DIY wooden fridge magnets. We make fridge magnets (and not only) from improvised, waste and natural materials

Business does not have to be based on the production of any large-scale products or global services. Sometimes even small and relatively cheap products can bring a very good profit. A striking example of a profitable business built on the manufacture of not the most dimensional products is the production of souvenir magnets.

Is there a demand?

Coming to visit, you probably paid attention to the collections of similar products that proudly took their place on refrigerators.

Almost every person has at least a couple of magnets at home, because they allow you to remind yourself and inform guests about where you managed to visit, and also simply help to decorate the interior of the kitchen. Demotivator magnets are also very common, especially for those who are losing weight.

As you can see, the idea of ​​producing refrigerator magnets is very interesting, especially if it is implemented correctly. After all, there is definitely a demand for the product!

Refrigerator magnet production equipment

Consider what equipment for making fridge magnets you will need. It should be said right away that there are several varieties of such souvenir products, and almost each of them has its own characteristics. Therefore, we will consider them in order.

Making vinyl magnets

One of the most popular types is a vinyl magnet. It is named after the material on which the desired image is applied.

Magnetic vinyl is very flexible and elastic, because it combines properties of 2 materials at once A: rubber and magnet with permanent poles. It is filled with polymers, as well as magnetic powder, which ensures good fastening on a metal surface.

There are several species vinyl magnets:

The most convenient way to produce vinyl magnets includes the following stages of work:

  • we print the desired image on photo paper;
  • we purchase a vinyl magnet with an adhesive base;
  • laminating the resulting image;
  • Glue the laminated drawing onto a magnet.

As you can see, the procedure is quite simple. The equipment you will need will be:

  • separate room;
  • computer with Photoshop;
  • the most professional inkjet printer and color ink for it;
  • a cutter for shaping a vinyl magnet;
  • if you want to produce really good magnets that will vary in shape, it's best to get a plotter as well.

Custom photo fridge magnet

You can make a magnet with a photo in the same way as vinyl magnets. The only difference is that paper is used instead of vinyl.

Most often, people order a photo magnet, which depicts either themselves or their second halves, because such a product will become very original gift. Therefore, in order for your photo magnet business to develop to the fullest, in addition to the equipment that we have marked as the main one for the production of vinyl magnets, you also need to add a SLR camera.

Wooden fridge magnets

Wooden fridge magnets are great candidates for the title of exclusive decorative products, as they look very aesthetically pleasing.

They are much more expensive, they are used not only as souvenirs, but also as a gift. An original made magnet of this type will be an excellent present.

But, in order to produce such a product, you will need special equipment, which is not so easy to find. You definitely need engraving machines that will apply the required image or pattern to the wood.

If you want to print photo magnets on a wooden base, and not apply a picture, in fact, on a tree, then you will need a special press machine that can securely fix the image on a wooden base.

Therefore, this type of business will be very costly at the initial stage. It will require not only machines, but also:

  • a computer,
  • tree forms,
  • magnetic tape.

In addition, you will need somewhere to remove the remnants of wood, which will inevitably appear after each cycle. Therefore, this business should be developed not at home, but at special enterprises.

Acrylic Fridge Magnets

Acrylic magnets have recently become more and more popular due to their brightness and aesthetics. In addition, their cost is low, so they are easier to sell.

Making acrylic magnets does not take much time and effort. The main thing is that you manage to find a supplier of acrylic molds, because it is this part that will become the body of the future souvenir. They are usually sold with magnetic tape already applied on the back.

So, for acrylic magnets, no special equipment is required, except for a printer, computer and photographic paper.

Production process similar souvenirs is as follows:

  • print on photo paper an image corresponding to the size of the acrylic form;
  • open the form
  • insert the image inside, carefully stretching it so that the picture does not wrinkle;
  • close the top of the form so that the picture does not move.

Nothing complicated!

Implementation Methods

In order for the business (refrigerator magnets) to be truly profitable, you must be able to sell your products. In the case of souvenir magnets, this is quite simple. To do this, you can use several methods:

  • open own point or even just a place in the market in resort towns so that tourists can purchase your product. As practice shows, this method of implementation is very good;
  • seasonal trading just as good, because souvenirs are great for buying for all kinds of holidays;
  • a good option would be implementation through retail chains, but it is difficult to break into such an industry;
  • own online store magnetic products will be a great way to sell similar souvenirs.

Magnets on order

But if you want to organize the production of magnets to order, then we are ready to offer the following development option:

The most difficult thing in this business is precisely attracting a customer, so all the forces must be thrown precisely at this. Good promotional tools are social media groups, small signs at magnet retailers.

Concerning costs, then for any of the models of doing a souvenir business with magnets, except for the manufacture of wooden products, you will need about 2 thousand dollars. This should be enough for equipment and advertising.

Depending on the success of the trade, profit can be from 400 to 1000 dollars per month. As a rule, over time, the number of orders, and with it the profit, increases.

Case will pay off in 2-6 months, after which you will receive a good profit, especially if you manage to expand your network in resort towns. Over time, the number of customers will only grow, which also plays into your hands.

You don't have to buy expensive accessories to decorate your home. Some little things will help to revive the interior, and making them is very easy. For example, the appearance of your kitchen will change dramatically thanks to... magnets on the refrigerator door.

Do DIY fridge magnet You can quickly enough, and for this you do not need any special materials.

Simple and bright do-it-yourself fridge magnet

What you need:

  • round magnets,
  • glass or plastic circles of the same size,
  • glue,
  • interesting pictures (you can cut them out of magazines or draw them yourself).

Making such interesting magnets will be easier than ever. You just need to glue the selected picture to the magnet, wait until the glue dries, and stick a glass circle on the picture.

Once the glue is completely dry, your magnet is ready.

Do-it-yourself living plant-fridge magnet

What you need:

  • magnets,
  • wine bottle corks,
  • glue gun,
  • Earth,
  • small plants,
  • screwdriver.

First you will need to make a small hole in the top of the cork with a screwdriver. Next, we expand this hole with a knife (very carefully, trying not to hook the walls of the cork).

We attach the cork to the magnet with a glue gun.

After that, you need to carefully pour the earth into the resulting recesses and plant the plants. Thus, magnets with living plants will appear on your refrigerator. Don't forget to water them regularly. As soon as the plants noticeably increase in size and no longer fit in traffic jams, transplant them into pots. And it will be necessary to fill the traffic jams with other soil and plant new plants.

Do-it-yourself "fabric" fridge magnet

What you need:

  • magnets,
  • needle,
  • fabric pieces,
  • threads in color.

Take a piece of fabric and cut a circle out of it, the diameter of which will be 3 times larger than the diameter of your magnet. Now you need to sew a "cover" for the magnet. Fold over the edge of the fabric piece and sew it. In the resulting "case" you need to put a magnet and gently pull the fabric with a thread.

Tie a knot at the end of the thread and cut off the excess.

This magnet will look great on your refrigerator. The fabric "cover" will protect your refrigerator from scratches. And if you want, you can change it without much difficulty.

Do-it-yourself fridge magnet

What you need:

  • magnetic tape,
  • acrylic paints,
  • wooden clothespins,
  • thin brush,
  • glitter (optional)

Making these magnets is pretty easy. You need to decorate the clothespins with paints and a brush (you can make the same design on all the clothespins or paint them with different colors). If you want magnets to be bright and eye-catching, then use glitter. Glue a magnetic tape to the back of each clothespin.

Your clothespin magnets are ready. They will help to accurately record photos or notes.

DIY polymer clay fridge magnet

What you need:

  • magnets,
  • polymer clay,
  • rolling pin (can be replaced with a glass jar),
  • Bakeware,
  • stamps,
  • sandpaper,
  • ink pad,
  • glue gun.

First you need to roll out the polymer clay with a rolling pin. You should get a layer of clay about 0.5 cm thick. Use stamps and apply various patterns to this layer in a chaotic manner (so that they do not overlap each other). If you have an ink pad, then you can give the patterns the chosen color.

After that, using baking molds, cut out various blanks for future magnets from the clay layer.

Read the instructions on the polymer clay packaging. Depending on what is indicated there, leave the blanks to dry or bake them in the oven.

When the blanks are ready, carefully process them with sandpaper and glue magnets to the side on which there is no pattern. Let the glue dry and you can use ready-made polymer clay magnets.

DIY wooden fridge magnet

What you need:

  • small magnets,
  • tree branches,
  • sandpaper,
  • wood saw,
  • Super glue,
  • drill and drill for wood.

You will need to cut the branch into pieces about 2.5 centimeters thick, then process all sides of the workpiece with sandpaper. Using a drill, make a small hole for the magnet in the center of each blank. It must fit completely. Apply glue to the magnet and insert it into the hole. After 6 hours, when the glue is completely dry, you can hang magnets on the refrigerator.

glass fridge magnets


An old legend tells of a shepherd named Magnus. He once discovered that the iron tip of his stick and nails were attracted to the black stone. This stone began to be called the “stone of Magnus” or simply “magnet”, after the name of the area where iron ore was mined (the hills of Magnesia in Asia Minor). Thus, for many centuries before our era, it was known that certain rocks have the property of attracting pieces of iron.

Magnet A body that has its own magnetic field.

By itself, the magnet does not attract much attention to itself. But once in the hands of craftsmen - needlewomen, ordinary magnets turn into souvenirs - fridge magnets: bouquets of flowers, funny animals, butterflies, and much more. From round and square magnets with multi-colored plastic hats-cases, children are happy to make various mosaics. Magnets are used in the construction of some dynamic toys. By gluing magnets to letters and numbers, you can get an excellent magnetic alphabet and counting material.

Master Class

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In most homes, you can see magnets on the front door of the refrigerator. Although some manage to attach such decoration to any technique. Fridge magnets are a beautiful decoration item. After their mass appearance, some began to collect these items. In shops and kiosks you can find a huge selection of such jewelry, but if you try, you can make them yourself.

To create them, you do not need special skills, the main thing is to have everything you need at hand. You also need to know what exactly will decorate the refrigerator or other appliances. Fridge magnets come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so which one should you choose?

Types of jewelry on a magnet

Nowadays, magnet manufacturers offer a wide variety of magnets in different sizes and shapes. Among the huge selection there is a wide variety, here are just a few of the representatives. They can be found in any home.

  1. Flat vinyl magnets. They are the cheapest and most popular. This type of product is very easy to create.
  2. The combination of a magnet and a diary. A handy little thing for hostesses, can be used as "reminders". They are suitable not only for the home, but also for the office. It is convenient to write down the list of tasks for the day on them.
  3. Magnetic calendar.
  4. Frame. In this case, a family or other photo will flaunt on the refrigerator.
  5. Volumetric magnets. They are popular on the eve of the New Year, when everywhere you can see the symbol of the coming year in the form of a figurine.
  6. Photo magnets for your refrigerator are also popular. If desired, they can simply be made by hand.

DIY vinyl magnets

We live in an age of innovation that has come a long way. Gone are the days when making magnets was expensive. New equipment allows you to quickly make any shape in a short time and at no extra cost.

Today, for these purposes, a material is used, which is obtained by applying a thin layer of magnetic substance to a vinyl base. It retains its properties for a long time, so these fridge magnets will delight your eyes for more than one year. The advantage of using vinyl to make magnets is that it is affordable. You can buy such material not only in sheets, but also in rolls. After that, you can start creating.

The production of original vinyl magnets does not require the purchase of expensive equipment, so this business is now becoming popular.. All you need to start production is:

  • a computer;
  • jet printer;
  • cutter;
  • parquet laminate.

Creating magnets does not take much time, it only requires performing actions in a certain order. Over time, production can be put on stream.

Stages of creating jewelry on a magnet

Making small vinyl magnets consists of the following processes:

No. p / p Stages of creation.
First of all, you need to select an image and use a graphic editor to get its mirror copy. If photomagnets are made, then the photo is edited using a photo editor.
Print it on a plastic base, which is pre-applied with hot melt adhesive.
Plastic with a pattern must be separated from the substrate.
Laminate the resulting material.
Carefully peel off the protective layer on the side where the adhesive is to be applied.
At the next stage, the manufacture comes down to connecting with a vinyl base.
Finally, you can cut out the finished magnet with a suitable tool.

Production takes little time, so in a short period, you can get a fairly large amount of such products.

How to calculate income and expenses?

Any business requires preliminary calculations of production costs so that you can assess how quickly such an activity will begin to make a profit. The table below will show you how it will look.

These simple calculations once again prove that making extraordinary fridge magnets is a very real way to make money, and in a fairly short time. Production does not require large premises and expensive equipment.

Making simple magnets with your own hands

If you have some free time and a desire to create something with your own hands, then you can prepare everything you need and make a stylish gift for yourself or a friend, for example, a magnet. In order to make photo magnets or simple vinyl ones, you need the magnet itself. If you don’t want to spend money, then for these purposes you can use the one that lies idle at your home, or you can buy it in needlework stores.

Online stores also offer a large selection of products. The most popular are magnetic tapes, it is better to buy them in a large roll and you can open home production. In a short time of creating fridge magnets, you can get an original decoration. Instead of a magnetic tape, you can buy magnetic photo paper, and print any picture on a printer, the output is ready-made photo magnets made by yourself.

At the last stage of creation, they can be decorated. Can be used for these purposes:

  • decorative glass;
  • for those who know how to crochet or sew well, making soft magnets is not difficult;
  • for lovers of creativity with natural material on the surface of the magnet, you can make a real picture of seeds or flowers;
  • fridge magnets can represent postcards, decoupage discs and others;
  • making bright magnets with your own hands from salt dough.

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It can be summed up that the production of such jewelry can be organized at home, if there is a desire and a creative spark. If you try a little, you will get not only photo magnets, but also beautiful little decorations for household appliances or just a souvenir for a friend. Fridge magnets can become not only your favorite decor items, but also the beginning for organizing your business. This, at first glance, a simple thing, will become a special highlight in the interior of the kitchen.

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