Do-it-yourself home automation schemes. Automation schemes

Do-it-yourself motion sensor connection diagram

It happens that you need to install lighting in the country, or in the house, which will be triggered when moving or a person or someone else.

The motion sensor, which was ordered by me from Aliexpress, works well with this function. The link to which will be below. By connecting light through the motion sensor, when a person passes through his field of vision, the light turns on, burns for 1 minute. and turns off again.

In this article I tell you how to connect such a sensor if it does not have 3 contacts, but 4 like this one.

Do-it-yourself power supply from an energy-saving light bulb

When to get 12 volts for LED strip, or for some other purpose, there is an option to make such a power supply with your own hands.

DIY fan speed controller

This regulator allows smooth adjustment variable resistor fan speed.

The floor fan speed controller circuit came out the simplest. To fit into the case from an old Nokia phone charger. There also climbed the terminals from a conventional electrical outlet.

The installation is quite tight, but this was due to the size of the case.

DIY lighting for plants

DIY lighting for plants

There is a problem with lack of lighting. plants, flowers or seedlings, and there is a need for artificial light for them, and this is the light we can provide DIY LEDs.

DIY brightness control

DIY brightness control

It all started with the fact that after I installed halogen lamps at home for lighting. When turned on, they often burned out. Sometimes even 1 bulb a day. Therefore, I decided to make a smooth turn-on of lighting based on a dimmer with my own hands, and I am attaching a dimmer circuit.

Do-it-yourself refrigerator thermostat

Do-it-yourself refrigerator thermostat

It all started with the fact that after returning from work and opening the refrigerator found it warm. Turning the thermostat knob did not help - the cold did not appear. Therefore, I decided not to buy a new unit, which is also rare, but to make an electronic thermostat on the ATtiny85 myself. With the original thermostat, the difference is that the temperature sensor is on the shelf, and not hidden in the wall. In addition, 2 LEDs appeared - they signal that the unit is on or the temperature is above the upper threshold.

DIY soil moisture sensor

DIY soil moisture sensor

This device can be used for automatic watering in greenhouses, flower greenhouses, flower beds and indoor plants. Below is a diagram by which you can make the simplest sensor (detector) of soil moisture (or dryness) with your own hands. When the soil dries out, voltage is applied, with a current of up to 90mA, which is quite enough, turn on the relay.

It is also suitable for automatically turning on drip irrigation to avoid excess moisture.

Fluorescent lamp power circuit

Power supply circuit for a fluorescent lamp.

Often, when energy-saving lamps fail, the power circuit burns out in it, and not the lamp itself. As is known, LDS with burnt filaments, it is necessary to feed the rectified current of the network using a starterless starting device. In this case, the filaments of the lamp are shunted with a jumper and to which a high voltage is applied to turn on the lamp. There is an instantaneous cold ignition of the lamp, a sharp increase in voltage on it, when starting without preheating the electrodes. In this article, we will look at do-it-yourself LDS lamp start.

USB keyboard for tablet

USB keyboard for tablet

Somehow, suddenly, he took something and decided to buy a new keyboard for his PC. The desire for novelty is unstoppable. Changed the background color from white to black, and the color of the letters from red - black to white. A week later, the desire for novelty naturally went away like water in the sand (an old friend is better than two new ones) and the new thing was sent to the closet for storage - until better times. And now they came for her, did not even imagine that it would happen so quickly. And therefore the name would be even better suited not which is, but how to connect usb keyboard to tablet

Do-it-yourself clock on IN-14 lamps

Do-it-yourself clock on IN-14 lamps

I have long wanted to post an article on the manufacture do-it-yourself clocks on IN-14 lamps, or as they say, a steampunk watch.

I will try step by step and dwelling on the key points to state only the most important. The clock indication is clearly visible both day and night, and they themselves look very nice, especially in a good wooden case. In general, let's get started.

Good day! Today's article will focus on home automation.

Thanks to the introduction of automation, we can control various devices and devices from a mobile phone or other device anywhere in the world. The heart of such a system is the controller. It can be Arduino, Raspberry pi, BeagleBone Black, Spark Core, DigiSpark or ExtraCore.

For manual control of such a system, infrared remote control technology can be used. With it, you can control any device (AC / DC) using a simple TV remote control.

Step 1: Required Parts

  • Arduino Nano

  • 5V relay;

  • LEDs;

  • Transistor BC548;

  • Plug/socket;
  • 5V power supply;
  • Frame;
  • Screw terminals;
  • socket;

  • IR radio receiver;

  • Foil textolite;

  • DipTrace is a system for automated end-to-end design of electrical circuits and PCB layout.

Step 2: We make the board using the LUT method

We split the fee. We print the diagram on photo paper using a laser printer. We clean the surface of the workpiece (foil textolite) from grease and dust. We transfer the circuit from photographic paper to the board, and then poison it with ferric chloride. After that, we drill holes with a mini-drill (the diameter of the holes should correspond to the conclusions of the radio components). The manufacturing process is described in more detail in the article.

Step 3: Attaching the Components

The first thing to start with is to get acquainted with the pinout of the transistor outputs, the connection to the relay, the outputs of the LEDs, the power supply and the IR radio receiver, etc. Next, arrange all the details and very carefully solder them to the board.

On the printed circuit board, the line to which the emitter of the transistor is connected is always connected to ground.

The Arduino nano outputs 5V, so the positive LED pin is connected to the Arduino pin.

The negative terminal of the LED is connected to the base of the transistor (the LED is used as an on/off status indicator).

Pins 7,8,9 are used to supply on/off output signals to the relays.

Pin 11 is used to receive a signal from the IR receiver.

Lastly, connect the 5V power supply.

Step 4: Read Control Values

Download the IR library and install it in the Arduino IDE. Open the Arduino IDE and click on File-Example-IRremote-IRrecvDemo.

  • 29. Preventing malware from entering a computer connected to a network helps ...
  • 30. Checking the composition and performance of a computer system is the purpose of __________________ software.
  • 33. Arrange the prototypes of modern computing devices that appeared in the mechanical period in the correct sequence.
  • 34. Harvard computing system architecture is different from Princeton
  • 35. One of the physical I / O channels of a computer - a connector - is called a hardware (th) ...
  • 36. The multi-user nature of the operating system is achieved thanks to ...
  • 39. The process of creating expert systems does not include the stage ...
  • 40. Modeling is...
  • 41. Both the compiler and the interpreter ...
  • 42. Array elements in computer memory are ordered by ...
  • 43. In object-oriented programming, the concept of an object corresponds to a scheme ...
  • 45. Independent communication between several pairs of computers on a network is not provided ...
  • 46. ​​Networks with different data transfer protocols are combined using ...
  • 47. Provides access to web documents and navigation between these documents via hyperlinks service ...
  • 48. The security of circulating data through open communication channels provides ...
  • 49. The amount of information in the word "Informatics", provided that the 32-character alphabet is used for encoding, is equal to _______ bits (s).
  • 57. The definition of modeling goals is carried out at the stage ...
  • 58. Types of modeling
  • 59. The translation of a source program in a programming language into an equivalent program in a machine instruction language is called
  • 60. The network, where each computer can play the role of both a server and a workstation, has a ________________ architecture.
  • 61. When creating a digital signature, set(s) ...
  • 62. The amount of information that a message contains, which reduces the uncertainty of knowledge by 2 times, is called ...
  • 63. A modem transmitting messages at 28,800 bps will take ______ seconds(s) to transmit 100 pages of text in 30 lines of 60 characters each in ascii encoding.
  • 65. Specify the sequence of logical operations in descending order of their priorities.
  • 66. An electronic circuit that stores 1 bit of information is ...
  • 67. The application program is
  • 79. Electronic circuits for controlling external devices are ...
  • 80. An intermediate buffer with fast access, containing a copy of the information that is stored in memory with less fast access, but most likely to be requested from there, is called ...
  • 81. The composition of the integrated programming system includes ...
  • 82. If the cluster size on the hard disk is 512 bytes, and the file size is 864 bytes, then _______ cluster(s) will be allocated for it on the disk (that is, not available for other files).
  • 84. The statement is true that ...
  • 85. The protocols that operate at the application layer of the osi model are
  • 86. To encode 20 different states, ________ bits are enough.
  • 87. Of the numbers 105987, 193, 7345, 2850, the record of a number in the octal number system includes ...
  • 88. Personal computers belong to the _________ generation of computers.
  • 90. Executable files have name extensions ...
  • 91. The block diagram of a cycle with a postcondition looks like ...
  • 92. A network topology where several computers are networked by a switch is called ...
  • 93. In ascii encoding, the word megabyte will take _______ bytes(s). Solution:
  • 94. The last digit of the number 7896543126710 in the binary system is ...
  • 79. Electronic circuits for controlling external devices are ...

      transistors are elementary semiconductor devices, which today are the main elements for building logic chips, memory, processor and other computer devices.

      System buses- these are sets of conductors for transmitting data, addresses and control signals between computer devices.

      ControllersCORRECT ANSWER

    80. An intermediate buffer with fast access, containing a copy of the information that is stored in memory with less fast access, but most likely to be requested from there, is called ...

      External memory is a non-volatile memory designed for long-term storage of programs and data. External storage devices include hard drives, floppy disks, optical CDs, magnetic tape drives, and flash drives. It is significantly slower than the internal RAM and super RAM cache memory.

      cache memoryCORRECT ANSWER

    81. The composition of the integrated programming system includes ...

      text editor -CORRECT ANSWER


      link editor -CORRECT ANSWER

      graphics editor


    The process of creating programs includes the following steps: composing the source code of the program in the programming language; stage of translation required to create the object code of the program; Creation of a bootable module ready for execution. In the most general case, to create a program in the chosen programming language, you need to have the following components: 1. Text editor

    2. Compiler. The source text is translated into an intermediate object code using a compiler program.

    3. Link editor, which performs the linking of object modules and machine code of standard functions, finding them in libraries, and forms a workable application at the output - executable code.

    82. If the cluster size on the hard disk is 512 bytes, and the file size is 864 bytes, then _______ cluster(s) will be allocated for it on the disk (that is, not available for other files).


    Each hard drive consists of a stack of platters. Each side of each plate has concentric rings called tracks. Each track is broken up into chunks called sectors, with all tracks on a disc having the same number of sectors. A sector is the smallest physical unit of data storage on an external drive.. The sector size is always a power of 2, and is almost always 512 bytes. Groups of sectors are conventionally grouped into clusters. A cluster is the smallest unit of data addressing. When a file is written to disk, the file system allocates an appropriate number of clusters to store the file's data. For example, if each cluster is 512 bytes and the size of the saved file is 800 bytes, then two clusters will be allocated to store it.

    Let's say your file is located in 10 clusters of 1024 KB in size, and in the last - the tenth cluster, it occupies only ten bytes. What happens to the remaining almost free kilobyte? Nothing. It just disappears for the user.

    83. Using a digital camera, an image was obtained with a resolution of 3456x2592 pixels and a color depth of 3 bytes/pixel. For viewing, a monitor with a resolution of 1280x1024 and a color reproduction of 16 bits is used. The information volume of the image when displayed on this monitor will decrease by _____ times (to round the resulting value).


    To calculate, it is necessary to take into account the resolution and color depth of the image and the monitor, while we find the ratio: Here, the color depth is reduced to a single value - bits, which is used for the calculation. So, the image will have dots, and for one dot, , then the image size is similar to the monitor, but here, when displaying dots on the screen, 16 bits are allocated per dot.

    Since you have decided to become a self-taught electrician, then for sure after a short period of time you will want to make some useful electrical appliance for your home, car or cottage with your own hands. At the same time, homemade products can be useful not only in everyday life, but also made for sale, for example,. In fact, the process of assembling simple devices at home is not difficult. You just need to be able to read diagrams and use a tool for radio amateurs.

    As for the first point, before you start making electronic homemade products with your own hands, you need to learn how to read wiring diagrams. In this case, ours will be a good helper.

    Of the tools for beginner electricians, you will need a soldering iron, a set of screwdrivers, pliers and a multimeter. To assemble some popular electrical appliances, you may even need a welding machine, but this is a rare case. By the way, in this section of the site we even talked about the same welding machine.

    Special attention should be paid to improvised materials, from which every novice electrician will be able to make elementary electronic homemade products with his own hands. Most often, in the manufacture of simple and useful electrical appliances, old domestic parts are used: transformers, amplifiers, wires, etc. In most cases, it is enough for beginner radio amateurs and electricians to look for all the necessary tools in a garage or a barn in the country.

    When everything is ready - the tools are assembled, spare parts are found and minimal knowledge is obtained, you can proceed to the assembly of amateur electronic homemade products at home. This is where our little guide will help you. Each instruction provided includes not only a detailed description of each of the stages of creating electrical appliances, but is also accompanied by photo examples, diagrams, as well as video tutorials that clearly show the entire manufacturing process. If you do not understand some point, you can clarify it under the entry in the comments. Our experts will try to advise you in a timely manner!
