Esbe three-way motorized control valves. Esbe - three-way valve: instructions

Despite the simple design, the esbe three-way valve is one of those elements on which the life support of the whole house directly depends. Devices of this type are commercially available in several varieties.

general information

A three-way valve is a device for adjusting pipeline networks with a liquid working medium. If you explain popularly, after being included in the heating system, the device will perform the function of a well-known mixer tap, the task of which is to switch or mix flows.

Thanks to the esbe three-way valve, the following results are achieved:

  1. Redirecting streams from different networks.
  2. The working fluid is brought to the required temperature by mixing cold and hot fluids.
  3. Dynamic redirection makes it possible to obtain a jet of stable temperature.

Design features of the ESBE three-way valve

The adjustment of the three-way valve is carried out using a stem or ball. In the first case, the adjusting element moves in the vertical direction, in the second - around its axis. This element moves in such a way that the complete blocking of the flow of the working fluid does not occur: it only mixes and redirects. The simplest example of such a device is a conventional crane. Its strong point is its simple design and low cost; weak - the impossibility of obtaining a stable outlet temperature. For all their shortcomings, taps are widely used in underfloor heating systems.

If an electric drive is introduced into the design of a conventional crane, then it will be possible to significantly increase its functionality: the device will be able to regulate the temperature of the liquid medium in automatic mode. The task of simple balancing valves is to adjust the section for the flow of the working flow.

The device works like this:

  1. When the handle is turned halfway, the two streams are evenly mixed, which is ensured by the equality of the inlet valves.
  2. If the handle is turned all the way, the first valve will be pressed, due to which the liquid flow is completely blocked.

For commercially available models, the turns of the handles may differ slightly, which in no way affects the principle of operation of the devices.

Main varieties

Three-way valves are of three types:

  • Hydraulic.
  • Electric.
  • Pneumatic.

Motorized appliances (eg model ESBE) differ slightly in their principle of operation. An electric appendage acts here like a conventional thermostat: thanks to it, the flows are not only mixed, but also kept at the desired temperature. During a decrease or increase in temperature, the position of the shut-off valves is automatically changed. As a result, the flow cross section increases or decreases. In parallel, there is a change in the cross section at the inlet of the cold flow, which makes it possible to inform the water at the outlet of a stable temperature. At the same time, the three-way esbe valve completely dispenses with human control: the equipment is controlled by automation.

The ESBE valve with electric actuator and thermostat can be successfully used in heating systems and in hot water supply. Strictly speaking, such a valve can be equipped with any type of pipeline, where it is required to mix two liquid streams and maintain a stable temperature. Even the most high-quality and reliable models of a three-way valve with a thermostat have one common drawback for products of this type: the entry points through which fluid enters are very narrowed. As a consequence, this provokes an increase in hydraulic resistance.

These faucets are great for plumbing. ESBE valves are often equipped with underfloor heating, although they use a special connection scheme. Along with the modifications mentioned above, three-way thermostatic valves can be found on sale. Despite the apparent similarity of these devices, their functions differ in many ways. In thermostatic varieties, thermostats with a remote type sensor are used. In addition, the principle of operation here is also different.

Unlike standard models, thermostatic taps control the flow at only one point. The other two inputs are in a permanently open position, with a stable section. When purchasing such a design, it is important to test the second point for narrowness, otherwise the device may experience difficulties due to high hydraulic resistance. If such a defect is found, the problem can be solved by installing a mixing valve in an additional circuit.

ESBE tap connection principle

For the vast majority of commercially available three-way devices, one connection scheme is used. For example, consider installing an esbe three-way valve. It's best to start with the plumbing system, where mixing taps are most common. Valves in this case prevent the formation of backflow. The fact is that cold and hot streams have different pressures, which provokes drops. As a result, reverse flow may occur. Systems with ESBE valves are completely safe in this respect.

In heating systems, only three sections can be equipped with devices of this type:

  • Mixers of the "warm floor" system.
  • The pipe entering the boiler. Thus, stabilization of the temperature of the coolant in the incoming pipeline is achieved.
  • Outlet pipe, to reduce the supply of heated coolant.

mixing unit

The use of the esbe valve for underfloor heating has its own specifics. The location of the mixing unit is an additional circuit. Switching with the manifold is carried out through two points: this allows the inlet coolant to constantly circulate. The inlet flow is opened only when there is a need for additional heat.

The mixing unit is commutated with a valve and a thermostat. You need to understand that a thermostat for a water-heated floor allows you to reduce heating costs. Given the narrowness of all valves at point 2, the pump may be faced with the problem of insufficient flow. To solve the problem, it is necessary to live the second line, which reduces the level of electricity consumption. But such a need does not always arise, because. the cross section of some three-way valves is quite large.

In a situation where the first line has insufficient flow capacity, the thermostat does not block the passage on the required scale.

To get out of this situation, two options are usually used:

  1. The second line is narrowing.
  2. The balancing valve is installed.

The second method is considered more effective, because. the flow in this case is tuned more precisely. There is another scheme for connecting the esbe three-way valve for underfloor heating - switching the pump to the second line: a balancing valve is not needed here. This allows you to equalize the temperature regime in the inlet and outlet streams.

Installation of a valve with a thermostat can be carried out in single-circuit systems. Their simplest variation is a warm floor of a small area. In this case, the overall mixing unit is not very practical to use. A more appropriate solution would be to connect a single-circuit underfloor heating. The installation of a three-way valve with a thermostat is carried out on a return pipe containing a cooled coolant. Thanks to the thermostat, the shut-off valve is activated, which increases the cross section. When the pipe heats up, the temperature sensor detects this and reduces the flow.

Application of valves for heating boilers

Three-way valves for heating boilers deserve special attention. They perform the task of preventing the cooled coolant from getting inside the pipeline entering the boiler. If this is not done, the pipes will begin to become covered with condensate, and a dangerous temperature difference will occur in the system. This is fraught with deformations of the docking sections, the most harmless consequence of which will be the appearance of small leaks. If you do not respond in time, the system may completely fail.

With particular responsibility, one should take the installation of shut-off valves in the piping of a solid fuel boiler, during which significant temperature differences occur (read also: ""). The mixing valve allows you to protect boiler equipment from the ingress of coolant with a temperature below +50 degrees. In this way, a reduction in the temperature difference is achieved, which has a positive effect on the efficiency and durability of the system.

Experts recommend using mixing valves also in systems with plastic piping. Although polymer communications have a number of advantages, however, the frequent excess of operating temperature parameters affects them destructively. According to the standards, the most comfortable temperature regime is in the range of + 75-85 degrees. Valves protect plastic pipes from many negative consequences. The selection of a device model must be taken responsibly, taking into account the technical characteristics of the engineering network.

The ESBE three-way valve is just one of the elements of the life support systems of a residential building. On the one hand, this is a simple design. On the other hand, it performs an important task in engineering networks. Demand creates supply. There are many models on the market from different manufacturers. Three-way valves manufactured under the ESBE brand are distinguished by good performance.

Some useful knowledge

Three-way butterfly valve ESBE

The three-way valve is a control device in piping systems with a liquid working medium. In simple terms, built into the design of the heating network, it will act like a well-known mixer tap that switches or mixes flows. Installing the valve allows you to solve a number of practical problems:

  • Redirection of flows coming from different pipelines.
  • Achieving the desired temperature of the working fluid by mixing hot and cold flow.
  • Obtaining a jet with a constant temperature by dynamic redirection.

Complicated? Only at first glance. In order to understand the principle of operation of the device, consider its design features.


A three-way mixing valve has a control element, which is a stem or a ball. The rod moves vertically, the ball moves around its axis. Since the movement of the regulating element does not allow to completely block the flow of the working fluid, it is mixed and redistributed. The simplest models are an ordinary crane. Their main advantage is low cost and constructive simplicity. The disadvantage is the impossibility of stabilizing the outlet temperature. Despite the shortcomings, the tap can be installed in underfloor heating systems. Now imagine a motorized valve. This design is already more functional, as it is able to regulate the temperature automatically. A simple valve is a balancing valve. Its main function is to adjust the section for the passage of the work stream. Conventionally, the principle of its operation can be described as follows:

  • The handle is turned by 50% - uniform mixing of the two streams, since the inlet valves will be equal.
  • The handle is turned 100% - the first valve is fully pressed and blocks the movement of the fluid flow.

The modifications presented on the market may have different handle turns, but the principle of their operation is preserved. The valve and its position are adjusted manually, thereby ensuring a balance between the two streams.


There are several types of such devices:

  • With hydraulic drive.
  • With pneumatic drive.
  • With electric drive.

A motorized three-way valve, such as the ESBE model, will have a slightly different operating principle. The electric drive performs the function of a conventional thermostat, which makes it possible not only to mix the flows, but to maintain the set temperature. When the temperature drops / rises, the drive automatically changes the position of the shut-off valves, increasing or decreasing the cross section of the hot water flow. At the same time, the cross section at the cold flow inlet also changes. The result is water with a constant temperature. The ESBE crane does not require any human intervention. Its work is regulated by automation.

Valve principle

Equipped with electric actuators and thermostats, ESBE valves are equally well suited for use in heating and hot water systems. In principle, the valve can be installed in any pipeline where it is necessary to mix two fluid streams with a constant temperature. No matter how high-quality and reliable a three-way valve with a thermostat is, it will have one drawback that is characteristic of absolutely all devices of this type.

Such a disadvantage is the strong narrowing of the entry points. The narrowed section of the entry point, in turn, increases the hydraulic resistance.

Such a faucet will work well in water supply systems. ESBE dampers are suitable for installation in underfloor heating systems, but a special wiring diagram is required. In addition to the designs described above, three-way thermostatic valves are on the market. These devices are often confused with each other, but still they are completely different. Thermostatic models have a thermostat with a remote sensor, but they differ not only in this element, but also in the principle of operation. Unlike conventional models, in thermostatic taps, the flow is regulated only at one point, the remaining two are open, and their cross section does not change. When choosing such a design, you need to check if there is narrowness at point 2, otherwise the hydraulic resistance will lead to difficulties in the operation of the device. It may be necessary to install a mixing valve in an alternative ring to minimize the problem.

Wiring diagrams

Three-way valve - switching circuit

Almost all three-way valves on the market are connected in the same way. Consider it on the example of ESBE cranes. Let's start with water supply systems, since the mixer tap is used most often here. The main purpose for which the valve is installed is to reduce the risk of backflow. Between the two streams - with cold and hot water - there will inevitably be a pressure drop. It can lead to reverse flow. When installing ESBE valves, such incidents are rare. In heating systems, ESBE valves are used only in three directions:

  • In mixing units of "warm floor" type systems.
  • To stabilize the temperature of the liquid flow in the inlet pipeline of the boiler.
  • To reduce the supply of high temperature coolant from the boiler to the pipeline.

Valve in the mixing unit

Consider how the ESBE crane is used in underfloor heating systems. The mixing unit creates an additional circuit in the system. It is connected to the distribution manifold at two points, which ensures constant circulation of the liquid at the outlet. At the inlet, the flow is provided only if additional heat is needed. A valve with a thermostat is connected to the mixing unit. Since at point 2 all valves, including the ESBE, are narrowed, insufficient pump flow can be observed. To increase it, a second line is being created, which makes it possible to reduce the consumption of electricity by pumping equipment. The second line is not always required. Some models of three-way valves have sufficient orifice.

Scheme of a warm floor with a three-way valve

In the event that there is insufficient flow power on the first line, the thermostat will not be able to open the passage to the required value . The problem is easily solved in two ways: narrowing the second line or installing a balancing valve on it. The second way is more productive. It allows you to fine-tune the flow. You can connect a three-way valve according to another scheme that does not require the installation of a balancing valve. For this, pumping equipment is connected to the second line. As a result, the temperature of the inlet and outlet streams is compared. A thermostatic valve can be installed in systems with a single circuit. The simplest example of such systems is underfloor heating in small rooms. Creating a mixing node here , with its large size , is not always justified. It is better to connect a warm floor with one circuit. A three-way valve with a thermostat is installed on the return line, through which the already cooled coolant flows. In this case, the thermostat will move the shut-off valves, increasing the cross section and opening the flow. After heating the pipe, the temperature sensor reads the data and reduces the flow.

For heating boilers

Three-way valves for heating boilers should be considered separately. The main task of their installation is to prevent a cold flow of coolant to the incoming pipeline connected to the boiler. Otherwise, condensation will begin to form on the pipes, and temperature changes in the system will lead to its deformation at the joints. There is no need to talk about the consequences of such deformations. At best, a small leak forms, at worst, the system will have to be completely changed.

Three-way valve in the heating system

It is especially important to connect shutoff valves to solid fuel boilers, which are characterized by significant temperature differences during operation. Connecting the mixing valve allows you to ensure that no liquid enters the inlet of the boiler equipment, the temperature of which is below 50 degrees. As a result, the temperature difference decreases, the negative impact of cold with all the ensuing consequences is reduced. It is recommended to install mixing valves in systems with plastic piping. Here the goal is to prevent high temperature coolant from entering the pipeline. With all the advantages of polymers, they do not withstand the frequent increase in temperatures above operating parameters. Under such operating conditions, the pipeline is rapidly destroyed. Temperature indicators recommended by experts range from 75 to 85 degrees. The installation of valves solves many problems, but the model must be selected exactly according to the technical characteristics of the utility network, and must have sufficient passage.


The simplest shut-off valves - three-way mixing valves - are an important element of engineering communications. Modern models, created at the junction of old traditions and modern technologies, have made it possible to achieve excellent results of their use for a variety of purposes.

I provide passport data and a video of the operation of the servo. I also show how to connect and mount and then set up a servomotor for a three-way valve.
And so let's get started...
In this article, we will look at the most versatile servo actuator ESBE 99K2, which is shown in the picture, and the ESBE VRG131 valve.
The servomotor is sold with two connection kits, for two different standards of three-way valves with a rotating valve in a circular direction for unlimited rotation. More details will be indicated both in the passport and on the video.
It's important to understand:
1. The three-way valve itself - has a ball valve that rotates in a circular direction for unlimited rotation. For work, the valve must be turned clockwise, and counterclockwise from 90-180 degrees of rotation.
2. Servo is the electrical equipment and device to rotate this ball valve. Rotation of the valve opens and closes two passages, and the third passage is constantly open. The servomotor, by means of a temperature sensor, drives the rotation in the desired direction to open or close the supply hot circulation line. More details on the video and in the passport. We also analyze how to set up a valve for a specific scheme.
ESBE 99K2 servo drive, advantages:

  • Power supply 220 Volt
  • Electric remote temperature sensor
  • Temperature control(15-70 degrees) in real time
  • Adjustment of the time (1-70 seconds) for checking the temperature sensor and turning on the turn.
  • Rotation adjustment: from 10-180 degrees
  • Switching rotation clockwise and counterclockwise (reverse)

At 90 degrees, it is possible in real time to set the required rotation of the ball valve for testing (press the button and scroll). If a 180 degree turn is required, the knob is not installed and adjustment cannot be made. Yes, and this is nothing, the function is useful only for masters when testing the mixing unit.
Flaw: If there is no electricity, the valve does not return to any position, but freezes in the position in which it is set automatically.
But in general it is used for large facilities where it is necessary to make a mixing unit with a high flow rate (from 2 cubic meters per hour and more).

Acquaintance 3-way valve with servo

Connection Three-way valve with servo

Servo setting Three way valve


The Swedish company ESBE (Esby) has been a recognized leader in the field of water heating and cooling control systems for many years. ESBE VRG 131 and 3F three-way mixing valves and ESBE ARA and 90 series electric actuators are an example of excellent quality and reliability at an affordable price. Esbe's wide range of mixing valves allows you to make the best choice depending on the requirements of the system. High-quality brass alloys or cast iron are used as materials. The valves are available with threaded or flanged connections.

Model vendor code DN, mm Connection Kvs, m³/h Weight, kg Replaces
VRG131-15-0.4 price >> 11600100 15 Rp 1/2" 0,4 0,40 -
VRG131-15-0.63 price >> 11600200 15 Rp 1/2" 0,63 0,40 -
VRG131-15-1 price >> 11600300 15 Rp 1/2" 1,0 0,40 -
VRG131-15-1.6 price >> 11600400 15 Rp 1/2" 1,6 0,40 -
VRG131-15-2.5 price >> 11600500 15 Rp 1/2" 2,5 0,40 3MG15, 3G15
VRG131-15-4 price >> 11600600 15 Rp 1/2" 4,0 0,40 -
VRG131-20-2.5 price >> 11600700 20 Rp 3/4" 2,5 0,43 -
VRG131-20-4 price >> 11600800 20 Rp 3/4" 4,0 0,43 -
VRG131-20-6.3 price >> 11600900 20 Rp 3/4" 6,3 0,43 3MG20, 3G20
VRG131-25-6.3 price >> 11601000 25 Rp 1"
6,3 0,70 -
VRG131-25-10 price >> 11601100 25 Rp 1"
10 0,70 3MG25, 3G25
VRG131-32-16 price >> 11601200 32 Rp 1 1/4" 16 0,95 3MG32, 3G32
VRG131-40-25 price >> 11603400 40 Rp 1 1/2" 25 1,68 3G40
VRG131-50-40 price >> 11603600 50 Rp 2"
40 2,30 3G50
VRG132-25-10 price >> 11602500 25 G 1 1/4" 10 0,70 3MGA25
VRG132-32-16 price >> 11602600 32 G 1 1/2" 16 0,95 3MGA25

Flanged mixing valves Esbe 3F, 4F

ESBE 3F, 4F flanged mixing valves are made of cast iron and are widely used in heating and cooling systems. Esbe 3F valves can be used in closed systems with water free of dissolved oxygen. When the Esbe 3F, 4F valve is operating, the hotter coolant is mixed with the cold one entering the boiler, which ensures an increase in the temperature of the coolant returning to the boiler. This reduces the risk of low temperature corrosion. The valves are manufactured in sizes DN 32-150.

Flange connections, body - cast iron, spool - brass, seal - EPDM, T=-10C...110C. Pmax=6 bar
Model vendor code DN, mm Torque
required drive, Nm
Kvs, m³/h Weight, kg
3F-20 price >> 11100100 20 3 12 3,5
3F-25 price >> 11100200 25 3 18 4,0
3F-32 price >> 11100300 32 5 28 5,9
3F-40 price >> 11100400 40 5 44 6,8
3F-50 price >> 11100600 50 10 60 9,1
3F-65 price >> 11100800 65 10 90 10,0
3F-80 price >> 11101000 80 10 150 16,2
3F-100 price >> 11101200 100 15 225 21,0
3F-125 price >> 11101400 125 15 280 27,0
3F-150 price >> 11101600 150 15 400 37,0
4F-50 price >> 11101900 50 10 60 11,0
4F-65 price >> 11102000 65 10 90 12,2
4F-80 price >> 11102100 80 10 150 20,0
4F-100 price >> 11102200 100 15 225 25,0

Electric actuators, Esbe ARA 600 actuators for three-way mixing valves.

Esbe ARA 600 actuators are designed to automate the control of valves of the VRG, VRB, MG, G, F series< DN50. Выпускаются для 24В и 230 В (частота 50 Гц). Некоторые виды клапанов и приводов сконструированы таким образом, что между ними образуется специальное соединение «клапан – привод», образующее устройство с уникальными характеристиками точности и устойчивости. Диапазон действия приводов составляет от 90°. Разные модели предусматривают разное время закрывания, в среднем от 15 до 240 секунд. Надёжность, экономичность и комфорт в использовании – главные принципы, которыми руководствуются специалисты компании Esbe при разработке сервоприводов Esbe ARA.

Model vendor code Email nutrition Time
Control An effort Replaces
ARA639 price >> 12520100 AC/DC 24 V 15/30/60/120 sec.
6 Nm
ARA642 price >> 12101600 AC 230 V 30 sec.
3-point with add. off
6 Nm -
ARA651 price >> 12101200 AC 230 V 60 sec.
3 point 6 Nm 65
ARA652 price >> 12101700 AC 230 V 60 sec. 3-point with add. off 6 Nm 65M
ARA655 price >> 12120900 AC 230 V 60 sec. 2 point 6 Nm 68
ARA659 price >> 12520200 AC/DC 24 V 45/120 sec. 0-10V/4-20mA 6 Nm 62p
ARA661 price >> 12101300 AC 230 V 120 sec. 3 point 6 Nm 66
ARA662 price >> 12101800 AC 230 V 120 sec. 3-point with add. off 6 Nm 66M
ARA663 price >> 12100300 AC 24V 120 sec. 3 point 6 Nm 62
ARA664 price >> 12100800 AC 24V 120 sec. 3-point with add. off 6 Nm 62M

Electric actuators, Esbe series 90 actuators.

Esbe series 90 compact reversing actuators are designed to control Esbe control valves of sizes DN 15-150, torque 5-15 Nm. These servo drives are supplied in three versions depending on the type of control signal: 2-point, 3-point or proportional, equipped with limit switches in the extreme positions and have the ability to adjust the operating angle in the range of 30–180°. The Esbe 90 electric actuator allows you to control the valve in manual mode, while the position is displayed on the indicator disk. This series is available with both 24V and 230V power supply and different opening times. Esbe Series 90 actuators work effectively with VRG100, VRG200, VRG300, VRB100, F, MG, G, BIV and H series valves.

Model vendor code Email nutrition Time
Control An effort
92 price >> 12050600 AC 24V 60 sec.
3 point 15 Nm
92P price >> 12550100 AC/DC 24 V 60/90/120 sec. 0-10V/4-20mA 15 Nm
93 price >> 12051300 AC 24V 240 sec.
3 point 15 Nm
94 price >> 12051700 AC 230 V 15 sec. 3 point 5 Nm
95 price >> 12051900 AC 230 V 60 sec.
3 point 15 Nm
95-2 price >> 12052000 AC 230 V 120 sec.
3 point 15 Nm
95M price >> 12052200 AC 230 V 60 sec. 3-point with add. off 15 Nm
95-2M price >> 12052100 AC 230 V 120 sec. 3-point with add. off 15 Nm
96 price >> 12052300 AC 230 V 240 sec.
3 point 15 Nm
97 price >> 12052500 AC 230 V 15 sec.
2 point 5 Nm
98 price >> 12052600 AC 230 V 60 sec.
2 point 15 Nm

Esbe controllers of the CRB, CRA, 90C, CUA series.

The modern Esbe controllers of the CRB, CRA, 90C and CUA series have been designed to provide a higher level of comfort and energy savings. The CRA series includes combined drives and constant temperature controllers with the ability to control the temperature from 5 to 95°C. CRB controllers with built-in actuator and user-friendly interface consist of an actuator and a display with a room temperature sensor, based on which the adjustment is made.

ESBE CRB and CRA controllers are used with the following valve series: VRG100, VRG200, VRG300, VRB100, G, BIV, H and HG, F<=DN40, Для клапанов серии F предназначены контроллеры CRA120, CRB 120.

Model vendor code Email nutrition Time
An effort
CRA111 price >> 12720100 AC 230 V 30 sec.
6 Nm
CRA121 price >> 12742100 AC 230 V 120 sec. 15 Nm
CRA122 price >> 12742200 AC 24V 120 sec. 15 Nm
CRB111 price >> 12660100 AC 230 V 30 sec. 6 Nm
CRB114 price >> 12661400 AC 230 V 30 sec. 6 Nm
CRB122 price >> 12662200 AC 230 V 30 sec. 6 Nm
CRC111 price >> 12820100 AC 230 V 30 sec. 6 Nm
CRC121 price >> 12842100 AC 230 V 120 sec. 15 Nm
CUA111 price >> 12640100 AC 230 V 120 sec. 15 Nm
CUA122 price >> 12642200 AC 230 V 120 sec. 15 Nm
90C-1A-90 price >> 12601500 AC 230 V 120 sec. 15 Nm
90C-1B-90 price >> 12601600 AC 230 V 120 sec. 15 Nm
90C-1C-90 price >> 12601700 AC 230 V 120 sec. 15 Nm
90C-3B-90 price >> 12603600 AC 230 V 120 sec. 15 Nm
90C-3C-90 price >> 12603700 AC 230 V 120 sec. 15 Nm

Esbe thermostatic mixing valves VTA320, VTA370, VTA570

Esbe thermostatic valves of the basic series VTA 320, VTA 370 have a high flow capacity and have increased functionality. Depending on the model, they can be used in domestic hot water and underfloor heating systems. The main functions of these valves are asymmetric flow direction and scald protection. The scalding protection is based on the automatic interruption of the hot water supply when the cold water supply is interrupted.

Coupling, valve body - DZR brass, spool - brass, EPDM seal, PN=10, coolant temperature max. 95C.
Model vendor code Accession Kvs, m³/h Pace. range, °С Weight, kg
VTA321-15 price >> 31100300 Rp 1/2" 1,5 20 - 43 0,45
VTA321-20 price >> 31100700 Rp 3/4" 1,6
20 - 43 0,48
VTA321-20 price >> 31100800 Rp 3/4" 1,6
35 - 60
VTA322-25 price >> 31101000 G 1" 1,6
35 - 60 0,48
VTA372-25 price >> 31200100 G 1" 3,4
20 - 55
VTA572-25 price >> 31702100 G 1" 4,5
20 - 55 0,86
2-way control valve series VLA121
Model vendor code DN Kvs, m³/h Accession Weight, kg
21150100 15 1.6 Rp 1/2"1.0
VLA121-15-2.5 price >>21150200 15 2.5 Rp 1/2"1.0
VLA121-15-4 price >>21150300 15 4 Rp 1/2"1.0
VLA121-20-6.3 price >>21150400 20 6.3 Rp 3/4"1.2
VLA121-25-10 price >>21150500 25 10 Rp 1"1.3
VLA121-32-16 price >>21150600 32 16 Rp 1 1/4"1.8
VLA121-40-25 price >>21150700 40 25 Rp 1 1/2"2.7
VLA121-50-38 price >>21150800 50 38 Rp 2"4.2
3-way control valve series VLA131
Model vendor code DN Kvs, m³/h Accession Weight, kg
VLA131-15-1.621150900 15 1.6 Rp 1/2"1.1
VLA131-15-2.521151000 15 2.5 Rp 1/2"1.1
VLA131-15-4 price >>21151100 15 4 Rp 1/2"1.1
VLA131-20-6.3 price >>21151200 20 6.3 Rp 3/4"1.3
VLA131-25-10 price >>21151300 25 10 Rp 1"1.5
VLA131-32-16 price >>21151400 32 16 Rp 1 1/4"2.1
VLA131-40-25 price >>21151500 40 25 Rp 1 1/2"3.0
VLA131-50-38 price >>21151600 50 38 Rp 2"4.7
2-way control valve series VLE122
Model vendor code DN Kvs, m³/h Accession Weight, kg
VLE122-15-0.2521250100 15 0.25 G 1"1.0
VLE122-15-0.4 price >>
21250200 15 0.4 G 1"1.0
VLE122-15-0.63 price >>21250300 15 0.63 G 1"1.0
VLE122-15-1 price >>21250400 15 1 G 1"1.0
VLE122-15-1.6 price >>21250500 15 1.6 G 1"1.0
VLE122-15-2.5 price >>21250600 15 2.5 G 1"1.0
VLE122-15-4 price >>21250700 15 4 G 1"1.0
VLE122-20-6.3 price >>21250800 20 6.3 G 1 1/4"1.2
VLE122-25-10 price >>21250900 25 10 G 1 1/2"1.4
VLE122-32-16 price >>21251000 32 16 G2"1.8
VLE122-40-25 price >>21251100 40 25 G2 1/4"2.6
VLE122-50-38 price >>21251200 50 38 G2 3/4"4.3
3-way control valve series VLE132
Model vendor code DN Kvs, m³/h Accession Weight, kg
VLE132-15-1.621251300 15 1.6 G 1"1.1
VLE132-15-2.5 price >>21251400 15 2.5 G 1"1.1
VLE132-15-4 price >>21251500 15 4 G 1"1.1
VLE132-20-6.3 price >>21251600 20 6.3 G 1 1/4"1.3
VLE132-25-10 price >>21251700 25 10 G 1 1/2"1.6
VLE132-32-16 price >>21251800 32 16 G2"2.0
VLE132-40-25 price >>21251900 40 25 G2 1/4"2.9
VLE132-50-38 price >>21252000 50 38 G2 3/4"4.6
VLA325 series 2-way control valve
Model vendor code DN Kvs, m³/h Stroke, mm Weight, kg
VLA325-15-1.6 price >>
21200100 15 1.6 20 2.1
VLA325-15-2.5 price >>21200200 15 2.5 20 2.1
VLA325-15-4 price >>21200300 15 4 20 2.1
VLA325-20-6.3 price >>21200400 20 6.3 20 2.6
VLA325-25-10 price >>21200500 25 10 20 3.2
VLA325-32-16 price >>21200600 32 16 20 4.6
VLA325-40-25 price >>21200700 40 25 20 5.8
VLA325-50-38 price >>21200800 50 38 20 8.0
VLB325 series 2-way control valve
Model vendor code DN Kvs, m³/h Stroke, mm Weight, kg Replaces
VLB325-65-63 price >>21220100 65 63 25 23.0 VLB225 21203100
VLB325-80-100 price >>21220200 80 100 45 30.0 VLB225 21203200
VLB325-100-130 price >>21220300 100 130 45 45.6 VLB225 21203300
VLB325-125-20021220400 125 200 45 55.0 VLB225 21203400
VLB325-150-30021220500 150 300 45 71.0 VLB225 21203500
3-way control valve series VLA335
Model vendor code DN Kvs, m³/h Stroke, mm Weight, kg
VLA335-15-1.621200900 15 1.6 20 2,5
VLA335-15-2.5 price >>21201000 15 2.5 20 2,5
VLA335-15-4 price >>21201100 15 4 20 2,5
VLA335-20-6.3 price >>21201200 20 6.3 20 3,2
VLA335-25-10 price >>21201300 25 10 20 3,8
VLA335-32-16 price >>21201400 32 16 20 6,6
VLA335-40-25 price >>21201500 40 25 20 7,5
VLA335-50-38 price >>21201600 50 38 20 10
3-way control valve VLB335 series
Model vendor code DN Kvs, m³/h Stroke, mm Weight, kg Replaces
VLB335-65-63 price >>21221100 65 63 25 19.0 VLB235 21203600
VLB335-80-100 price >>21221200 80 100 45 24.0 VLB235 21203700
VLB335-100-130 price >>21221300 100 130 45 32.0 VLB235 21203800
VLB335-125-20021221400 125 200 45 46.0 VLB235 21203900
VLB335-150-30021221500 150 300 45 61.0 VLB235 21204000

ESBE VLC125 seated control valves

ESBE VLC125 2-way flanged control valves are used to control the flow of heating medium. The valves are made of ductile iron, which allows their use in heating and cooling systems with pressures up to 25 bar. The VLC125 series has flanged connections and is available in sizes DN15-DN50. The valves are designed for automatic operation in combination with ESBE actuators.

VLC125-40-1621302600 40 16 20 7.7
VLC125-40-25 price >>21301100 40 25 20 8.8
VLC125-50-38 price >>21301200 50 38 20 12.6

Electric actuators for ESBE poppet control valves

Linear actuator series ESBE in 230 V or 24 V version, with analog or pulse control. The actuators have different forces and are adapted to valves with different strokes. A separate line of actuators with a return spring is also presented. Depending on the model, valves equipped with such actuators can be normally closed or normally open.

ALD121 22150500AC/DC 24V

20 sec. ALD144 22151200
ALH134 price >> 22220100 3-position/0...10 V AC/DC 24 V 900
15 sec.
ALH234 price >> 22221100 3-position/0...10 V AC/DC 24 V 900
15 sec. -

Three way mixing valve has a fairly simple device. It consists of a housing with two inlets and one outlet, as well as a specially shaped stem, on which a handle (for manual control) or an electric drive (for automatic flow temperature control) is installed. The rod is able to rotate along the vertical axis, blocking to some extent the inlet of hot or cold water, due to which a certain ratio of flows is created and, as a result, a mixture of a given temperature is obtained at the outlet. The body material of a three-way valve is most often brass alloy or cast iron. The stem is made of brass, cast iron or stainless steel.

Three way valve control is carried out with the help of an electric drive installed on the rod, which is supplied separately. The main characteristics of electric actuators are: the time of rotation of the rod by 90 degrees; the force with which the actuator is able to rotate the stem; electrical voltage and control signal (two-point, three-point, proportional). The electric drive receives a signal from the common house controller, which, based on the readings of various temperature sensors, calculates the position of the three-way valve stem to obtain the desired temperature of the coolant at the outlet.

Selecting an actuator for a rotary three-way mixing valve. For sleeve mixing valves ESBE actuators of the ARA600 series are used, for flanged cast iron valves the ESBE 90 series is used. If as a mixer, then 3-point control or proportional control is necessary: ​​0-10V signal. Next, select the desired combination of stem rotation time and valve assignment. 60 seconds will be enough for domestic hot water supply, and for supplying coolant to radiators, most often, electric drives with a stem rotation time of 120 seconds are used. If it is necessary to control external equipment depending on the position of the valve (for example, turn off an unnecessary pump, etc.), we determine whether an auxiliary switch is needed. When all the technical characteristics of the electric drive are determined, it will not be difficult to choose from the presented models exactly the one that will perform all the specified functions.

Esbe valves are one of the most reliable and functional components used in various water supply systems, including domestic and main ones. It has a very wide range, which includes: rotary vrg131, dn25, as well as other popular varieties.

Currently, a three-way rotary sample of such equipment can be installed in every home. In order to do it right, let's look at the intricacies of working with such equipment and the features of its use.

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Esbe valves - technical features of devices

Esbe valves are a variety of devices used to control a liquid or gas when it is supplied from one pipe to another. The three-way type of valves is distinguished by the presence of three connections that allow you to effectively redirect the flows in the system, especially in the case of mixing hot and cold water.

Adjusting the operation of valves of this type within the same system can realize the servo. This device needs a little more attention.

Servo. This is a separate element in the system that controls the position of the valves. The servo drive is usually the most affordable and easy to install, which is why it is most often used for.

According to the design features, the servo drive can be different, most often the category of such devices includes. For example, this can be installed with vrg131 samples. Today they provide the highest quality and accuracy in system maintenance, which is why they are so popular among consumers.

In some devices, a servo drive, as well as motor control is not used. In such cases, such special devices are used as for adjusting the operation of the equipment.

Such varieties include, for example, a dn25 valve, which can be mounted in a crane without a drive.

Esbe three-way valve overview (video)

Appointment of Esbe valves

This type of product can be used in a wide range of systems, including heating systems, even centralized, hot, cold water supply, as well as air conditioning.

These types of valves are suitable for various systems, including those operating on oil products, gas, as well as eco-fuels, including solar energy or wind energy. It is possible to install these types of equipment, for example, a three-way rotary valve vrg131, both for central water supply networks and for home networks.

You can pick up a product for any crane. It is only important to choose the right type of product and install it according to the recommendations. Also, for the system to work properly, it is very important to adjust the servomotor or thermostatic controller.

Then the model chosen by you will work without failures, irrespective of the set technical parameters.

Advantages of using this type of valves

Among the main advantages of installing exactly Esbe products are:

  1. Ease of installation of this type of components, the ability to install samples in virtually any system.
  2. Wide operating temperature range, especially for models such as the vrg131 swivel crane.
  3. Versatility in use - can be used in networks with different loads.
  4. No need for maintenance of such samples with the correct installation of such equipment.
  5. Can be used with any Esbe drive that has the required specifications.
  6. The presence in some details of the so-called burn protection functions- automatic shutdown of hot water supply in the event that cold water has ceased to flow into the system.

Popular models of Esbe valves

Currently, the following models of Esbe valves are especially popular on sale:

  • VTA200 equipment is the best faucet for all water supply systems. Applicable for systems without hot water recirculation, as well as HWC with this function. Does not require special maintenance;
  • VTA270 is a model range suitable for installation in underfloor heating systems. They can be mounted in systems where there is no risk of “burning”. Suitable for systems with a fairly large area - up to 100 square meters;
  • VTA310 is a device, like the vrg131 swivel tap, suitable for all water supply systems where there are no special requirements for protection against burns. Designed for areas with a maximum coolant temperature of 95 degrees, withstand a differential pressure of 0.3 MPa. This type of valve can be mounted in a crane with any type of drive;
  • VTA330/VTA360 - equipment that is installed in systems that do not have additional devices that carry out temperature control. The features of this equipment are that, like the 3-way valve vrg131, it reacts as sensitively as possible to changes in pressure in the system and allows you to maintain a stable water temperature even with its jumps. This model comes with a special protective cover, unless, of course, the user has chosen a different package. Parts of the VTA330/VTA360 are only distinguishable by the direction of the water flow;

  • VTC300 is a thermostatic mixer. The crane is used for installation with boilers up to 30 kW. It is used in cases where a coolant of a sufficiently low temperature enters through the return pipe of the equipment. There is no need to install a servo drive for this model - without it, it also functions quite normally. The equipment has several installation options and can be easily adapted to the requirements of your chosen system;
  • DN25 is another particularly popular valve model. Represents . Can also be used to protect boilers power up to 150 kW. The working temperature of this sample is also 110 degrees. DN25 is completely unpretentious to the installation conditions, its efficiency does not depend on the chosen installation position;
  • model vrg131 - designed specifically for use in hot water networks. Released vrg from a specialized brass alloy, which significantly increases its service life. Can be set manually. It is recommended to use a servomotor from the same manufacturer to control this three-way valve.