright room is well suited for keeping this species, in which it can bloom twice a year. During growth and flowering, hymenocallis is abundantly watered and fed with complex fertilizers. After flowering, the plant rests. Watering is reduced, but not stopped, so that there is no drying out of the earth and a complete loss of leaves. Grow this bulbous in bulk containers.

Hymenocallis caribbean ( H. caribaea) is called the "Caribbean lily". It is worth growing all year round as a houseplant. From the end of summer, amazing flowers with a sweetish aroma bloom on a peduncle about 50 - 60 cm high. Their shape resembles a fantastic spider. Flower petals have snow-white, yellowish or dark orange anthers. Before the onset of winter, the hymenocallis blooms again. It happens that it blooms three times a year. This species needs regular watering and good lighting. When planting, the bulb should be completely sunk into the ground.

How to care for hymenocallis (ismene) in the house?

Hymenocallis during the growing season are demanding of light, heat and moisture. A bulb with a diameter of at least 10 cm needs a volumetric container with good drainage. It is transplanted every 3-4 years into a soil mixture of 2 parts of clay-soddy soil, 1 part of humus, 1 part of peat and 1 part of coarse sand.

Hymenocallis are propagated by daughter bulbs, preferably during a spring transplant into a new container. Young plants bloom for 2-3 years. Occasionally, to obtain planting material, a mature bulb is divided into 4 parts. It is possible to grow a plant from seeds that are sown shortly after harvest. Crops are kept in a warm room. Seedlings are cared for like ordinary houseplants. In the fifth year of their life, the first flowering occurs.

The dormant period for all types of hymenocallis is different. Those that keep the leaves green in winter rest at an air temperature of +14 - 17? Watering at this time is limited. Species that have only a bulb left for the winter need a cooler and drier content at an air temperature of about +10 - 12 ° C.

All summer on the site

A flower garden with fertile and well-fertilized soil should be located in a sunny place. Bulbs are planted in May. The distance between them is at least 30 cm. The tops are left sprinkled with a centimeter layer of soil. Their growth begins already at an air temperature of about +13? During the spring frosts, the place where the bulbs are planted is insulated. From June you can expect the beginning of flowering, which lasts 2 - 3 weeks. All this time you need regular watering and top dressing. As fall approaches, the leaves begin to wilt. From this time on, watering is completely stopped. In early September, the bulbs are dug up. In warm and dry autumn, they can be left in the ground until the first frost. After digging, they are cleaned of the remnants of dried leaves and peduncles, inspected for rot. Disinfect. Then they are allowed to dry in a room at an air temperature of about + 15 ° C, put in boxes with wood shavings, sawdust, dry sand or peat and stored until spring in a cool dry (+10 - 15 ° C) place. The rest period should last at least 2 months.

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Plants of the genus Hymenocallis are directly related to the Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae). This genus unites more than 50 species of bulbous plants. In nature, they can be found in various parts of South America.

A rather large pear-shaped bulb is covered with a layer consisting of dry shiny scales. A mature onion has, as a rule, a diameter of 10 centimeters. Vaginal sessile leaves are arranged strictly alternately and grow in the same plane. In length, such leaves can reach from 0.5–1 meter. A greater number of species have belt-shaped leaves, while the central vein is depressed and there is a pointed tip. The leaf is painted in rich green color and has a glossy surface. Among the many species, there are both evergreens and those that drop all the leaves during a long drought.

These plants stand out among the rest with their extremely unusual flowers. Their shape resembles either a spider with long legs or a star. The calyx has 6 narrowly linear sepals, which can be up to 20 centimeters long. They are painted greenish at the base, and then repeat the color of the petals. There are species in which the sepals are bent back only at the ends, and there are those in which they sag freely from the base. A radially symmetrical, interpetal corolla consists of 6 petals, which are indented at the ends to varying degrees. The petals are fused with 6 stamens and form a funnel-shaped crown, reaching a depth of 5 centimeters. There are species that have stamens only slightly shorter than the sepals. Large oval-shaped anthers are colored yellowish-orange or deep yellow. Umbrella or corymbose inflorescences consist of 2-16 fragrant flowers, and they also have 2 or 3 bracts. Bare with a slightly flattened section, the peduncle is almost as long as the leaves. When the plant fades, it has green, fleshy oval-shaped fruits, inside of which there are large seeds.

Caring for such a plant is quite simple. The most important thing in caring for him is timely watering and proper lighting.


Among the numerous representatives of the amaryllis family, this plant loves light most of all. It calmly tolerates the direct rays of the sun and needs bright lighting. Such a flower is recommended to be placed on the windows of the southern, southwestern and southeastern orientation. Hymenocallis will not bloom on the window in the northern part of the room.

For species that bloom in winter, it is necessary to provide good lighting and a ten-hour daylight hours.

Temperature regime

The plant grows well and develops in spring and summer at moderate temperatures, which correspond to the middle latitudes. If there is no additional lighting in winter, then evergreen species need to slightly lower the temperature. To do this, the pot should be as close as possible to the glass, and the window should be covered with foil, or you can use a transparent box. This will separate the plant from the warm air. The optimum temperature for this period is 14-18 degrees. If there is artificial lighting, then it is not necessary to reduce the temperature.

Bulbs of deciduous species extracted from the ground should be placed in a cool (from 10 to 12 degrees) and very dry (it is necessary that the scales rustle like onion peel) place.

How to water

The greatest difficulty in caring for hymenocallis is watering. It can be very difficult to choose the optimal irrigation regime. Since this flower in nature prefers to grow in coastal areas and wetlands, it needs to create suitable conditions during intensive growth and flowering. The soil should always be slightly moist. But at the same time, make sure that the liquid does not stagnate in the pot, as this can lead to rotting of the bulb.

In winter, you need to water less. You can find out that the flower lacks moisture by looking at the leaves - they lose turgor and become lethargic. In this case, watering should be increased. Bulbs of deciduous plant species are not watered in winter.

For irrigation, settled water at room temperature is suitable.


No artificial increase in air humidity is required. However, for hygienic purposes, a regular warm shower is recommended. At the same time, only foliage should be washed, and buds and flowers should be protected from water.


Suitable soil should be loose, slightly acidic (pH 5.0 - 6.0) and rich in nutrients. There are several options for planting hymenocallis earth mixture. The most common of them:

  1. Leaf and sod land, coarse-grained river sand in a ratio of 3:1:1.
  2. Leaf, sod and humus soil, coarse-grained river sand and peat in the ratio 2:2:2:1:1.

For planting, you can also use a purchased soil mixture for bulbs. However, in order to prevent rot, it is recommended to pour a small amount of crushed charcoal into it.

This flower requires a sufficiently voluminous pot for planting, because its roots are very powerful and grow rapidly. At the bottom of the tank, it is imperative to make a good drainage layer of expanded clay. It will help to avoid stagnation of liquid in the substrate. It is necessary to plant the bulb so that its third rises above the surface of the substrate.

top dressing

Top dressing is carried out during intensive growth, as well as flowering with a frequency of 1 time in 2 or 3 weeks. To do this, use fertilizer for flowering houseplants or ready-made liquid fertilizer for bulbs. You need to use the dosage indicated on the package. However, make sure that the fertilizer you choose does not have a large amount of nitrogen, as it leads to intensive foliage growth, while the quality of flowering deteriorates. Also, this chemical element can cause rotting of the juicy onion.

During the relative dormant period, fertilizers cannot be applied to the soil.

Transplant Features

Since the plant reacts extremely negatively to transplantation, this procedure is carried out quite rarely, as a rule, once every 3 or 4 years.

Reproduction methods

Hymenocallis can be propagated by seeds or daughter bulbs. Such bulbs begin to form after the flower is 3 or 4 years old. As a rule, reproduction by children is carried out during transplantation. To do this, carefully separate the daughter onion from the mother bulb, and then plant it in a separate container.

You need to sow the seeds as described in the instructions, which should be placed on the package.

Pests and diseases

On this spectacular plant, such harmful insects as, and can settle. After these pests are found on the foliage, in the near future it is necessary to thoroughly treat the bush with insecticides of the appropriate action (for example, fitoverm or actellik).

The most common disease is gray rot on bulbs. For prevention purposes, during planting and transplanting, the bulbs must be carefully examined. After finding a sore spot, it is carefully cut out, while the cut sites must be treated with crushed charcoal. But this is only in case of a small defeat. If the bulb is very heavily infected, then it is already impossible to save it.

Most often, rot develops due to stagnation of water in the substrate, especially during a cool winter.

Also, the plant may not bloom - this is due to the fact that it lacks light, with too warm wintering, and also with poor feeding.

Variety of names

This plant is also popularly referred to as the "spider lily", the Peruvian lily. It also has other names.

Also, according to some experienced botanists, this plant is also called Ismene, while this name is synonymous with Hymenocallis. However, more classifiers are of the opinion that these are two completely different kinds of plants. At the same time, the genus Ismene was once isolated from the genus Hymenocallis. The most striking difference between such flowers is the ismene false stem. It is gradually formed as a result of the death of foliage. They also differ in the orientation of the pedicel. In ismene, the flowers are inclined and sometimes lie almost horizontally, while in hymenocallis, they are directed upwards almost vertically. The hymenocallis also has monochromatic crowns, while the ismene crown has a longitudinal strip of green. Thus, hymenocallis narcissus, according to some features, can be attributed to the genus Ismene, while this species has a second synonymous name - Ismene narcissus. In such a flower, the pedicels are horizontally bent, while the line of fusion of stamens with petals is colored dark green.

Hymenocallis and pancratium are also often confused. Despite the fact that their flowers are very similar, the plants themselves are related to different genera. They differ greatly in foliage. Hymenocallis have a lot of dark or saturated green leaves, they are glossy, “grassy”. Pancratium has few hard, narrow leaves, they are almost succulent and painted in a grayish-blue color with a bluish tint.

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Main types

Hymenocallis caribbean (Hymenocallis caribaea)

This species is most popular with flower growers. Such an evergreen plant can be found in nature on the coast of the Antilles. He has no dormant period. The narrow-lanceolate leaves are dark green in color and reach a length of 90 centimeters, and a width of 5–7 centimeters. Blooms in winter for 4 months. At the top of the peduncle there is an inflorescence in the form of an umbrella, which consists of 3-5 large flowers, painted white. Narrow sepals in length reach 7 centimeters.

Hymenocallis early (Hymenocallis festalis)

Quite often grown indoors. It occurs naturally in Peru, but is often grown as a garden plant in subtropical and tropical areas. This species has rather short (from 40 to 60 centimeters) glossy, belt-like leaves, painted in dark green. Flowering lasts from mid-spring to mid-summer. Snow-white flowers have a diameter of 10 centimeters. Large, wide open crown. The curved sepals are folded into neat ringlets.

Hymenocallis narcissus (Hymenocallis amancaes)

This evergreen plant is endemic to the coastal highlands of Peru. The dark green leaves are sword-shaped. Yellow flowers have a crown of large size and rather wide. It completely absorbs the stamens, and only anthers remain outside. The sepals are only 1.5–2 times longer than the crown. There are varieties with purple or white flowers. This plant blooms from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

Beautiful hymenocallis (Hymenocallis speciosa)

This evergreen is native to the Antilles. Long (up to 60 centimeters) leaves have a lanceolate-elliptical shape. The peduncle protruding above the leaf rosette by 1/3 part carries an inflorescence in the form of an umbrella, consisting of 5–16 snow-white flowers. Each flower has a diameter of about 15 centimeters, while the arcuately curved sepals can be up to 7 centimeters long.

Hymenocallis cordifolia (Hymenocallis cordifolia)

This species is very different from the others. The long-leaved leaves of such a plant have an elongated heart-shaped shape. Snow-white flowers with long narrow drooping sepals practically do not have a crown.

Hymenocallis tubiflora (Hymenocallis tubiflora)

In nature, it can be found in Trinidad and on the northern coast of South America. Its flowers are similar to hymenocallis cordifolia. However, petiolate leaves have a broadly lanceolate shape.

All species grown indoors have very few varieties. So, most often the flowers are painted white, less often - yellow. There are also differences in the size of the crown and in the shape of the sepals. Variegated forms of such flowers are very popular. They have greenish-yellow or white longitudinal stripes along the leaf edge.

Gimenokallis is a herbaceous evergreen perennial with beautiful elegant flowers. This bulbous plant is called angel trumpets, bride's basket, spider lily, Peruvian daffodil or early ismena.

plant description

Gimenokallis stands out as a separate genus within the Amaryllis family. More than 60 species are divided into groups according to their habitat. The plant prefers the tropics and subtropics of the Americas, Africa and India. This amazing flower is found on hills along rivers or lakes, sometimes climbing to a height of up to 2.5 km.

The root system is represented by an ovoid or spherical bulb with thin filaments of roots. The diameter of an adult bulb can reach 10 cm. Its upper part is often elongated and has a solid isthmus. He also covers the basal foliage, collected in a rosette. The leaves are xiphoid, dense, located in the same plane and reach a length of 50 to 100 cm. The shade of the leaves ranges from bright green to gray-green. Pasture of green shoots begins in April, and they fade by the end of August, although there are also evergreen varieties.

Flowers have a very unusual decorative shape. On a long tube there is a core in the form of an open umbrella, framed by very narrow and long petals. In total, there are six outwardly curved petals, the maximum length of which reaches 20 cm. The central corolla consists of six fused petals, smooth or serrated along the edges. The funnel with stamens attached to it is 5 cm in diameter.

At the ends of the stamens are large oval anthers of orange or yellow flowers. Flowers are collected in large umbellate or paniculate inflorescences in an amount of 2 to 16 pieces. A thick fleshy peduncle rises from the middle of the leaf rosette to a height of about 50 cm. Flowering ends with the formation of oval, pulp-covered seeds.

Varieties and prominent representatives

It lives in the dry forests of the Caribbean subtropics. This evergreen variety reaches a height of 35-45 cm. The pear-shaped bulb is 7.5-10 cm in diameter. During one season, the plant produces 7-8 leaves. Foliage petiolate, oval or lanceolate. The leaf size varies from 25 to 40 cm, with a width of 8-13 cm.

On a gray-green peduncle 30-40 cm high, 7 to 12 flowers gradually bloom. Each of them is attached to a short pedicel. The snow-white flower has the shape of an open umbrella with long petals. The central tube is 7-9 cm long, and thin petals reach 9-11 cm. The flowers have a rich lily aroma.

Lives in Jamaica and the Caribbean. This evergreen perennial does not have such a pronounced neck at the end of the bulb. The size of lanceolate leaves is 30-60 cm long and 5-7 cm wide. The tops of the leaves are rounded and have a pointed end. The leaf blades sit tightly at the base of the stem. A wide fleshy peduncle, up to 60 cm long, ends with a paniculate inflorescence of 8-10 buds. Blooms every year throughout the winter.

Distributed in the sandy areas of Cuba and Jamaica. This is a herbaceous tall plant with elongated, somewhat oblong leaves. A concave central vein is visible on the leaf plate. The length of the leaves ranges from 45 to 70 cm. The stem can reach 60 cm or more. The flowers sit tightly in the inflorescence on a long flower tube (8-12 cm). The crown of the flower has the shape of a narrow funnel up to 35 mm in diameter, its edges are solid and wavy. Long petals protrude from the umbrella by 9-14 cm.

Prefers swampy forests of Peru, Brazil or Mexico. The base of the plant is hidden by leaves, up to 75 cm long. In the center is a peduncle, abundantly covered with large white flowers. The edges of the crown are smooth, fused, the length of narrow petals is 12 cm with a width of 5 mm.

A variegated variety of this variety is often used as a houseplant. It is distinguished by the variegated coloring of the leaves, their edges have a yellowish or cream border.

Reproduction methods

Hymenocallis can be propagated by seeds or by dividing the bulbs. Seeds do not germinate well. They are planted in sandy-peat moist substrates. Germination takes 3 weeks to 2 months. Young plants are provided with good lighting and regular watering, the soil should not dry out. In hot weather, seedlings protect from the midday sun so that the leaves do not get burned.

A more convenient way to propagate hymenocallis is to divide the bulb. At the age of 3-4 years, children with their shoots begin to form near the main bulb. The plant is very carefully dug up and small onions are separated. They are immediately transplanted into the ground, so as not to dry out.

Growing Features

Gimenokallis need to provide a sunny place or slight shading. For a lily, a soil mixture is prepared from equal parts of peat, sand, turf and leafy humus. Good drainage should be taken care of. Young perennials are transplanted every 2 years, and adult plants - once every 4 years. Transplantation is carried out during the dormant period, giving preference to small pots. Close capacity stimulates active flowering.

The plant needs regular watering, it immediately responds to drought with dried leaves. During the period of active growth, it is recommended to spray the leaves and stems of hymenocallis, but it is impossible to moisten the buds. 3-4 times a month during the flowering and growing season, it needs a complex mineral top dressing. During the dormant period, fertilizers are applied no more than once a month. The plant does not tolerate organic fertilizers in the form of manure or leaf humus.

After active flowering and wilting of the buds, the spider lily needs a dormant period. Some varieties drop their leaves at this time. The pot is transferred to a dark place with an air temperature of + 10 ... + 12 ° C for a period of at least 3 months. The soil should be watered very infrequently. After this time, the pot is exposed to light and I begin to water more often, within a month young shoots appear and the cycle repeats.

Plants that are grown in the garden cannot withstand the frosts of a temperate climate, so in the fall the bulbs are dug up and stored in a cool place until the onset of spring.

dying plant

Possible disease with gray rot and red burn. In this case, the affected parts of the bulb are cut off and sprinkled with ash, it can be treated with foundation. When brown spots appear on the leaves, infection with anthracnose is suspected. All affected vegetation is cut and burned.

Most hymenocallis problems are caused by excessive moisture and insufficient air supply, so watering is reduced, loosens the ground more often and increases the distance between plants in the garden.


Gimenokallis is very beautiful as a single plant and in group plantings. It can be grown as a houseplant and, if possible, taken out to the garden for the summer, where it will receive the necessary sunlight and get stronger.

In a flower garden it looks good in the foreground, among rocky masonry or in rock gardens. Can be used to decorate small ponds.
