Green onion. Dream Interpretation onion why dream onions in a dream

Green onions in a dream promise minor changes and events that are just beginning to develop. What else does this image symbolize? popular dream books will help you figure it out.

Why do green onions dream - Miller's dream book

If you dream of onions in large quantities, then soon you will succeed. If you dream that you are eating it, it means that you will get rid of your enemies.

If you dream that it is growing, there will be enough enemies on your way that you will fight. Cutting onions - says that you will succeed in business. If you see a bow in a dream and cry, then this means that rivals will be present on your way.

Green onions - Assyrian dream book

Green onions are a sign of long work that will lead to rewards. If in a dream you peel onions, it means victory in hard work. Harvest - receiving a reward that you did not claim. Eating onions for food - to a deterioration in relations with loved ones.

Green onions in a dream - Freud's dream book

To see green onions in a garden in a dream means that in the near future there will be a sexual partner much younger than your age in your life. Large bulbs seen in a dream indicate that your sex life is very eventful. If you saw that the bulbs had sprouted, then in real life you dream of a child.

Why do green onions dream - a dream book of the XXI century

This plant usually dreams of tears or a bad mood. If in a dream you eat onions, it means that soon your secret will be known to everyone. If in a dream you clean it, it means that success lies in wait for you. Planting onions in the garden - deterioration in health or loss of money.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a green onion - a modern dream book

Green onions usually dream that enemies will envy your success. If you ate it in a dream, then good people will come across on your way. If in a dream you are cooking green onions, it means you will soon make big profits. If in a dream you see that you are cutting onions, and tears are flowing at the same time, it means that in the future you will go to have fun.

If you boil onions in a dream, this is to excellent health. If you fry it, then on your way you will meet enemies. In a dream, they saw that you were planting a bow - expect a reward soon. We looked at bulbs blooming in pots - to the cost.

Why do green onions dream - the dream book of the healer Evdokia

Seeing a green onion in a dream is a meeting of enemies. If you cook onions in a dream - to wealth. Cutting green onions - to a quarrel over inheritance. Planting onions - to worries and worries. If in a dream you are selling onions, ill-wishers will lure you to their side. Bought onions - your friends will be in trouble.

Interpretation of sleep onion (vegetable) in Miller's dream book

An onion growing in a garden bed, a vegetable, is a harbinger of a short illness in a dream.

A rotten onion dreams of a quarrel between relatives due to hereditary interests.

Eating raw onions in a dream - to a quarrel with friends.

To clean - to success in a difficult matter. The stronger and more unpleasant the smell of onions was in a dream, the more difficulties you will be able to overcome.

Cutting onions and crying at the same time - to defeat in competition with competitors.

Fry onions in a dream - to a small but stable profit.

If in a dream you pour green onions as a seasoning into a finished dish, then you will achieve something by spending all your savings on it.

Onions and garlic in large quantities in the garden dream of hatred and anger.

Seeing onion seeds in a dream, planting it is a harbinger of a turbulent time when business and worries will overcome you.

I dreamed of garlic, onions, carrots in one basket - succumb to persuasion ...

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

What does Onion dream about in a dream:

Bow - Symbol-model of the Universe. According to legend, David, the patron saint of Wales, taught the locals to draw leeks on their clothes so that they could be distinguished from their Saxon enemies. Since then, the national emblem of Wales has been the leek. Often, green onions are associated with false tears, i.e., annoying, but ridiculous situations that have nothing to do with real trouble. From here, in fact, the well-established expression “onion tears” or “onion grief” went. At the same time, onions are known for their healing properties. Seeing or peeling an onion in a dream means good health and success in a difficult undertaking.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Onions - peeling onions - you need to take a closer look at what worries you the most (over what you "cry"). A bunch of onions has been considered good since ancient times...

Why dream of onions

Often, a bow in a dream is considered by dream books as a bad omen. Such a dream for the most part prophesies hatred, envy, resentment - the whole palette of human negative feelings and emotions. To figure out what the dream promises for you, let's look at the onion in the dream book.

Dream interpretation - onion

The family dream book claims that onions dream of tears. However, if in a dream you eat this vegetable, then tears will flow from joy and happiness. You will be able to achieve your goals, and at the end of the thorny path, generous gifts of fate await you. Why dream if you cut an onion - you will cry from impotence and helplessness. Your competitors will bypass you and cruelly laugh at you.

Dreamed of a bow

Miller's dream book indicates what onions are dreaming of - then in reality you will suffer from the consequences of someone else's envy and hatred. Your success will haunt your competitors, and...

If you eat it, the enemies will retreat in front of you. If you see in a dream how it grows, there will be enough rivals in your affairs, the fight against which will sharpen your feelings and taste for life in general.
If you see in a dream how it grows, there will be enough rivals in your affairs, the fight against which will sharpen your feelings and taste for life in general.
Frying onions means serenity and a small profit in business.
To dream that you are cutting onions and feel that your eyes are wet is a sign that you will be defeated by your rivals.

Seeing a large number of onions in a dream portends you with anger and envy that you will meet when you achieve success.
If you eat it, the enemies will retreat in front of you. If you see in a dream how it grows, it will be enough in your affairs ...

Children's dream book

Bow according to the dream book:

Bow - Soon you will be very upset, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Women's dream book

What does Bow dream about in a dream book:

Onions - Thickets of onions in a dream portend anger and envy that you will encounter when you succeed. There is a bow - to defeat enemies. Cutting an onion in a dream and crying at the same time is a sign that you will be defeated by your rivals. Seeing in a dream how the onion grows - to the appearance of rivals, the fight against which will sharpen your feelings. Frying onions means serenity and a small profit in business.

Old Russian dream book

What does it mean when Luke dreams:

Onion - A plant in a dream portends the discovery of a secret, for the most part unpleasant for us, and very often means a quarrel with the lower ones.

Gypsy dream book

What does it mean if you dream of Bow:

Bow - There are weapons ...

There are dreams that impress with their unusualness and unexpected plot twists, which are remembered for a long time after waking up.

But usually dreams are not surreal, but are full of events and details of our everyday life. Attention is usually not focused on the details of such dreams, and we remember such dreams only when the object in the dream takes on special significance.

It is to such objects that are often found in reality that the bow belongs. If this vegetable has attracted attention, a person wants to understand the meaning of this symbol and find out what the onion is dreaming of.

How do famous dream books interpret this symbol?

Miller's dream book, considered one of the most detailed, draws attention to the circumstances of sleep:

If you dreamed of a huge amount of onions, you are able to succeed, despite the envy and rejection of others. There is it - to defeat the enemies. Watching green onion shoots sprout on...

To dream of an onion as a vegetable plant portends an unexpected illness or a dispute between relatives due to inheritance. Eating raw onions means that you will learn something that will give you trouble and make you quarrel with friends.

Peeling an onion in a dream is a sign of deceit or success in a difficult undertaking. Cut onions with tears in your eyes - be defeated in the fight against competitors. Frying onions or cooking in some other way portends a calm course of affairs and a small but stable profit. There are dishes seasoned with onions - you will overcome enemies and cope with difficulties, but at the cost of incredible efforts and using all your savings for this.

Seeing onions in the garden in large quantities means that in reality you will cause envy and anger with your successes. Planting and growing onions portends that you will only dream of peace, so business and worries will overcome you.

Trading onions in a dream means that you will succumb to the persuasion of ill-wishers and will be drawn into ...

A green onion in a dream portends an unexpected achievement of your goals, for the fulfillment of which you no longer dared to hope. Maybe you have already stopped making any attempts to complete things and settled for less or even completely forgot about them!

Seeing the image of a green onion in a dream, you can be sure that life has prepared a pleasant surprise and will reward you for your previous efforts. In vain you were upset because of the wasted energy and time - everything comes in due time, including the achievement of goals.

What kind of green onion was it?

Why do green onion feathers dream ▼

If in a dream you saw green onions with feathers, in reality you lack energy and activity. Diversify your activities, do something fun and unusual, otherwise you will get bored, which can lead to depression.

Why dream of green onions in bunches ▼

A dream in which green onions were seen in bunches is a good sign ....

Dream Interpretation Bow

Onion, Rotten onion, Eat onion, Green onion, Small onion, Onion in the garden, Leek, Sprouted onion, Cut onion, Bulb onion, Plant onion, Collect onion, Peel onion, Bulb, Fried onion, Dig onion, Peel onion

If in a dream you saw a Bow, you had to Peel the Onion and at the same time you cried, Dream Interpretations are convinced that you cannot avoid tears in reality. Very soon, events will occur that will surely unsettle you. And all because Onion in a dream symbolizes tears, Envy and resentment.

I dreamed of onions, Bulb- possible suffering.

A vegetable that causes tears in reality does not bode well for itself in a dream either.

I dreamed of a rotten onion- to malaise.

Most Rotten Vegetables Seen in a Dream portend malaise and health problems in real life. Perhaps the Dream came on the eve of a real illness - listen to yourself.

There is a bow in a dream- troubles will recede and ...


Green onions are a positive image of the subconscious, a symbolic expression of mental nourishment, from where your soul receives vitality.
This dream denotes your desire to receive more love, power, strength, vitality.

People who believe in the interpretation of sleep cannot always decide what the bow is dreaming of, because many dream books can interpret such a dream in different ways. Usually this vegetable in a dream portends tears and suffering, but sometimes such a dream promises pleasure.


Based on the interpretation of most dream books, a bow in a dream is a portent of small problems that will turn into unpleasant memories for the dreamer.

Nevertheless, the meaning of sleep largely depends on the actions with the plant:

  1. Miller's dream book speaks of this vegetable as an omen of the anger and envy of others. The dreamer is not recommended to reveal all his secrets and completely trust people. Also, this plant is a symbol of rivalry. Based on this, the dreamer needs to prepare for serious competition. But frying a vegetable in a pan in a dream means a financial reward for the labor invested in the business. This means that even risky projects can bring profit.
  2. The esoteric dream book considers a dream with a bow a bad sign. He dreams of disappointment and dissatisfaction. This is true if you dreamed of a young and green plant. In the case when an onion vegetable is dreamed, then it promises pleasure from the work done.
  3. Freud compared the bow in a dream to sexuality. If in a dream arrows appeared on the garden bed, then this indicates a desire to start a new romantic relationship. Large vegetables signal the dreamer's excessive sexuality, and a bunch of harvested crops indicates insufficient sexual satisfaction. When only seedlings are observed, then it is worth thinking about your offspring, because the dream suggests that it is time to have children.

I dreamed of onions or green onions

If you dream of onions, then you should expect your competitors to show anger. Due to great achievements, colleagues may become jealous. Vanga's dream book believes that this dream promises quite great turning points in his personal life. In addition, if the dreamer is a farmer, then he should expect a good harvest.

In reality, onions are both useful and bring tears. But what to expect from green, if we see it in a dream? Why dream of green onions?

A vegetable does not always bring tears and sorrows. It is important to correctly interpret the vision and pay special attention to details and nuances.

Dream interpretation

Miller's dream book

green onion symbolizes black envy and anger. Negative emotions have so taken possession of envious people that they are already ready for the meanest deeds. It will be difficult to resist the machinations of enemies, but you will succeed.

If you saw a lot of green onions you will be able to achieve success after a certain time. ate onions? Get rid of the bad guys.

If you saw how the onion grew, then know that there will be many envious people and enemies on the way. Fighting them will not be easy.

Cut green onion dreams of success in the financial sector. If an onion made you cry, then without rivals you will not be able to achieve your goals. If you cut green feathers, then enjoy sharp and vivid emotions.

Assyrian dream book

Bow with feathers dreams before hard and long work. When you finish the job, you will receive a well-deserved reward.

Gathering onions? Soon you will receive a reward that you did not know and did not expect. Eat green onions in a dream- to problems with others.

Freud's dream book

Onions with feathers in the beds promises a new partner. He will be younger than you.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

green onion portends tears or a spoiled mood. Eating onion feathers- to the disclosure of your secret by someone . If onions were planted you will lose health or money.

Modern dream book

Green bow reflects envy of enemies. Did you eat onions? You will meet kind and good people who will help you achieve a lot.

Cooking or cutting green onions- to make a profit. If you saw bulbs with green feathers in pots, then expect big expenses.

Gypsy dream book

Saw a green onion? Expect joy. Great wealth will fall on your shoulders.

Seeing green onions in a dream is most often a good event. Although here there are some points, starting from which, the meaning of sleep may change slightly. Changes are happening both for the better and for the not so good.

Dreams are bound to come true

If you see green onion feathers in a dream, life is preparing your dream to come true. The brighter and "fatter" the bow arrows were, the faster your idea will come true. You, most likely, have already forgotten about your dream, resigned yourself, waved your hand and were going to delete it from your life altogether - but now you should not rush. The dream will come true quite unexpectedly in an incomprehensible way for you. And so it happens: a person lives, and life weaves its own lace.

See onions in the beds

In a dream, seeing beds with green onions is explained by some dream books as a sign that a serious person will patronize you. He himself will want to take part in your destiny. How not to make a mistake in such a situation? After all, it is quite possible (most likely) "free of charge" happens only in fairy tales, in real life for such patronage it is also necessary to give something in return. Weigh all the positive and negative points, and only then make fateful decisions.

Collect onions from the beds

If, as the dream book says, the onion grew on the ridges, and the dreamer collects it, then the person needs to look around in real life at those around him. There are bound to be bad people out there. These people are vicious and excessively envious. The dreamer will immediately understand that they wish him harm, the main thing is an attentive attitude to their words and deeds. And it will immediately become clear how far the actions and promises of these people diverge.

bad green onion

To see rotten green onions in a dream - the dream book says that rotten and holey onion feathers warn of a depressive state moving towards the dreamer. Something will happen, and the sleeper will begin a gray period in life. The mood will be at zero, but apathy will be at its best.

How Miller's dream book explains dreams about onions

A lot of bunches of green onions that you cut - to a lot of enemies. Your rivals (or rivals) are very angry with you and very jealous of how things are going.

Do you eat all the green onions in your sleep? In reality, this means that you can quickly and easily defeat ill-wishers. Their malice will even be a help to you to some extent. The dream in which you ate the whole onion may mean that you will soon deal with enemies.

According to Freud

This dream book is famous for its non-trivial explanation of dreams. If you believe Freud, then - to see a green onion in a dream, portends the imminent appearance of a young admirer in a woman's life. And such a dream is also interpreted as a subconscious and carefully veiled (perhaps even from the dreamer or dreamer herself) desire to have children.

This interpretation is explained in the following images: a mature bulb is an adult, and the small children that the dreamer wants to have are green feathers growing from the bulb.

New dream book

According to the dream book of the twenty-first century (there is one), a bow seen in a dream is always to tears in real life. However, green feathers are not as bitter as a juicy onion, so they can mean a dull mood awaiting the dreamer.

Esoteric interpretation

The esoteric dream book promises a reward to those who eat onions in a dream without salt and bread. If you didn’t just see green onions in a dream, but somehow did the work associated with it (weeding, watering, transplanting and other actions), then the enemies will move away from you, but there will be more good people around.

Throw green onion feathers - to tears.

The onion is ripe - the secret has been revealed

If a green onion in a dream managed to grow and even release flower arrows, get ready for unpleasant surprises of fate. You have a terrible and unpleasant secret, and you would not want this secret to become known to a wide (even narrow) circle of people ... So, this secret will become known to them. There is probably nothing you can do to reverse this state of affairs. And revealing such a secret is fraught with consequences that can harm you or your family. It remains only to stock up on patience and composure. All secrets are again forgotten by outsiders over time, because people have a lot of their own personal problems and, frankly, no one cares about other people's secrets. In general, over time everything will be settled, just wait.

From the gypsies

Seeing green onions in a dream (in the dream book of gypsies) is considered perhaps the best vision. If you believe them, then such a dream means - complete well-being. Great joy and fabulous wealth await the dreamer soon if he saw a green onion. How the dreamer "gets rich" is not so important. He can receive an inheritance from an unknown person, accidentally find a real treasure, or he can win his wealth in some game or lottery. In order for the wealth obtained in this way to bring only benefit to its owner, it is better to keep silent about these funds and not tell everyone right and left that you are now a rich man.

Dream Interpretation from Vanga

Vanga interpreted dreams about onions in her own way. If you often began to see green onions in a dream, and it grows in whole glades and has a very beautiful color, and it is also not damaged by wormholes and rot, this promises only good. Glades consisting of such a bow often dream of monetary profit. Perhaps you will change jobs, and your financial condition will improve.

Oriental interpreter of dreams

If you see green onions in a dream or eat them together with onions or with another species, such a dream promises the sick person a speedy recovery from the disease.

A bow seen by a healthy person is beautiful because in such a dream it promises family happiness, respect, love of offspring and marital love.

Add chopped young green onions to the dish, according to the eastern dream book - to an acquisition that will concern the family. Perhaps you will buy some kind of item for your home interior or something similar, which all household members will be incredibly happy about.

Trading in the bazaar with bunches of onions in a dream or giving these bunches to everyone passing by you promises an unexpected betrayal in the present tense. The traitors will be those people whom you considered the closest. Most likely it will be your friends. But, perhaps, relatives will do meanness for you.
