Food for kidney disease. Kidney diet: how to relieve stress with food? Fundamentals of human treatment

When certain patients have certain problems with kidney function, specialists try to prescribe such people a strictly special diet, which is referred to as table number 7. As a rule, adhering to this type of diet is very important and even necessary if there is a need to cure patients as quickly as possible kidneys.

The principles of dietary nutrition at table number 7, which is prescribed to patients with diseases associated with the kidneys, is only to limit as sharply as possible the content in food of any extractive substances that can excessively irritate the kidneys.

In addition, with such nutrition (correct), it is important to accelerate the removal from the diseased body of any incompletely oxidized metabolic products, as well as those substances (slags) that pollute the body. This diet, among other things, helps to have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect on the body during the main treatment.

However, you should not, of course, forget that proper dietary nutrition should be varied, fortified, containing a sufficient amount of proteins, safe fats and healthy carbohydrates naturally within reasonable limits.

It is incredibly important in this context to also consume food that has powerful lipotropic properties (and this is primarily milk and almost all fermented milk products). However, with this diet, it would be better to refrain from daily consumption of too fatty sour cream or heavy cream.

This diet allows cooked food to be seasoned with cumin, or dried dill and sometimes cinnamon. In addition, it is allowed to add a small amount of diluted wine vinegar to food.

But, for example, salt intake with this diet per day cannot exceed the standard dietary allowance of five grams. It is necessary to cook food for patients with kidneys practically without adding salt, and add salt only to already cooked dishes.

Unfortunately, if the patient is faced with acute forms of kidney inflammation, they will have to be excluded from their daily diet altogether.

In addition, in the menu of a patient suffering from kidney disease, it is recommended to carefully introduce those products that naturally have a diuretic effect. Among such products, we will name pumpkin, zucchini, or cucumbers, as well as beets, and any leafy salads. In this case, salads made from raw vegetables are wonderful, fresh fruits are wonderful.

It is allowed to use raisins, or dried apricots. Allowed to eat and fresh apricots, as well as watermelon or melon.

Always with problems associated with the kidneys, the nutrition of patients should be strictly fractional and dosed - the entire daily diet should be divided into at least five, and even better, even six doses.

The total amount of liquid consumed daily (this is very important!), not counting various soups, cannot exceed 800 ml or a maximum of 1000 ml per day.

  • Any of the carbonated colored drinks, any alcohol, and its mixtures.
  • Bread of the most ordinary baking, as well as black bread.
  • Absolutely all overly salty, overly spicy and sour foods.
  • Both meat and fish or mushroom rich strong broths.
  • Almost any fatty fish or meat, as well as poultry. Any sausages, any smoked meats, almost any canned food (it does not matter, meat or fish) fall under the ban. Of course, salted fish and hard cheeses are prohibited.
  • Under the ban are legumes, onions, garlic, sour sorrel, any mushrooms, both salted and pickled vegetables.
  • Banned chocolate, excessively strong coffee, and any products containing cocoa.

  • Salt-free bread and dried flour products - while the bread should be protein-free, possibly white bran.
  • Soups are allowed - but mostly strictly vegetarian with any not too sour vegetables, cereals, or pasta. Such soups should be prepared without salt, without frying, and seasoned exclusively with butter. Such soups can be flavored with non-sour herbs, or lightly lemon.
  • Lean meat or poultry is allowed. These products are significantly limited to only the first two weeks of intensive kidney treatment. And in the future, almost any meat (exclusively low-fat varieties), five in boiled form is allowed. During periods of remission, it is allowed to use boiled meat, followed by moderate frying, preferably chopped or a piece.
  • Fish is completely allowed, any low-fat varieties, but only in boiled or pre-baked form.
  • Eggs are allowed - no more than one maximum two eggs per day. Eggs are allowed to be consumed in the form of steam protein omelettes, or soft-boiled.
  • Milk and any dairy products are completely allowed - it is advisable to give preference to milk, sour-milk drinks, natural cottage cheese and in the form of cooked casseroles or puddings. However, all this is somewhat limited.
  • Vegetables and greens are allowed - these are, first of all, potatoes, and carrots, as well as beets, or cauliflower. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, and dill are allowed. All vegetables should be consumed both boiled and completely natural fresh.
  • Fruits and some sweet dishes are completely allowed - it is advisable to use fruits and berries only in boiled form or in kind. The most recommended for kidney diseases are products such as watermelon, or melon. From sweets, you can eat fruit purees, various jellies, or mousses cooked on starch; both sugar and honey, jam, or jams are allowed.
  • It is permissible to use cereals and pasta - although these are somewhat limited.
  • Some snacks are allowed - for example, cheese (but only mild and not overly salty).

Basic principles of diet food table number 7

The total amount of daily protein intake is reduced to 20 to a maximum of 25 grams. Usually they try to reduce the total amount of vegetable proteins consumed. Reduce all kinds of flour products, legumes, some cereals.

Typically, in the early stages of kidney disease, dietary intake is directed towards controlling total daily protein intake as well as phosphorus. Be sure to monitor your daily sodium intake. Particular attention is always paid to the total calorie content of food, as well as maintaining an adequate weight for a particular patient.

Proteins are deservedly considered the most important nutritional component of any diet. These substances are necessary for us to build literally all even the smallest structures of our body.

However, at the same time, always after the processing of proteins in the human body, slags can remain and accumulate. As a rule, it is urea, or creatinine, and others. These slags are dangerous nitrogenous substances, usually they must be excreted in the urine by our kidneys.

Naturally, with inflammation of the kidneys, this process can be disturbed (especially in acute glomerulonephritis). Then not only the filtration function of the kidneys suffers, but the excretory function. As a result, all toxins remain and accumulate in the human body, exerting a negative toxic effect over time.

That is why, for any kidney disease, doctors try to limit the total intake of those same proteins.

Phosphorus. Actually, as already noted, with any kidney disease, there may be some violation of the excretion of excess salts from the body. Often this can lead to the accumulation of dangerous phosphorus in the body.

As a rule, with an excessively high content of phosphorus in the human body, active leaching of calcium directly from our bone tissues will occur. And this, as you understand, in turn, can lead to the development of osteoporosis.

Sodium is a substance that causes fluid retention in our body, which can be directly related to the development of severe edema and even an increase in blood pressure. That is why, when the kidneys are already unable to cope with their functions, doctors recommend sodium restriction.

The kidneys are the natural filter of the human body. With their help, toxins and waste products that enter the blood along with other beneficial substances are removed from this body. If this streamlined process of filtering and excretion suddenly fails, then toxins and toxins remain in the body and literally poison it.

The consequences for people in such a situation can be the most severe. That's when and there is a need for a diet for kidney disease, the importance of which today is no longer disputed by anyone.

To prevent these consequences, the kidneys need help. The disease is, of course, attacked with drugs. It is also necessary to limit the intake of harmful substances into the body, which inevitably get there with some familiar food.

Where do slags come from?

Surprisingly, the main culprits for the accumulation of slag can become vital substances:

  • proteins - without them, normal life is almost impossible to imagine. However, when they enter the body, they bring with them nitrogenous substances - urea, the excess of which pollutes the blood if not removed;
  • sodium - causes water retention in the body, which leads to edema and increases blood pressure. It enters the body with salt, is excreted quickly by healthy kidneys, but problems arise with diseases;
  • phosphorus - in small quantities it is necessary for life, but in excess it leads to leaching of potassium and bone fragility.

As you can see, these toxins can become very aggressive if they are not removed from the body in time. And if this conclusion is difficult, it is necessary to limit the intake of the same proteins in the human body.

Features of the diet for diseased kidneys

In medical institutions for diseases of these organs, nutritional norms are designated as a low-protein diet (table) number 7.

We have already identified its main symptom: it is necessary to facilitate the work of the kidneys, minimizing sludge. The principles of such nutrition are not very difficult to follow:

With one kidney after the corresponding operation, the renal diet is prescribed as sparing and even more protein-free, only with a stricter restriction in fluid intake, especially at first.

At the same time, the duration of compliance with the norms of therapeutic nutrition is significantly lengthened, because the rehabilitation period after one kidney can last up to 5 years. During this time, the load on the remaining kidney must be dosed.

What products are prohibited?

It cannot be said that the restrictions in these cases are excessive and difficult to implement. But some habits will have to be abandoned, at least for the first time until complete recovery:

  • meat broths are harmful, vegetable broths may well replace them;
  • hard foods that are difficult to digest are excluded: fried meat, tendons, cartilage;
  • also forget about fatty meats, for this reason it is better to refuse pork altogether;
  • you can’t eat duck in this state either;
  • fatty varieties of fish (this is mainly river) - also impossible;
  • legumes should not be included in the menu, in addition to difficult digestion, they also contain a large amount of protein;
  • obvious enemies with such a diet are smoked meats, salinity, sausages and cheeses;
  • mushrooms;
  • spices and hot sauces;
  • coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks, concentrated juices;
  • special attention - to the prohibition of mineral water, it contains a lot of sodium salts;
  • it is probably not worth talking about a complete ban on alcohol.

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What is allowed and healthy to eat?

To the delight of those who are sick, list of allowed products(see table above) is quite extensive:

  • soups on vegetable broth, it is allowed to use cereals, vegetables or pasta as a dressing;
  • beef (preferably veal) per day is allowed to be used in 2 dishes, and not more than 100 g; the same applies to chicken meat, turkey or lean rabbit;
  • it is advisable to steam cutlets, and it is better if they are not twisted in a meat grinder, but chopped;
  • fish, well, if sea, low-fat varieties (best - pollock), and from freshwater, pike is preferable to all;
  • boiled chicken eggs, and even more useful - quail;
  • low-fat dairy products, sour-milk give preference. It is better not to give store-bought yogurts, they often contain synthetic additives;
  • cheeses are allowed not fatty, not spicy and not salty;
  • vegetables are recommended to be consumed in a stew;
  • fruits should be present on the menu daily, in season, watermelons and melons are a must;
  • bran bread;
  • tea with milk, fruit decoctions.

Meat dishes, if the disease has reached an exacerbation phase, are recommended to be introduced into the diet about a week after this phase.

It is necessary and useful to use vitamins. For this reason, it is recommended to give a sick person dishes from pumpkin, apples, plums and grapes more often. In addition to just vitamin properties, these products also have acceptable diuretic effect.

And - do not forget about the norm of salt! Not more than 6 g and separately!

Sample menu for the day


  • corn porridge without milk;
  • lean bread;
  • a little butter;
  • tea with milk.


  • rosehip decoction;
  • fat-free biscuits.


  • vegetable soup with egg;
  • potato patties;
  • the coffee is not strong.

Afternoon snack:

  • cottage cheese mass with fresh berries;
  • a glass of fat-free kefir.


  • steamed turkey or boiled squid;
  • vegetable salad;
  • homemade fruit jelly.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of fermented milk products. This will ease the digestive process. But clean water, going to bed, is not recommended to drink.

A feature of the formation of the menu with such diet therapy for a particular day should be principle of proportionality. That is, it is not advisable to include both meat and fish dishes in the daily menu or feed the patient exclusively with cereals as a side dish. At the same time, the fruit components of the diet should be constant.

Diet Recipes

Lenten classic borscht:

Cut the beets into small strips, grate the carrots. Finely chop the onion. Lightly fry in vegetable oil, add tomato paste. Then pour a glass of hot boiled water and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Put potatoes cut to taste into boiling water.

When the water boils again, add finely chopped cabbage there. Before the end of cooking, add stewed vegetables and chopped tomatoes there. Tomatoes in combination with tomato paste will make the beets give off juice and color the borscht in the traditional color for this dish. Steam for a few minutes and serve with low-fat sour cream.

Chopped chicken cutlets:

  • chicken meat - 500 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 40 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • dill greens.

Boil the meat until cooked, finely chop with a knife. Add the rest of the ingredients, except for the oil, mix well. Form cutlets and fry in oil on both sides until cooked, but do not fry until crusty. Can be served with stewed vegetables.

Pilaf with prunes and raisins:

  • long-grain rice - 100 g;
  • prunes - 20 g;
  • raisins 10 g;
  • sugar 10 g;
  • butter - 10 g.

Rinse the rice several times until the water runs clear. Boil until half cooked for about 10 minutes, while the water should not exceed the level of rice by more than 1 cm.

During this time, steam the prunes and raisins. Add them, along with sugar and butter, to boiling water with rice. When the water almost boils away, tightly cover the pilaf with a lid and evaporate over very low heat for several minutes.

It remains to be added that the correct adherence to such a diet will help to cope with the disease early. But it should be remembered that only proper nutrition serious kidney disease cannot be cured here the help of a doctor is obligatory.

A nephrologist will tell you about nutrition in case of kidney failure in a video:

Diet 7 (Pevzner's treatment table) is prescribed for kidney diseases, such as acute and chronic nephritis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, nephropathy and a tendency to edema. Compliance with the diet has a positive effect on the kidneys - inflammation and swelling decrease faster, metabolic processes in the body improve. The diet menu is compiled for a week and repeated weekly. Based on the general rules, changes are possible.

Diet table 7 for kidney disease is based on the following rules:

  • Sharp restriction of table salt.
  • Reduction in the daily diet of protein foods.
  • Moderate consumption of foods high in fat and carbohydrates. It is preferable to use animal fats (about 70%).
  • The daily volume of liquid drunk should be about 1 liter. This will reduce the burden on the kidneys.
  • Meals in small portions, 4-5 times a day.
  • Fish, poultry and meat dishes must first be boiled, then fried and stewed.
  • Increased intake of vitamins helps to improve metabolic processes in the kidneys.
  • The energy value of the daily diet should be approximately 3 thousand kcal.
  • Dieting for a long time. The treatment table is prescribed for the entire period of kidney disease and several weeks after recovery.

List of allowed products

Diet number 7 is quite diverse in terms of allowed foods. The diet may include the following ingredients and dishes:

  • Lean types of poultry, meat and fish. At the beginning of the diet, their use is limited, due to the toxic effect of protein breakdown products on the kidneys.
  • Bread products - there can be any types on the table, but without salt content.
  • Soups from vegetables with the addition of pasta or any cereals. You can fill with greens.
  • It is limited to consume milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, yogurt).
  • Eggs - served on the table hard-boiled or in the form of omelettes, no more than 2 pieces are allowed. in a day.
  • Potatoes and carrots, beets, cucumbers and tomatoes, pumpkin and zucchini, lettuce, cauliflower, greens - dill with parsley.
  • Pasta products - horns, spaghetti, vermicelli - are limited.
  • The diet allows you to consume any fats, except for refractory ones.
  • Weak coffee, black tea, fruit juices, as well as berry or vegetable juices, dried fruit compotes, rosehip broth.
  • Fresh or baked fruits, any berries. The use of watermelons is limited.

Prohibited foods for kidney disease

Many foods adversely affect kidney function. The composition of the dietary table should not include the following ingredients:

  • Soups cooked in meat, fish or mushroom broth, from legumes.
  • Stewed and fried versions of meat, fish dishes, poultry dishes without pre-boiling.
  • Side dishes of beans, beans, peas.
  • Any meat and vegetable preservation.
  • Salted and smoked fish, caviar.
  • Smoked products, sausage, sausages, sausages.
  • Any kind of cheese is completely excluded.
  • Do not serve garlic, radishes, salted, pickled vegetables, onions.
  • Mushrooms are prohibited.
  • Soda, high sodium mineral spring water, strong coffee and cocoa.
  • During the diet, alcohol is prohibited. It has a negative effect not only on the kidneys, but also on the body as a whole.

Diet for every day

The weekly menu for kidney diseases should be compiled taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician. It is not difficult to make a diet yourself, you just need to adhere to the principles. Below is an example menu for a week on a diet of 7.


  • Breakfast: egg omelette, a slice of rye or wheat bread with butter, weak black tea.
  • Lunch: lean broth with barley, potato chops, a glass of milk.
  • Snack: cottage cheese mass with berries, 200 ml of kefir.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken, vegetable salad, juice or apple compote.


  • Breakfast: dairy-free buckwheat porridge, hard-boiled egg, tea.
  • Lunch: rice puree soup with vegetables, potato casserole with chicken, berry jelly.
  • Snack: baked pumpkin with sour cream, decoction of rose hips.
  • Dinner: boiled squids with creamy sauce, carrot salad, apple juice.


  • Breakfast: vermicelli milk soup, egg, yogurt.
  • Lunch: creamy broth with pumpkin, chicken pilaf, weak tea.
  • Snack: carrot and cottage cheese casserole, apple juice.
  • Dinner: carrot and cauliflower puree, beef goulash, bifidok.


  • Breakfast: millet dairy-free porridge, unleavened bread with jam and butter, black tea.
  • Lunch: buckwheat soup with egg, rice and steamed chicken, pomegranate juice.
  • Afternoon: watermelon.
  • Dinner: boiled vegetables with steamed low-fat fish, tea.


  • Breakfast: wheat milk porridge with butter, pancakes without salt, weak coffee.
  • Lunch: thick potato soup with turkey, vegetable stew, weak black tea.
  • Afternoon snack: syrniki with sour cream, jelly.
  • Dinner: chicken pilaf, vinaigrette, cranberry juice.


  • Breakfast: pancakes with jam, one egg, weak coffee.
  • Lunch: vermicelli soup, baked cauliflower with beef, tea.
  • Afternoon snack: apple, kefir.
  • Dinner: trimmed pork and vegetables stew, cucumber and tomato salad, pear juice.


  • Breakfast: dairy-free corn porridge with pumpkin, lean bread with butter, milk.
  • Lunch: vermicelli soup, lightly fried turkey with vegetables, weak tea.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit jelly.
  • Dinner: boiled low-fat fish with baked potatoes, beetroot salad, compote.

It must be remembered that the diet for kidney disease is prescribed strictly individually by the attending physician. Nutrition according to the dietary table is not a "panacea" for kidney diseases, but only contributes to a speedy recovery against the background of the main complex therapy.

The more varied the menu for diet 7, the easier it is for the patient to eat, adhering to the principles of the treatment table. Individuals suffering from chronic kidney disease are advised to follow the diet for life. Compliance with the rules of nutrition will ensure the normal functioning of the urinary system and help to avoid relapses.

The state of the whole organism depends on the functionality of the kidneys. In diseases of this paired organ, metabolic processes are disturbed, pressure rises, swelling occurs, and urination becomes difficult. A diet for kidney disease in conjunction with drug therapy helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent relapses. For patients with nephritis, table number 7 according to Pevsner has been developed. It is prescribed at the stage of recovery after exacerbation and discharge from the hospital.

If the patient conscientiously observes dietary nutrition for kidney disease, recovery occurs faster.

There are a number of strict dietary rules when taking and preparing dishes that are mandatory for all kidney pathologies:

  • fractional meals 5-6 times a day;
  • no more than 3-5 g in salt per day;
  • daily about 3000-3500 calories;
  • the basis of the diet is carbohydrate food;
  • the composition of the daily menu: 400-500 g of carbohydrates, up to 100 g of fat and 30-80 g of protein (the exact amount is determined individually);
  • fasting is prohibited;
  • the densest meals - at lunchtime;
  • the volume of daily fluid is up to 1-1.5 liters.

Protein-free and low-protein diet: what is it

A protein diet for kidney problems is prohibited. Salt should not be completely eliminated - this can lead to kidney failure.

The main task is to reduce the workload of the affected kidney as much as possible. For these purposes, the patient is prescribed a protein-free or low-protein diet. The basic rule is less animal proteins and more carbohydrates.

Protein ingredients in the diet are not more than 0.7 g/kg of body weight. 70% of proteins must come from animal products, otherwise amino acid deficiency is possible.

This restriction should be kept for no more than 2 weeks.

Diet indications:

  • inflammation of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis);
  • kidney failure;
  • kidney disease.

Water and salt regime

An important nuance in the diet for the kidneys is the amount of fluid consumed - no more than one and a half liters per day, for people with one kidney - up to 1 liter.

Nutrition for kidney disease reduces the salt content to a minimum - 3-5 g per day. In severe deficiency, salt is completely removed from the diet for a certain period.

It is forbidden to eat salt-containing food (smoked meats, marinade, canned food, etc.). It is advisable to salt food after cooking or use salt separately from food.

Do's and Don'ts for Kidney Disease: Food Lists

Products for kidney disease must be selected as part of a diet compiled by a urologist or nephrologist after a diagnostic examination. The diet for sick kidneys is saturated with useful elements and amino acids. The diet is observed for 7-14 days or on fasting days.

What is useful for nephritis depends on the type of pathology, the degree of damage, concomitant diseases, etc. But there is a general list that includes allowed foods for the diet. You can eat the following dishes:

  • beef, chicken, turkey meat and rabbit meat;
  • hake, pollock, flounder, cod and other low-fat varieties of fish;
  • vegetable soups with the addition of cereals and broths;
  • chicken and quail eggs (no more than 2 per day);
  • fruits (except citrus) and berries;
  • vegetables: zucchini, potatoes, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • skimmed milk and dairy products in small portions - cottage cheese, low-calorie cheeses, fermented baked milk, milk soups, kefir, natural yogurt without additives;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • bran bread;
  • butter and olive oil;
  • herbal teas, juices, fresh compotes and fruit jelly, rosehip broth, berry fruit drinks;
  • jam, jam, honey, sugar.

The TOP indispensable products for the kidneys include:

  • cranberry juice;
  • plums and apples;
  • bell pepper;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • black Eyed Peas;
  • parsley, spinach, dill, celery;
  • watermelon;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn.

The following foods should be limited in the diet:

  • pork, duck and goose;
  • fried and spicy, smoked meats, fast food, sausages;
  • oily river fish;
  • broths cooked on meat;
  • beans, corn, peas and other beans (hard to digest and contain protein);
  • nuts;
  • dishes from fatty dairy products;
  • seasonings with pepper, mayonnaise, hot sauces;
  • canned and by-products;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • onion, hot pepper, garlic, sorrel;
  • black bread;
  • mushrooms;
  • alcohol;
  • strong coffee;
  • soda and mineral water with sodium.

Restricted foods are not contraindicated for life, but only for the duration of the diet during an exacerbation, when it is necessary to stop the pain syndrome of the kidneys and normalize the proper functioning of the urinary system.

As a preventive measure, it is enough not to abuse the listed ingredients and eat them in small portions.

Features of the diet for kidney problems

The diet for kidney pathologies involves a diet depending on the disease and stage: acute form, recovery or remission. In this regard, the dietary table is prescribed by the doctor individually for each patient. Despite the difference between jade, there are a number of basic principles of table number 7.

Varieties of diet for the kidneys:

  • Table number 7A. The toughest option with a low-protein and salt-free menu. The protein content in the diet is reduced to 20 g, salt - up to 2.5 g, liquid volume - up to 0.5 l. It is prescribed for severe exacerbations of nephritis.
  • No. 7B. The amount of proteins is up to 40 g. They switch to a diet after stopping the symptoms of an exacerbation.
  • No. 7B. Proteins - up to 125 g. This table is used for proteinuria, when the protein is actively excreted in the urine. Protein deficiency is replenished by food rich in proteins.
  • No. 7G. No more than 60 g of proteins, 0.7 l of liquid and up to 2-3 g of salt. The diet is given to people who are undergoing dialysis.

With exacerbation of kidney stones

The diet for the kidneys is compiled after laboratory tests. For example, in the case of urolithiasis, it is important to consider the origin of the stones, otherwise diet therapy will be ineffective:

  • Oxalates. Foods with oxalic acid (sorrel, roasted peanuts, beets, spinach, dark chocolate, lemon peel) and vitamin C (radishes, apples, black currants, citruses) are contraindicated in the diet. Recommend dishes with vitamin B6: oatmeal, buckwheat, avocado, Brussels sprouts, bran.
  • Urates. These calculi are formed in an oxidized environment, so ingredients that give an alkaline reaction are needed for treatment: cereals, honey, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, rye bread. Canned food, sausages are removed from the daily menu, and the consumption of meat and fish dishes is limited.
  • Phosphates. In this case, it is necessary, on the contrary, to oxidize the urine. Fish, poultry and beef cope with this task. Dairy and sour-milk dishes, vegetables, fruits and berries are excluded from the diet.

For pain

In renal diseases, lumbar pain is often noted, radiating to the abdomen or groin area. Drug therapy copes with the symptoms, and the diet contributes to the recovery and normalization of the kidneys. In order to stop the pain as soon as possible, you need to eat according to the rules of diet No. 7 (table No. 7):

  • reduce the daily portion of salt to 4 g;
  • eat 80-100 g of meat per day (can not be fried);
  • increase the intake of diuretic products: cucumbers, watermelon, melon, zucchini;
  • eat as many fruit and vegetable dishes as possible;
  • give up tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, soda, radishes, spices and other ingredients that irritate kidney tissue.

For pain caused by an inflammatory process in the kidneys, it is recommended to increase the volume of fluid to 1.5 liters, eat concentrated vegetable broths, and drink herbal decoctions.

It is forbidden to independently decide what you can eat when the kidneys hurt. Diet and diet is determined after diagnosis and identification of the cause of pain.

For weight loss

Therapeutic nutrition for kidney diseases gives the desired effect in combination with drug therapy and physiotherapy. In addition to restoring kidney function, regulation of the endocrine system and normalization of weight are important.

For any pathologies of the kidneys, it is strictly forbidden to starve, use low-calorie, protein and other rigid diets. Weight loss is carried out as part of the renal diet. Weight is reduced by:

  • salt restrictions;
  • maintaining the water regime;
  • exclusion of fried and fatty;
  • eating fruits, vegetables and greens in large portions.

As you recover, swelling decreases, and body weight decreases.

With an exacerbation, it is forbidden to lose weight, sharply reducing the calorie content of the menu. This will further reduce the functionality of the kidneys.

Fasting days for kidney disease

Nutrition for kidney disease involves fasting days. They relieve the burden on the kidneys, cleanse them, eliminate swelling and normalize overall well-being. Throughout the day, the patient eats one type of product. For kidney pathologies, carbohydrate unloading diets are shown: oatmeal, fruit and berry, vegetable and juice.

For vegetable diets for the kidneys, cucumbers or salads from different ingredients are well suited. For one day you will need from 1.5 kg of vegetables. Salads are not salted, but it is allowed to season them with sour cream or olive oil.

For fruit unloading use apples, pears and watermelons - 300 g 5 times a day.

On juice days, they drink vegetable or fruit juices, diluting them with water and rosehip broth. For the whole day - no more than 1.5 liters of liquid.

Such diets are allowed no more than 1-2 times a week.

Diet and pregnancy

The renal diet during pregnancy is based on the same rules as for other patients, but there are a number of features:

  • In case of acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys, it is possible to increase the amount of drinks and liquid food consumed up to 2 liters per day.
  • It is important to control the work of the digestive tract and avoid constipation - they support inflammation. In case of violation of the stool, beets and prunes are introduced into the diet.
  • It is desirable that the diet for kidney disease in pregnant women contains more vitamins (a decoction of currant leaves, rose hips or cranberries).

Sample menu for the week

  • breakfast: rice soup with milk and a spoonful of honey;
  • lunch: potato soup, chicken meatballs with cabbage and cucumber salad;
  • dinner: spaghetti with steamed cod cutlets, cottage cheese with jam.
  • milk rice porridge;
  • barley soup with vegetable broth, minced chicken zrazy and grated carrot salad with sour cream;
  • turkey meat casserole, a cup of cottage cheese with honey.
  • milk oatmeal, a slice of bran bread;
  • cabbage soup, boiled beef, vegetables and buckwheat;
  • millet-pumpkin porridge.
  • buckwheat with stewed vegetables, fruit salad with yogurt;
  • lean soup with herbs, baked fish fillet with mashed potatoes and poached tomato dressing;
  • apple pancakes, casserole with pasta and cottage cheese.
  • omelet from two eggs, a slice of homemade bread with butter;
  • sweet milk soup with noodles, turkey meat stew and tomato and cucumber salad;
  • vinaigrette, pancakes with cottage cheese and jam.
  • milk semolina;
  • carrot-potato soup, chicken meatballs with rice garnish and stewed cabbage;
  • oatmeal with a spoonful of honey.
  • potato and meat casserole with sour cream dressing;
  • borscht, buckwheat with beef goulash;
  • meatballs with pasta and a salad of grated boiled beets, a small portion of cottage cheese.

For a snack, afternoon snack or second dinner, dried fruits, kefir, natural yogurt, unleavened bread with bran, cottage cheese pudding, bananas, etc. are suitable. Such nutrition is useful for the kidneys, not only during the diet, but also for the prevention of exacerbations.

Dish recipes

When following a diet, it is permissible to cook any food from permitted ingredients.

First courses are of particular importance in the diet, but they cannot be cooked on concentrated meat broths.

Recipe for a delicious soup without meat:

  • boil water, put chopped potatoes, asparagus beans and carrots there;
  • after 15 minutes of cooking, add chopped bell pepper, onion and zucchini;
  • season with dried herbs for taste;
  • bring to readiness over low heat.

Cottage cheese pasta casserole:

  • cook pasta and mix them with grated cottage cheese;
  • melt the butter, beat the eggs separately and pour the ingredients into the pasta mixture;
  • add sugar to taste, knead the “dough” well, put it in a mold greased with vegetable oil, and bake for 30-40 minutes.

Carrot cutlets:

  • grate 2 large carrots on a grater and stew in water with a spoonful of butter;
  • add semolina, 2 whipped squirrels, dried herbs and finely chopped parsley to the resulting mass (semolina is added until the dough reaches the desired consistency for cutlets);
  • leave the resulting mass for 25 minutes until the cereal swells;
  • form cutlets, steam, fry or bake in the oven.

Kidneys are the most important organs of our body that perform vital functions. Maintenance of water-salt metabolism, protection from adverse changes - all this is controlled by these organs. If there is a violation of the kidneys, then this affects the entire body: edema appears, the natural release of fluid, salts, nitrogen metabolism products is disturbed, and blood pressure also rises. Anyone can get sick, it largely depends on the diet, water consumed, hereditary factors, etc.

Diet in kidney disease plays an important role in the treatment process. Depending on the degree of damage, the features of the diet may differ. That is why the specialist selects the menu for sick kidneys in each case. The specialist explains to the patient how much salt, protein and liquid he can consume.

Nutrition for kidney disease includes an increase in the number of foods that have diuretic properties, that is, they have a diuretic effect: zucchini, beets, pumpkin, cucumbers, lettuce, dried fruits, apricots, watermelon, melon.

It is best to cook dishes without adding salt, especially this recommendation applies to the acute period. Lemon juice or wine juice can be an alternative to salt, they will also add flavor to dishes. It is better to eat food fractionally, five to six times a day. The amount of liquid consumed should be controlled, it should not exceed one and a half liters, while taking into account the liquid that is in the products used.

What foods should be avoided?

The following foods should not be eaten with severe kidney problems:

  • meat and fish sauces, broths;
  • fatty meats;
  • hot spices and seasonings;
  • smoked meats, marinades, pickles;
  • seafood;
  • sausages;
  • legumes;
  • greenery;
  • chocolate, cocoa, coffee.

Permitted products include the following:

  • bakery products. White and gray bread is allowed, as well as with bran. Salt-free cookies are allowed;
  • teas, fruit drinks, juices, infusions;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetable and vegetarian soups;
  • cereals, vegetables, baked apples.

Sample menu for one person:

  • First breakfast. Vinaigrette without salt, seasoned with sour cream, cottage cheese and sweet tea.
  • Lunch. Buckwheat porridge with scrambled eggs, as well as fruit juice.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup, boiled meat with jacket potatoes and compote.
  • Dinner. Cutlets with raisins based on rice and jelly.
  • An hour before bedtime, you can eat salt-free cookies and drink fortified juice.

Important Dietary Principles

The diet for kidney disease includes adherence to the most important principles, namely:

  • restriction of protein foods;
  • caloric content of food;
  • salt restriction;
  • unloading days;
  • nutrition for kidney stones.

An important task of nutrition is to optimize metabolism. Nutrition is as important a part of the healing process as medication. The food taken should enhance the positive effect of the use of drugs.

Table number 7 is assigned to patients in the following cases:

  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • chronic renal failure.

Your doctor will help you decide what to eat and what not to eat.

A low-protein diet for kidney disease is prescribed due to the fact that in the process of protein metabolism, nitrogenous substances are released, which the kidneys can hardly remove, and they begin to accumulate in the body. But it is important to remember about the "reverse side of the coin": protein is a building material for the cells of our body, so we are talking about the limitation, and not the complete exclusion of this element. You can eat lean meats and poultry, they should be stewed, boiled, but in no case should they be fried.

An important point is that a protein-free diet for kidney disease can be prescribed for a period of no more than one to two weeks, otherwise the patient's condition can be greatly aggravated. If the functional activity of the kidneys is not very strongly disturbed, then in general protein restrictions are not even introduced, it is enough to arrange fasting days only once or twice a week.

Separately, I would like to mention the calorie content of food for kidney diseases. The calorie content should be high enough, and the bulk of the food consumed should be carbohydrates and fats. If the diet for kidney disease is low in calories, then the body will consume not only its own fats, but also proteins.

What are the restrictions on table salt? When kidney disorders are manifested in the form of arterial hypertension and significant edema, salt restriction is an indication. The daily amount of salt is half a teaspoon. It is also worth considering the fact that already finished products may contain a large amount of salt, it can even be ordinary bread, pastries.

As for fasting days, they should be planned in such a way as to consume one product per day. Unloading options are:

  • berry-fruity. This recipe involves the use of one and a half kilograms of berries or fruits per day, while their intake should be divided into five times;
  • vegetable. Vegetables can be consumed raw, stewed or boiled. Cucumber day will bring great benefits to the kidneys;
  • juice;
  • oatmeal;
  • watermelon.

The diet differs depending on the type of stone

Features of nutrition in urolithiasis

Dietary nutrition directly depends on the type of calculus, namely:

  • at oxalate stones it is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods rich in oxalic acid, these are lettuce, spinach. Also prohibited foods include coffee and chocolate. In addition, it is important to limit the consumption of foods that contain high concentrations of vitamin C, these are rose hips, black currants, citrus fruits, etc. It is necessary to eat foods that help oxalic acid break down, such as black bread, buckwheat, oatmeal. In the presence of oxalates, it is useful to use cauliflower, pumpkin, prunes;
  • amorphous urates develop in an acidic environment. That is why it is important to choose foods that will not further acidify urine, but on the contrary, will contribute to its alkalization: potatoes, honey, bread, dried fruits, cereals. Products that oxidize the environment (they should absolutely not be consumed in the presence of urates) include canned food, sausages, smoked meats, offal, meat, fish;
  • in the presence of amorphous phosphates the picture is radically different, they appear exclusively in an alkaline environment. In this situation, everything that is impossible with urates, on the contrary, is shown. As for restrictions, in this case, dairy and lactic acid products, as well as berry and fruit juices and compotes, should be abandoned.

The diet should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. You need to take care of your health. An important point is that in case of urolithiasis, the diet must be observed for at least one month, otherwise there is a high probability of the occurrence of other types of stones.

Features of baby number 7

I would like to clarify in relation to the restriction of protein, it mainly concerns proteins of plant origin. This is due to the fact that it is plant proteins that are inferior in their biological value when compared with animal proteins. And as for overloading the body with harmful metabolic products, vegetable proteins do more harm to our body in this regard.

A lot has already been said about protein, salt and calories, now I would like to note the role of phosphorus in the process of treating kidney pathologies. As a result of a violation of the release of salts, their accumulation occurs, and in particular this applies to phosphorus. This, according to the domino principle, affects other systems, in particular, the musculoskeletal system. An excess of phosphorus leads to calcium leaching from the bones, which threatens the development of osteoporosis. That is why foods with phosphorus should be strictly limited: peanuts, cocoa, dairy products, legumes.

I also want to mention in relation to sodium. As you know, this element contributes to fluid retention in the body, which is directly related to the appearance of increased pressure and swelling. The main source of sodium is table salt, as well as all kinds of pickles.

The amount of protein per day should not exceed twenty-five grams

What is the diet for kidney pain?

It should be understood that when the kidneys are very sore, especially when renal colic occurs, nutrition itself will not relieve the problem, but it can alleviate the pain syndrome. Renal colic is not a disease, but only a symptom of some kind of pathology, pain occurs at the site of the projection of the kidney - the lumbar region of a cutting nature.

Nutrition should not be monotonous, it can include various foods, while you need to eat often and in small portions. Under no circumstances should you overeat. This is fraught with excess weight, which will further exacerbate the problem.

Taboo products for pain in the kidneys are: alcohol, pickles, canned food, smoked meats, pickled, pickled, fatty foods, broths, etc. Many have heard about the effect of therapeutic fasting, I immediately want to note that if there is a suspicion of the presence of renal pathology, this method of treatment is categorically contraindicated. With regards to the daily amount of fluid consumed, it should be plentiful and at least three liters per day. It can be mineral water without gas, you can add a small amount of lemon juice to the water. Rosehip decoctions, fruit drinks, weakly brewed green tea - all this will be of great benefit in case of kidney problems.

So, nutrition is an important part of the treatment process for various diseases from the side of the kidneys. You can buy expensive drugs, but if you do not eat right, then the whole struggle may be unsuccessful. Before adjusting the diet, it is important to undergo an examination to make a basic diagnosis. A qualified specialist should determine the diet, prohibited and permitted foods. Self-medication can lead to a worsening of the situation and the occurrence of complications!
