Braziers made of bricks by hand drawings. How to fold a brazier or stove complex in a suburban area

Metal structures are too shaky, and they burn out quickly enough - their service life is low. A building made of brick is more fire resistant. Plus, this material cools down slowly. It is enough to warm it up well only once, and the heat is enough for several batches of meat at once. You can also use a brick brazier made with your own hands as a grill or barbecue.

Choosing a place for the barbecue

If there is a place for comfortable gatherings in the backyard or cottage (an arbor or at least a couple of benches dug into the ground), it makes sense to build a brazier nearby, at the same time covering them with a single canopy. You should not just place the hearth near green spaces - such a neighborhood will not have the best effect on their growth. Naturally, you should not build a brazier near latrines and garbage collection sites. It is also necessary to take into account the convenience of the approach so that guests do not have to wade through sheds and bushes.

Since such a structure is a fire hazard, it should not be near the buildings. It is also necessary to take into account the prevailing direction of the winds so that the smoke leaves in the opposite direction from the buildings. Neighbors in the area should not suffer from sparks and smoke scattered from the hearth.

The brazier is located in an open area away from the buildings near the gazebo or under a common canopy with it.

Foundation for a stationary barbecue

It is not worth building a brazier directly on the ground - a brick is able to draw moisture out of it, and it will not be easy to melt the hearth. Even a well-packed site will not be enough. A heavy brick structure will lead sooner or later when the soil moves. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of a slab (this option is better) or at least a strip foundation. As a base for the barbecue, you can also use a small concrete slab laid on a pillow of sand and gravel.

The foundation is made a little wider (by 10-15 cm) of the borders of the barbecue:

First, we prepare a pit, on the bottom of which we fill up with a layer of 10 cm compacted sand and 5-10 cm layer rubble; so that the sand is better compacted, it is spilled with water; for a small structure, a pit 30 cm deep is enough; for a heavy volumetric barbecue - up to 60 cm;

Formwork can be built from old boards of a suitable size or plywood;

As fittings use scrap metal or several thick bars with a chain-link mesh screwed to them;

Foundation formwork

For cooking solution you will need cement, sand and gravel, which are kneaded in a ratio of 1: 3: 3, 1 part of water is added; cement is used grades M300 and higher;

For a homogeneous mixture dry ingredients are mixed first and only then add water;

The solution when pouring carefully tamp down or bayonet with a shovel so that there are no voids in it;

The finished foundation is covered with a film or burlap and left for a couple of weeks to strengthen it; on hot days, it must be moistened periodically so that the concrete dries evenly and does not crack.

Advice! It is better to moisten the formwork with water before assembly so that the tree does not draw moisture from the solution.

Finished Foundation

Mortar for masonry

Any mixtures based on cement for laying the hearth should not be used - they will immediately crack under the influence of high temperatures. We will use a clay-sand mortar. In principle, you can buy ready-made mixtures for laying bricks.
It will take some time to prepare the clay solution, so it is better to knead it before the foundation dries. Such a mixture is stored for a long time, so there is no danger that it will lose its properties.

The clay is mixed with water, trampled underfoot and soaked for 2-3 days. Next, excess water is drained, the mixture is crushed, and any dry lumps are removed. While it is infused, experiment with making the solution by kneading a small amount of it:

We take the sand sifted, with grains of medium fractions;

Clay will need medium fat content: plastic enough so that it does not crumble when moistened, but not too oily, otherwise its volume will decrease when it dries, and the seams will crack; clay color - dark red or burgundy;

When moistened, it should not crack and crumble; if the clay is not plastic enough, it is added to the solution in a larger amount.

For 100 bricks, you will need about 2.5-3 buckets of mortar. His proportions determined experimentally. For oily clay, on average, they are 1:2 (clay, sand), for clay of normal fat content, 1:1. We should get a fairly thick mixture that does not drip off the trowel.

Solution preparation

Scoop up some solution with your hand and roll it into a ball, and then flatten it slightly or throw it on the floor. From impact, the lump should not crack much. If this happens, add clay. Let it dry for 2-3 days. If the ball is cracked, the solution is too greasy, and sand should be added.

Mixing solution

Mangal masonry. ordering

To protect the foundation from moisture, we coat it with tar and cover it with two layers of roofing material. Medium masonry height brazier - 10-12 bricks. The width is 6 bricks, and the depth is 3. If it is planned to lay out a shelf for storing firewood, then their number increases accordingly. The building itself is laid out of ordinary red brick, and the place near the hearth is made of fireclay- It doesn't burn out that fast.

Barbecue device

1. The figure below shows the ordering (layout order) of the simplest brazier. If you want a hearth of a different shape or size, look for a scheme for laying it out on the net - there are plenty of them. A structure with a chimney will be less flammable - its order is shown in the figure at the end of the article. The chimney can also be made of metal. In the meantime, we will be engaged in the construction of the simplest barbecue.

Ordering the simplest 12-row barbecue

2. So that the clay does not crumble quickly, you should not make too thick seams. Their standard thickness 10-15 mm. According to the rules, the less clay in the masonry, the better and more plastic the solution should be. Coat them with bricks and lay them on top of each other. If after 5 minutes you lift the top one, and the bottom one does not come off, the mixture turned out to be of high quality, and you can start working.

Laying out the first row

3. It is better to soak the brick a day before starting work. In this case, he will not take water from the solution, and the masonry will be stronger.

4. cut his grinder with a wet cutting disc. However, experienced stove-makers for these purposes use the usual pickaxe- it is set at an angle of 90 ° and sharply removed along it with a hammer.

Brick cutting

Important! Every 4-7 rows, it is necessary to let the solution dry out so that it sags a little, and only then continue laying out. In this case, it will turn out to be more durable.

5. Work begins from corners to center. So that the product does not turn out to be lopsided, do not forget to control the corners with a plumb line or building level.

6. Masonry is done offset, so that the center of the brick of the next row covers the joints of the two bricks of the previous row. If there was a whole brick in the corner of the first row, then it is necessary to start the next row already from the half.

Please note that in the laying, the bricks of each row are shifted relative to the previous ones.

7. Closer to half the height, metal corners are immured into the masonry for fastening removable grate. The grates themselves should not be laid in the masonry - sooner or later the metal will burn out, and they will require replacement. Under them are the corners on which it will be installed ash collection tray. After another 3-4 bricks, fasteners are walled up in the masonry grills for meat.

8. Too high furnace do not do it - otherwise the thrust will decrease. It can be made closed, with a damper and a blower.

Barbecue device

Canopy and decor

If desired, the brazier is plastered or tiled. The table top - the upper part of the barbecue - is laid out with paving, floor tiles or thick-walled glass is used for this purpose.

The construction of a canopy will not cost so much. It is enough to brick wooden or metal support posts into concrete and attach a roof made of thick polycarbonate, metal profiles, wooden slats or any other suitable material to them.

Advice! To prevent the grates from rusting, it is better to remove them for the winter, clean them, and put them in storage until spring.

Arrangement of a brazier with a chimney

Brazier with a metal chimney-umbrella

Video: Do-it-yourself brick brazier

Few people can say that they do not like barbecue. But not only the moment of using the finished product is pleasant, the process itself is extremely exciting: preparing meat, firewood, lighting the stove, gradually increasing the cloud of the aroma of the barbecue or barbecue being prepared, gatherings in anticipation of the end of the sacred ceremony in a pleasant company.

Today, there are several options for barbecues:

  • Multifunctional;
  • Resembling a barbecue;
  • With a countertop - the most inexpensive and simple;
  • Barbecue - corner smokehouse.

Site selection for construction

For the installation of such a structure, the choice of a suitable place is very important. The appearance, dimensions, functionality of the future barbecue oven are determined by its future location. Therefore, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  1. Wind protection. It is more comfortable to cook this way, besides, with the right choice of place, you will not smoke your neighbors. An ashpit is built into the stove - a box where burnt coal falls, and a chimney.
  2. The surface for the brick structure must be as smooth as possible.
  3. It will be possible to increase the service life of the brazier by protecting it from precipitation by placing the future stove under a roof or canopy.
  4. A brazier is being built, as close to home as possible, best in an open gazebo at a special site. In this case, there will be no problems with electricity and plumbing. Less need to run around with groceries and utensils.

A competently and properly equipped place to relax is also an important point: it is better not to clutter it up with furniture. The minimum set would be ideal: barbecue, table, benches, chairs, food stand.

The brazier, unlike a brick barbecue with an obligatory pipe, is much easier to perform. True, in comparison with the standard open design, there are complicated versions of buildings, with two functioning surfaces along the edges of the brazier. There is a stove that includes an oven, grill and smokehouse. Quite often, for convenience, water for washing is carried out to the barbecue.

The most common type of brick brazier is a base with a brazier, a grill for meat and stops for skewers. A working surface is also created there, that is, a place for food, spices and utensils.

Work materials

Despite the lack of particular complexity and a minimum of diagrams, the drawing must be created by accurately calculating all the materials. Using the drawing, the preferred width and height of the future structure, the location of all elements are indicated.

Required to work :

  • Cement;
  • Lime (preferably slaked);
  • gravel;
  • Sand;
  • Reinforcing mesh;
  • Edged boards (for formwork);
  • The brick is fire resistant;
  • Brick red standard;
  • Metal corners;
  • Wire (for fixing brickwork).

The main parts of the brazier are made precisely fire brick. From the usual, sides with weaker heating are built. When arranging, in fact, a place for frying, you will need a grill, a metal pan and a stove - the future countertop.

Of course, the barbecue oven is made of both stone and metal. But the stone is very expensive, and it is extremely difficult and inconvenient to do construction work from it with your own hands. And metal is very susceptible to corrosion. Therefore, the most popular material in this case remains a brick.

For the foundation and masonry, two cement compositions will be required, but to speed up the process and save time, you can use the finished mixture.


To create a foundation, formwork and masonry, you will need the following set:

  1. Tape measure (from 3 m long), plumb line, pieces of aluminum profile or flat straight board: measurement and control.
  2. Electric concrete mixer or mixer - for working with concrete.
  3. Hacksaw or grinder - cutting.
  4. Pick (for fitting bricks), trowel or trowel, metal bucket or other container (for cement mortar) - masonry.
  5. Wood saw, sledgehammer, hammers (heavy and medium), pliers, chisel, crowbar: hand tools.
  6. Bayonet and shovel - for the landscape.

Laying the foundation and the initial row of masonry

Many people mistakenly believe that a compacted area covered with tiles on top will be enough for the foundation of a future brick barbecue. But it's not! After all, the structure will be damaged by the slightest vibration of the ground, and all the work and expenses will go down the drain. To prevent this from happening, before building a stationary furnace, it is required to immediately fill quality and solid foundation.

The composition of a quality foundation:

  1. Cement brand not less than m-400.
  2. The clay is greasy, red in color, without foreign inclusions.
  3. Granite crushed stone, fraction: 1.5 - 2.5 cm.
  4. Sand, best of all - quarry, high-quality sieving is necessary.

In most cases, summer residents prefer to build a multifunctional barbecue, with a base of 1.2 by 1.2 or 1.5 by 1.5 meters. In this case, everything depends on the desire and means of the owner himself.

Further, with pegs, between which the twine is stretched, the construction zone is marked. A groove is dug, right along the resulting markings, up to 25 cm deep. The size of the hole should exceed the dimensions of the outlined structure by 10 cm.

Stages of work:

  1. Ditch bottom tamper. Creation of a 6-10 cm sand cushion. At the same time, the sand is slightly wetted with water from a watering can (so as not to be washed away!), After which the material is re-compacted.
  2. From above, a sand cushion is sprinkled with crushed granite. The total height of both layers should be from 15 to 25 cm.
  3. The walls of the ditch should be sheathed with boards, while the upper edge of the formwork should rise about 5-10 cm above the ground.

Preparation of concrete mix

The building mixture will consist of the following proportion:

  • One volume part of cement;
  • Three parts of sand.

Thoroughly mix the components in water until the desired consistency is obtained. Then add crushed stone - three shares. Next, the composition is mixed in a concrete mixer. at least three minutes. Pouring in liquid soap, you can increase the fluidity of concrete.

With this composition in several layers, you need to fill the formwork. First, the liquid composition is poured. In order for it to penetrate to the bottom of the ditch, you need to shake it with a stick. The reinforcing frame is laid on top only after the layer has been strengthened - the entire groove area must be completely filled with it. The concrete mixture is poured last, always up to the top edge of the formwork!

Air bubbles are knocked out of the solution wooden sticks- it is very important! The mixture filling the mesh is carefully shaken by them, due to which the composition will completely take the form of formwork.

In no case should water be allowed to evaporate from the composition, for this you need to cover it with roofing material. During the hot period, it is best to periodically spray the surface with water to prevent cracks.

Attention! The concrete should be left in this position for 1-2 weeks until the material is completely cured.

Having finished with the foundation, you can proceed to the actual barbecue. First you need to figure out: lay a row of dry bricks on the foundation.

The gap between them should be 1 cm. Thus, you can determine how much whole and half bricks are needed for further work. If there are pre-prepared pallets and grates, their parameters should also be taken into account. The line of future masonry must be circled and fixed.

If the bricks are sprinkled with water the day before laying out, the strength of the building will increase. A day later, they will be dry on the outside, and wet on the inside, which will not allow the bricks to pull moisture from the concrete mixture.

The proportions of the mixture for masonry:

  • One share of cement;
  • Three shares of sand;
  • One fourth (1/4) share of slaked lime.

The mixture is kneaded to the state of thick sour cream. All measurements should be checked again. Lay bricks on the composition in the same way as for the first, trial time, tapping them with a trowel so that they properly lie on the mixture.

Creating a plinth

The initial row of masonry is a guiding thread for the next order. It is necessary to lay bricks in a checkerboard pattern: in relation to the previous one, the line is shifted by half a brick.

Do-it-yourself oven-brazier. Stages of work

  1. The work starts from the corner. Next, the side walls are filled. The mortar is evenly distributed between the side surfaces of the bricks and the lines. The mixture that has come out of the grooves is immediately carefully removed.
  2. Building planes need constant checking! You can’t do without a plumb line and a building level. The check must be carried out every time through three lines. The building should not be formed incorrectly - skewed. To avoid this, the corners of the masonry are reinforced with metal wire.
  3. To give a neat look to the seams, they should be treated with a garden hose.
  4. The basis for the brazier: metal elements (rods or corners) are placed between the walls opposite, the brick base of the firebox is laid on top, then the metal pallet. In advance, you should consider how to clean the firebox from ash.
  5. Organize an air duct in the combustion chamber, for which leave gaps around it on the sides. Otherwise, there may be problems with making a fire later.
  6. Arrange protrusions in the masonry or introduce metal rods, after which a lattice will be installed on them. To get ledges at a suitable height, bricks are placed across the wall. Inside the brazier, they should be evenly spaced.

Focal zone

  1. It is usually used for countertops, but the floor is also suitable. In any case, it should be distinguished by increased strength and easy to wash.
  2. The work surface should be located on the side of the main oven. A slab is attached to a brick extension of the required parameters. Fasten with metal holders or mortar.

It is strictly forbidden to have an open source of fire in the gazebo!

Further, a focal zone is erected on a fireclay (fire-resistant) brick. For this, a clay-sand composition is made. The clay is pre-soaked two days before work starts- in this case, its plasticity will increase. Sand is introduced into the same clay, and the resulting mixture is kneaded to a thick dough. If the flagellum wound from this composition does not deform, then the mixture is of high quality. The base of the fuel compartment is formed from the above-mentioned brick over the entire area.

In the walls on the sides are laid steel plates- these are the future stops for the lattice. The grate itself can be installed above the corners at different levels.

The plate can also be arranged in the back and front walls by making small vertical cutouts for better styling and fixation of skewers with meat.

Variant of the internal capacity of the fuel chamber


Only after the mixture for the walls of the furnace has completely hardened, work begins on the chimney, on the same composition and bricks.

The chimney is very massive. Therefore, before starting work on this system, steel corners are installed in front, across the opening, with a cross section of at least 5 by 5 cm. Sample:

The chimney must be at least as long as the middle of one of the walls, because half the weight of the pipe goes to it.

The cap (hood) - a smoke trap, is a truncated cone, because the initial brick line runs along the entire length of the furnace. Each subsequent line continues in a circle, with a very slight shift towards the center of the furnace, making an incomplete cone. In the middle, it will end with a smoke tunnel exit. The cross section of the resulting hole is approximately 15 by 15 cm.

The brazier pipe is made up of several rows of bricks. From the fuel chamber, its minimum height is about 2-3 meters, which provides excellent natural draft. In addition, it can be adjusted using special damper, located 175-185 cm above the ground.

Installed at the top of the chimney defensive deflector. It is necessary for protection from rain, bad weather and wind. You can purchase a stainless steel fire-resistant pipe or an exhaust hood (umbrella) to facilitate the work with the chimney.

All of the above will help you in working on a convenient brazier of a simple form for giving.

The method of water supply must be thought out in advance, even at the stage of laying the foundation, this will facilitate the withdrawal of the pipe through the base. Since the pipes can be hidden, the appearance of the barbecue will not be spoiled.

A do-it-yourself brick brazier will be perfectly decorated with forged curls. You can also beautifully decorate the surface by laying out a drawing or an abstract pattern from the remains of a stone - here your imagination will tell you the most successful options close to your heart. A quiet summer evening, the dance of fire shadows, the aroma of barbecue, the quiet conversation and laughter of guests, subdued light - what could be more romantic?

Photos of successful ideas for barbecues:

Of course, the larger the structure, the more difficult its construction. Especially if you plan to do everything yourself. However, by building a completely simple option, you will also gain a great experience. You will probably be able to create more interesting, complex models over time.

Construction of a round barbecue made of brick or stone

Round brazier is very original and simple. To create it, you will need natural stone and about 20-30 bricks (can be defective). In this case, the order of work will look like this:

  1. An ordinary pit, convenient for the owners, is dug out (we dig no deeper than the bayonet of a shovel).
  2. We tamp the bottom.
  3. We lay out the walls of the pit with bricks.

A durable and simple brazier is ready!

In order to avoid the accumulation of water at the bottom, a canopy is desirable. Otherwise, choose a location on a hillock.

Another version of the barbecue, but with a tripod:

The source of open fire, for greater safety, it is better to enclose with a stone.

Attention! We leave gaps, laying out the first line in a round barbecue, then there will be enough oxygen for the whole fire.

Master Class. Video

With full confidence in your abilities, try to perform a more difficult version, for example, like the one in the video. The explanations of the author of the video are detailed and understandable.

A do-it-yourself brazier is an easy-to-implement idea for every man. But you can get rid of the hassle and order from a master or a construction company. The last option is possible if there is no time to build a brazier, but the brazier that is made by one's own hands will be more pleasing (and the barbecue on it will be tastier 🙂

If you are still thinking about how to make a brazier with your own hands out of brick, then you should think about the option of building a whole complex, where you can cook barbecue and fry various foods on the grill, smoke meat, etc.

How to make a brazier with your own hands from brick, and what you need for this

First you need to determine the place where the future brazier will stand. The place must have a place to relax. For such purposes, a gazebo is perfect, which will protect guests from rain, snow and wind.

The most successful and popular design at the moment is considered to be a brick oven with dimensions of 1.6 m (height), 1.6 m (width), 0.8 m (depth) with a strip foundation.

Communications can be connected to the barbecue, as well as additional add-ons that will fit perfectly into the interior of the complex, performing a practical role (you can store various kitchen utensils).

Near the barbecue you can place a table and benches. The choice of material from which they will be made depends on you.

In order to build a brazier with your own hands from a brick, you need:

  1. - gravel, sand and cement;
  2. - special oven stone;
  3. - concrete mixer and construction tools;
  4. - reinforcement and reinforcing mesh;
  5. - crate;
  6. - various sizes of bolts, screws and metal corners.

When building a brazier made of bricks, you need to take into account their weight and lay the foundation at least 50-60 centimeters deep, one brick wide. First of all, we mark out a place for the foundation, dig to a depth of 50-60 centimeters and lay the reinforcement.

After we dug a hole for the foundation and laid the reinforcement, we pour it with concrete, the concrete grade of 150-200 is enough for strength, I made concrete with the calculation:

  • 1 bucket of cement
  • 3 buckets of sand
  • 5 buckets of rubble
  • 1-2 buckets of water depending on the moisture content of the sand

We level the pouring surface with a level (this will greatly facilitate the laying of bricks) and cover it with waterproofing material, I used roofing material. As a waterproofing material, you can use a plastic film, or simply generously lubricate with building mastic (this is done so that moisture from the foundation does not penetrate into the brick and does not destroy it).

After finishing work with the foundation, you need to wait a few days for the foundation to finally harden.

Mangal brick laying

Furnace brick - is an ideal option for the construction of barbecue. This building material perfectly withstands high temperatures. One drawback - during severe frost it becomes very fragile.

Important: in no case should you build a brazier from silicate hollow bricks.

The first row of bricks should be laid out dry, without the use of mortar. This is done so that in the future you do not have to use parts of the brick and adjust it to size.

The masonry must be marked and observed throughout the construction.

Brick absorbs water like a sponge. For this reason, a few days before the start of laying, it is necessary to wet the bricks with a garden hose. This procedure will prevent the brick from absorbing water from the mortar. For laying bricks, it is necessary to prepare a cement mortar in the ratio given below.

The composition of the mortar for masonry barbecue:

  • 1 part cement
  • 1 part slaked lime
  • 3 parts sand

Water is added to the composition in the required amount and brought to a state of thick mass.

After laying the first row of bricks, the subsequent rows are laid with an offset of half a brick relative to each other (this offset of the seams is done for better dressing).

The laying of each level starts from the corners. It is necessary to periodically check the level of masonry horizontally and vertically. The dimensions of the brickwork must correspond to the developed drawing of the brazier.

The most important element of the brazier - a brazier, is laid on metal corners, which are fixed on the masonry with metal pins. The firebox must be lined with thick metal sheets from the inside. This will prevent premature destruction of the brick from high temperatures.

For good traction, it is enough to leave small gaps unfilled with cement mortar. To install the grill grate, you need to put several bricks inside the brazier inside with the same protrusion.
When developing a brazier drawing, you can lay a variety of structures designed for storing firewood, for a canopy, and installing a decorative exhaust pipe. The whole complex can be turned into a summer kitchen, where you can receive guests at any time of the year.

An easy way to make a brazier with your own hands from metal

Making a brazier with your own hands from sheet metal is not very difficult and everyone can do it. The brazier will become for you a symbol of rest and decoration of your house.

Historians believe that the barbecue was invented in the Middle East. Even in ancient times, a modern brazier made of steel was replaced by a brazier forged from copper. Its appearance resembled a huge bowl, to which legs were attached from below. The top of the brazier was covered with a hemispherical lid. Handles were attached to both sides of the brazier, which served for carrying.

For all generations, the brazier symbolizes relaxation, the opportunity to go out into nature, relax, fry barbecue on the brazier and have a good time in the company of friends, relatives and acquaintances. Any good holiday should be accompanied by the preparation of barbecue or other dishes on the grill.

A compact metal brazier can be used from early spring to late autumn. Small size and light weight - allows you to immerse the brazier in the trunk of any car and go with the company to nature.

In the event that you have a small area near a private house, then you can build a stationary barbecue made of stone or brick. But you need to think a little, the stationary brazier takes up space on the site, besides, it is not used so often.

The brazier should not be large in size and weight. From metal, the brazier turns out to be quite durable and functional, as shown in the video.

When designing a brazier drawing, you need to take into account the average number of your friends who are with you on vacation. It is proved that an average company of 8-10 people is quite a compact barbecue with ten skewers. You can make a second batch if needed. While guests are enjoying the delicious taste of barbecue, you can cook a second portion of delicious meat. All subsequent actions will tell you your imagination. Bon appetit.

Brick barbecues photo, video

Brick barbecues are ideal for a summer cottage or for the territory of a private house. This device allows you to cook various delicious dishes in the fresh air, enjoying the summer. Professional craftsmen build brick barbecues well, but it's not cheap. If you have a desire to create a brazier with your own hands and at the same time save a significant amount of money, then this article will help you with this.

The brazier, built from special heat-resistant bricks, is a rather complex structure. It would be right to immediately build such a device on which you can cook not only barbecue, but also grill, smoke and fry various dishes. You can choose all the functions for yourself, while still at the design stage of the design of the future barbecue.

A brick garden brazier must be placed on the site in the most convenient place, the construction process is shown in detail in the video. For even greater convenience, you can bring a source of water supply to the barbecue, build additional outbuildings in which to store various accessories and kitchen utensils.

An already built brick brazier can be decorated with decorative stone or tiles. The floor at the base of the barbecue should be covered with paving slabs. The whole complex will be decorated with a large porcelain stoneware tabletop located in the center of the complex. The doors of the various compartments must be made of thick-walled cast iron.

Red heat-resistant brick looks perfect with a variety of metal and forged elements. Such a building will ideally fit into the overall landscape design of the infield.

Country rest on Sundays in in most cases associated with cooking delicious meat, fish and vegetable dishes on hot coals. Of course, you can always quickly organize a small brazier, even simply digging a recess in the ground and inventing some kind of crossbars for the net or skewers. But, you see, it is still much better and tastier, with less fuel consumption, the products will be cooked, in the case of using special structures - a barbecue, grill or barbecue.

It is probably a sin for owners of suburban areas in general not to have such devices, stationary or portable, at their disposal. The stores offer a fairly wide selection of such devices welded from metal. However, if the owner of the site has at least basic skills in carrying out construction work or in metal processing and welding, it will probably not be a particularly big problem for him to build a barbecue with his own hands, of varying degrees of complexity.

What is hidden under the word "barbecue"?

First of all, it is necessary to figure out what we should get if the goal is to create a barbecue.

The etymology of this name is not entirely unambiguous - there are several versions of its origin. The most plausible seems to be the option linking him withancient Greek, and then the Latin word "barbarus", which meant a stranger, a stranger, alien to culture. In our language, the word gradually transformed into "barbarian".

Perhaps the word "barbecue" came from the "barbaric" cooking in hearths and fires.

Perhaps the way of cooking these most semi-wild nomadic tribes - barbarians - on open fires or in stone cave hearths, formed the basis of the established name. But, you must admit that we all really, really like this “barbaric” way!

Decided to build a barbecue oven?

But before moving on to the barbecue article, be sure to read how to lay a brick -.

In addition, the tandoor is an excellent solution! Read about your own hands also on our portal.

But the question immediately arises - there are many recipes for cooking on the grill, on the grill or barbecue culinary technology. What is the difference, what is the subtlety that distinguishes one from the other?

By and large, the difference is small, but still it is.

  • An ordinary barbecue, as a rule, is some kind of metal or brick container for coals (box, box, etc.), on top of which skewers are placed or a grate is installed on which products are laid out. At the same time, the installation height is not regulated in any way - the delivery is always the upper edge of the brazier itself. From above, the cooked products are freely blown with air, for which no barriers are created. In the box itself, holes were made to blow in the air necessary for burning firewood and subsequent smoldering of coals. In principle, they do not create any additional traction in the brazier - only heat transmitted by direct thermal radiation is involved in the cooking process, which immediately dissipates above the level of skewers or grates.

The simplest in the "family" is an ordinary barbecue

This, as you can see, is the simplest of the listed devices. Cooking meat on it requires some skill, since the heat comes only from below, and it is important not to overcook, not to overdry the side of the food facing the fire.

  • Grilling also involves cooking on charcoal, but the principle here is different - the closed volume in which the process takes place is important. Meat products may also be skewered or lined on the gridaboveon the smoldering coals that took the heat, but then the grill must be closed with a lid.

Hot air in a closed volume is distributed more evenly, and the roasting process occurs simultaneously from all sides. Of course, combustion requires air inlets and smoke outlets, so grills are often supplemented with a small chimney.

  • But the barbecue brazier occupies some intermediate position between the usual barbecue and grill, and is closest to the "cave", "barbaric" conditions for cooking meat. It resembles a hearth with one open face.
Barbecue requires either a hearth closed on three sides ...

Another option is when there is always a side around the barbecue grill, a wall that does not immediately allow the heat to diverge on the sides from the slightest breeze.

... or the grate is surrounded by a side wall that retains heat at a certain height from the fried products

The walls of this side or hearth are also heated and participate in the cooking process. It turns out a kind of thermal cushion that envelops the product from the bottom and from the edges, and in the case of a focal type of barbecue, also to some extent from above. It is clear that in such conditions the meat is cooked faster, and there is much less risk than overdrying it on the grill or even burning one of the sides. As a rule, on all barbecues one or another possibility of adjusting the height of the grate above the coals is thought out.

There is no artificial draft in a barbecue - the slower the hot air moves, the better. In a focal type barbecue, of course, one cannot do without the organization of smoke removal, but the pipe should not be high - usually from the level of the brazier to the upper head - no more than one and a half meters.

To be honest, all these three culinary devices are so “related” to each other that very often they easily and simply transform one into another. For example, a grill installed or suspended below the level of the barbecue walls immediately transforms it into a barbecue. And if you close the lid on the barbecue or cover the hearth door, then, accordingly, you can cook according to grill technology.

Perhaps the reader will object to such a gradation of appliances for cooking on an open fire and coals, since there are a lot of various opinions on this subject on the Internet. Nevertheless, further in the article those options for the manufacture or construction of a barbecue brazier that meet the criteria described above will be considered.

Barbecue prices Forester

Barbecue Forester

Options will be considered in sequence from simple to complex, from temporary to portable braziers, and then to stationary complexes.

The simplest barbecue grill in ten minutes

This option is available to literally everyone, even people completely unaware building skills. By itself, the method of erecting such a barbecue brazier is in many ways reminiscent of a children's game of cubes.

For work you will need:

- About a hundred bricks (pos. 1). Their number may be less - it all depends on the height of the future "structure".

- Metal sheet (pos. 2) and grate (pos. 3). The size of these elements should be approximately equal. In fact, their length and width will determine the size of the brazier.

The masonry will be carried out "dry", that is, no mortar will be needed.

  • For the construction, it is necessary to prepare a flat and solid platform, so that it is fireproof. For example, it is quite possible to lay out a brazier on a compacted soil area, cleared of dry grass.
  • On the finished site, a circle is laid out of bricks laid flat, leaving gaps between them of the order of 50 mm for free passage of air from below. It’s worth immediately comparing the diameter of the laid out circle with the dimensions of the sheet and the grate - these metal elements should completely cover it with the resulting “well”. In the above diagram, 12 bricks are involved in the laying of one row.
  • In the same way, four more rows are neatly laid, each with an offset, so that the masonry is “in the dressing”.
  • A metal sheet is laid on top of the fifth row. Its thickness should be at least 2 ÷ 3 mm, since it is on it that a fire will be made, firewood will burn and coals will smolder.
  • The next two rows of bricks will create a kind of hearth. The masonry principle here remains the same as from below, but there is one peculiarity - one brick from the bottom is not reported from the front side and, accordingly, two in the second row (pos. 4). This opening will become a furnace window through which firewood will be loaded and ignited, and coals will be turned.
  • The next step is to lay a metal grate on the brick "well", on which the fried products will be placed.
  • Two more rows of bricks are laid on top of the lattice. At the same time, gaps between them should not be left - a solid side should form around the brazier so that the “barbecue principle” is implemented. It is also permissible to leave a small opening in the front part, for the convenience of manipulating a spatula or tongs while turning over the fried foods.

Such a brazier can be left on site at summer period, but if there are fears that bricks and metal parts can simply be “taken away” in the absence of the owners, then not difficult at all dismantle it to close the materials in the utility room. If necessary, building a barbecue again will not be ore and will not take much time.

Metal barbecue grills from improvised materials

If the owner of the house has good skills in metal processing and welding, then a portable barbecue model can be a very good option. The task will be even more simplified when there are old unnecessary metal barrels or gas cylinders.

In principle, you can even do without welding - it is this option that will be discussed. Pictures in the left column of the table can be viewed in more detail by clicking on them.

An ordinary standard metal barrel in good condition is taken. It is important that flammable products (e.g. gasoline) are not stored in it beforehand.
External markings are immediately made on the barrel - two parallel lines between the bottom and the lid. The area to be cut should be approximately ⅓ of the surface. The figure shows the markings made by two strips of electrical tape (blue arrows).
Pay attention to the location of the filler neck of the barrel - almost at the level of the far marking line, with a slight shift back (red arrow). This is important, as the neck will then be used for the chimney.
The transverse cut lines are marked approximately 50 mm from the flanged joints of the cover and bottom, and must run strictly parallel to them. Then, with the help of a "grinder", the intended window is cut out.
It is very important to make cuts as evenly and accurately as possible, since the cut out fragment will be used as a cover, and the gaps when it is closed should remain minimal.
Further work will be easier if you immediately build a stand for a future barbecue.
There can be a lot of options here, but for example, a simple design that does not require welded joints can be given. The circuit is shown in the figure.
You will need pipe sections Ø 40 mm - 4 pieces 750 ÷ 800 mm long (this height will provide the most comfortable use of the brazier), and 2 pieces equal to the length of the barrel laid on the horizontal surface with the addition of another 150 mm to the top attachment points.
The connection of the legs with the crossbars is carried out with bolts, for which holes are drilled in the pipes (shown by the arrow)
Now it's time to make jumpers, which will give rigidity to the design of the stand. And it will be cheaper and easier to make them wooden, or more precisely, their plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm.
For this, two strips 700 mm long and two strips 900 mm long are cut, with a total width of 150 mm. In two of them, holes Ø 42 ÷ 45 mm are selected with a drill-crown, equidistant from the center and the distance between the intended centers of the holes is 500 mm.
The other two holes are the same, but the distance between their centers is increased to 750 mm. This will give a slight inclination of the legs inward, which will increase the strength of the structure.
The first pair of plywood blanks is put on the pipe legs of both metal halves of the frame (blue arrow). For greater rigidity, the jumpers are interconnected using self-tapping screws with a cross member, also made from a plywood strip (red arrow).
By the way, this jumper can be made wide - then it will also serve as a fairly convenient utility shelf.
Now - how to fix this wooden jumper spacer at the right height? The easiest way is to fasten ordinary clamps on each of the legs - they will prevent the plywood parts from falling down. It is important to place this node no closer than 400 mm from the top rails so that the wooden parts do not burn from the heat when using the barbecue.
Such fixation with clamps will allow, if necessary, to quickly disassemble the entire structure, simply by loosening the nuts and removing the parts from the legs.
The lower jumpers are installed in the same way, in which the holes are spaced somewhat wider. The height of their location is 100 ÷ 150 mm from the ground level. It is not necessary to connect them with a cross member.
Everything, the barbecue stand is ready. You can install the barrel from above and continue working. The barrel cylinder is securely placed between the metal crossbars (blue arrow), and its ends rest against the connecting nodes (red arrow), which excludes its movement in any direction. Under the weight of the barrel, the entire structure of the stand, located at a slight slope, will finally wedge inward and will be motionless.
We continue to work on the barrel itself.
The main tools are a drill, a screwdriver, wrenches, since all connections will be threaded. It is undesirable to use aluminum rivets, since the thermal resistance of this metal is low.
First of all, brackets are installed on which the grid of the brazier will be laid out. These are ordinary steel corners, bolted just below the level of the cut-out opening on one side - and horizontally to them - on the opposite side.
Placement of corners - depending on the size and rigidity of the existing grating, so that it is securely installed with emphasis on at least all four corners, and if necessary - with additional corners to avoid deflection.
Most often, a collapsible grate of two halves is used - it is easier to install it in the cavity of the barrel. The figure shows just such an option. The arrows indicate the installed brackets.
It's time to do the hinged lid.
On the rear, high part of the opening, ordinary steel window hinges (non-separable) are attached to the screws.
The second half of the loops is screwed to the fragment cut earlier from the barrel.
It is necessary to measure the location of the hinges very accurately so that the resulting cover fits exactly to the size of the window and closes it as tightly as possible in the lower position.
Now the next step is the chimney (red arrows). The plug in the drain neck is removed, and a threaded sleeve of the appropriate diameter is screwed in instead. so that a protruding threaded pipe (pos. 1) is obtained.
A 90 ° outlet (pos. 2) is screwed onto it, to which a low pipe can then be connected, placing it in such a way that the exhaust smoke does not become an obstacle to a person engaged in cooking.
In the lower part of the end of the barrel, it is additionally fashionable to make an adjustable blower (blue arrows). To do this, several holes Ø 10 ÷ 12 mm are drilled (pos. 3), and a damper is placed on the axle bolt above, which can be used to regulate the air flow into the furnace.
This is especially important when grilling, as when the lid of the frypot is closed, combustion without oxygen can simply stop.
The last "touches" remain.
A chimney pipe is installed (blue arrow).
Be sure to provide for the presence of a handle for which the lid of the barbecue grill will open. It is desirable to make it from a material that will not heat up much. Options can be different, for example, such as shown in the figure (orange arrow).
If there is a desire, then after preliminary cleaning it is possible to cover the top of the barrel with a special heat-resistant paint.
The master who made the barbecue, about which the story was told, additionally fixed a thermometer (red arrow) on the surface of the lid, which allows you to monitor the temperature during the cooking process in the “grill” mode.
In fact, the assembly of the barbecue is finished.

Similar or to a certain extent modified, at the request and imagination of the master, barbecues can also be made from their old gas cylinders. (In this case, care must be taken during the first cut of the container, since there may be an explosive residual concentration of gas inside. It is recommended to rinse the cylinder several times with water, and the first cut should also be carried out in a state filled with water).

A creative approach makes it possible to significantly expand the functionality of the manufactured structure. For example, it is easy to provide an additional “option” for a smoker by installing an additional chamber at the smoke outlet from the main brazier. Another option is to install a separate combustion chamber at the bottom, which will be used specifically in the mode of smoking products. And to maintain the desired temperature and the concentration of smoke required for smoking, an adjustable valve is installed on the chimney. A good example of such a barbecue grill model with the ability to switch to smoking mode is in the attached video.

Video: an interesting model of a barbecue grill with a smoker

If the structure is heavy, then it can be equipped, for example, with a single-axle wheel drive. This will allow you to easily move it around the site or put it in a barn or garage for a period of no demand.

Stationary brick barbecue

Those owners of country mansions, who they love solidity and solidity, they will probably prefer something more monumental, stationary, built of brick for years. Well, in this matter, there is nothing impossible for the independent construction of a brazier-barbecue or even a whole complex or otherwise - a barbecue area.

Choosing the best place for a barbecue complex

First of all, you need to decide on a place. This takes into account a number of rules:

  • Very often, brick barbecues are installed next to an existing recreation area - a terrace or a gazebo. It is quite possible to combine these buildings under one roof, of course, taking into account fire safety requirements.
  • You should not place the complex too close to a residential building or even attach it to it - this is also dictated by elementary safety rules. It is strictly forbidden to place near garages or utility rooms where there may be a supply of fuel.
  • For reasons of hygiene and comfort, a barbecue oven should not be planned in the immediate vicinity of walking places or cesspools, one’s own or neighbors’.
  • If possible, it is worth giving preference to a place located on the leeward side of a residential building (taking into account the predominance of winds in the area).
  • You should avoid the neighborhood with tall bushes and trees, the crowns of which may be above the barbecue. This, firstly, is unsafe, and secondly, plants can wither and die from high temperatures.
  • If the construction of a barbecue is planned in a gazebo that has already been built earlier, then the placement of the stove should be provided so that the chimney does not fall on the roof rafters - it should be approximately in the center between them.
  • A good owner will definitely provide for laying paths to the barbecue area so that it can be easily approached, for example, after rain. For the same reasons, it is advisable to pave the site near the furnace itself.
  • It will be very convenient if water is brought to the barbecue area, at least through a temporary summer main. Also, it will never be superfluous to conduct a power line - this will make it possible to organize lighting and connect the necessary household appliances. Of course, both plumbing and electricity are optional elements, only at the request and ability of the owners.
  • And, finally, the barbecue should be positioned and finished in such a way that this structure fits organically into the overall design concept of the site.

After the site is chosen, proceed to the construction. And it always starts with the construction of the foundation.

Foundation for a brick barbecue oven

Barbecue prices GREIVARI


Any brick stationary structure always has a considerable mass, which means that it requires a reliable foundation. In the case of the construction of a garden barbecue stove, both a tape and a slab, monolithic foundation can be used, but the second one is still preferable. One way or another, it is recommended to pave the area around, and it will already be the basis for, for example, laying ceramic tiles. In addition, a monolithic foundation, even with a small depth, will be a stable foundation for the structure being erected.

  • A pit is dug under the foundation in such a way that the resulting slab is at least 100 mm wider in any direction than the planned perimeter of the brickwork. On the front side, the protrusion can be made larger to form a small platform. The depth of the pit can be about 400 mm - this will be quite enough.
  • The bottom of the pit is covered with a 100 mm sand cushion, which must be compacted with a manual rammer. On top of it, also with compaction, the same layer of gravel or gravel is covered. As a result, the underground poured part of the foundation will be about 250 mm thick.
  • A wooden formwork is installed around the perimeter of the pit. It should protrude about 100 mm above the ground surface - this is how the basement of the slab will be formed. It is advisable to strictly align the formwork horizontally - then the upper edge of the boards will become a beacon for leveling the mortar.
  • A reinforcing mesh with cells of 100 × 100 mm is laid. It is better to install it on linings, so that it falls approximately in the middle of the slab to be poured.
  • A cement-sand mortar (1: 3) is being prepared, which is poured into the formwork until it is completely filled. The top is leveled by the rule.

Now it remains to wait for the plate to solidify and gain the necessary strength. Recommended first 3 For 4 days, regularly moisten the surface and protect it from drying out and cracking by covering it with plastic wrap. The formwork can be removed in a week, but gelatinous to proceed with further construction work earlier than in 3 weeks - by this time, concrete should gain about 70% of the strength necessary to withstand the increasing load of brick walls on it.

On the finished foundation, you can build the selected one. We will not consider too complex complexes. For a novice builder, one of the rather simple models, which, nevertheless, have good functionality, will be enough.

A simple option without a chimney

Any person with basic bricklayer skills should be able to fold such a stationary barbecue grill. There is nothing complicated - it does not even require ordering. The above scheme will be enough, which can be taken as a basis, and, if desired, changed in terms of the dimensions of the building or its individual elements.

  • The size in width and depth of the building will be determined by the dimensions of the available metal sheet for the brazier (pos. 10). It is desirable that it be made with sides, like a baking sheet, so that the coals do not wake up down. Should be the same size fit and grate (pos. 9) - there can be several of them, for cooking different products at the same time on several levels.
  • The construction starts from the foundation (pos. 1). The diagram shows an already paved slab, but it is clear that the cladding is done after the construction of the entire barbecue oven.
  • Construction begins with laying out 5 U-shaped rows of bricks (pos. 2). The space remaining below (pos. 3) can be used to store some kitchen utensils or a supply of firewood.
  • Masonry always starts from the corners of the wall (pos. 6), so that a whole brick lies in these places. The bricks themselves (pos. 7) can be used any burnt ones - the open placement of the firebox does not imply critical temperatures for them. The rows are laid out "in dressing", with an offset of ½ brick.
  • The thickness of the seams formed between the bricks (pos. 5) is about 10 mm. As a solution, you can use a heat-resistant masonry mixture, which is purchased in a store. However, the design allows you to get by with the usual masonry cement-sand mortar with the addition of clay. Another option is one part of cement and slaked lime and three parts of sand.
  • After laying the first five rows, lay the sixth row on both sides with a transverse arrangement of bricks (pos. 4). Thus, shelves are created on which the brazier pan will lie.
  • Above, the masonry continues in the usual straight rows, to the required height (seven rows are shown in the diagram). On the inner side of the walls, brackets (pos. 8) are attached at several levels, which will become stops for laying gratings.

The design can be slightly modified. For example, the photo above shows that several levels of placement of the pan - brazier and grates are provided, respectively, by several rows of transverse brick laying. In addition, the transverse bricks protruding from the outside can become a support for side tables, which are very convenient for preparing and cutting food right at the barbecue. To do this, it is easy to lay out another brick wall on one or even both sides.

Such a simple barbecue grill does not imply directional smoke removal. True, if such a structure is supposed to be placed in a gazebo, then you can hang a smoke hood on top, like a kitchen hood, and from it you can already draw a conclusion outside.

Prices for popular barbecues

A more difficult task - a barbecue with a pipe

The task can be somewhat complicated - to lay down a barbecue with a hearth and a chimney completely closed on three sides. It is clear that the labor intensity and total costs here will be significantly higher, but the structure itself already looks much more solid and can become a decoration of the site.

There is probably no need to tell a lot here in words - much more information will be brought by the detailed ordering of the masonry. It remains only to make some notes to it:

  • Experienced stove-setters always recommend, especially for beginners, to anticipate laying on a “dry” mortar, that is, each row of bricks is first laid out without mortar. This helps to accurately determine the row configuration and fit those bricks that require cutting.
  • Since the structure already has a closed hearth, its laying out (internal lining) involves the use of fireclay fire-resistant bricks. In the diagram, it is shown in a lighter shade.
  • In the basement, you can use the usual masonry mortar. Starting from the level of overlap under the hearth and above, where the area of ​​​​elevated temperatures will be, a heat-resistant masonry composition is used.
  • Masonry begins with the first completely solid row. Of course, there is a constant check for horizontality using the building level.
  • Metal corners are laid on top of the fifth row - jumpers along which masonry will be carried out at the beginning of the sixth, and then the seventh solid rows. Two compartments, which will be located under the hearth, can be used to warm up or keep ready-made meals in a hot state.
Continuation of the scheme - ordering from the tenth row to the very top of the pipe
  • Over the eleventh row, jumper strips are again laid, and on top of them - two continuous rows, which will become the bottom of the focal chamber.
  • From the 14th to the 21st row - a hearth, the walls of which are immediately lined with fireclay bricks from the inside. If it is assumed that the fire will not be built on a removable metal pallet, but directly on the surface of the hearth, then its base should also be lined with fireclay bricks.
  • After laying out 21 rows, a jumper is installed along which the front overlap of the hearth will be laid.
  • In the future, the masonry goes strictly according to the scheme, with a gradual narrowing towards the center - this is how the pyramidal part of the chimney is formed.
  • The stepped rise of the pipe can subsequently be lined with a casing made of thin sheet metal - so that rainwater or snow does not accumulate and stagnate on the ledges. A rainproof metal cap completes the pipe device.
  • On the side walls of the hearth, metal brackets can be fixed at several levels for the location of barbecue grills.

As you can see, in this case, there is nothing critically complicated: the main thing is consistency, utmost accuracy and accurate calculation when laying each row, with the obligatory control of the horizontal and vertical walls.

Again, this structure can be basic, near which it will be easy to attach cutting tables.

Well, for those who still want to build a more complex complex on their own, with broad functionality, with a stove, oven or cauldron for cooking pilaf, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the detailed video instruction. This will help you to quickly assess your funds and building capabilities in order to make the right decision on choosing an acceptable model.

Video: instructions for building a brick barbecue complex

Read in the article

Types of barbecues

Experts divide all barbecues into three categories:

1. Mobile.

Compact folding brazier

2. Portable.

Convenient mobile brazier with wheels

3. Stationary.

Stationary brazier made of bricks

To understand why it is worth stopping at the brick version, you need to know its competitors “by sight”. Let's start with mobile models. These types of barbecues are better known to the townsfolk as folding. Ideal solution for travel lovers. When folded, the product is very compact. It is characterized by a small weight, so the brazier can be easily placed in the trunk of a car.

Folding brazier is ideal for travel

Moreover, it can be transported even on a bicycle, because the assembled brazier looks like a suitcase. Light weight is a relative advantage. What is good in transportation is not very desirable in operation. A small mass indicates the thin walls of the brazier, so they will burn through at an enviable speed. Giving preference to mobile barbecues, be prepared for their frequent change.

Folding braziers are made of thin metal

A portable grill is a more popular model. Products are strong and quite reliable. If necessary, such a brazier can be moved to any corner of the garden. Two people can easily handle the task. These options are quite durable.

Mobile brazier can be installed in any convenient place

The unit of measurement of their life cycle is not times, but seasons. For the manufacture of portable braziers, high-quality iron of great thickness is used. The disadvantages of the category include a not too elegant look.

Mobile barbecue

If you want to have a really exquisitely arranged barbecue area, then you should stop at a stationary brick grill, which can be assembled by yourself. This type of brazier belongs to engineering and construction structures, in which a chimney must certainly appear.

Brick brazier with a chimney

Equipping a stationary picnic area will naturally cost more than using portable and mobile braziers, but it will pay off both morally and aesthetically. A bulky structure can be made an accent composition in the design of the site. An indisputable advantage of a brick brazier will be its large heat capacity. By reheating it once, you can cook several batches of meat without worrying that there is not enough heat for it and the dish will remain raw.

Brick brazier has a greater heat capacity

In our market there is also such an offer as an electric grill, but it has not gained much popularity, since the meat in it is cooked on skewers rotating around a hot spiral and does not have such a pleasant aroma as barbecue made on natural wood or coals. A similar variant of a shish kebab may be convenient when preparing a dish in a home kitchen, but not in nature.

Electric barbecue


The design is built in the same sequence as the previous attributes for frying meat. Its peculiarity is that it uses a special grid on which dishes are prepared..

The difference between such a structure is that it combines two objects for cooking: a barbecue and a barbecue. The brazier is a rectangular bowl with holes in the bottom. Barbecue is considered one of the most convenient and functional devices for cooking meat products and vegetables.


Such devices for cooking can be built as mobile, that is, portable, as well as stationary. Each of them has its own advantages. Portable barbecue grills are convenient because they can be placed in any convenient place. The positive quality of stationary brick structures is that they are more durable and can be used for many years. Most often, they provide for the presence of dampers with which you can regulate the ingress of air. The type of product must be selected at the beginning, when the overall design and drawings are being prepared.

Such a structure can be used in all weather conditions, since the design provides protection from the wind.

A properly equipped area where a barbecue grill is located can become an adornment of the entire interior of a country house.

Most often, the barbecue area includes not only the oven, but also other attributes. For this zone, it is recommended to equip a special platform with a canopy or a gazebo. Here you can install furniture for a comfortable stay in the air.

Such a structure can be used in all weather conditions.

Thus, the independent construction of structures for a country house will provide an opportunity to spend time with family and friends in a cozy atmosphere. At the same time, structures that are made by the hands of the owners of the house will cause a special sense of pride. Also, as an option, products can be built not only for your site, but also as a gift to your loved ones.

Brazier with stove


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Brazier made of bricks - relaxing with family

Everyone dreams of spending more time with their family. Why not spend it outdoors? With the help of the grill, you can make it tastier and even more pleasant. After reviewing the information, please leave your assessments with arguments in the comments. They will be helpful to other readers.

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  • The product can be made exactly as you want, as it is more convenient
  • Construction quality
  • The ability to make the appearance unique
  • Time with family
  • Good option for a gift
  • The process takes a lot of time and effort.
  • Cost
  • Not everyone can do it themselves

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The ordering of the brick barbecue is shown in the following figure. If you want to draw the order yourself, then it is most convenient to do this on a piece of paper in a cage.

This is what the order of the barbecue looks like

The easiest way to lay brick for a brazier is to move each row half a brick in one direction or the other. Start laying the basement should be from the corners to the center along pre-marked lines. Every 3 rows, do a level and plumb check, and also lay a reinforcing mesh.

The first row of masonry, like the second, is made continuous. The plinth can have different heights, depending on the project, and several compartments in which it is convenient to store firewood, charcoal, some utensils, etc.

For the brazier, you can use a pre-cast concrete base with reinforcement or lay it out of brick.

If the firebox is planned to be arched, then a circle is used. A gap of 1 cm is left between the bricks. It is best to use wood chips for this. So you can evenly distribute the bricks. Only after that the space is sprayed with water and filled with a solution. Kruzhalo is left for 1-2 days.

From above, the firebox is covered with a reinforced concrete beam or an iron corner. 1 more row of bricks is laid out on top of the jumper.

If a brick brazier is planned to be used as a barbecue, then you need to think in advance about the installation site of the grill. For this, small protrusions are made. The lattice itself is placed on the reinforcement rods embedded in the walls of the building. You can make several ledges to be able to place the grate at different levels.

Next, wind walls are laid and a smoke box is made. The pipe is attached to the support columns and gradually narrows. This is the simplest design. And to protect it from precipitation, a metal visor is installed above it.

In simple schemes of brick barbecues, the pipe may be absent altogether, as well as wind walls.

Do-it-yourself brick barbecue step by step construction with real photos

Consider another option, more complicated - how to make a brick barbecue with your own hands, which includes two lower compartments for firewood, dishes and other small items, a combustion chamber, a countertop and a chimney at the top.

For the construction of the structure itself, in this case, facing bricks were used, and refractory for the inside of the furnace.

Initial construction stage

We start laying in the same way as described above. The lower part will be in the form of the letter "Ш", only the branches are different in width. What will be wider for firewood, above it there will be a firebox and a chimney. The second is for dishes and other accessories, there will be a countertop at the top.

We make even seams between rows

So that everywhere between the bricks there is the same and even seam, here, when laying, a metal bar is used, in the context of which there is a square with a side of 12 mm. But we advise you to take thinner - 5-10 mm will be enough. You also need to constantly control the level of verticality and horizontal masonry.

Brick laying process

The bar is placed on the edge, as shown in photo 4, then carefully smeared with mortar. On the side where they put the bar, we put the mixture on a par with it, on the other a little more, a slide. We lay a brick, from the side of the plank we hold it with our hand, and on the other, lightly tapping with a hammer, we align it to the level. When the solution dries a little, remove the bar.

In order for the masonry process to progress faster, there should be several planks, as they are needed for each row.

Lay out the bottom part - the first 10 rows

According to this principle, 10 rows are laid out.

We prepare the basis for the firebox and countertops

Next will be the firebox and countertop. On the 10th row we put reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm. The distance between the rods is 70 mm. Formwork is placed between the reinforcement so that the mixture does not fall down when the seams between the bricks are filled.

Professional advice: it is better to take metal corners, as there is a possibility that the reinforcement will bend under the weight.

We lay out the brick and fill it with mortar

At the same distance from each other, bricks are laid out over the entire area. Those that fall on previously erected walls are placed on the mortar, the rest are simply on the formwork. Then the gaps between the bricks and the surface are filled with mortar.

We form the combustion chamber and the vault

After drying, a firebox is erected - 8 rows are laid out vertically. Further, the back part, which is located near the wall, is also erected, and the remaining three sides taper up by half a brick. So 9 more rows are laid out.

Building a chimney

The next step is the chimney. In this case, 20 rows are made of bricks, and at the top there is a stainless chimney. A high pipe is needed so that the smoke does not interfere with either you or your neighbors, and the draft is better.

The last stage of construction - we finish the countertop and firebox

And the finishing touches - the countertop is laid out with tiles, and the inside of the firebox - with refractory bricks.

Final result

After a few days to dry completely, the barbecue is ready to use.

Below in the gallery you can see more photos of barbecues and barbecues for summer cottages made of bricks with your own hands, and choose the one that suits your site in terms of style, functionality and location.

In the gazebo On the terrace With hob Outdoors Built-in smoker

There is no fundamental difference between barbecues and barbecues, except that on the first one, food is cooked on skewers, and the second on the grill. Both can be done on the same structure, the construction of which will be discussed.

Often, a country barbecue is a simple outdoor building in the open. A brick barbecue is a more complex device that can be located in a summer kitchen, gazebo or outdoors, but it already has a chimney and in most cases a cover to protect it from rain and snow.

Brick brazier in the gazebo

If you are going to install a brick barbecue in a gazebo, the options proposed above will not work - the smoke will be all under the roof, which will not add joy to you. For gazebos you need a brazier with an exhaust pipe. This construction is more complex, but you can also do this option yourself. It is also not very difficult to fold the order of the barbecue made of bricks for a gazebo with your own hands below. It also, like the first, has an even arch, which is much easier to do in the absence of experience.

Dimensions and materials

This brick brazier / barbecue is of medium size:

  • width 150 cm;
  • depth 75 cm;
  • total height to the beginning of the flue pipe 217.5 cm.

Appearance and sections of the brazier made of bricks. It can be done independently in the gazebo

For masonry, you can use ceramic solid bricks. For the area where the fire will burn, you can (but not necessarily) use fireclay bricks. In the figure, it is indicated in light yellow.

The laying of the "cold" belt - up to the 11th row inclusive - can be done on a cement-sand mortar (1: 3). Next, you need to use clay-sand. The thickness of the seam in any case is 5-7 mm. Hold it for sure.

Structurally, this brazier consists of three "cold" compartments in which firewood can be stored and used for household items. The "hot" zone starts from the 12th row. Here they make a fire, install a barbecue grill or barbecue racks.

An example of building a wooden gazebo is described here, and one of the possible options for a summer kitchen is in this article.

Order and explanation

The ordering of this brick brazier is a little more complicated, so explanations are needed. The first row is laid out on the same level with the floor of the gazebo. If your foundation turned out to be low, you can also raise it with bricks laid on cement mortar.

Arrangement of a brazier from a brick for an arbor

The next four rows are laid with dressing. This will be a firewood shed - an area where it is convenient to stack firewood. On the fifth row, three strips of metal 3 mm thick and 50 mm wide are laid on top. They will serve as a support for the bricks of the next row. Lay the sixth and seventh rows according to the scheme.

In the 8th row, the formation of two chambers for household items begins. Look carefully at the location of the seams. This is fundamental: none should coincide with the seam of the bottom row. Only in this way will the brick wall be strong enough. Where required according to the scheme, the bricks are cut: halves and even quarters are used.

In the 11th row, the middle wall is no longer placed, but metal strips are again placed on top: the next row, which covers the utility compartment, will rest on them. The 12th row is slightly larger than all those located below: everything goes smoothly along the back wall, and the bricks protrude about 3 cm in front.

The 13th row is also laid out solid. A brazier will be installed on it. In size, it is still slightly larger than the previous one.

The middle part of the order: we form the focus zone

The next rows form a "hot" zone - a fire will burn here. This zone is smaller in size than all the underlying rows. To make it more resistant to fire, it is lined with fireclay bricks placed on the narrow side. In size, it does not match the ceramic and the height of the rows and the seams will be different. Ignore it by laying it out regardless of ceramic. Just follow the alternation, as indicated in the diagrams.

In the 21st row, a steel corner is laid. It can be used from black or stainless steel with a thickness of 3-4 mm. Corner dimensions 40*40 mm or 50*50 mm. Length - from the middle of the brick on the right to the middle of what is on the left. The front wall of the chimney will rest on this corner.

Formation of a pipe for removing smoke from the barbecue

In the 22nd row, there is also fireclay brick, and the front wall of the chimney appears, resting on the corner. In size, this row is larger than the previous ones: in front, the bricks hang over the corner by 3 cm. The next row becomes even wider, and then there is a gradual decrease. Row by row the smoke channel becomes narrower. By the 30th row, a pipe is formed. It rises above the roof of the gazebo by at least 50 cm. During its construction, alternately alternate the 30th and 31st rows. ON this do-it-yourself brick brazier can be considered built. Now you need to dry it without fire for 5-7 days, and then gradually heat it for several days, evaporating the water from the masonry.

The easiest way is to make a brazier from a gas cylinder. How, read the article "

Foundation for barbecue

The first stage of construction is pouring the foundation. A hole is dug deep for him. 30 cm and the size that 20-30 cm exceeds the size of the future structure. The walls and bottom are leveled, rammed. A pillow of sand and gravel is laid out at the bottom. Layers are laid alternately, each subsequent must be moistened and compacted. Cushion thickness - 15 cm.

Before pouring, a formwork is installed that protrudes above the ground by 10 cm. Placed at the bottom of the pit reinforcing mesh and filled with cement mortar. At the final stage, the foundation should be leveled with level. Complete hardening of concrete occurs 3-4 weeks, i.e. wait before proceeding with construction 28 days. For uniform setting in hot, dry weather, the surface of the concrete should be moistened periodically.

Clay is diluted with sand in the ratio 1:1 . The consistency of the solution should be like that of thick sour cream. It should be easy to take with your hands, without spreading. If a small amount of clay solution with sand easily rolls into a bundle with a diameter 1 cm, without cracking, spreading and without losing shape, then the quality of the solution is good.

While the foundation is solidifying, clay mortar should be taken care of in advance. G line soaked in water for a week and stir occasionally, adding water if necessary. Clay and clay masonry mortar are sold in hardware stores. We supply electricity while filling, before laying out the brazier of bricks. With our own hands we derive contacts for connection.

Waterproofing is laid on a completely hardened foundation - polyethylene folded several times, a layer of roofing material or other bituminous material. Country barbecues are built in compliance with the standard rules of brickwork. The brick is recommended to be poured with water the day before laying or lowered into it for 20-30 seconds immediately before laying. Then it will not take moisture from the clay, and the grip will be better.

Barbecue made of bricks with an ordering pipe

This barbecue option is a little more difficult, but also not the most difficult. The most important thing is that the combustion chamber here has a direct vault, and it is much easier to make it vaulted. The brick frying chamber is raised to a height of 90 cm, the total height - to the beginning of the pipe - 217.5 cm.

Brick BBQ masonry scheme

It all starts with the preparation of the foundation. For this barbecue oven, only a monolithic reinforced base (reinforcement step 15 cm) on a compacted crushed stone base is suitable. On a dried foundation, waterproofing is spread in two layers, then laying begins. If barbecue is done in the gazebo, the first row of masonry should begin at floor level. If the foundation turned out to be lower, lay out an additional row (or two) of bricks, and then begin laying according to the above scheme.

Brick barbecue drawings

The first 9 rows do not require special explanations. They lay exactly according to the scheme, observing the order, using halves and cut bricks, if indicated on the plan. Be sure to check the verticality of the resulting walls, as well as control the thickness of the mortar - 8-10 mm and the horizontal laying of each brick.

To control the thickness of the seam, you can use a rebar of the appropriate diameter. It is placed on the edge, the surface of the row is filled with mortar, the excess just above the bar is cut off with a trowel. After laying and tapping the bricks, an even seam is obtained - the bar prevents the brick from sinking lower than necessary. The bar is then taken out and shifted higher.

To be able to lay the 6th row (solid), after laying the 5th, lay a strip of metal 4-5 mm thick, 40 mm wide. Length - slightly less than the span of the furnace - 1450 mm. 3 strips are needed - one at the edge, two approximately in the middle of each row of bricks or as indicated below (11th row).

Formation of two economic chambers

The layout of the laying of the next rows of barbecue is clear

Only in the 12th row, pay attention - you need bricks sawn along. It is also worth saying that the 12th and 13th rows are larger than the lower ones - forming a decorative "belt"

The formation of the combustion chamber begins

Fireclay bricks (ША-8) are indicated in light color in these rows. They put it on the same composition of clay and sand (it is possible to add a small proportion of cement). It is better not to use mixtures based on fireclay: they need very high temperatures for sintering, which are unattainable in outdoor barbecues. As a result, this solution may subsequently simply crumble.

Formation of the vault of the combustion chamber

At this part of the order, everything is also clear: we begin to mold the vault of the firebox. It overlaps on the 22nd row, in which a gradual narrowing begins.

Transition of the vault into a pipe

The formation of the vault continues, which in the 30th row passes into the chimney. Then the 30th and 31st rows alternate until the required height is reached.

Idea development

Before proceeding with the installation work, you should consider brick barbecues of different designs. Drawings for each model may differ dramatically. For beginners, the simplest option is suitable, consisting of supports from a coal tray

Advanced craftsmen should pay attention to combined furnace complexes.

Design Options

From the whole variety of grill structures built from such material, separate groups of products can be distinguished. The most affordable in terms of cost and construction method is a simple brick brazier. It consists of supports and a grate with a tray for coals. Some products do not even have protective top walls. For the convenience of cooking, you can attach a work surface. Furnace materials, skewers and dishes are also stored here.

A more complex option is a multifunctional brick oven-brazier. Not everyone can do it with their own hands. Such complexes are complemented by a covered firebox, hob, smokehouse, sink and other objects necessary for cooking.

Combined brazier with additional work surfaces

As for the decorative design, here you can experiment with finishing materials, brick laying methods, brazier shapes and other elements.

Choosing a place for construction

An equally important issue is the choice of location. Before building a stationary brick brazier with your own hands, it is recommended to carefully consider the issues of ease of placement, use, etc. The best option is to create a complex recreation area. A backyard yard, terrace, or gazebo with a table are great options.

Tip: It is imperative to consider the issues of removing smoke from residential premises and fire safety.

Great idea - gazebo with barbecue

If there is no suitable place, make a small free-standing brick outdoor grill. It can be placed in the garden or in the far corner of the yard. To prevent the formation of puddles and dirt after rain, equip a platform or platform near it. Try to avoid proximity to shrubs, outbuildings and other flammable objects. Also make sure that the smoke from the grill will not disturb your neighbors.

Dimensions and drawings

The next stage of preparatory work is to determine the dimensions of the future product and draw up a project plan. When designing brick barbecues with your own hands, the drawings must be drawn with the designation of the dimensions of each individual element and its exact location.

Read also about the construction of a brick smokehouse in addition to this article.

Usually the structure is divided into two horizontal parts. At the bottom there is a place for storing firewood and coals, and at the top - directly a grill with a brazier. If auxiliary surfaces are provided, it must be taken into account that it should be convenient and safe to work on them.

When designing brick barbecues with your own hands, the drawings must also be completed with a projection of the finished product in compliance with the exact proportions. This will allow you to visually evaluate its appearance and ergonomics.

Approximate scheme for a simple barbecue

The standard height of the grill is 90 cm. Since this is an individual project, you can adjust the data to suit your height. As for the width of the brazier, it makes no sense to make it less than 50 cm. The work surface should also be wide enough so that you can cut food on it, put dishes and ready meals.

Please note: when calculating, you also need to take into account the dimensions of the materials used.

Necessary materials

In order for the built brick barbecue with your own hands to serve you for many years, it is important to choose high-quality materials. Often, when arranging grill complexes, several types of bricks are used.

For laying out the brazier, it is imperative to purchase refractory red brick. Work surfaces that are resistant to high temperatures can be made from cheaper materials.

In addition to bricks, for work you will need:

  • cement-clay mortar;
  • concrete;
  • reinforcing bars;
  • metal corners;
  • level;
  • fittings, preferably cast iron.

Read also the article about on our website.

It is necessary to take care of the selection of high-quality fittings and service equipment

From the accessories you will need a grate for cooking, skewers and supports for them, a grill tray for coals. The main part of the accessories is removable, which simplifies the use of the grill. barbecue ovens are also often equipped with a hood.

Simple brick brazier

Any building made of brick requires a foundation. And even such a small brazier, as presented below, is very undesirable to put directly on the ground. The foundation will have to be poured. You can make it tape or slab. The stove is more reliable: in winter it will not lead and the masonry will not fall apart.

Even a beginner can fold this simple brick brazier with their own hands

The dimensions of the foundation for a barbecue made of bricks are 10-15 cm larger than its dimensions. First, the vegetation layer is removed, if necessary, the pit is deepened by 10-15 cm. Its bottom is leveled and rammed. A layer of crushed stone 10 cm is poured and rammed again. It is advisable to use a vibrating plate in this case: you do not compact the soil sufficiently with a manual rammer. The height of the tape is 20-30 cm, the thickness of the slab foundation is 10 cm.

Depending on the type of foundation chosen, an appropriate formwork is constructed. For greater strength, reinforcement is made with a bar of 10-12 mm in diameter. For a tape - two threads are laid around the perimeter, a “cage” is made for the slab: bars are laid along and across in increments of 20 cm. Everything is poured with concrete of a grade of at least M200.

If the temperature during construction stays around +20°C, work can continue after about a week: the concrete has gained more than half its strength. Two rows of waterproofing are laid on it (roofing material, roofing felt, modern rolled waterproofing), coated with bituminous mastic or other liquid waterproofing solution. After that, you can start laying.

Dimensions and materials

You can fold this small brick brazier with your own hands without even having any experience. It is a building in the form of the letter "P". There are two parts: the brazier itself and a table next to it. The design is simple and easy to modify. You can add another section next to it, make it wider or narrower, deeper or smaller. You can make two ledges under the grills - this is if a large number of kebabs will be cooked.

The basic dimensions are:

  • width 180 cm;
  • depth 90 cm;
  • brazier height 100 cm.

For laying this garden barbecue, you can take a full-bodied ceramic brick, you can also use fireclay SHA-8. For the order given below, 202 bricks were used.

For the lower part - up to the 5th row - the mortar is used cement-sand 1: 3 or with the addition of one part of lime to it. Further, where heating will already take place, a clay-sand mortar is used. Its proportions are selected based on the qualities of clay (oily, normal, skinny). By density - it should not be too liquid, but not too thick. About like a good thick sour cream.

Order and order of work

This country brazier is made up of bricks laid "on the bed". Two protruding rows (bricks are laid across) serve as a support for the brazier sheet and the grill grid. Here you can put it on a spoon (put it on the narrow part), then the sheet will rise a little higher. In the lower part, you can stack firewood or use it for other household needs.

The rows are placed in a dressing - with an offset, for this you need halves of bricks. They can be cut with a grinder. The first six rows form the brazier and table on the right. Starting from the 7th row, the masonry goes only in the part where the brazier itself will be located.

Seam thickness 5-8 mm. It must be the same.

Ordering a small country brazier made of bricks

In order not to disturb the geometry during construction, you can stretch the cords and level all rows along them. But each brick and each row is controlled by the level to horizontal. Constantly need to check the verticality of the walls and corners. To do this, use a construction plumb line (a cord with a weight at the end). You can also check the verticality with a level, but it has an error, especially if it is not a professional, but an amateur instrument. So with such a check, there is a solid probability of getting a brazier with oblique, littered walls.

The ordering of this brick barbecue is simple, and does not require additional explanation. There may be questions about drying. If the weather is dry, leave the brazier to dry for three to four days. Then you can gradually build a fire. For a couple of days, heat in a gentle mode, using thin firewood and little by little. Then you can fry the first batch of kebabs.

One of the options for a simple brazier made of bricks. It differs from the basic version in that there are two rows of protruding bricks. Another difference is that the table is smaller.

If rains are expected, and there is no canopy over the barbecue, cover it with oilcloth. After about a week, you can start slow drying: make a small fire and not for long. Drying will also take 2-3 days. Then a brazier made of bricks, folded with your own hands, can be tested.

Rotisserie and other devices

In order to provide maximum functionality to your brick barbecue, it should be equipped with as many fixtures as possible. A banal device for cooking barbecue is not worth it to start a grandiose project on the scale of a country house.

In the process of laying the hearth for picnics, it would be nice to also provide for a spit on which you can cook a whole small lamb. It will also be useful to have a device on which you can hang a cauldron. In other words, the barbecue oven should be your summer kitchen, only much more functional.

In the process of laying the side walls of the portal, somewhere at the level of the fourth or fifth brick, it is necessary to make recesses in the bricks on both sides opposite each other.

In order for them not to move relative to each other, a pipe is threaded into the recesses, which must be there until the end of all work. Today, many people have beautiful stoves in the country, but not many have one in which you can take and roast a wild boar on a spit.

How to make a brazier with your own hands from brick, and what you need for this

First you need to determine the place where the future brazier will stand. The place must have a place to relax. For such purposes, a gazebo is perfect, which will protect guests from rain, snow and wind.

The most successful and popular design at the moment is considered to be a brick oven with dimensions of 1.6 m (height), 1.6 m (width), 0.8 m (depth) with a strip foundation.

Communications can be connected to the barbecue, as well as additional add-ons that will fit perfectly into the interior of the complex, performing a practical role (you can store various kitchen utensils).

Near the barbecue you can place a table and benches. The choice of material from which they will be made depends on you.

In order to build a brazier with your own hands from a brick, you need:

  1. - gravel, sand and cement;
  2. - special oven stone;
  3. - concrete mixer and construction tools;
  4. - fittings and reinforcing mesh;
  5. - crate;
  6. - various sizes of bolts, screws and metal corners.

When building a brazier made of bricks, you need to take into account their weight and lay the foundation at least 50-60 centimeters deep, one brick wide. First of all, we mark out a place for the foundation, dig to a depth of 50-60 centimeters and lay the reinforcement.

After we dug a hole for the foundation and laid the reinforcement, we pour it with concrete, the concrete grade of 150-200 is enough for strength, I made concrete with the calculation:

  • 1 bucket of cement
  • 3 buckets of sand
  • 5 buckets of rubble
  • 1-2 buckets of water depending on the moisture content of the sand

We level the pouring surface with a level (this will greatly facilitate the laying of bricks) and cover it with waterproofing material, I used roofing material. As a waterproofing material, you can use a plastic film, or simply generously lubricate with building mastic (this is done so that moisture from the foundation does not penetrate into the brick and does not destroy it).

After finishing work with the foundation, you need to wait a few days for the foundation to finally harden.

Mangal brick laying

Furnace brick - is an ideal option for the construction of barbecue. This building material perfectly withstands high temperatures. One drawback - during severe frost it becomes very fragile.

Important: in no case should you build a brazier from silicate hollow bricks. . The first row of bricks should be laid out dry, without the use of mortar.

This is done so that in the future you do not have to use parts of the brick and adjust it to size.

The first row of bricks should be laid out dry, without the use of mortar. This is done so that in the future you do not have to use parts of the brick and adjust it to size.

The masonry must be marked and observed throughout the construction.

Brick absorbs water like a sponge. For this reason, a few days before the start of laying, it is necessary to wet the bricks with a garden hose. This procedure will prevent the brick from absorbing water from the mortar. For laying bricks, it is necessary to prepare a cement mortar in the ratio given below.

The composition of the mortar for masonry barbecue:

  • 1 part cement
  • 1 part slaked lime
  • 3 parts sand

Water is added to the composition in the required amount and brought to a state of thick mass.

After laying the first row of bricks, the subsequent rows are laid with an offset of half a brick relative to each other (this offset of the seams is done for better dressing).

The laying of each level starts from the corners. It is necessary to periodically check the level of masonry horizontally and vertically. The dimensions of the brickwork must correspond to the developed drawing of the brazier.

The most important element of the brazier - a brazier, is laid on metal corners, which are fixed on the masonry with metal pins. The firebox must be lined with thick metal sheets from the inside. This will prevent premature destruction of the brick from high temperatures.

For good traction, it is enough to leave small gaps unfilled with cement mortar. To install the grill grate, you need to put several bricks inside the brazier inside with the same protrusion.
When developing a brazier drawing, you can lay a variety of structures designed for storing firewood, for a canopy, and installing a decorative exhaust pipe. The whole complex can be turned into a summer kitchen, where you can receive guests at any time of the year.

Brazier made of bricks with a stove under the cauldron. Brick ordering

Another version of the brazier that you can put at home is the brazier, which has an oven for a cauldron added.

It means that next to the brazier a traditional oven is installed under the cauldron. Both of these designs are separate, but for aesthetics and to give the appearance of a single whole, a connecting seam is made between them.

The order of construction of such a brazier is the same as in the previous version. Just add the installation of the furnace under the cauldron.

We start the whole process by laying the first row without using a clay-sand mortar. To do this, first lay out all the corner bricks, which should form a rectangle. We stretch the string between these bricks. Next, we lay the bricks of the first row and check the correctness of the masonry. For this purpose, we measure the diagonals of the formed rectangle, if they are equal, then lay out the bricks on the mortar. If not, then we make adjustments to the masonry. We lay out the bricks of the first row on the mortar, the thickness of the seams should be equal to 3-4 mm.

Well, further laying is carried out according to the chosen order. Below are a few examples of this ordering that you can use for your construction.

Installing the oven under the cauldron includes the following steps.

Laying the 1st row.

We lay completely red brick. We start with a whole brick. Next, we apply this method to each odd row.

Masonry 2nd row.

A red brick is laid around the perimeter, and fireclay in the middle. The row starts with a half brick. The same is done with all other paired rows. The second row will be the bottom of the firebox. In the first two rows, we leave a place for the ash pan, where we build the door of this ash pan into the masonry.

3rd row masonry.

It is made solid, with the exception of the space above the ash pan. Here the grate is installed. To do this, we cut grooves in the brick of the third row. In addition, we block and fix the ash pan door in the same row.

Masonry 4 and 5 rows.

The brick is laid in such a way that holes are made for the firebox door and for the chimney. We divide the oven into two parts. One will become the outer wall of the stove, and the second will be its central part. We make a small space between them. The central part is made in the form of a square with a circle in the middle, which is a firebox.

The central part is laid out of fireclay bricks. We fix the firebox door.

Masonry of the 6th row.

We do everything in the same way as when laying the previous row. The only thing is to block the outer hole for the chimney. The brick should bandage the seams of the previous row.

Masonry 7-11 rows.

The 7th row covers the firebox door. In the 9th row, holes must be made through which flue gases will exit. In the 11th row we make a circulation hole in the front of the crucible. Next, we put the 12th row and fasten plates with a hole for the cauldron on it.

Simple brick brazier

This design is very simple, easily modified to suit any needs and desires. It consists of brick walls, in which ledges are arranged (the brick is placed on the edge). Heat-resistant sheets (metal, etc.), gratings, and skewers are laid on these ledges. It is convenient, especially if there is some kind of roof over your head in case of rain, but it is built separately and at will.

Project and photo of the finished brazier / barbecue made of bricks

Any brick building requires a foundation, or at least a prepared foundation. Not even this little brick brazier. Since there are few bricks - a half-brick wall, then a rammed platform lined with some kind of hard surface is suitable for this design.

Foundation preparation

Remove the fertile layer, if necessary, deepen the pit. The depth should be about 20-25 cm. The dimensions of the foundation or platform are 50 cm larger than the dimensions of the furnace in all directions. The bottom is leveled, crushed stone of the middle fraction is poured onto it. The thickness of the crushed stone layer is 15 cm. It is well rammed. It is desirable - with a vibrating plate, if it is not available, with a metal or wooden rammer.

The next steps depend on the selected base. If this is one of the coatings - paving stones, paving slabs and similar materials, then a layer of fine-grained sand is poured into which the coating is laid according to the level.

If a slab foundation is chosen as the basis, it is reinforced with a bar 10 mm in diameter. It is laid along and across the foundation in increments of 20 cm, tied at the intersection. If you don’t know how to knit with a special wire, you can tighten it with plastic clamps. Reinforcement with a ready-made thick wire mesh is allowed for this model. The formwork is exposed along the edges and everything is poured with concrete of the M250 brand. Work can be started in a week if the average daily temperature was not lower than +20°C, and in two if it was +17°C.

For this brick brazier, a full-bodied ceramic brick M200 is used. You can take a stove, but it is more expensive, you should not put fireclay: the temperatures are wrong and he loves moisture too much to feel normal in an open barbecue.

The laying is carried out on a clay-sand mixture, to which a little cement is added for greater strength. For beginners, it is better to take a ready-made mixture for stoves, but not heat-resistant, without fireclay. Knead according to the instructions, the thickness of the seam is 3-5 mm, withstand strictly. Constantly control the verticality of the walls and the horizontality of the masonry

This is important for the normal operation of the oven.

Brick brazier ordering (masonry drawings)

As you can see, everything is really very simple. Each odd row starts with a whole brick, odd - with a half. In the 6th and 10th row, the bricks are placed on spoons - sideways, and unfolded across the main masonry. If you are making a barbecue - under the grate - in the same rows, the back wall is laid out of brick, also placed on spoons, and to maintain the thickness of the masonry, they are placed in two rows, as well as the rest - with dressing - by shifting the seams. If you are going to use a brazier - for skewers - on the back wall, put a brick on the spoons too, making a ledge in this area as well. Ahead, as a support for skewers, a profile metal pipe of small sections, cut to size, is used. In it, under the skewers, you can make recesses.

Starting from the 7th row, laying is carried out only on the half - right or left - as you wish, but this layout is given under the frying chamber on the left - it is wider, and there is a table on the left. If it is more convenient for you on the contrary, do a mirror image of this ordering.

Brick is a hygroscopic material, in order to reduce the amount of moisture that it will “pull” from the base and extend its service life, waterproofing is needed under the first row. You can lay rolled material in two layers (such as roofing material or hydroisol), walk around the perimeter with hydrophobic impregnation. A layer of waterproofing will not interfere between the first and second rows.

This is how one of the variations of a brick barbecue without a table looks like (if you don’t need it, just ignore this part)

After the brick brazier is folded, it is left to dry in warm weather for 1-2 days, in cooler weather - for 3-5. Then you can do a test run. Approximate "equipment" is shown in the photo of the finished barbecue. In this version, three rows of protrusions are made: the upper one is for products, the middle one is for coals, the lower one is for collecting burnt coals and ash.

In order for the folded brazier to serve more or less for a long time, it is desirable to cover it with a composition that reduces hygroscopicity. For this case, KO-85 varnish is best suited. And it would also be nice to provide some kind of cover: close it in case of rain and for the winter.


Ordering a brick barbecue is the most difficult, since each row must be laid out exactly according to the scheme. In our case, the combustion chamber has a straight vault. In the diagrams, the brick brazier is raised to a height of 90 cm, but you can lower it if necessary. To do this, the ordering scheme will have to be slightly changed. The total height to the beginning of the chimney is 217.5 cm according to the drawing.

Barbecue masonry scheme

A waterproofing layer is laid on the dried foundation. Then you can start laying bricks. If the construction of a barbecue is carried out in a gazebo, then the first row of the stove should be laid out at floor level. If the foundation for the barbecue turned out below the floor level in the gazebo, then lay out an additional row of bricks. After that, the laying is carried out strictly according to the above scheme.

Barbecue drawings

The first nine rows do not require special explanations. Laying is carried out according to the scheme

In this case, it is important to check the vertical and horizontal walls, as well as to control the thickness of the solution (8–10 mm). To make the seam between the bricks perfectly even, you can use a rebar with a diameter of 8 or 10 mm

Lay it on the edge, fill the surface with mortar. You can remove the residue protruding beyond the bar using a trowel. The bar can be removed after laying and tapping the bricks, shifting it to the next row.

To lay the sixth continuous row, after laying the previous one, a strip of metal 40 mm wide and 4–5 mm thick should be laid. There should be 4 such stripes - two in the center of each row of bricks and 1 from two edges. Approximately it may look as shown in the diagram of the eleventh row.

Formation of chambers

Furnace formation

Fireclay bricks are laid on a composition of clay and sand, and a little cement can also be added here. Chamotte-based mixtures should not be used, as they require higher temperatures for sintering, which are unattainable in outdoor barbecues.

combustion chamber

Now it is necessary to form the vault of the firebox. It begins to overlap from the 22nd row of the order, where, according to the scheme, the narrowing begins.

Pipe forming

In the 30th row, the vault passes into the chimney. Then the shape of the pipe is laid out until the required height of the chimney is reached.

Construction of a brick oven

Fixture for
frying kebabs, which was created using bricks, looks like a capital structure. He has
a brazier equipped with rods necessary for fixing skewers, and an area where spare firewood can be located.
True, a brick brazier is a construction with a lot of weight, because it is built on a concrete base. design
devices for frying meat pieces in the open air must be supplemented with a pipe to remove puffs of smoke,
a canopy or a small roof, as well as countertops.

Pros and cons of barbecue from

The owners of dachas who built a brick structure on a suburban area, on
which kebabs are prepared, found the following advantages:

  • long service life and immunity to various factors that cause damage to the brazier, because properly made
    the brazier does not rust and does not lose its appearance, as happens with a metal box for frying meat;
  • the brazier keeps inside the brazier the heat received by burning firewood, since the brick walls do not release
    heated air, thereby contributing to the distribution of heat throughout the area where the barbecue is fried and does not burn;
  • economical consumption of firewood and coal, since the brick retains warm air, preventing the heat produced in the brazier
    temperature to drop below;
  • insignificant expenses for construction, because artificial stones of the correct form are an inexpensive material, and work
    it is rather ingenuous with him, which cannot be said about metal;
  • the finished fixture becomes a good addition to the rest of the buildings in the summer cottage, and
    decorates the yard.

A structure intended for the preparation of meat and built of bricks,
It also has some disadvantages:

  • a brick brazier may seem huge, besides, unlike a metal fixture, it does not
    it will be possible to move anywhere;
  • the brick brazier is large, so it is necessary to adapt an extensive
  • the device is not built from ordinary, but from special fireclay and ceramic bricks.

The brazier, which will always stand in the same place, should be erected
away from the dacha and other wooden buildings, after all, a device for frying barbecue is an object with an open
flame. It is more reasonable for a brick brazier to allocate a separate area in a special recreation area, for example, in a gazebo. There
he is not threatened with damage by rain or snow, besides, next to the barbecue made of bricks, sitting at the table, they can calmly
accommodate guests.

Brick barbecue options in the photo

Oven-like brazier Original structure Simple version

Step-by-step instructions for a brick barbecue

So, we decided to build a brick brazier. What do we need for this? Let's start with tools and materials. First of all, since we have a brick brazier, then we will need a brick. Since we are building a kind of oven, therefore, we will need a special oven, or fireclay brick. It is a fire-resistant brick that can withstand large temperature fluctuations. The mortar for laying bricks is a mixture of clay and sand, pre-soaked. For the barbecue, since it is stationary, a foundation will be needed. For its manufacture, we need cement, sand, formwork boards, rebar, stones and crushed stone. To fasten additional elements, it is necessary to prepare metal corners, gratings, various valves and a sheet of iron.

As for tools, a shovel, trowel, buckets, a trough for mortar will be needed here.

The number of bricks depends on the project that you draw yourself, or find one already finished. Below are several options for a brick brazier.

If you do not want to bother with complex schemes of your structure, but simply want to put up a fairly simple brazier, then the following scheme may be suitable.

We make the foundation

The foundation of the brazier must be even, for which you can use the building level. Also for waterproofing it will be necessary to use roofing material

Based on the size of the brazier in the project, we dig a hole. We lay out the bottom of this pit with a stone with rubble and install the formwork. After that, we fill the pit with a concrete mixture (if anyone does not remember its proportions of cement and sand are 1: 3), while laying a reinforcing mesh.

In the meantime, the concrete is curing, you can prepare a clay mortar for masonry. To do this, in a special container (tub, barrel) we soak the clay for a week. Stir occasionally and add water if necessary. After that, we pour sand. To check the quality of the solution, you need to mix a little clay with dry sand, then roll the mixture into a bundle with a diameter of 1 cm. If it does not lose its shape, does not crack or spread, then everything is fine.

After the concrete has completely hardened, you can start laying bricks.


We begin laying with the construction of three supporting walls - two side and one back. If you need a through design option, then the back wall can be omitted.

The figures below show the ordering of the bricks.

If necessary, in the brazier, you can make compartments, one for frying, and the other for dishes. To do this, we arrange cavities in the supporting part by placing another intermediate wall in half a brick.

After laying out all the walls, we block them with a concrete slab. For this purpose, we use an OSB board of a suitable size. We install it from below in such a way that after the concrete has hardened, it is possible to safely remove the formwork. On top we put a square frame of edged boards, the height of which is equal to the thickness of the slab to be poured.

We put dense polyethylene on the OSB and fill it with a solution with a layer thickness of 1-2 cm. After that, we lay four reinforcing bars with a diameter of 12-14 mm and fill the entire formwork with fine-grained concrete (crushed stone fraction 0.5-1 cm).

As soon as this plate has frozen, we continue laying the brazier according to the same procedures.

The optimal height of the firebox is 10 rows of bricks, or about 0.7 m. The bottom of the firebox must be treated with sheet metal. At the top of the structure, it is necessary to make a concrete floor with 1 row of bricks.

In general, there are a lot of options for a simple barbecue. You don’t even have to bother with mortars, but simply stack bricks on top of each other, as in the figure below:

But if you want a design, then you can offer such models.

How to make a solution

Barbecue laying involves the use of clay mortar. And just the quality of this mixture will depend on the strength and durability of the entire structure. So, it is unacceptable for the clay solution to crumble and crack after drying. Therefore, it should be relatively plastic and relatively thick.

Types of sand

Clay mortar is divided into 2 types:

  1. Skinny. A non-plastic mortar is implied, which does not shrink after firing. But it will crack and fall out of the seams. Therefore, it is not suitable for masonry.
  2. Fatty. This refers to the presence of plasticity in the solution. Due to this property, the solution is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the brick. However, there is a precipitate during firing. As a result, it is not used for laying a barbecue and a brazier.

Bad and good solution

To prepare a good clay solution, you will need the following list of materials:

  • Water.
  • River or fine mountain sand.
  • Preferably oily clay.
  • Cement.
  • Salt.
  • Planed board.
  • bucket 10 l and bank 1 l.
  • Sieve for screening with a mesh size of 1.5×1.5 mm.
  • Sieve with wide cells 3×3 mm.
  • Raw brick.

So, for the preparation of a high-quality mixture, it is recommended to take a raw brick. Thanks to him, a sufficient amount of clay and sand can be added to the solution. Plus, it blends perfectly with masonry bricks, as it has an almost similar structure. Considering that it can be difficult to find a raw brick, and the process of preparing a solution from it is laborious, it is best to use clay and fine mountain sand as a basis.

Clay mortar recipe

First, using a sieve (with cells 1.5 × 1.5 mm), clean the sand from gravel and other contaminants. Thanks to this cleaning, you can make a thin layer of seam when laying a barbecue. Based on the quality of the clay, the required amount of sand is added.

To the touch, a good solution should not have lumps, clots, it should be homogeneous. The mixture should slide off the shovel without spreading over it.

First rows

First rows

To increase the strength of the resulting solution, table salt is added to the mixture. For a bucket of solution 200 g of salt or cement 3–4 kg also per bucket. If the salt dissolves in water, then the cement should be thickened in water to a state of sour cream. After that, such additives are added to the clay solution.

Barbecue is an overseas name for things close to the heart

The history of barbecue goes far back to the colonial era, when the inhabitants of the eastern countries came up with a way to simmer large pieces of meat on coals. This method quickly spread throughout the territory of modern America and firmly entrenched among the locals. But what about Russia? We have a "barbecue" was and always will be! Only its name is grilled barbecue, dishes on a Russian street oven, meat on a spit, etc. For the convenience of preparing all these dishes beloved by our citizens, a barbecue oven was invented.

What is an outdoor brick oven?

The barbecue complex is a capital structure with additionally built-in firewood compartments, a sink, cutting surfaces, braziers for meat, pilaf, pastries, etc. The foundation is an important part of the complex. Under the barbecue, a solid concrete foundation with reinforcement 50-70 cm deep is required.

The center of the structure is a brazier made of fireclay bricks with a metal box, a grate and a chimney. A woodpile is placed under the brazier. Additional departments are equipped on the sides of the barbecue - a Russian stove, a tandoor, a sink, a countertop and other functional extensions.

Where to build a barbecue oven?

A do-it-yourself brick outdoor barbecue oven can be placed anywhere in the garden, gazebo and summer open terrace, provided that you provide a good hood with a high pipe. So the smoke will not disturb you or your neighbors.

The most advantageous place for a barbecue is near a brick wall. If you choose a project with a sink, then it is wise to build your brazier near the sewer and water supply.

We carefully prepared illustrations with step-by-step construction for you:

See the detailed project with all dimensions below.

How to make a brick brazier with your own hands drawings and photos, design and calculations

When choosing the type of construction and design of the brazier, it is necessary to take into account the landscape features of the site. The building should not stand out from the general style, but on the contrary, it must emphasize it. The process of developing a brazier project is not limited to the aesthetic side of the issue. There are certain rules that must be followed in order to secure operation and make it more comfortable.

Brick brazier drawing

For the construction of a site located in front of an open fire, it is imperative to use refractory materials, for these purposes it is suitable:

  • sand;
  • a rock;
  • concrete slab;
  • paving stones.

You should also take into account the wind rose. Do not start construction if there is a possibility that smoke will enter the windows of a residential building

It is forbidden to place a brazier near the neighbors' plots. Having a barbecue or oven can be uncomfortable.

Note! If there are blocks with a lighter shade in the batch of fireclay bricks, it means that the technology was violated during the manufacturing process of the material, and this casts doubt on the strength characteristics of the product.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully consider the placement of a brick barbecue - after all, it will be impossible to move it to another place later

In the construction of a brazier made of bricks with your own hands, the drawing plays an important role. To make your work easier, it is advisable to make a sketch of a summer cottage. Such a sketch will allow you to assess the features of the territory on a scale and choose the right place for building. The area located within a radius of 5 m around an open fire must be free from trees. The presence of plantings is allowed on the side where the structure is fenced with a wall, but not closer than at a distance of 0.5 m.

It is necessary to provide free access to the street barbecue made of bricks, as well as supply water in case of a fire.

Fire hazardous objects should not be placed nearby:

  • compost heaps;
  • sanitary and technical facilities;
  • garbage containers.

If you follow the basic rules of fire safety and install a brazier away from the fence and the street, you can avoid conflict situations with neighbors.

Brick laying scheme: 1. bonder row; 2-6. spoon rows; 7, 8. dressing in half a brick

How to choose the best brick brazier project

Having decided to build a barbecue or an outdoor oven on your own in your summer cottage, it is not at all necessary to design the structure from scratch. On the network you can find drawings, photos and diagrams for building a brazier with your own hands, which will meet any wishes. Moreover, there is no need to try to pick up a project in finished form. In the drawing of the future design, you can combine any elements you like, which will allow you to achieve maximum compliance with personal requirements.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to make a detailed drawing of a brick brazier, indicating on it the exact configuration of the structure and all the data regarding its appearance.

The drawn up scheme should take into account the following nuances:

  • construction design;
  • the nature of the placement of the main and additional components, namely: the combustion chamber, brazier, chimney, loading door, etc.;
  • dimensions of all structural elements.

At the beginning of the construction process of the brazier, it is important to decide on its design and design.

You should also consider the presence of a roof. There are options with an open and closed type of brazier. In the second case, the construction of a brick barbecue oven looks like a fireplace. The advantages of such a project are obvious, since in case of rain, the hearth will be protected from precipitation. In order for this design to function properly, you will definitely have to equip the chimney.

At the design stage, the presence of additional structures is also considered. Near the barbecue, you can equip a platform that will be used to prepare products. In this zone, a countertop is installed, and a sink with water is also connected. The projects of brick barbecues with a stove for a cauldron, in which you can cook pilaf and other dishes on an open fire, look quite attractive.

Important! If water is supplied to an outdoor stove or barbecue, in the fall it will be necessary to free the system from liquid, since pipes will be destroyed during frost.

Brick brazier scheme
