Erogenous zones of scales. Erogenous zones of the zodiac sign Cancer

The erogenous zone is a part of the body that is sensitive to caresses. Knowing male erogenous points, you can easily achieve vivid sexual sensations and win the attention of the opposite sex.

The erogenous zone is an area located on the skin. Caresses in this area on the body cause sexual arousal and in some cases even orgasm.

Knowledge of certain erogenous zones will help partners achieve sensuality in sexual relations, give each other a lot of pleasure and attract. Women need to know the location of the erogenous zones in their men.

This will help to achieve vivid sensations during sex. In addition, every man will appreciate the attention from this side, since the strong half of humanity is not so stingy with romance and sensuality.

Male erogenous zones

It is safe to say that basically, the same places are sensitive in a man as in a woman. But all people are very individual, and therefore the zones too.

Video: “Erogenous zone. The most erogenous zones "

Why do we need stimulation of male erogenous zones?

Stimulation of male erogenous zones gives special sensations and sometimes even delight. It is always necessary to pay attention to the main erogenous points, so to speak universal: ears, neck, nape, lower back, stomach. Knowing special "places" you can please your partner with unforgettable experiences and diversify your usual sex life.

stimulation of erogenous zones gives vivid sexual sensations

After you have fully explored the erogenous map of sensitive areas, you need to understand for yourself that there are different ways to stimulate them. This knowledge will help to distinguish between ordinary tickling and real pleasure. If you caress a man correctly, you can bring him to the highest degree of bliss.

Ways to stimulate erogenous zones:

  • gentle touches with fingertips, very soft, light and barely perceptible
  • scratching sensitive areas with nails, female manicure can cause the most tender and sharp feelings
  • lip touches can be completely different: dry kisses, stroking lips, wet kisses, smacking and even hickeys
  • touching the tongue soft, hard, massage, circular movements and tickling with the tip
  • touching erogenous zones with female breasts causes unforgettable sensations in the opposite sex
  • touching women's feet can be either completely indifferent or incredibly exciting, it all depends on individual preferences
  • light blows of hot and cold on the erogenous zone cause arousal
  • additional tools: feather, massage oil, whipped cream, ice cube all in order to fully explore the body of a loved one

Video: “Erogenous zones. Pleasure Map»

Where are the erogenous zones in men according to the zodiac sign?

The map of the location of erogenous zones in men in accordance with the signs of the zodiac is completely diverse. The location of sensitive points is influenced by the nature and lifestyle of a man.

When compared with women, unlike them, in men, the nerve endings are located not so globally and are concentrated in “bundles” in different places.

male erogenous zones are not as “global” as female

The most common sensitive areas are:

  • ears: lobes, shells, area behind the ear
  • eyes: eyelids, eyebrow area, eyelash touch
  • mouth: corners of the mouth, lips, nasolabial septum
  • neck: back of the head, back of the neck, collarbone
  • hands: subelbow crease, fingers, webbed fingers
  • legs: popliteal cup, feet, areas between the fingers
  • genital area, buttocks, sacrum
  • chest, nipples, belly, back

What are the most erogenous zones in Libra men?

The most sensitive areas in Libra men are the gluteal muscles and the sacrum area. The very first signs of attention can be given in any setting with gentle touches to the lower back. In more intimate encounters, try rinsing your partner's bare buttocks with your palms in a circular motion. This will give the strongest stimulation and excitement.

Since the sacrum of the scales is very sensitive, breast massage will be an unusually vivid feeling. Gentle touches of the nipples of the female breast to the lower back and back will excite the partner and give affection. If you love the thrill, try spanking your partner's buttocks during intercourse.

erogenous zones in Libra man

Erogenous zones in male twins, how to influence them?

Gemini men are very sensitive to touch on their upper limbs. The most susceptible are the hands, fingers and forearms. This zodiac sign loves stroking and kissing hands. Biting and sucking on the follangs gives a special vivid impression.

Kiss your partner on the back of your forearm, draw a thin, wet line with your tongue from your hand to your forearm, and continue all the way to your armpit. Such caresses cause a storm of delight.

erogenous zones of Gemini

The most sensitive erogenous zones in male lions

We can safely say that Leo's back is the most sensitive place. Incredibly pleasant and funny will be caresses in the bathroom, where you can caress Leo with a washcloth from the neck to the very waist. If you have switched to more “close” caresses, then stroking Leo on the back or sometimes even sticking sharp nails into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades and buttocks will be relevant.

Try to play with Leo with a feather, ask the man to relax and tickle his body with a feather or brush. You can touch the Leo's skin with the tips of the eyelashes, it is very gentle and sensual. It is not uncommon to notice that the sensitive back turns red - this is a sign of arousal.

erogenous zones in Lviv

The most common erogenous zones in Aries men

  • Strong, purposeful and sometimes stubborn Aries have many erogenous zones. Basically, all the sensory points of this sign are in the head area. Erogenous points capture the face of Aries in the same way. Therefore, women need to know that regular stroking, touching, kissing and tickling the head will give their partner affection and pleasure.
  • Try to touch your face with gentle massage movements: forehead, nose, cheeks, chin. Stroke the ram's head as often as possible, run your fingers through his hair, or simply comb it. Try to massage the most energetic areas: the crown, back of the head and temples. If you simply run your fingertips across your cheek to your temples, any Aries will regard this as sexual sympathy.
  • With Aries, you can not be shy about biting, so practice not strong biting of the earlobes and lips. Just do not overdo it with the pressure of the teeth, as any caress can turn into pain. Kissing an Aries should be very sensual. Run your fingers along the line of the lips: from corner to corner and see how much the ram likes it. Kissing a ram on the lips, take his chin with your fingertips

erogenous zones of Aries

Erogenous zones in male virgins, how to influence them?

Virgo men are extremely receptive to caresses on the stomach and chest. Therefore, take a lot of time to have time to heal every centimeter of his body. In addition to the chest and abdomen, the groin area is incredibly sensitive. Therefore, touching the fingers and lips of the lower abdomen, inner thighs and genitals is the highest degree of pleasure.

In addition, Virgos love cleanliness. Incredibly enjoyable will be erotic games with a Virgo man in the shower. Try to act on sensitive places with a stream of water from the shower, rub your stomach, chest, hips, groin with a sponge. Huge excitement will give Virgo a massage of the abdomen with the tongue in a circular motion.

erogenous zones in Virgo

Erogenous zones in male bodies, stimulation of sensitive areas

Taurus have a sensitive neck. This part of the body is almost always open, which means that it can be influenced almost always. Effective will be:

  • gentle stroking the back of the head with the fingertips
  • neck tickling and hair wiggling
  • kisses on the back and side of the neck
  • caressing the area behind the ear

Try to help the Taurus man tie his tie and, as if on purpose, caress his neck and throat. Gentle and sensual will be biting and blowing in the same area.

erogenous zones in Taurus

Erogenous zones in Cancer men, ways to stimulate them

  • The most sensitive place of Cancers is the mouth. Cancer men incredibly love passionate long kisses, which involve not only lips. In such kisses, there must be contact and penetration of tongues and often even teeth.
  • But they are no less susceptible to caresses on the chest. Therefore, do not forget to caress the nipples, upper abdomen and collarbone
  • Women are encouraged to caress Cancer's breasts during intercourse, you can stroke your fingers, touch your nipples and the ends of your hair. Such stimulation will not leave him indifferent and will show him as a confident good lover.

erogenous zones of cancer

How to caress the erogenous zones in scorpion men?

Scorpio is a strong and confident zodiac sign. The most sensitive place of a scorpion is the genitals. You can touch them with anything: hands, feathers, clothes, sex toys - in any case, the effect of such caresses will be exciting.

This sensitivity does not disappear even if you touch the body through clothing. The most vivid experiences are given by caressing the genitals with the tongue. If a Scorpio man is regularly given such affection, then it is safe to say that he will be completely in your hands.

erogenous zones of Scorpio

How to caress the erogenous zone in Aquarius men?

Surprising as it may seem, the erogenous zones of Aquarius are the legs. You can caress them everywhere! Try to give your man a sensual massage in which he will touch your fingers and calves to your intimate parts of the body - the effect of this will be strong and exciting.

Aquarians are sensitive only to gentle and pleasant caresses, so when caressing the calves, thighs and ankles, do not forget that your touch should be barely perceptible. Try playing Erotic Dice with Aquarius. These cubes can be bought at any sex shop. Allow yourself and your partner to touch any part of the skin with absolutely any part of the body.

erogenous zones of Aquarius

Erogenous zones in Pisces men and their stimulation

Pisces have sensitive feet. Give your man a massage after a relaxing bath or play with him right there. Let his feet touch the most intimate parts of your body. After the bath, you can caress the feet and toes of the Pisces man with a feather or brush.

Steaming your feet in the bath makes your feet more sensitive. If you don't mind, lick the areas between your toes with your tongue and tickle the instep of your foot. Touching the genitals with the feet can give not only arousal to a man, but also an orgasm.

erogenous zones of Pisces

What are the erogenous zones in Capricorn men?

Capricorn men are very fond of lush female breasts. They are incredibly pleased when a woman touches her face, neck, abdomen, back and genitals with excited nipples. A gentle kiss on the navel and caresses under the knee and elbow cups also give strong stimulation.

A Capricorn man will be turned on by a back massage, especially if done in the nude. Stroke your back and touch your shoulder blades with your tongue. Massage the inner and outer thighs in circular motions.

erogenous zones of Capricorns

Erogenous zones of archers and their stimulation

Sagittarius is sensitive to touch in the thighs and buttocks. Regular stroking of all sides of the thighs will allow the male Sagittarius to experience strong arousal. In addition, you can strongly excite a Sagittarius man by holding his sexual organ with your hips.

Sagittarians are quite relaxed and therefore do not hesitate to show their sexual fantasies. Rubbing oil on the entire body of Sagittarius and subsequent sexual intercourse will give great pleasure. Touch the shoulders of Sagittarius with your palms, hug him with your legs - this will allow him to start up and show himself "from the best side."

erogenous zones of Sagittarius

Video: “Secrets of sex. Erogenous zones on the body of a man

Compatibility of Cancer with other signs.

Cancer and Aries.

Aries is somewhat too risky a lover for Cancer, who tends to be conservative, although there may be a strong sexual attraction at first. Over time, Aries can cause sullen jealousy in Cancer, and Aries' causticity will offend Cancer too easily. Aries will find Cancer's possessive trait oppressive. Difficult relationship, marriage will break on the rocks.

Cancer and Taurus.

Cancer brings sensitivity and imagination to this union. Both are passionate enough to be content with life. Taurus is able to understand the changing moods of Cancer and will help smooth out the problems that arise. If Taurus is attentive, Cancer will respond in kind. Understanding each other's needs portends a pleasant relationship and a successful marriage.

Cancer and Gemini.

Uncertainty, the main character trait of Cancer, will be enhanced by the frivolous, volatile, fun-loving Gemini. Gemini's erratic sexual energy is a serious problem for Cancer, causing him to feel upset and anxious. Cancer will become very jealous and will try to limit Gemini's activity, and this will only make Gemini
resent. A very emotional connection, long-term relationships are unlikely due to the large difference in temperaments.

Cancer and Cancer.

They really look alike to be happy. Too much sensitivity on both sides will lead to emotional problems. Both will try to play a leading role in sexual relations, and this will cause mutual criticism and disputes. Although they are physically attractive to each other and the relationship can be quite sensual at first, marriage requires more empathy and mutual understanding.

Cancer and Leo.

Leo is most likely to be the stabilizer of Cancer's volatile moods. Leo is also generous in his attitude towards his feelings, and this calms the dull, insecure Cancer. On the other hand, Leo needs a lot of flattery and admiration, especially about his sexual prowess, and he must dominate. If Cancer gives in and provides what Leo needs, it can be a passionate connection and an excellent marriage.

Cancer and Virgo.

The practical and compromising nature of Virgo provides a solid foundation for this connection. Cancer is more emotional than reserved Virgo, but they can create a really warm and loving relationship. Sexually, they get along well enough, although heaven doesn't
illuminated by the magnificent flame of passion. The problem is that both are shy and retiring, and efforts must be made to avoid boredom. Good communication and probably a comfortable marriage.

Cancer and Libra.

It is not easy for Libra to match Cancer with his "thoughtful" temperament. In turn, Cancer becomes insecure and restless, feeling Libra's isolation. In fact, Libras are attracted to the moods of Cancer, but they simply prefer to avoid anxiety. If a loving Cancer feels offended, it will lead to trouble. When Libra begins to look to the side, the finish line is already close. Tolerant relationship, risky marriage.

Cancer and Scorpio.

The energy of Scorpio and his need to dominate and protect is exactly what Cancer is looking for. Cancer is more sensitive in sexual relationships, while Scorpio is more passionate. But Cancer's desire to please helps avoid some of the major problems in this area. The devotion of Cancer will not allow the violent jealousy of Scorpio to wake up. Love deepens and a great connection can turn into a very good marriage.

Cancer and Sagittarius.

The two have opposite goals and different desires. Sagittarius is a vagabond and doesn't like being sexually bound. Cancer needs reliability in love, which Sagittarius cannot offer. Cancer lives for the future. Sagittarius lives here and now. When Sagittarius gets bored, he begins to crave new adventures. Cancer will be offended and bitterly offended. Doubtful prospects for any form of relationship.

Cancer and Capricorn.

Capricorn cannot give all the love that Cancer needs, as he has too many other interests. However, there is a very strong sexual attraction between these two signs. They will have interesting sexual relationships until the practicality and restraint of Capricorn begins to seem like a refusal to Cancer. Communication is unstable, marriage promises little good.

Cancer and Aquarius.

Aquarius, the lone wolf, inflicts too many bruises on Cancer's vulnerable ego. Cancer is more expansive and persistent than the enterprising Aquarius, always ready to heed the calls of the sirens. Cancer's needs may go unmet, as Aquarius prefers to shy away from emotional demands. They may get along in the bedroom for a while, but the partnership will fail in the living room.

Cancer and Pisces.

Sexually, they are a good couple. Both are very loving, sympathetic and provide the necessary ego support for each other. Cancer is likely to be the leader, as Pisces tends to be overly subtle and eccentric in love. Quarrels will not last long, mostly they will be quickly resolved in bed. The perfect compatibility of these signs will give them wonderful days and nights both during communication and in marriage.

The first steps.

A good start is to ask for advice on solving a problem. Cancer is a person who is sympathetic and ready to help strangers, and Cancer advice should always be appreciated.
Warning: don't try the old gambit: "Have we met somewhere before?". Cancer has a wonderful memory and can remember every occasion, every place, every face. It definitely doesn't fit.
When you meet someone born under this sign, turn the conversation around to children's charities and childcare organizations. The Cancer Woman is very interested in children, she is even accused of trying to become a mother to the whole world. If so, then the Cancer man is trying to be a father.
Or look for luck in a conversation about politics, especially with a person from this area. If your boss in a large business venture is a Cancer man, then a good way to approach him is to come to him with some personal problem: he has a paternal attitude towards all his subordinates. And whether you can change the paternal attitude to something more interesting is up to you.
During the date, offer theatre, art, cultural entertainment. Cancer reacts strongly to melodic, romantic music. Invite him to a concert of works by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, and Cancer will be completely at the mercy of the heavenly harmony created by the music of these composers. When you go out to dinner, order some music to play in the background of your meeting. Or choose a restaurant where a gypsy violinist plays. Music is the food of love, as the bard claims.
Those born under this sign are attracted to water sports, so invite them to spend the day on the coast. If you prefer a fairly secluded beach, your Cancer partner will happily join you for a skinny dip. Cancerians will be satisfied if they allow you (or anyone else nearby) to admire their figure.
Do you want to make a gift? Try something to decorate your home: paintings or tapestries, leather-bound books, even unusual kitchen utensils. For him: cheese gift sets or other exotically packaged foods, an elegant silver frame engraved with his initials. Crayfish are usually collectors and will appreciate anything you add to their collection. Small silver objects delight them.
Try to keep in touch with the Cancer family, especially the mother. Most people of this sign are sentimental in this regard. Write down for yourself for memory in capital letters: "M-A-M-A."
Never mention other love affairs! Cancers are not interested in those who mattered in your life before they appeared in it.
General recommendations for dates. Those born under the sign of Cancer do not like it when their actions are taken for granted. If he shows up in a new suit, notice it; if she's wearing new earrings, give your opinion on them. And try to be especially attentive to their well-known hypersensitivity. You can tell her that the earrings really look very nice, and she may come to the conclusion that you didn't like the earrings she wore last time. You can tell him that he looks more athletic in the new suit, and he will think that you are making fun of his thinness. If this situation arises, try to correct the matter before the offense goes too far.
If you want to cancel a date because you're not feeling well, try not to. You will do something stupid by not allowing Cancer to show its strong patronizing side. Cancers are a reliable support, beacons in the fog, so necessary for everyone in bad weather. Let him come with fruits and flowers, a new book to read to you, a new music record, or just to be with you and hold your hand. Let her give you medicine, take your temperature (by mouth), and feed you hot soup. Anyone who has not experienced the caring affection of Cancer is not able to appreciate the main advantage of a serious relationship with him. It's just a way of being possessive, but use it to your advantage without going too deep into the reasons. Let's call it Lunar Magic!

Erogenous zones.

One of the strongest exciting techniques for both sexes born under the sign of Cancer is the "French kiss", a long kiss with maximum use of the tongue and teeth. There are cases when Cancers, kissing, experienced an orgasm!
However, the most sensitive area of ​​the body is the chest. Both sexes will respond to oral and manual stimulation of their nipples. Caressing the lower side of the chest with a pad and fingertip causes the strongest sexual sensations. Cancers also like the "twisting" motion, where the nipple is held by the thumb and forefinger and "winds up" like a clock. Even later in the pre-game, a light pull on the breasts or nipples will provide additional pleasure.
A little trick for a woman making love to a Cancer man: run your hand over his chest, barely touching the skin. The hair on his body will rise as if to touch your fingers. If you continue this, he will become extremely excited!

Last steps.

When you want to give a clear signal, you will be in trouble. Cancer is hard to get rid of. It sticks like chewing gum to the sole.
Rough insensitive treatment will cause a woman of this sign to gradually abandon you, but if you try to push her away too ruthlessly, she will simply “dig in” and hold on. She defends her interests through chicanery and has extraordinary talents in this area. It's much better to do things in less obvious ways. She waits and needs tenderness. Refrain from it. Do not let her participate in your life, on the contrary, show that her role is simply to serve you. If this makes her worry, and she will, do not dissuade her. Be in a bad mood - this will have a direct effect on her feelings.
With a Cancer man, be powerful, make plans for your social life, become the main engine in the family. Prepare tasteless food while serving it, grumbling that cooking is the least of your interests.
Criticize his behavior in the bedroom, his sexual technique. He has a secret feeling that he is boring in this area, so let him know that he really is. Unforgivable!
Cancer needs love. Take it away. Cancer needs emotional support. Be unavailable or too busy. Cancer likes to give advice. Don't listen. Cancer likes respectable, sophisticated places. Go to cheap eateries. Above all, criticize. All Cancers suffer from feelings of inadequacy, and criticism exploits this sore spot.
Tell jokes about your mother-in-law.

Source - "Intimate Horoscope" by J. Martin (Moscow, ROSAD, 1995)

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign cancer erogenous zones - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Cancer loves kisses - passionate, long and soulful. From this it follows that the erogenous zones of Cancer are located on the lips and tongue. He likes the sensual "French kiss". Many Cancers get an orgasm from just one kiss. In Cancer, the chest area is sensitive. This applies to both women and men. They like it when nipples are caressed - with lips and hands. Especially if you touch your chest from below with your fingertips. Feelings of Cancer after such caresses are indescribable! In the process of intimacy, you can gently twist the nipples, gently kiss and even bite. Cancer likes to have his nipples slightly pulled back during foreplay. The erogenous zones of Cancer men are located above the chest. If a woman gently runs her fingers in this area during intimacy, then Cancer will experience unearthly pleasure. Even small hairs on the body will react to this light touch.
horoscope for January 2018
  • Horoscope for 2018

Erogenous zones of the zodiac sign Cancer

It also happens that long-term marriage is not a guarantee that partners know everything about each other's erogenous points and pleasure zones. So why not learn about it today to start understanding your soulmate more? And astrology will help in this, which will accurately indicate all the erogenous zones of a particular zodiac sign. Many signs in the zodiac are perfectly compatible, but knowing which caresses are in priority will help here too. Today, the object of attention will be people born under the sign of the zodiac Cancer. Where are the most sensitive points on the body of Cancer located?

I must say that Cancer can rightly be called one of the most sensual, erotic and alluring astrological signs. All this is successfully combined with a fine mental organization and a rich inner world. This makes Cancer incredibly romantic, yet passionate and exciting at the same time. Such qualities are due to the influence of the Moon, which is the patroness of Cancer. It is hard to even imagine what is sometimes going on in the soul of Cancer. And this is due to the ebb and flow on the moon.

As for sexuality, Cancers are endowed with this in full. They do nothing without soul and feelings, they do not play and do not pretend. To a greater extent, this applies to women under the zodiac sign Cancer. Men of this constellation in intimate life behave somewhat differently, for example, more cheekily.

Erogenous zones of Cancer-Women

As for the erogenous zones, the women of the Cancer sign have several of them. The main ones are breasts and nipples. Surprisingly, it even happens that they can get an amazing orgasm just from the stimulation of the nipples and breasts. However, if it’s far from orgasm, then Cancer women can get excited from such caresses in earnest. This is the best option for foreplay.

Another weak point of the Cancer woman is the neck. Kisses on this part of the body will bring her into indescribable delight. And it’s not worth talking about goosebumps from the caresses of the neck. Cancer Woman will immediately lose self-control and control. But only with the man I love. The representatives of this constellation are given caress of the earlobes. But kissing on the ear itself is not worth it. Still, this is not pleasant for any person.

Erogenous zones of Cancer-Men

And where are the cherished points for men of this astrological constellation? So, they just love to be touched on the upper back. To warm up before a romantic night, you can use the massage of this zone. Cancer will be in seventh heaven.

Cancer men love and head massage. Moreover, they go crazy when, during intercourse, a partner runs her hands over their head, runs her fingers through her hair (unless, of course, there is a mop of hair).

And finally, it's time to talk about the most unusual erogenous zone of Cancer, which you can hardly find in any other man. And that's toes and toes. The caresses of these zones elevate Cancer to the pinnacle of bliss, leaving not even a chance to be left without satisfaction.

Let today's knowledge help you find those very cherished places on the body of a loved one. This will definitely make him happier!

Erogenous zones of Cancer

Finding them is not so difficult - this is one of the most sensual signs of the Zodiac, since it is ruled by the Moon. People born under this sign are very sensitive, so even slight stimulation can cause them a strong sexual desire. Let's look at the erogenous zones of Cancer.

Erogenous zones in Cancer - where?

Both of them are given great pleasure by kisses - deep, passionate, with the participation of the tongue. Cancerians can even experience orgasms from kissing. The most sensitive part of the body for both men and women is the chest.

Their nipples instantly respond to caresses. From the light stroking of the nipples with the fingertips, Cancers are very excited, they also love the careful pinching of the nipples with two fingers.

But the strongest factor for Cancer, contributing to the manifestation of the entire depth of his sensuality, is a trusting relationship. The longer the relationship between a man and a woman, the more pleasure Cancer will get from sex.

These people do not like casual relationships, because they cannot fully trust their partner and be liberated. And with a constant half of Cancer, it’s very easy to tune in to the right wave: it’s enough to take a shower together, preferably in a romantic setting.

How to find erogenous zones in a Cancer man

One of the strongest exciting techniques for Cancers of both sexes is the “French Kiss”, a long kiss with maximum use of the tongue and teeth. It happens that Cancers, kissing, experience an orgasm!

However, the most sensitive area of ​​the body is the chest. Both sexes will respond to oral and manual stimulation of their nipples. Caressing the underside of the chest with a pad and fingertip, as well as “twisting” movements, when the nipple is held by the thumb and forefinger and “winded up” like a clock, cause the strongest sexual sensations in Cancers.

How to influence the erogenous zones of a Cancer man

The Cancer man is exactly the partner who can appreciate the beauty of female caresses. He loves them to bits. Gentle hugs and touches of the beloved woman drive him crazy and give him the highest pleasure. He is able to respond to the slightest touch on his skin.

Particularly sensitive erogenous zones of Cancer males are his nipples. You can lightly grab them with your teeth, bite, but do it extremely carefully and gently.

Another proven way to give a man born under the sign of the Moon pleasure is kissing, sucking and tickling his earlobes with his tongue. In general, the Cancer man is quite conservative. He rarely adopts postures other than the good old missionary position.

How to find erogenous zones in a Cancer woman

Women born under the sign of Cancer have very sensitive skin. Especially on the chest, in the lower back and under the hair on the back of the head.

The problem of Cancer women in bed is that they tend to keep everything under control, so they are afraid to be liberated. However, if you help her cope with tightness, she is able to show the strongest sensuality.

Where are the erogenous zones on the body of Cancers (zodiac sign)?

Cancer People they are very fond of attention from the opposite sex, they are very sexy, charismatic - and the opposite sex always likes it. They know how to speak beautifully, they take good care of them, and then they show their activity quite vividly in bed. Passionate, hot and temperamental - this can rightfully be said about cancer people. The stars consider them experimenters and researchers. Cancers skillfully find the most sensitive areas of their partner and use it effectively. They are gentle, caring even, but if the partner needs something else, then crayfish are always ready to give pleasure.

Cancers themselves are not demanding people. They are very fond of attention to themselves, they like to see the partner's interest in their body. Even the passionate and hot look of another person is able to excite them.

According to astrologers, Cancer women have a very sensitive back and neck, especially the area under the hair. Kiss your partner more often, stroke your back skin, do a relaxing massage. Even such a massage will inflame her, and you just have to continue the work you have begun, but in a completely different way). For both men and women born under the sign of the Zodiac Cancer, the erogenous zones are the nipple area - this should never be forgotten if you want to deliver true sexual pleasure to your Cancer partner. Cancers love beautiful and long courtship, foreplay is very important to them, which makes relationships with Cancers uniquely beautiful.

Try not to forget that kissing in this case is everything. Cancer's favorite kiss is the French kiss. But, it is important to understand that the return is important not only by actions, but also morally. Reciprocity is very important.

zodiac sign cancer erogenous zones

Each female, in whose bed several men have been, will confirm that lovers born under different signs of the zodiac react differently to caresses and tenderness. For example, even a light touch of female fingers on the genitals of a sophisticated Scorpio turns him into a real volcano, and in order to excite a romantic representative of the Libra sign and gentle Pisces, you need to try very hard. Of course, every male womanizer knows well how and where to caress a woman born under different signs of the zodiac. But for those who do not have much sexual experience, we advise you to excite your loved ones, taking into account where their erogenous zones are located.

1. Aries. Both men and women of Aries are very fond of being gently stroked on the head, playing with hair. The most sensitive areas in Aries are the head, face and ears. Caressing them Aries can be brought to ecstasy. Biting lips, earlobes and kissing the eyes of Aries, you will understand how all this causes pleasant back spasms in him. In bed, Aries imagines himself as a participant in a combat battle and is set only to win. To get a powerful discharge from sex, he can specially inflame the situation. A banal quarrel can serve as an occasion for him to start intimate pleasures well. Aries women are crazy about kissing bearded men. The gentle tingling of the face with male hair gives them an incredible sensation of pleasure.

2. Taurus. If you have ever cared for a calf, then you probably know how these animals love to stretch their heads forward and close their eyes with bliss when their neck is stroked. So it is with Taurus, they get the highest pleasure when they are massaged in the neck and throat. Start gently stroking the Taurus with your fingers at the base of the head, then move on to kissing the neck.

Passionate kisses and light bites to the neck incredibly inflame the Taurus. But one should not expect quick reactions from representatives of this sign, they like to make love slowly and indulging in long preludes. If your goal is to seduce Taurus, then invite him to tie a tie. If he agrees, you will have a great opportunity to lightly touch his throat and gently stroke his neck with your fingers. In just a few minutes, you will feel how Taurus trembles with pleasure and the desire to be in the same bed with you.

3. Twins. Representatives of this sign are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything that is new. Any experiments on the part of loved ones makes a strong impression on Gemini and causes enthusiastic shivers. All Geminis, regardless of gender, respond well to hand kisses. Gently run your fingers along his arm, gently caress the fingertips and palms. Kissing the inside of the hands, each finger, sucking on them can cause pleasure in Gemini along the entire spine. As an experiment, try running your tongue along the inside of Gemini's arms, first to the elbow and then to the armpit. Such caresses will give him the highest pleasure and will cause him a reciprocal desire.

4. Cancer. Crayfish are very touchy and vulnerable, so they should not be shown tricks from the Kama Sutra. Be gentle and affectionate with them, tell them more words about love. They need it to get excited. Cancerians can experience an orgasm already during a passionate kiss, but they get the greatest pleasure when they are gently caressed on the chest. Caressing the chest area and biting the nipples cause a strong sexual desire in Cancers.

Surrendering to love pleasures, Cancers love to kiss long and passionately, using not only lips, but also teeth and tongue. If you want to seduce a Cancer man, don't miss the moment when he strips down to the waist. As if by chance, touch his chest with your fingers, and you will immediately notice how the hair on his body “rose on end”, which indicates that he wants you to continue caressing his body without stopping in the same place.

5. a lion. The king of beasts Leo will not wait for you to finally guess where his erogenous zones are. He will lie on his stomach and ask you to massage his back. This is where the feline nature of Leo is manifested, he loves to be scratched, stroked and massaged on his back. Whatever you do with Leo's back, everything will be to his liking. Kiss his back, gently stroke along the spine and lightly scratch with your nails. And if you put Leo in a bath and rub his back until his skin turns red, and kiss him passionately, biting his lower lip, then this proud predator will forever lose his head from passion and love for you.

6. Virgo. Virgo, compared to other signs of the Zodiac, is rather cold, and therefore it is not at all easy to bring her to the temptation to “taste the forbidden fruit”. To melt the external coldness of the Virgo, kiss her first on the cheek. Virgos love to be kissed on the face. But don't forget to brush your teeth beforehand and take care of the freshness of your breath. Virgos are obsessed with cleanliness, so they completely relax only in the shower. Virgo likes it when a jet of water from the shower hits her stomach and perineum.

Excite her stroking the body from the crotch to the chest with a sponge, soap and warm water. To seduce a Virgo man, hug him from behind and run your fingernail across his belly from the front. This will cause him a strong desire, and you just have to invite him to the bathroom, turn on the aroma lamp and soft music. Very soon you will be surprised to find a passionate and fiery nature behind the outer cold shell of the Virgin.

7. Scales. A distinctive feature of the physique of Libra is rounded and attractive buttocks. This is the most highly active erogenous zone of Libra. If you want to please a Libra man, then learn how to dance a striptease. Libra loves to lie on silk sheets, drink expensive wine and enjoy beautiful buttocks. If, in intimate moments, you begin to massage their lower back, then Libra will receive the highest pleasure. Women - Libra are excited by playful pinching, patting and stroking the buttocks. Many Libras react positively to whipping and harsh palm slaps on the soft spot during lovemaking.

8. Scorpion. Be careful if you accidentally find yourself on the beach next to a Scorpio man walking around in tight swimming trunks. Even from the touch of the tissues of the swimming trunks to the genitals, Scorpio can become very excited. Nothing in the world gives Scorpio so much pleasure as gentle touches of female hands, lips or tongue to the head of his penis. A Scorpio woman is strongly aroused by gentle touches on her clitoris. Any manipulation of the genitals turns Scorpios into a volcano of passion, and they can even get excited by touching their legs to the genitals when they cross.

9. Sagittarius. In women and men of this sign, erogenous zones are located in different parts of the body. A Sagittarius woman will purr like a kitten if you comb her hair and stroke her head. Any manipulations with hair can ignite dormant passions in female Sagittarius. But to excite a Sagittarius man, you need to caress the inside of his thigh, from the groin to the knee. A light massage with fragrant oils, kisses and tongue touches from the knee to the crotch will delight him and make him forget about everything in the world.

10.Capricorn. Capricorn will not go to bed with just anyone. He must be sure that his partner really deserves his trust. Therefore, do not rely on the fact that after the first date, Capricorn will agree to have sex with you. You will have to take care of Capricorn for a long time and slowly bring him to the idea that he can no longer find a better lover than you. Convinced of this, Capricorn will show you what a hurricane force his passion can have. The erogenous zones of the Capricorn woman are the navel and bend of the knee, and the Capricorn man is driven crazy by caresses and stroking of the abdomen, chest, face and groin area. Capricorns of either sex are highly aroused by back massages and slow circular motions of the tongue around each vertebra.

11. Aquarius. Any posture during which you touch the calves and ankles of Aquarius will cause an immediate reaction from him. It is in these parts of the lower extremities that the erogenous zones of Aquarius are located. But Aquarians prefer to make love not in bed, but in water. Prepare a fragrant bath, light candles and stroke the feet and ankles of Aquarius, then gently run your tongue along the calves of the legs. Aquarius will not be able to remain indifferent to such caresses and will give you a lot of pleasant sensations.

12. Fish. The sensitive area of ​​Pisces is the legs. Foot massage, gentle stroking of the back and lower back incredibly excite Pisces. Pisces men from such caresses become tireless and gentle lovers, and the Pisces woman is easily excited by rubbing her legs in her partner's crotch. Regardless of gender, all Pisces love warmth and the water surface.

So before making love with fish it is best to find a comfortable bathroom, swimming pool, a place on the beach or a warm bed next to a large aquarium. In such an environment, the excitability of Pisces is much increased and he will show you where heaven on earth is.

Horoscope of erogenous zones by zodiac sign

Nerve endings, especially sensitive in Aries men and women, are located on the head and face. Aries respond to a gentle stroke of the forehead or to playing with the hair on their head. You can comb or gently caress the top of your head. Touch your hand lightly to the temple of Aries or run it through your hair, and you will have the beginning of a sexual friendship.

The earlobes are extremely sensitive, and women have a strong desire if you blow into her ear. Biting the lips does a good job, and light kisses of closed eyes for some reason cause pleasant spasms in the back.

Kisses from bearded men drive Aries women crazy. The soft hair of a man's beard is a thousand wonderful sensations received by its nerve endings. If you don't have a beard, don't worry. Simply touching her lips with your fingertips will create an incredible sensation.

If you communicate with an Aries man, then you will be amazed at the result when you lightly touch his lips with your fingers - but then do not say that you were not warned!

The sensitive area of ​​Taurus is the neck. Start with light touches and stroking with your fingers at the back of the head, slowly descending to the neck. Keep kissing the throat and Taurus will soon be on fire. There are unlimited possibilities for “accidental” touches. For example, when straightening a man's tie, you can stroke his neck or gently run your nails along it. You will be surprised by his quick response.

On the beach, gently touch the woman's naked neck, shake off the sand, and this will serve as a signal to her. Alone in a room, the neck should be the center of attention. Sensual kisses, tender love bites on the neck will especially excite Taurus. But do not forget that Taurus prefers slowness and naturalness. Therefore, behave with restraint and do not force things.

Particularly sensitive areas are the hands. Gemini women respond well to hand kisses. Gemini men love it when they kiss their fingers one at a time, sucking on them.

Try to carefully “run” your fingers along the hand, regardless of the gender of the Gemini. This will make a strong impression, it will seem to you as if the nerve endings are trying to touch you themselves. An occasional caress of the fingertips of the hand can cause an enthusiastic shiver. A special treatment for Gemini is kissing the inside of the hand. A more provocative option is to lightly swipe your lips and tongue from the elbow to the armpit. You will simply feel the signals of desire that have arisen.

Both a man and a woman born under this sign will enjoy deep kisses involving the tongue and teeth. It is known that they are even able to experience an orgasm!

However, the most sensitive part of the body remains the chest. Both sexes are sensitive to oral and manual nipple stimulation. Gently stroking the breasts with the fingertips causes intense sexual desire. They also enjoy pinching their nipples with their thumb and forefinger. Even in the final part of the foreplay, gentle pinching of the breast or nipples can increase their desire.

Advice for women making love to a Cancer man: run your hand over his chest, gently touching it. If you do this repeatedly, you will be able to strongly excite him.

So, let's assume that you have placed Leo in the appropriate setting for the moment. How to start?

You can go to the bathroom. Rub the Leo with a sponge until his skin turns pink. The back is especially sensitive. Slowly go down your back from top to bottom, perhaps. The lion will offer you to climb into the bath too.

If you are dealing with a Leo man while making love, gently scratch his back. This will stimulate him.

Take a shawl (preferably cashmere) and touch it with a fringe to a naked female body - from the shoulder to the entire back. Then do the same with a brush, like the one hairdressers use to apply powder. After that, your lady will turn into a passionate lioness.

TIP: When foreplaying a Leo woman, look for the degree of her sexual arousal in the reddening of the skin, which begins in the abdomen and then slowly spreads to the chest and neck. The intensity of the color will be directly proportional to the degree of stimulation. As soon as the desired shade appears - it is yours!

When you have reached frank caresses in your relationship, do not forget about the stomach.

In Virgo, everything - from the crotch to the chest - reacts to the touch of the tongue, light stroking with the fingers or barely noticeable touches of the hair. Swipe your fingernail horizontally across the body - this will cause extraordinary sensations.

Well excite stroking the abdomen with a sponge, soap and warm water. Virgo really likes it when the jet of water from the shower gets there. Don't forget about this if you are in the shower first (which is very fortunate, since Virgo has a "fixed idea" - cleanliness).

If the bath is narrow, put the Virgo woman on your lap to enter her from behind, while caressing her belly with a shower.

Lying in bed, do a light massage in the navel. Finish it by touching the tip of the tongue to the navel itself. You will see how quickly it works.

The most sensitive places in Libra are the lower back and buttocks. In society, at dances, or even when walking together, lightly touch Libra's lower back with your fingers. In a more intimate moment, place your hands on Libra's bare buttocks and make small rotational movements with your palms, moving gradually up your back, and back down again. Real Libra will go into ecstasy.

If Libra is a man, he will go crazy with the soft touch of your nipples on his lower back. You don't have to repeat this twice.

In all Libra, the buttocks are an extremely erogenous zone. Women love to be stroked, patted and playfully pinched on their buttocks, and come into a state of sexual arousal. They also prefer positions where their buttocks are clearly visible to their partner, as happens when she is entered from behind. Scales of both sexes react to blows to the buttocks with a hand, a whip and other objects. By the way, to say. Libras can be easily distinguished by their well-shaped rounded buttocks.

The most sensitive places of Scorpios are their genitals. Even a light touch with your fingers can turn a man into a volcano. Why not? A woman of this sign is able to get excited just by crossing her legs, and in this position rub her “lips” against each other. (Some other approaches to Scorpio's sensitive spots have already been discussed.)

Nothing brings a Scorpio man to such pleasure as light touches of her tongue on the tip of a penis. Do I need to add that women are especially delighted with cunnilingus?

When you play with the sexual organs of a Scorpio, you can literally say that your partner is in your hands!

For the ninth sign of the Zodiac, the most erotic zones are the hips and thighs. But in Sagittarius women, hair also belongs to them. Play with them, stroke, comb. She will purr like a kitten. If it lasted long enough, it might awaken her sensuality.

His vulnerable area is near the genitals. Kissing the inside of the leg or lightly touching the tongue from the knee to the crotch will give him pleasure. The same can be said about the gentle stroking of the thighs. Homosexuals like to have their partners smear Vaseline on the inside of their thighs. After that, the mere insertion of a member between tightly clenched legs can lead to orgasm.

Sagittarius men and women are equally affected by rubbing with warm oil. On the hips, this should be done with rotational movements, on the thighs - with vertical strokes. Lightly run your nails along the curves, and this will awaken an erotic feeling throughout the body.

And do not be surprised if you never manage to complete the massage.

Capricorn men love a woman to touch her nipples to his face, mouth, chest, abdomen, groin with slow sliding movements. It drives him crazy.

The passion of a Capricorn woman will turn into a hurricane if her partner kisses her on the stomach or under the knees. The skin around the navel is especially sensitive in women born under this sign. And the skin under the knees is easier to stimulate than the thighs of other women.

Both the Capricorn man and woman will respond to a massage from the lower back to the top if you slowly touch the body with your tongue, making circular movements.

An unusually large number of Capricorns prefer to replace the vagina (as a source of pleasure) with the armpit. Don't agree.

Sensitive areas - calves and ankles. Any posture in which you touch these places will greatly increase the desire.

As if casually stroke the leg from the ankle to the game, very carefully. You will be delighted to see the reaction of Aquarius.

Try to make love standing up, when a woman wraps her legs around a man under her knees, touching his calves. During the act, there will be a natural friction of the erogenous zones. (Especially effective in the pool.) Other positions that allow contact with the calves and ankles will always increase sexual satisfaction.

Aquarius is receptive to gentle touches.

When it comes to the moment that calls for the perfect setting for lovemaking, keep the following in mind: Pisces loves a warm place and the movement of water. So try a heated blanket and waterbed, or look for a bathroom that's comfortable enough for two.

Finding them is not so difficult - this is one of the most sensual signs of the Zodiac, since it is ruled by the Moon. People born under this sign are very sensitive, so even slight stimulation can cause them a strong sexual desire. Let's look at the erogenous zones of Cancer.

Erogenous zones in Cancer - where?

Both of them are given great pleasure by kisses - deep, passionate, with the participation of the tongue. Cancerians can even experience orgasms from kissing. The most sensitive part of the body for both men and women is the chest.

Their nipples instantly respond to caresses. From the light stroking of the nipples with the fingertips, Cancers are very excited, they also love the careful pinching of the nipples with two fingers.

But the strongest factor for Cancer, contributing to the manifestation of the entire depth of his sensuality, is a trusting relationship. The longer the relationship between a man and a woman, the more pleasure Cancer will get from sex.

These people do not like casual relationships, because they cannot fully trust their partner and be liberated. And with a constant half of Cancer, it’s very easy to tune in to the right wave: it’s enough to take a shower together, preferably in a romantic setting.

How to find erogenous zones in a Cancer man

One of the strongest exciting techniques for Cancers of both sexes is the “French Kiss”, a long kiss with maximum use of the tongue and teeth. It happens that Cancers, kissing, experience an orgasm!

However, the most sensitive area of ​​the body is the chest. Both sexes will respond to oral and manual stimulation of their nipples. Caressing the underside of the chest with a pad and fingertip, as well as “twisting” movements, when the nipple is held by the thumb and forefinger and “winded up” like a clock, cause the strongest sexual sensations in Cancers.

How to influence the erogenous zones of a Cancer man

The Cancer man is exactly the partner who can appreciate the beauty of female caresses. He loves them to bits. Gentle hugs and touches of the beloved woman drive him crazy and give him the highest pleasure. He is able to respond to the slightest touch on his skin.

Particularly sensitive erogenous zones of Cancer males are his nipples. You can lightly grab them with your teeth, bite, but do it extremely carefully and gently.

Another proven way to give a man born under the sign of the Moon pleasure is kissing, sucking and tickling his earlobes with his tongue. In general, the Cancer man is quite conservative. He rarely adopts postures other than the good old missionary position.

How to find erogenous zones in a Cancer woman

Women born under the sign of Cancer have very sensitive skin. Especially on the chest, in the lower back and under the hair on the back of the head.

The problem of Cancer women in bed is that they tend to keep everything under control, so they are afraid to be liberated. However, if you help her cope with tightness, she is able to show the strongest sensuality.

Nerve endings, especially sensitive in Aries men and women, are located on the head and face. Aries respond to a gentle stroke of the forehead or to playing with the hair on their head. You can comb or gently caress the top of your head. Touch your hand lightly to the temple of Aries or run it through your hair, and you will have the beginning of a sexual friendship.
The earlobes are extremely sensitive, and women have a strong desire if you blow into her ear. Biting the lips does a good job, and light kisses of closed eyes for some reason cause pleasant spasms in the back.
Kisses from bearded men drive Aries women crazy. The soft hair of a man's beard is a thousand wonderful sensations received by its nerve endings. If you don't have a beard, don't worry. Simply touching her lips with your fingertips will create an incredible sensation.
If you are communicating with an Aries man, then you will be amazed at the result when you lightly touch his lips with your fingers - but then do not say that you were not warned!

The sensitive area of ​​Taurus is the neck. Start with light touches and stroking with your fingers at the back of the head, slowly descending to the neck. Keep kissing the throat and Taurus will soon be on fire. There are unlimited possibilities for "accidental" touches. For example, when straightening a man's tie, you can stroke his neck or gently run your nails along it. You will be surprised by his quick response.
On the beach, gently touch the woman's naked neck, shake off the sand, and this will serve as a signal to her. Alone in a room, the neck should be the center of attention. Sensual kisses, tender love bites on the neck will especially excite Taurus. But do not forget that Taurus prefers slowness and naturalness. Therefore, behave with restraint and do not force things.

Particularly sensitive places are the hands. Gemini women respond well to hand kisses. Gemini men love it when they kiss their fingers one at a time, sucking on them.
Try to carefully "run" your fingers along the hand, regardless of the Gemini's gender. This will make a strong impression, it will seem to you as if the nerve endings are trying to touch you themselves. An occasional caress of the fingertips of the hand can cause an enthusiastic shiver. A special treatment for Gemini is kissing the inside of the hand. A more provocative option - swipe lightly with your lips and tongue from the elbow to the armpit. You will simply feel the signals of desire that have arisen.

Both a man and a woman born under this sign will enjoy deep kisses involving the tongue and teeth. It is known that they are even able to experience an orgasm!
However, the most sensitive part of the body remains the chest. Both sexes are sensitive to oral and manual nipple stimulation. Gently stroking the breasts with the fingertips causes intense sexual desire. They also enjoy pinching their nipples with their thumb and forefinger. Even in the final part of the foreplay, gentle pinching of the breast or nipples can increase their desire.
Advice for women making love to a Cancer man: run your hand over his chest, gently touching it. If you do this repeatedly, you will be able to strongly excite him.

a lion
So, let's assume that you have placed Leo in the appropriate setting for the moment. How to start?
You can go to the bathroom. Rub the Leo with a sponge until his skin turns pink. The back is especially sensitive. Slowly go down your back from top to bottom, perhaps. The lion will offer you to climb into the bath too.
If you are dealing with a Leo man while making love, gently scratch his back. This will stimulate him.
Take a shawl (preferably cashmere) and touch it with a fringe to a naked female body - from the shoulder to the entire back. Then do the same with a brush, like the one hairdressers use to apply powder. After that, your lady will turn into a passionate lioness.
TIP: When foreplaying a Leo woman, look for the degree of her sexual arousal in the reddening of the skin, which begins in the abdomen and then slowly spreads to the chest and neck. The intensity of the color will be directly proportional to the degree of stimulation. As soon as the desired shade appears - it is yours!

When you have reached frank caresses in your relationship, do not forget about the stomach.
In Virgo, everything - from the crotch to the chest - reacts to the touch of the tongue, light stroking with the fingers or barely noticeable touches of the hair. Run your fingernail horizontally across the body - this will cause extraordinary sensations.
Well excite stroking the abdomen with a sponge, soap and warm water. Virgo really likes it when the jet of water from the shower gets there. Do not forget about this if you first ended up in the shower (which is very fortunate, since Virgo has a "fixed idea" - cleanliness).
If the bath is narrow, put the Virgo woman on your lap to enter her from behind, while caressing her belly with a shower.
Lying in bed, do a light massage in the navel. Finish it by touching the tip of the tongue to the navel itself. You will see how quickly it works.

The most sensitive places in Libra are the lower back and buttocks. In society, at dances, or even when walking together, lightly touch Libra's lower back with your fingers. In a more intimate moment, place your hands on Libra's bare buttocks and make small rotational movements with your palms, moving gradually up your back, and back down again. Real Libra will go into ecstasy.
If Libra is a man, he will go crazy with the soft touch of your nipples on his lower back. You don't have to repeat this twice.
All Libra's buttocks are an extremely erogenous zone. Women love to be stroked, patted and playfully pinched on their buttocks, and come into a state of sexual arousal. They also prefer positions where their buttocks are clearly visible to their partner, as happens when she is entered from behind. Scales of both sexes react to blows to the buttocks with a hand, a whip and other objects. By the way, to say. Libras can be easily distinguished by their well-shaped rounded buttocks.

The most sensitive places of Scorpios are their genitals. Even a light touch with your fingers can turn a man into a volcano. Why not? A woman of this sign is able to get excited just by crossing her legs, and in this position rub her "lips" against each other. (Some other approaches to Scorpio's sensitive spots have already been discussed.)
Nothing brings a Scorpio man to such pleasure as light touches of her tongue on the tip of a penis. Do I need to add that women are especially delighted with cunnilingus?
When you play with the sexual organs of a Scorpio, you can literally say that your partner is in your hands!

For the ninth sign of the Zodiac, the most erotic zones are the hips and thighs. But in Sagittarius women, hair also belongs to them. Play with them, stroke, comb. She will purr like a kitten. If it lasted long enough, it might awaken her sensuality.
His vulnerable area is near the genitals. Kissing the inside of the leg or lightly touching the tongue from the knee to the crotch will give him pleasure. The same can be said about the gentle stroking of the thighs. Homosexuals like to have their partners smear Vaseline on the inside of their thighs. After that, the mere insertion of a member between tightly clenched legs can lead to orgasm.
Sagittarius men and women are equally affected by rubbing with warm oil. On the hips, this should be done with rotational movements, on the thighs - with vertical strokes. Lightly run your nails along the curves, and this will awaken an erotic feeling throughout the body.
And do not be surprised if you never manage to complete the massage.

Capricorn men love a woman to touch her nipples to his face, mouth, chest, abdomen, groin with slow sliding movements. It drives him crazy.
The passion of a Capricorn woman will turn into a hurricane if her partner kisses her on the stomach or under the knees. The skin around the navel is especially sensitive in women born under this sign. And the skin under the knees is easier to stimulate than the thighs of other women.
Both the Capricorn man and woman will respond to a massage from the lower back to the top if you slowly touch the body with your tongue, making circular movements.
An unusually large number of Capricorns prefer to replace the vagina (as a source of pleasure) with the armpit. Don't agree.

Sensitive areas - calves and ankles. Any posture in which you touch these places will greatly increase the desire.
As if casually stroke the leg from the ankle to the game, very carefully. You will be delighted to see the reaction of Aquarius.
Try to make love standing up, when a woman wraps her legs around a man under her knees, touching his calves. During the act, there will be a natural friction of the erogenous zones. (Especially effective in the pool.) Other positions that allow contact with the calves and ankles will always increase sexual satisfaction.
Aquarius is receptive to gentle touches.

When it comes to the moment that calls for the perfect setting for lovemaking, keep the following in mind: Pisces loves a warm place and the movement of water. So try a heated blanket and waterbed, or look for a bathroom that's comfortable enough for two.
Feet. Pisces will respond to gentle massages and stroking of the heels and feet, soft strokes of the feather on the soles and kissing of the fingers. With your fingertips, make circular movements, starting from the ankle, along the instep and to the fingers, stroking the toes with your hands or lightly biting them, you will give Pisces a lot of pleasure.
Pisces women love to masturbate men with their feet. She does this by gently squeezing his cock with her feet. Pisces men get a special extra arousal by sticking their toe into the vagina or simply stroking the crotch with their foot.
Pisces excitability increases if they soar their legs before having sex
