Ege in Russian for 100 points preparation. federal news

He shares his experience in preparing students for the exam in mathematics. Passing one of the most difficult subjects with the highest score would seem to be an unrealistic task. However, everything is possible if you follow the advice of experienced teachers.

Start training in 10th grade

I do not want to scare those who have to take the exam this academic year. You have time, so don't panic. For those who are not yet a graduate, I advise you to think about the future in advance.

If you analyze the tasks of the profile exam by numbers, you can see that you are able to complete tasks No. 1,2,3,4,6,11,16,17,19 or understand how they are performed already at the beginning of the tenth grade. Therefore, do not expect magic kicks from teachers or parents, start studying now.

Use quality collections for preparation

There are several types of collections edited by IV Yashchenko. They differ not only in the number of tasks, but also in the type of these tasks. For example, in the collection of the "Exam" publishing house, although the tasks are selected in accordance with the demo version, this is not what is needed. For several years now I have been using collection edited by the same I.V. Yaschenko, but Publishing House "National Education". We call it the hologram collection. Tasks from this collection are found on the exam (checked by more than one year of preparation).

There are also such collections for preparing for the OGE. By the way, do not even try to find them on the network in the public domain. We order through online bookstores. They are sold with a different number of options: 36 options are enough for two years of training. I do not offer collections of other authors to my students.

You can and should prepare yourself.

Contrary to the opinion that tutors deliberately everywhere talk about the impossibility of preparing for an exam without qualified help, I argue that independent work is 80 percent of success! The tutor will help, but he will definitely not be able to put knowledge into your head by force. So get ready to work.

The preparation algorithm is as follows:

    • We solve the task from the collection, check with the answers.
    • In case of an incorrect answer, we try to find an error.
    • Did not work out? We are looking for such a task on the Internet (type the first few words in a search engine), and write off the solution from the Internet, while trying to figure it out.
    • Let's do the same thing on our own. Happened? It doesn't always work out the first time. Let's take a look and decide again. And so, until we remember the decision.
    • You have to do it systematically. Give yourself a word (and keep it) to complete one option a week completely. Of course, those numbers, the topics of which have been studied. The first part of the variant needs to be done (and sort out the errors) in one day. But the tasks of the second part, one - two per day.
    • Use all possible means of obtaining knowledge. Information is freely available on the Internet, take it.
    • Don't miss the three months of summer (if you still have that summer ahead of you) between tenth and eleventh grade. Use this time to study. In the summer, when you are not loaded with lessons, your brain simply languishes without work. So download it.

Repetition is the mother of learning

Do not think that if today you have analyzed the task and even solved it, then tomorrow you will also do it without difficulty. Our brain tends to forget or "hide" information. So that your knowledge is not lost, repeat the solutions. With this in mind, collections are compiled: tasks are repeated after a certain interval.

Use sites to prepare for the exam

One of them is the site of the FIPI-Federal Institute for Pedagogical Research. It is on this site that all official news about the exam is posted. On the same site there is also an open bank of tasks, but, unfortunately, the tasks there are not structured by numbers, which is inconvenient. If you are aiming for 100 points, I can recommend Alexander Larin's site. And, of course, the site of Dmitry Gushchin.

Video lessons

Our school TutorOnline is proud of its video lessons, and mathematics is in the top! If you are not yet subscribed to YouTube channel TutorOnline, you are losing a lot. You can watch the lessons for free, and teachers share the most important and relevant information for passing the exam.

What is along, what is across

Another way to prepare is to decide not by options, but by assignments. For example, you solve all the first ones, then all the second ones, and so on. After you have mastered all the tasks, solve the same according to the options. Repetition is the mother of learning (but I have already said this).

Take care of your health

This is not just a slogan. If you catch a cold, you will stay at home. But we started studying in the tenth grade, how many topics can be missed due to illness! You then have to catch up, wasting precious time. Therefore, we drink vitamins, eat right and do not neglect moderate physical activity.

Great mood is the key to success

I know that two years of preparation is two years of continuous stress. Teachers, parents, the media will only frighten: "If you don't pass, you won't get in!"

Do not be impressed and do not treat the exam as the arbiter of fate. If you are preparing, then you are doing your best. If you feel that you cannot cope with stress - you become whiny, you are in a bad mood all the time, you often break down on loved ones - discuss the situation with your parents. You can drink a course of soothing herbs. Any doctor will tell you. The main thing - do not wind yourself up to a state of moral exhaustion.

Prepare your escape routes

Think about the situation of failure. Yes, think about what you will do if you do not pass. You can go to college with a ninth grade certificate. Allowing such a possibility does not mean admitting failure. If you know for sure that there is a way out of any situation, you will feel more confident. Remember that your life and your health is more valuable than any exam.

site, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

Preparing for an exam is like preparing a dish for a chef: to get an impressive result, you need to take care of the necessary ingredients, write a detailed recipe, trust your intuition in time, and be able to rely on assistants. The current first-year student, and most recently a graduate of grade 11, shares her recipe for preparing for the exam for 100 points.

Diana Chochieva

100 points in history and English; 93 points in Russian. Currently studying at St. Petersburg State University.

Step 1.

I decided to focus on preparing for the exam in history and English, since at school they were going to prepare us for the exam in Russian.

I started preparing for history on my own at the end of the ninth grade. I purchased various manuals for preparing for the exam and in the summer I just tried to outline paragraphs and learn dates.

It turned out to be quite difficult - I had many questions and incomprehensible topics. I tried to learn absolutely everything, even though it was unrealistic, simply because, due to ignorance of the requirements of the exam, I was afraid to miss something important. Therefore, in the 10th grade, after discussing everything with my parents, I decided to enroll in the USE courses, which were held once a week. After that, my preparation became more effective, as there was already an awareness of what exactly I need to learn, which dates I definitely need to remember.

Due to the heavy workload at school at the end of the 10th grade, I decided to suspend my preparation and focus on school final work. In the summer before 11th grade, I did a review of dates that I had studied before. In the 11th grade, I decided to go to the same center to prepare for the Unified State Examination in English, and study history with a tutor, since I already had some knowledge, and some topics had not yet been completed.

Step 2

There are a lot of pitfalls at the exam that you need to know about in advance in order to successfully pass it. You have to be prepared for certain types of tasks and certain standards of response, ignorance of which will result in the loss of a fairly large number of points. At the USE courses, they explained to me very clearly what I need to be ready for in the exam, and what I can not be afraid of. The teachers with whom I studied are included in the verification commission, so every year they pass certification at the FIPI.

From many acquaintances, I constantly heard that teachers fill them up with "a bunch of unnecessary information." I don’t know how true this is, but in the courses I was told only the most necessary things. Yes, there was a lot of material, I had to study a lot, but no one said that it would be easy, but at the exam I was completely confident in my knowledge.

Step 3

I studied English and history once a week. The rest of the days I did homework in these subjects and completed standard exam tasks. I decided to go to prepare for the exam in English in the 11th grade because I studied at a school with in-depth study of English, and my language level was already high enough to pass the exam well. But teachers at school do not know the intricacies of design, the main catches and features of the assignments of the current year. I decided to go to the center in order to prepare on all fronts and feel complete confidence, since admission to a university is at stake and I don’t want to lose a year because of stupid mistakes.

On the days when I did not have classes at the courses, I did my school homework to the maximum in order to free up my evening after the courses for rest or preparation for the exam. Once or twice a month, I set aside a day completely free from study and just rested to give my body a break.

Step 4

If I say that I did not experience any anxiety before the exam, it would not be true. But I tried to relax as much as possible under those conditions and just write what I know.

At the exam, we were led through metal detectors. I didn't feel any discomfort from it. And I took the cameras quite calmly during the exam. I managed to abstract from this, because in the center we passed a complete analogue of the real Unified State Examination twice a year, where they took away our phone and made sure that we did not write off. This is a great workout, so during the exam itself I was in a familiar atmosphere and the stress did not knock me down.

Step 5

It seems to me that every parent hopes for the high results of their child. I am very grateful to my parents for their support, for the fact that they did not put pressure on me, but were confident in my abilities. Even when it was hard for me to continue, when I thought that all this preparation would not bring me the desired results, they always found the right words to cheer me up and not let me stop halfway, which I would later regret very much.

Step 6

Less thinking and more action! This can help both in preparing for the exam, and in general in studies. If something doesn’t work out for us, we often begin to delve into ourselves, look for flaws, delve more and more into thoughts about our shortcomings and imperfections, and then simply plunge into a state where we no longer want to continue, because, according to our opinion, and so nothing comes out. We must overcome ourselves and go to our goal, no matter how difficult it may be.

Sometimes I even tried to load myself more so as not to think about what would happen if I didn’t enter, if I failed the exam at all. It seems to me that everyone who has been preparing for exams has come across these thoughts. We must try to get them out of our heads, and if it doesn’t work out, and you start thinking only about an unsuccessful result, then look for support from your parents and friends, and you will definitely feel better.

Kolya was a proud owner of an FCE (Grade A) certificate, which objectively confirmed his B2+ level. As you know, the declared level of the exam is B1–B2, so Kolya felt calm and was sure that he would pass 100 points easily and simply, especially since he was also preparing for the exam for a whole year in the 11th grade. However, he passed by 97, and not at all by 100. And these three points were not enough for him to enter the dream faculty.

Is it possible to say that Kolya was not ready, and therefore lost 3 points? No, you can't say that. The result of 97 points shows that he was very ready. You can't just pass the 90+ exam. Where did the points go? One was lost during listening: poor sound quality, failed to hear a certain nuance. The second one is in the "Grammar and Vocabulary" section: I came across an unfamiliar preposition. The third point is the written part, where Kolya put a couple of extra commas.

USE scores in English above 95 are a matter of chance, which has nothing to do with knowledge. There is no fundamental difference in the knowledge of people who scored 95, 97 and 100 points. It cannot be said that the one who passed 95 knows English worse than a hundred points. If you don’t take my word for it, then do three USE tests in a row and see what the spread of scores will be. You can guarantee that you will not get the same result, despite the fact that the level of your knowledge does not change from test to test. In other words, a difference within 5 points cannot be eliminated by methods of enhanced training.

However, there is a way that with a high degree of probability gives strong students 100 points on the exam, bypassing all accidents. This way is the Olympics. To understand how it works, let's use the experience of Vasya's triangle.

happy story

Vasya also had an FCE (Grade A) certificate. But Vasya, unlike Kolya, knew that the exam in English is an unpredictable thing, so he replaced the preparation for the exam with the preparation for the Olympiads. During the academic year, he took part in 12 qualifying rounds of various list Olympiads in English and passed half of them. At two out of six (RANEPA and "Highest Standard"), he became a winner. As for the exam itself, Vasya passed it with 94 points.

At first glance, Vasya's result is lower than Kolya's. But in practice, it turns out that when entering a university, his Olympiad diplomas magically turn into 100 USE points, or even into a BVI benefit (admission without entrance exams, out of competition). The Faculty of Dreams opened its doors to him, and Vasya is already looking forward to how he will gnaw granite in the near future.

Even if Vasya passed the Unified State Examination with 85, he would still be credited with 100. The only case in which the value of the Olympiad diplomas would be zero is if Vasya passed the Unified State Examination below 75 points. However, such cases are extremely rare for the simple reason that with the correct process of preparing for the Olympiads, the level of language proficiency increases so much that the USE ceases to present any difficulty.

Olympic path

As a rule, the word "Olympiad" evokes in most students and their parents the associations "very difficult", "this is only for the gifted", "it is impossible to get a diploma." So, taking a diploma at a list Olympiad (at least one) is easier than getting 100 points at the Unified State Examination, despite the fact that the level of difficulty at the Olympiads is really higher than at the state exam. How so? But like this.

First, let's look at the criteria for determining the winners and winners. To become a winner at the "Highest Test" in 2017, it was necessary to score 60 points out of 100. To become a hundred-point student at the Unified State Examination, you need to do all the tasks correctly without exception. Feel the difference? Just in case, I explain: having completed a little more than half of the Olympiad tasks correctly, you get a diploma, which is equivalent to a perfectly written exam. There are olympiads in which you need to score more than 80% of points in order to become a prize-winner, but there is not one where 100% completion of all tasks is required for prize-winning. Thus, the "retribution" for mistakes is significantly lower than in the Unified State Examination.

Secondly, all Olympiads are different, and you can show your talents at them, turning them into valuable points. Are you good at writing? The share of the written task on the "Highest Test" is more than half of the points. Are you deeply interested in linguistic phenomena? There will be an advantage at the Eurasian Olympiad. The exam does not take into account the peculiarities of your development, and talents, if any, will have nowhere to show on it.

Thirdly, do not forget about the nerves and physical condition. Worried, had a headache, didn’t get enough sleep, ate too much chocolate, managed to fall in love, got tired, caught a cold on the eve of the exam - and catch 10-15 points less than you really can. This factor also affects the Olympiad results, but is leveled by the fact that there are a dozen Olympiads, while the exam is given only once.

The conclusion is obvious: the USE for a hundred points is an unrealistic task, and a diploma at one of the list Olympiads is quite achievable. This conclusion is supported by statistics.

"Highest standard" in English 2017 (Level I Olympiad): about 4 thousand participants in the qualifying stage, of which about 500 made it to the final. The winners and prize-winners of the final - 77 people.

RANEPA 2017 (Level II Olympiad): 652 participants won the qualifying round. Of these, 45 became winners of the final, and 109 - prize-winners.

USE 2017: 59 hundred points for 64.5 thousand participants. This is less than one tenth of a percent.

Underwater rocks

And what, the Olympiad is a guaranteed hundred points? Not really. Much depends on the university and on the direction for which you want to apply. For example, if your goal is MGIMO, then not a single listing Olympiad will give you 100 USE points, only a diploma from the All-Russian Olympiad can do this. However, it should be said that this is an exception, not a rule, and for the most part, universities generously provide benefits to prize-winners and winners of the listed Olympiads. To find out if a diploma is useful to you in the chosen direction, you need to look at the official document on the university’s website (usually it is called something like this: “Special rights granted to winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the List of Olympiads”).

I also emphasize that the statement “it is easier to get a diploma at a list Olympiad than to get 100 points at the Unified State Examination” does not mean that everyone can take a diploma at a list Olympiad. Olympiad activity is a long-term and time-consuming work, which can only be done by interested and able-bodied students who love English and have a high level of knowledge. In other words, if in the 11th grade you write trial tests in English at 60, you can not think about Olympiad diplomas. If your results are 90 and above, then you should pay close attention to the Olympiads: they will allow you to reach 100.

Many high school students consider the USE in mathematics one of the most difficult graduation tests. However, Oleg Shavrin, a teacher of mathematics at the University Lyceum No. 1511 of the Pre-university National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, assures that this is not so: nine of his students passed the Unified State Examination with a hundred points. Correspondent of "Social Navigator" learned how to prepare for the exam in order to get the maximum result. - Oleg Alexandrovich, what is the best way to prepare for the exam in specialized mathematics? Are there any secrets for successfully passing the exam? - Attempts to turn the exam into a nightmare for older children and their parents look rather strange. The USE is a natural test of a graduate's knowledge in a voluntarily chosen field, in which, moreover, he plans to continue further education. Those who call for the abolition of exams can be advised to recruit everyone in their company in a row - without regard to abilities, education and business qualities - and then try to solve the assigned tasks with them. There is nothing mysterious in preparing for the exam: you need to know mathematics well and take into account some features. The complexity lies in the variety of tasks, rather strict time frames. And knowledge, even excellent, is only one of the components of success, attention and concentration, impeccable calculations, and much more are still needed. Most of our "losers" - those who did not score 100 points, were let down not by lack of knowledge, but by inattention and other children's mistakes. On the other hand, the structure of the exam is absolutely transparent, and the graduate knows perfectly well what kind of tasks he will face. Of course, there are secrets - this is the student's desire for knowledge, his diligence, perseverance, constancy in work. In order to score the maximum score, it is absolutely not necessary to be a brilliant mathematician (it is much more difficult to become a prize-winner at least at the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren). But there is no "secret pill" to drink and immediately become smart. How long does it take to start actively preparing for the exam?- It depends on the level of training of the student. For some, a year is enough, and for some, three will not be enough. We at the Lyceum have been actively preparing for the Unified State Examination in the last two months - we summarize, repeat, share some "chips" and life hacks, and conduct psychological preparation. The rest of the time we are engaged in science: mathematical culture, automaticity and accuracy of calculations, geometric intuition, the ability to think logically - these are the foundations of these skills that are laid long before high school and develop in the process of constant learning and independent work. And in the success of my students lies the work of many teachers. As for the start of preparation, if a student thinks: “Well, there is still a lot of time, how will I start in the 11th grade ...”, most likely, he is already late. Mathematics is, first of all, the development and formation of thinking, and thinking is not a bamboo, it does not grow overnight. The higher the goal, the longer the road to it, but the stronger the result achieved. The result on the exam, of course, is important, but it is no less important that a person learns to think and be able to solve the tasks assigned to him. - What type of tasks is considered the most difficult?- Traditionally, this is a task on numbers, parameters, geometry. But if you want to get the maximum, then there is no choice - you need to do everything. - How to behave during the exam? What is the best place to start and how to allocate time and energy?- Everything is very individual here. Usually I advise the guys to try to turn off all emotions for the duration of the exam and in no case be upset if something does not work out. You need to start with simple tasks, and then evaluate the remaining ones and complete them in increasing complexity. Moreover, complexity is a relative concept, it depends both on the task itself and on the preferences of the student. Someone, for example, loves geometry, and someone not so much, this affects the sequence of the solution. You should not sit on the task if it "does not work", it is better to leave it for now and return if there is time left. - Is it possible to pass the exam for 100 points without tutoring, preparing yourself?- Not a single hundred-point student of our lyceum studied with tutors. I think the situation is about the same in other gymnasiums and lyceums with in-depth study of mathematics. The remarkable traditions of the Soviet and now Russian mathematical education have still been preserved, and I would very much like them to develop and strengthen further. As for self-training, it is extremely difficult for a student to go this way alone. A simple solution of even a large number of problems, without attempts to systematize and generalize, is unlikely to be enough for the maximum score. In addition, there are a lot of sections in which it is extremely difficult for a student to understand on their own. It would be ideal if the mentor of any graduate who will guide him through all the labyrinths of preparing for the exam was his school teacher. I hope someday it will. - Do you think that 100 points on the exam is an indicator of brilliant knowledge or luck?- Luck favors the strong. In our case - smart, persistent, hardworking. In the vast majority of cases, 100 points is the result of ability multiplied by persistent hard work. And all the guys who have achieved this result have a legitimate right to be proud of it.

More than 45 percent of the guys passed four GIA-9 exams for grades “four” and “five”; the number of those who received more than 80 points on the exam increased by 1.1 thousand.

Moscow schoolchildren showed good results at the state final certification (GIA). Graduates of the 11th grade successfully coped with the tests,. Ninth-graders have more excellent and good results in Russian and mathematics, as well as elective subjects: physics, chemistry, geography, history, literature, foreign language.

The main examination period lasted this year from May 29 to July 1 (including reserve days). For GIA-9, 624 examination points were organized in schools, for GIA-11 - 290. 151 graduates took exams at home. Those who were on treatment were tested in five hospitals and centers.

More points on the exam

The Unified State Examination (USE) was taken by 84,657 people this year. Most of them - more than 54 thousand - are graduates of the current year. The rest are graduates of previous years, those who received an unsatisfactory result last year, college students, as well as tenth graders (more than 19 thousand).

The most popular elective subject, as in previous years, was social science, which was passed by 58 percent of the participants. English was chosen by 34 percent of schoolchildren, history by 20 percent. And some exams have become more difficult: in tasks in chemistry, biology and physics, the test part was excluded.

This year, more guys got a high result - from 81 to 100 points. Compared to 2016, the number of high ratings increased by 1.1 thousand and reached 39.2 thousand. Moreover, 7.6 thousand graduates earned more than 250 points by passing three subjects. More than 220 points in three subjects were received by 17.3 thousand people. Five Moscow schoolchildren managed to score 300 points in three subjects.

The results in subjects studied within the framework of engineering profiles have also become better.

Better scores on GIA-9

78,876 people took part in GIA-9. In 2017, they took four exams: two compulsory (in Russian and mathematics) and two optional. Unlike last year, the results of all four tests affect the final grades and obtaining a certificate.

Almost eight percent of GIA-9 participants received an A in four subjects. There were 1.1 thousand more than last year. For four and five, more than 45 percent of the guys passed all the exams.

Compared to last year, the number of children who passed exams in physics, chemistry, geography, history, literature, and a foreign language with excellent marks and good marks increased.

The share of ninth-graders who received marks "four" and "five" in elective subjects

Subject of choice



Share of the number of exam participants, percent

Share of the number of participants

exams, interest



Foreign language

For Special Achievements

In 2017, 5,007 graduates received the Moscow medal "For Special Achievement in Education" - 186 more than in the past. It was awarded to the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and graduates who scored 100 points in one subject. Also, the medal was given to those who had all the marks “excellent” in the certificate and who scored at least 220 points in three subjects.

From preparation to results: how the exams went

Preparing for the exams, the guys wrote, tried their hand with the help of the My Achievements service, followed the advice collected by the contest participants. To feel the atmosphere of testing, test their knowledge and help children prepare, about a thousand Moscow parents and 40 thousand teachers took the USE.

The exams were held as transparently as possible: at all examination points where the USE was taken, a video surveillance system was in operation. In 50 of them, it was possible to follow the tests online. In addition, about seven thousand public observers worked at the exams in Moscow. 58 public observers followed the course of the exam in the situational information center.

Graduates could find out their results using the USE Results service and at their school. Thanks to new technological solutions and well-coordinated work of the organizers, this year schoolchildren were given grades earlier than planned.

If the graduate does not agree with the result or believes that the procedure for conducting the exam was violated, an appeal can be filed. Only those who have not passed the Russian language and mathematics at the basic level can retake the exam this year. All the rest will do it only next year.
