Victoria berry - useful properties and contraindications. Victoria (strawberry) as a common noun for a garden berry

Strawberries and wild strawberries are among the very first in the garden to ripen. Aromatic, sweet, delicious. Favorite of children and adults. And what a variety of tastes, shapes and sizes: large and small, round and oblong, sweet and sour. Among the varieties, particular popularity among gardeners, as well as quite long history cultivation in Russia has a grade Victoria. Detailed information about the features of planting and care you will find in our article.

Variety Victoria: strawberry or strawberry?

It is generally accepted that strawberries are grown in the fields and in the garden, and strawberries are wild berries from the forest. But is it really so? In fact, quite a few strawberries in the beds are, in fact, garden strawberries, including the Victoria variety. What is the difference?

Strawberries have small pointed berries with rich aromatic pulp. Bushes are divided into male (flowers contain only stamens - they do not bear fruit) and female (with pistil flowers). For the ovary of berries, female plants must be pollinated with pollen from male bushes, which is why strawberries have low yields and not all gardeners breed them.

Fruit garden strawberries larger, taste juicy, tender, with a slight sourness. Strawberry flowers contain pistils and stamens, do not require additional pollination, therefore, they always produce a crop. In one place, the bushes actively bear fruit for an average of 3–5 years, and then it is recommended to renew plantings.

Left - strawberries, right - strawberries

Where did this berry come from?

The first garden strawberry was bred at the beginning of the 18th century in France by crossing the virgin strawberry (Fragaria virginiana) and the Chilean strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis). Variety Victoria, named after the English Queen Victoria, was brought to Russia at the end of the 18th century. Over time, the berry has become widespread.

This is interesting. The word "strawberry" in Russian comes from the word "earth", as the berries are quite close to the soil. In Russia, the first strawberries appeared back in the 17th century, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, who was very fond of gardening and set up a garden in the village of Izmailovo with plants unusual for Russia at that time.

Variety Description

The berries are large, bright red in color, with a dense texture

Variety Victoria is characterized by increased resistance to cold, diseases and pest invasion. These are lush bushes with wide glossy leaves of rich green color and a strong root system. The fruits are bright red, large, conical in shape. The berries are firm in texture, sweet and fragrant.

Victoria belongs to the mid-season varieties. Is different high yield and bears fruit once a year - this is not a remontant variety. Berries are stored for a very short time and require careful attention.

Advantages and disadvantages (table)

Due to their positive qualities Victoria is very popular with gardeners and gardeners throughout Russia, and the fruits are widely used in cooking.

This is interesting. Garden strawberries are popular for use in traditional medicine. It is recommended to eat it in its pure form for vascular sclerosis, hypertension, stomach ulcers, kidney disease and kidney stones, joint pain, as well as stress and insomnia. Juice from berries is useful for gallstone disease. Strawberry masks are ideal for skin whitening and acne treatment, while fruit compresses are used to treat eczema, rashes and minor wounds.

How to plant Victoria?

Location selection

It is worth planting strawberries in a sunny, calm place with sufficient snow accumulation in winter period. The fact is that strawberry roots are located in the surface layers of the soil and at temperatures below -8 ° C without snow, they will simply die. And for bare root hairs, through which the plant receives everything nutrients, any temperature below 0°C poses a great threat.

The place for strawberries should be sunny, it is desirable that there is some kind of shelter nearby - protection from the wind

The close location of the Victoria strawberry root system to the surface of the earth also determines the increased requirements for the quality and composition of the soil. The most favorable for planting are flat, dry areas with sandy loamy soil. Unsuitable for planting damp and wetlands or areas with a level ground water less than a meter from the surface of the earth, as well as soils with a high content of salts or sand. It is also not recommended to land in high beds: there is poor air ventilation and little snow accumulates in winter.

Soil preparation and planting

It is not recommended to plant strawberries in a freshly dug bed. When settling, the soil will pull the roots and sockets deeper, which is undesirable. A bed for planting must be prepared in advance - ideally, six months in advance, introducing nutrients into the soil, humus is best. Dosage - 6 kg per 1 sq. m of soil. If desired, ammonium nitrate, potassium salt and superphosphate can be added to the humus - 20 g each.

A week before planting, the earth must be dug up on a shovel bayonet and fertilizer should be added to a depth of no more than 10 cm, since the roots of the plant are located close to the soil surface. Experienced gardeners recommend adding ready-made nutrient mixtures for strawberries and strawberries, which are widely available in specialized stores. This will simplify the work in the garden and help to avoid dosage errors. It is better to plant in cloudy weather and further shade the plants until they gain strength. Experts recommend planting in May, when the bushes are just gaining strength and getting ready to bloom, or in August - more suitable for young seedlings.

Landing pattern

Since the variety is distinguished by lush and strong bushes, it is best to plant them in rows at a distance from each other - about 30 cm between bushes and 60 cm between rows.

Planting scheme for strawberries

Features of care


Victoria is easy to care for. Watering should be every 2-5 days, and in dry weather - every day. Especially regular and thorough watering is required during the flowering period. Without sufficient moisture during this period, the berries will grow small.

Do not neglect the standard care - regular weeding and removal of weeds. It is necessary to ensure that the earth in the root zone is not eroded by water. Loosening the soil in the garden will not allow a crust to form, and the roots to become bare.

When growing Victoria, experts recommend mulching. For these purposes, sawdust, straw, moss or film are suitable. The first mulching should be done immediately after the end of flowering: this will preserve the ripening crop. The second mulching is recommended in autumn - with peat or straw - to cover the root system for the winter. When mulching with straw, it is worth making sure that it does not rot or rot, otherwise pests will start in it. This option is suitable for those gardeners who have the opportunity to monitor the condition of the beds.

Mulching protects the soil and roots of the plant, and also prevents the emergence of weeds.

One of the ways to care for Victoria is to regularly transplant and update the bushes. On average, strawberries should be transplanted to a new place every 3 years. Large strong bushes are selected. You can change the landing site in spring or late summer. After transplanting, plants should be shaded from the sun and watered regularly until they are established.

Top dressing (table)

Time Kinds Preparations
Early spring - when the earth dries out and the first leaves appear Nitrogen and complex fertilizer trace elements, as well as natural top dressing:
  • Ash: for 12 liters of water add 1 tbsp. l. carbamide, 120 g of ash, 2 tsp. boric acid and 4 g of potassium permanganate - pour over the bed solution. Or sprinkle fertilizer between rows.
  • Bird droppings: 2 liters of chicken manure are added to 20 liters of water. The solution must be mixed and added to the soil.
  • Manure.
  • Ammonium sulfate (40-50 g / m 2).
  • Ammophoska universal (15–30 g / m 2).
  • Ammonium nitrate (25–30 g diluted in 10 liters of water, consumption rate - 15–20 g / m 2).
  • Nitrophoska (50-70 g / m 2).
flowering period Recommended natural supplements:
  • Mullein solution: mix 1 tbsp. l. ammonium sulphate, 500 ml of manure, 12 liters of water, insist in a warm place for 4-5 days and add to the soil.
  • Green fertilizer: chop weeds and weeds, add water and let it brew in heat for at least 7 days. Pour strawberries with the resulting fertilizer.
  • Biohumus.
For fruit formation - Ovary, Bud according to the instructions.
After harvest Natural top dressing with ash or biohumus, as well as complex fertilizers.
  • Nitrophoska.
  • Potassium sulfate (20 g / m 2).
  • Potassium nitrate according to the instructions.
Autumn - approximately mid-September Natural top dressing with mullein or biohumus, as well as complex fertilizers.
  • Nitroammophoska.
  • potassium sulfate.

Before each top dressing, it is necessary to loosen the bed and water the plants well. After fertilizing, it is advisable to loosen the soil again so that the fertilizers are evenly distributed.


Like any garden strawberry, the Victoria variety propagates in 2 ways: by seeds and shoots.

Method one: seeds

This is not the easiest method. Seeds can be bought ready-made or prepared independently. To do this, you need to choose large mature berries from a young and healthy bush, cut upper layer pulp and dry. You can separate the seeds from the remnants of the berry by rubbing the dry mixture in your palms. Keep planting material recommended in a glass container, and stratify 2-3 months before planting.

It is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings in early February. The sprouts are quite delicate and require careful care: slightly moist soil without drying out, constant temperature in the range of 20–25 ° C, a sufficient amount of light. As the seedlings grow, they swoop down and plant them in the garden in the spring.

Strawberry seeds harvested by myself

The second way: antennae

most convenient and easy way breeding - antennae with rosettes, which grow from the main bush by mid-summer. The first 2-3 rosettes on the side of the plant are best suited. Antennae should be taken from young bushes no older than 3 years.

Process: prepare the bed and soil in advance. The socket is ready for transplanting when the first 4-6 sheets have formed on it. On a cloudy day, the sprout is cut off from the main bush, while keeping the earth on the roots, and planted in a separate hole in a permanent place.

The strongest sockets are those closest to the main bush

Diseases and pests

Victoria is more resistant to diseases and pests than other garden strawberry varieties, but every gardener should be aware of the most common problems in order to take timely action to save the berry plantation.

Table: pest and disease control methods

Disease/Pest Signs of defeat Ways to fight
Small brown or red spots no larger than 2 mm are formed on the leaves, their middle subsequently turns white, and after some time holes form in place of the spots. The disease can affect petioles, peduncles and antennae. In early spring, diseased dry leaves are burned, and the soil is treated with Bordeaux liquid at the rate of 400 g per 10 liters of water until new shoots appear.
Jaundice (mosaic disease) The leaves are starting to turn yellow. At the initial stage yellow dilutes the green color like a mosaic, then the leaf turns completely yellow. There is a shortening of cuttings and peduncles, as well as deformation of the leaf plate. This is a viral disease and there is no cure. The only solution is to completely remove diseased bushes.
leaf greening The bushes become small and the leaves wrinkled. With this disease, the flowers of the plant acquire a greenish tint. Not amenable to treatment. The only way is to completely remove and burn diseased bushes.
Gray rot On rotten berries there is a gray fluffy coating, which turns into dust when touched. Fungal disease. Regular collection of spoiled fruits and removal of diseased leaves, as well as proper and timely care of strawberries, are the main measures to combat this disease.
strawberry nematode The bushes of the plant are dwarfed, the petioles of the leaves acquire a red tint, and the leaves themselves darken and become leathery. In early spring, remove all bushes with signs of a pest and give the bed a break from strawberries for 3-4 years. To prevent infection of new seedlings and healthy bushes, it is necessary to treat them with water at a temperature of 47 ° C and immediately cool them in water at 15 ° C. Plants should be at rest.
strawberry mite The leaves begin to wrinkle, turn yellow and die off, and the strawberry bushes become not so big and lush. In the spring, treat young shoots with Metaphos, Karbofos or Phosphamide, following the instructions for use. Re-treatment with the same preparations is carried out after harvest.
Strawberry leaves are eaten. In the spring, when new leaves appear, treat the plants with Ambush, Aktellik, Gardona. The procedure can be repeated during flowering and after harvest.

Photo gallery: how to recognize the main diseases and pests of strawberries

This is how the leaves look when affected by the nematode Jaundice - viral disease that is not treatable

Harvest and storage

Garden strawberries Victoria, like all fruits, must be harvested as they ripen. A ripe berry should be elastic, with a uniform color, without a green tip. It is advisable to collect strawberries regularly, on average every other day, but in extreme heat - every day. It is better to shoot dry fruits. If it rains, then after picking the berries should be dried.

It is best to collect strawberries with a stalk, leaving a small tail. So the berry is less injured, remains dry and will be stored longer. For ease of collection, you can use scissors. Contaminated fruits are best cleaned with a soft brush so as not to damage the surface.

If you plan to pick berries with subsequent storage, then it is recommended to immediately sort the fruits according to size and suitability and collect them in the container in which they will then lie. Most suitable for storage are cardboard or wooden boxes. Plastic and iron containers do not allow air to pass through, which means that the berries will quickly become unusable. It is recommended to lay strawberries in 2-3 layers, no more.

Harvest preferably in a container that allows air to pass through

Victoria is stored for a very short time, so you need to be extremely careful with the harvest: do not wash in advance, prevent spoiled fruits from getting in, store in flat boxes that allow air to pass through.

Many gardeners do not know the difference between berry crops and mistakenly call strawberries Victoria, because outwardly they are very similar. The victoria berry is the first garden strawberry to be grown in Russia. Strawberries are a type of Muscat strawberry that used to grow in forests. It is also difficult to distinguish strawberries from strawberries and victoria. But let's see why strawberries are called Victoria and how it differs from this berry.

Fundamental difference

Strawberry - perennial herbaceous plant genus Strawberry family Rosaceae. Berry culture grows in the wild, grown by gardeners. There are more than 50 species of this plant, but the most common among them are: forest, green, garden and nutmeg.

Strawberries are one of the types of strawberries, namely nutmeg strawberries, it has a specific aroma. It has been established since ancient times colloquial name berries, so many mistakenly call it Victoria.

Garden strawberries are a hybrid of the Chilean and Virginian species. It does not grow in the wild. The plant came to Russia in the eighteenth century from America. It was Victoria - the first large-fruited garden strawberry.

Therefore, these crops are plants of the same family and genus. But strawberries differ from Victoria in that they belong to different species.

Strawberry Victoria

This horticultural crop is a type of pineapple strawberry. The plant has large bushes, wide leaves, large flower stalks of white or yellowish hue, as well as tender fruits weighing from 20 to 40 grams with juicy white pulp. Large fruits creep along the ground, so the soil must be mulched. Victoria berry is a monoecious plant. On her bushes there are flowers of male and female individuals. Thanks to cross-pollination, a lot of ovary is formed, the yield is high.

Growing garden blueberries in the Moscow region: planting and care

Fragrant strawberry

Muscat strawberries have bushes higher than those of strawberries, the leaves are lighter. Peduncles are located above the leaves, flowers of different shades from white, pink to light lilac. The fruits are smaller but very fragrant. They proudly rise above the bush. This plant was called strawberry because of spherical shape berries, similar to small balls.

But the main difference between strawberries lies in the structure of the flower. This berry crop is a dioecious plant. One part of the bushes has male flowers, the other - female. However, only female rosettes give fruits. But for normal pollination, the beds should have 25% of male flowers that do not bear fruit. Pollination occurs from bush to bush. The yield of the plant is low.

But gardeners grow it, as the berry has an unusual aroma and is used to make jams and jams. Out of inexperience, many nature lovers call Victoria strawberries, as the plants look very similar in appearance.

The similarity of berry crops

All these berries are equally tasty and healthy. They include vitamins, trace elements and saccharides. The amount of vitamin C in them is the same as in a lemon, and 10 times more than in grapes. Berries are useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Their use strengthens the immune system of adults and children.

These fruits are useful for people who monitor their weight, as the berries are 90 percent water and are a low-calorie product. Their use speeds up the metabolism. Besides, fruits are used in cosmetology for face and body masks. Thanks to antioxidants, human skin becomes smooth. These cultures have similar bushes and their propagation methods - rosettes.

Planting and caring for garden strawberries

Such different berry plants

Although berry plants have much in common, there are also differences between them. And everyone should make his own choice in favor of one or the other. But maybe you don’t have to choose, but simply diversify their use.

You can’t find a gardener who hasn’t heard about the variety of large-fruited garden strawberries Victoria, and many will tell you with confidence that they grow this variety in their beds. Let me doubt.

Strawberry or strawberry?

Both of these cultures belong to the genus Fragaria (lat. fragrant, fragrant, fragrant). Modern cultivars large-fruited garden strawberries came from an accidental crossbreeding of wild Chilean and virgin strawberries at the beginningXVIIIcentury. The hybrid turned out to be very successful and spread throughout Europe through Holland, but only a century later it was possible to bring it to characteristics close to modern ones.

In Russia, at first, they did not show interest in the novelty, perhaps due to the fact that, as reported in the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary, this berry “will be born in us in extraordinary abundance: forest - in sowing. And central Russia, aFr. collina (steppe strawberry) - in the east. and southern Russia, where it is especially fragrant and so plentiful that the milk of mares grazing on untouched steppe meadows sometimes has a strawberry flavor. At that time, on our estates, we grew nutmeg strawberries, which, due to the rounded shape of the berries (like a tuber), were also called strawberries. Only at the end of the 19th century did a new berry appear in Russia, and it quickly replaced less fruitful strawberries. The strawberry itself disappeared from the ridges, and its name "clung" to the new culture and still holds.

So, let's remember: strawberries have not been grown in our gardens since the 19th century, unless it is brought from the forest edge by a lover of delicate strawberry taste and aroma.

Wild strawberries (left) and strawberries

The photo clearly shows the difference in the shape and color of the berries, and it is also difficult to tear the strawberry berry from the receptacle, unlike strawberries.

But what about Victoria?

Such a variety was indeed bred in France in the 19th century and became very popular, but by the time Russia discovered a new garden strawberry for itself, it was already degenerating. Resourceful strawberry traders used this brand to designate all varieties of garden strawberries supplied to Russia, and Victoria became the designation of the species, not the variety. In the Russian outback, you can still hear: "strawberries - in the field, and in the garden - Victoria."

So does Victoria exist with us as a variety of garden strawberries? We dare to say that it is not, although on the Internet you can find both a description of the variety and offers for the sale of seedlings or seeds.

Variety phantom - photo gallery

Appetizing! One of the many photographs of an unknown variety Variety Victoria - on sale! Mirror reflection first photo

Here are a few common statements about the variety and try to refute them.

“The Victoria variety appeared in our country more than 200 years ago (or, alternatively, since the end of the 18th century).” Of course not - the first variety of real selection appeared in Europe only in 1819, the Victoria variety even later.

"The cultivar is named after Queen Victoria." Also debatable. Although the origin of the variety dates back to the reign of Queen Victoria (1837–1901), it is doubtful that the French named the variety as such, given the complex relationship between neighboring powers.

Portrait of Queen Victoria, 1855

Most likely, the name of the variety was given by the word victoire (fr.) - victory, triumph.

And most importantly: even if we assume that Victoria began to be successfully cultivated in Russia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, then for more than a century of history the variety would have completely degenerated, garden strawberry varieties do not live so much.

To get a good result from growing berries, you need to know some features cultivated plant. To get a rich harvest of berries, you need to know how to care for Victoria.

noble birth

The berry, named after the Queen of England, requires a respectful attitude. Victoria is respected for beneficial features and pleasant taste.

Fragrant berry is a strawberry variety. Victoria strawberries are a familiar garden joy. For its popularity, it requires some features in personal care.

Growing a light dessert under your window is not difficult if you create “royal” conditions for strawberries. The process involves planting, watering, and possibly transplanting the crop.

Looking for the perfect place

IN winter time snow cover is a natural salvation from frost. The site, well protected from through winds, is ideal for growing strong berries.

According to the composition, sandy loamy soil is selected, or an artificial mixture is made containing a large percentage of humus. A poorly lit area will result in Victoria not giving you a good harvest. open sunny places ideal for this variety.

Victoria Landing

By the middle of the summer season, tendrils grow in strawberries, with the help of which it reproduces. Shoots "hatch" from the nodes located on the mustache. So gardeners get rosettes from leaves and roots.

Ideally, the first 2-3 rosettes from the main plant are suitable for propagation. On a plot with a flat surface, preferably with a slope to the west, Victoria seedlings are planted.

Two-year-old bushes are the most suitable applicants for the selection of future "offspring". In the presence of 4-6 leaves, the socket is cut off from the mustache. This must be done without shaking off the lumps with the ground. A socket is planted in a pre-prepared recess as an independent plant in a permanent place.

The pre-prepared soil "meets" the planted Victoria in spring or autumn. The gardener should take into account that strawberries planted in April-May grow and develop more slowly than those that were successfully transplanted in August-September. Some gardeners are not limited to seasonal processing and know that one should not neglect such a rule as caring for Victoria in the fall. Victoria is no exception.


Gardeners know how to care for Victoria for good harvest. Every four years they transplant strawberries. Changing the place of Victoria is one of the main rules for growing a rich harvest of this berry.

Strong, healthy bushes are suitable for transplanting. Existing holes are spilled with water. With a gentle movement, the spine is lowered into the recess and straightened there by hand.

Berry transplantation is best done on a cloudy day. Strawberries love moist soil and will take root more easily in such weather. When finished, do not forget to shade her from the sun while she gains strength.

Without touching the leaves, carefully sprinkle the bush, and lightly slap the surface of the earth for better rooting. While the plant takes root, regular watering should be maintained. A sharp decline in yield or small berry- a sign of insufficient watering during flowering.

lead time - mandatory requirement. TO autumn planting the soil is prepared in June. For spring seedlings the site is being prepared in the fall.

Feed and drink

Multiple expert disputes about the root causes of crop death for strawberry lovers are expressed in recommendations on how to properly care for Victoria. It all starts with landing. Humus is introduced into the dug up earth. Proportionality is calculated as follows: fertilizers in the composition of 6 kg of humus go per square meter.

An additional composition is considered 20 gr. ammonium nitrate, 25 gr. potassium salt, 20 gr. superphosphate. In specialized stores, ready-made mixtures are sold, so you don’t have to worry about the quantitative ratio. There you can also purchase literature that tells how to care for Victoria.

Landing is carried out in prepared rows. The height of the combs is 10-15 cm. 60 cm apart.

Bush distance 30 cm. This principle provides ease of care.

Regular attention

Regular watering, mulching do not exclude work on loosening the soil, removing weeds. Timely weeding has a positive effect on the result.

Careful care of Victoria is caused by the need for moisture. Despite the exactingness of constant moisture, stagnant and swampy places negatively affect the plant. Proper watering work can provide a rich harvest.

The end of flowering - as a signal to the owner of the site about the need to mulch the beds with straw, moss or wood shavings.

All of the above items must be dry. This rule will save your berry from an unpleasant disease that provokes putrefaction. Re-mulching is carried out in the fall. Peat or grain waste can be used. The thickness of the sprinkled material should be 5-8 cm.

After harvesting, pay attention to the ground around each bush. It should be loosened. If roots break out on the surface, spud the plant. Loosening the soil prevents the appearance of a crust from watering.

Timely removed rotten berries, diseased leaves are also a way to maintain a healthy strawberry plantation. An additional warning against diseases will be the presence of straw or film under the bushes with Victoria. Without contact with the ground, the berry avoids pathogenic bacteria, remaining whole and healthy.

Remontant varieties of Victoria will help you get multiple crops in one season: Geneva, Queen Elizabeth II, Moscow delicacy.

Depending on the desired ripening period, the variety is selected according to the group of early, middle, late ripeness.

Preferring early berries, choose Kimberley, Crown, Olvia. Sweet and large berries, bright red.

The beginning of July is considered to be an average harvest from the varieties Zenga-zengana, Rusich, Vima-Zanta. Berries with a sweet and sour taste. Late varieties include varieties whose harvest is in mid-July, for example Vikoda, Charlotte.

Negative experience is also a clue what you did wrong and how to care for Victoria next season.

Under this proud name, everyone's favorite garden strawberry is hidden. It grows on almost every garden plot and every year in the spring, the first among the berries gives the most fragrant vitamins. Sweet fragrant Victoria berry - not only tasty, but also healthy treat children and adults.

Strawberries and strawberries come from the same genus. For the consumer, there is no fundamental difference in small differences, but their specialists belong to different types.

Their differences are expressed in certain signs:

  • Strawberry bushes are different from strawberries large sizes with a light green abundance of foliage and flower stalks towering above them, while in Victoria they lie on the ground under the weight of berries.
  • garden strawberry loves sunny areas, and its wild relative grows well in the shade.
  • Victoria (garden strawberries) refers to monoecious plants - this is when male and female flowers are located on the same bush. As a result of cross-pollination, large berries appear. While strawberries are dioecious, this is when there are separate female, separate male bushes. To obtain a crop, it is necessary to plant them in the garden in a ratio of 1: 4.
  • Berries differ significantly fruit size and color: in strawberries they are small up to 5 g with a reddish-purple tint from the sun and pale pink in shading, Victoria has large fruits with red or pink color.
  • Victoria is different high yield, due to the fruiting of all bushes. Unlike strawberries, in which only female rosettes bear fruit.

These factors are the main reason that strawberries can only be found in the wild in the field, or in the country house of an admirer of this type of berry.

Victoria different varieties used for industrial cultivation.

Why are they often confused

Some gardeners call strawberries large-fruited garden strawberries. This is due to their external similarity. Both belong to the Rose family, the fragrant, fragrant genus Strawberries.

Strawberries are musky or nutmeg strawberries, garden strawberries are pineapple. Both species have the same method of reproduction - these are long, mustache-like shoots. They require the same care.

The history of the emergence of the variety and its difference from garden strawberries

Victoria - a variety of large-fruited strawberries

The Russians of the 18th century used strawberries and wild strawberries for food. A wild species that grew in clearings, forest edges, between bushes in forests. By royal order, they began to grow it in gardens.

Europeans at that time were already working on the selection of new large-fruited varieties strawberries. In France, by pollination of Chilean and Virginian strawberries, new variety, named Victoria after the Queen of Britain.

At the end of the 18th century, she came to Russian gardens, becoming the first representative of large-fruited garden strawberries. Since then, a huge number of different varieties of strawberries have been bred. Among them there are remontants that bear fruit up to 5 times per season. But in many regions, garden berries continue to be called Victoria.

Victoria is the first variety of large-fruited strawberries brought to Russia.

Characteristics, description and differences in composition

Strawberry, a plant with high frost resistance, has fragrant with good palatability berries. But it is inferior to Victoria in the size of the berries, the pallor of the color, and the yield. Chemical composition these berries according to the description does not differ.

Both species contain mono- and disaccharides, fiber, protein fractions, acids, pectins, vitamins A, B. H, C, E, minerals, trace elements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine and water, which is 90% of the total mass.

Due to its composition, the berry is indicated for people with metabolic disorders, diseases of the intestines, thyroid gland, heart, blood vessels, and blood. Berries bring invaluable benefits in the fight against viruses, chronic inflammation of the skin, sugar levels, and gallstone disease.

Effectively used for masks and lotions in body care.

To charge the body with energy for a year, you need to eat up to 1.5 kg per day during the berry season.

Differences in care

Proper care of strawberries and strawberries is practically no different, with the exception of landing site selection.

Strawberries can grow in the shade, Victoria prefers sunny areas. At the same time, both types are pleasing abundant flowering. Only the harvest of strawberries at harvest is small compared to the harvest of victoria.

Growing conditions

Planting can be done 2 times per year- in spring and in the second half of summer. In order for Victoria to grow well and rejoice in the harvest, it needs to create certain conditions.

For a strawberry bed, a flat one protected from the winds is suitable. sunny plot with sandy soil. planning spring planting the ground must be prepared in the fall. For summer planting, the soil is prepared 1.5-2 months earlier.

Preparation includes:

  • Digging
  • Weed removal
  • Fertilization ( wood ash, compost or humus)
  • The formation of the beds. It should be high when close to the groundwater surface, low in their absence. Bushes sit in an even row with an interval 25-35 cm, distance between rows 50 cm

Seedlings are planted in prepared moistened holes, watered abundantly, after 15-20 days top dressing is carried out.

For protection against weeds, pests, drying out close the ground around the plants. It can be agrofibre, mulch film, mowed grass, straw.

The next step is the care of planted plants, it consists of:

  • Timely watering. Do it better once every 7 days settled water by sprinkling before flowering when flowers appear under the bushes.
  • weeding
  • loosening
  • There should be four fertilizers: 1st in the spring, 2nd during flowering, 3rd when the fruit is poured, 4th after harvesting.

In late autumn, to protect against freezing, it is necessary to cover the bed with a layer of mulch up to 8-10 cm.

To protect against sulfur or black rot, spotting, powdery mildew before flowering, it is necessary to treat Victoria with a solution of potassium permanganate, copper chloride or a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

The following pests can harm the crop: strawberry mite, spider mite, weevil. You can fight it only after harvesting, having treated it with karbofos.

During fruit ripening, infusions of dandelions or tomato leaves are used for prophylactic purposes; when flowering, wormwood and tobacco are used. Slugs are harvested by hand. Ants succumb only to special insecticides. When a nematode appears, only a radical method will help - this is the removal of diseased plants, the treatment of the site with bleach.

Of no small importance when growing Victoria is the observance of the rule of transplanting to a new place every 3-4 years.

Garden strawberries are not a whimsical crop, but you will have to spend time and energy to get a good harvest. The plant will thank for this work with berries that will please the owner not only in the summer during the season, but also in winter with jams, preserves, jelly, and freezing.
