The best way to boost immunity. How to boost immunity: advice from an immunologist

The immune system protects a person from infections and diseases. Its weakening leads to regular colds, ailments and decreased performance. To get rid of anxiety symptoms, you need to take care of strengthening the protective functions of the body.

How does a weakened immune system manifest?

Doctors define the body's immune system as a collection of cells, tissues and organs whose function is to protect the body from aggressive external and internal influences. It is she who gets in the way of fungal, bacterial and viral infections that penetrate the human body. Its weakening provokes the appearance of a wide range of diseases.

Frequently occurring viral diseases

Everyone suffers from acute respiratory infections and SARS from time to time. The repetition of a cold no more than four times during the year does not indicate a poor functioning of the immune system. If respiratory diseases bother more than six times, it is worth visiting an immunologist for diagnosis and comprehensive medical treatment.

allergic reactions

Allergic reactions also indicate a weakening of the protective functions of the body. A number of provoking factors include: cosmetics, household chemicals, food, pets.

fungal diseases

Another manifestation of weakened immunity is fungal diseases. Usually, the body easily fights such infections without external help, but the low level of body resistance provokes the development of fungal infections. The same applies to the work of the intestines: a weakened immune system cannot prevent dysbacteriosis, which causes constipation or diarrhea.

Long recovery process

An indicator of the functioning of the immune system is the rate of recovery of the body after an illness. A long rehabilitation period may signal a decrease in resistance. Picking up treatment on your own is not the best way out.

It is unreasonable to blindly trust traditional medicine as well, since the use of unverified recipes can lead to a complication of the disease. It is worth contacting an immunologist who will select the right drug and prescribe the correct treatment.

Lifestyle and bad habits

The first tip is getting rid of bad habits. If the immune system began to fail, the moment of farewell to nicotine and alcohol has come. For a strong-willed rejection of bad habits, an external stimulus is needed: it may be the need to raise immunity.

Lifestyle change

Lifestyle changes are an important part of recovery. A sedentary lifestyle, office work, relaxing at home at a computer or TV, an evening with friends at a table in a cafe - all this leads to a decrease in the overall tone of the body and the appearance of excess weight.

Buy a membership to a swimming pool or a fitness club, get active, put your car in the garage for a while and start cycling. Walk more in the fresh air: it is good for health and improves mood. It is important to find ways to deal with stress. It can be meditation, yoga, doing what you love, chatting with friends: everything that affects you positively.

Normalization of sleep

Overwork and stressful situations lead to sleep disorders. Lack of sleep makes a person lethargic, irritable, inattentive. For the normal functioning of the immune system, an adult needs healthy rest for at least eight hours a day.

Melatonin, a natural hormone, is released in the dark. It makes you feel relaxed and helps you achieve deep and restful sleep. The hormone is a powerful antioxidant that helps support immune system function. Sound sleep improves mood and energy, it prevents strokes and helps manage weight.

Diet change

Immunity depends on nutrients coming from food or biological supplements. The abundance of junk food weakens the protective functions of the body, depriving it of the substances necessary for work. Do not dine at fast food restaurants, give up spicy foods, smoked meats, canned foods, carbonated drinks. You should eat more often:

  • vegetables and fruits fresh, seasonal, local;
  • fermented milk products that do not contain preservatives and dyes;
  • dietary and lean meat;
  • lean fish and caviar;
  • natural juices.

These products will provide the body with vitamins, minerals and microelements, charge you with energy and strength, and correct figure imperfections. The exclusion of junk food will lead to improved bowel function, strengthen the immune system.

Drink more water: at least 8 glasses daily. Purified liquid without additives and impurities helps improve bowel function and balance electrolyte balance.

  • vitamin C in berries, broccoli, potatoes, oranges, green peas, strawberries, sweet peppers, lemons, tomatoes, and cauliflower;
  • beta-carotene in apricots, dried apricots, beets, spinach, pumpkin, persimmons, tomatoes, corn and carrots;
  • vitamin E in broccoli, carrots, nuts, papaya, spinach and sunflower seeds;
  • vitamin B in sunflower seeds, walnuts, buckwheat and cheese;
  • zinc in red meat, beans, nuts and seafood;
  • selenium in tuna, lard, beef, eggs, coconut.


Keep your body clean: Following basic hygiene rules will help prevent the occurrence and spread of infections. For this:

  • wash your hands regularly with soap;
  • take a shower daily;
  • use a washcloth or body sponge to remove dirt and dead skin cells;
  • brush your teeth twice a day, use dental floss;
  • Carry an antibacterial sanitizer with you and use it when you can't wash your hands.

Strengthening immunity at home

An easy and budgetary way to strengthen the immune system is a vitamin decoction. For its preparation you will need:

  • dried rose hips - 100 g;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • 1-2 lemons;
  • natural honey - 100 g.

Lemons in the peel are passed through a meat grinder, then placed in a thermos. Honey with crushed raspberry leaves is also added there. A decoction is prepared from the rose hips, which is poured through gauze into a thermos to the rest of the ingredients. The finished broth is infused for three hours. It should be drunk twice a day, the recommended course of treatment is two months. In the off-season, two-week preventive procedures can be carried out.

honey lemon mixture

To strengthen the immune system and treat colds, use a honey-lemon mixture. You will need:

  • two heads of garlic;
  • natural honey (200 g);
  • three lemons.

Peeled garlic and lemon in the peel are passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is mixed with honey until a homogeneous consistency. Store the mixture in the refrigerator in a container with a tight-fitting lid. It should be taken before meals, the recommended dose is two tablespoons. The duration of the course of treatment is about two weeks. Honey-lemon mixture is also an excellent prophylactic against colds. Due to its constituent components, it is not recommended for people with diseases of the digestive system.

Nut tincture

Another remedy that allows you to quickly raise immunity at home is walnut tincture. For preparation, you will need two glasses of crushed pine nut shells and a bottle of high-quality vodka. The shell is placed in a glass container into which vodka is poured. Then the vessel is closed with a lid, the mixture is infused in a dark and cool place for about two months. Ready tincture should be taken three times a day before meals, the recommended single dose is half a teaspoon. The duration of treatment is three weeks. The tincture is not suitable for children, pregnant women and people intolerant of alcohol.

healing balm

An effective remedy that strengthens the immune system is a healing balm. For cooking you will need:

  • 100 grams of aloe juice;
  • a glass of vodka;
  • 250 grams of natural honey;
  • 500 grams of walnut kernels;
  • 3 medium sized lemons

Chop nuts, squeeze lemon juice and aloe, add grated nuts and vodka. Mix all components thoroughly, place in a glass container. Before meals, take three tablespoons of balm - at least 5 tablespoons per day. Duration of treatment is not less than 10 days three times a year.

Mixture for pregnant women and children

Children and pregnant women face a deterioration in the protective functions of the body more often than others. To maintain their immunity, a decoction of lemon and nuts is suitable. To prepare it you will need:

  • a glass of raisins;
  • a glass of peeled walnuts;
  • half a glass of almonds;
  • zest of two lemons.

The recipe is simple:

  1. Using a meat grinder, grind nuts and raisins, add zest and lemon juice.
  2. Place the mixture in an enamel container, add half a glass of water and a third of a glass of sugar.
  3. Stir all the ingredients again and bring to a boil over low heat.
  4. Boil for 15 minutes.
  5. Cool, pour into a glass container.
  6. Store in the refrigerator to preserve the beneficial properties.

The decoction should be taken six times a day at regular intervals, preferably before meals. The duration of the course of treatment is from 14 days to a month. It is worth maintaining immunity by conducting such treatment at least once every six months.

Physical effect on the body

There are effective ways of physical training to strengthen the immune system, for example, hardening. It is worth introducing it in stages, increasing the duration daily.

Hardening and contrast shower

Even in Soviet times, hardening was promoted as an effective method of preventing colds. A contrast shower will add vigor and have a positive effect on the body. Start with comfortable temperatures: it is better to harden gradually, otherwise you can catch a cold and get sick out of habit.

Hardening scheme for beginners:

  1. Take cold and warm showers daily for 10-15 seconds each.
  2. Repeat the sequence 3 to 5 times.
  3. After the procedure, rub the skin well with a towel.

Water procedures strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation and help keep blood vessels in good shape. High blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system are contraindications for the procedure.

walking barefoot

It is useful to walk without shoes in nature, since there are a large number of active points on the soles of the feet, the stimulation of which has a positive effect on the body. You should not move without shoes on an icy floor or ground at low temperatures: there is a high risk of catching a cold.

Bath or sauna

The most pleasant remedy that can be used at home or on vacation is a Russian bath. Under the influence of high temperature, toxins are cleansed, the condition of blood vessels improves, and the immune system is strengthened. It is not recommended to go to the bath for pregnant women, people with heart diseases, skin diseases, head injuries.


Aromatherapy is an effective way to quickly stimulate the immune system, which will help you quickly relax, unwind and relieve stress. Relaxing essential oils (tea tree, chamomile and lavender) can be used in scented candles or massage blends. The skin is one of the most important barriers that protect the body from infections, it is important to take care of it.

An active lifestyle, giving up bad habits and unhealthy foods, vitamins and detoxification will allow you to be healthy, not suffer from immune problems and not suffer from constant colds.

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Remember that bad habits are the worst enemy of immunity. Try to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Tobacco contains poisons and toxins that destroy the body. In no case do not use drugs, as they reduce blood levels that resist viruses.

If you are unable to quit tobacco and alcohol, at least keep their use to a reasonable minimum.

Sports and immunity

Doctors have proven that exercise strengthens the body. Engage in physical education, sports. But reasonably dose the load, otherwise, instead of benefiting, you can harm the body. Try to play sports in the fresh air, as exercising in a stuffy room can cause oxygen deficiency, and this, in turn,

Boost your immunity with walking

Be outdoors as often as possible. Working in the country, a picnic outside the city, a walk in the park is not only good for health, but also brings positive emotions, calms the nervous system well. And this, in turn, helps to strengthen the immune system.

The psychological state of a person

If you want your immunity to be high, try to avoid stress and unpleasant situations as much as possible. Avoid discussing negative topics (catastrophes, terrorist attacks, incurable diseases, etc.). Think about the bad as little as possible, enjoy life.

Healthy lifestyle

Observe the daily routine, make sure that you have a sufficiently long sleep (at least 8 hours a day), and the sleeping area is well ventilated. During the day, if you feel tired, rest. Don't overload your body.

Vitamins and the immune system

Healthy nutrition is the basis of good immunity. In order for the immune system to be in order, it is necessary to provide the body with all the necessary substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements. The lack of one substance can drastically immunity. Be sure to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Immunity Boosting Products

Be sure to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. They are not only tasty, but also rich in a number of useful substances that have the ability to neutralize the action of free radicals. Eat nuts. Support the intestinal microflora. To do this, use fermented milk products, especially natural yogurt.

Products that lower immunity

Minimize the proportion of "heavy" fatty foods in your diet - pork, lard, sausages, smoked meats. Likewise, reduce your intake of sugary foods that are high in sugar.

Even if you really love such food, show willpower, because we are talking about your health.

Selection of healthy products

Do you want to restore immunity? Try to buy products only from reliable, trusted manufacturers. It is no secret that many types of commercially available meat contain antibiotics, and many vegetables and fruits contain pesticides and herbicides.

Medication boosting immunity

To boost immunity, take immunostimulants. The most important defender of the body is vitamin C. But you should not abuse it (the daily dose should not exceed 1.5 g). Your body also needs amino acids, such as arginine. In any case, a drug aimed at improving the body should be taken only after consulting a specialist.

Greetings to all of you, dear readers! Today in our article we will talk about how to increase immunity.

Sometimes you just wonder how some people can catch a cold from the slightest breeze. But the problem carries very serious consequences, sometimes leading to irreparable results. How can an unprotected organism behave, what chronic or infectious form can a common cold turn into, and what threatens the loss of the body's protective ability? This important topic will be discussed in this article.

What can weaken the immune system?

In a rather long list of diseases that easily occur in a weakened body, there are not only colds. A more serious enemy is hiding here, this is an allergic reaction, which can be expressed in the form of swelling of the throat, lungs, while urgent medical care will be very relevant.

More than once I had to observe how a seemingly healthy person suddenly began to suffocate and lose consciousness from suffocation. The causes of such allergic attacks can also be familiar products, cosmetics and household chemicals that you are used to using all the time. But therein lies the problem.

If your body reacts to quite familiar household items in such a radical way, then it's time to think about your immune system.A common manifestation on a weakened protective background are lesions by various fungi.

The body usually deals with them without outside help, but not in the case of weak immunity.Exactly the same problem exists with the work of the intestines. The dysbacteriosis that has settled inside you will not stop, it will torment you with pain and pain, expressed in the form of diarrhea or constipation, until significant assistance is provided.

The last stage can be a diverse range of chronic diseases and complications, infections and viruses. This is a bleak prospect for anyone who does not take care of their own health and ignores the need to increase their immunity.

Signs of a decline in your own immune system

Anyone can recognize a decrease in the protective properties of their own body. All you have to do is listen carefully:

  • If you get tired pretty quickly.
  • You are tormented by drowsiness, you feel chronic fatigue that does not go away.
  • At night he suffers from insomnia and headaches.
  • There is pain or unpleasant aches in the joints and muscle tissues.

These are the very "bells" that scream to you that it's time to take action.

What contributes to a decrease in immunity, and who is at risk

  • None of us can resist the modern and very unhealthy lifestyle, poor environmental conditions, and those who live in large industrial cities are especially affected. We drink unclean water, we eat foods full of herbicides and radionuclides.
  • Our products are completely unnatural and full ofartificial synthetic additives: stabilizing, loosening, preservative and others. Drinks with a high sucrose index destroy immune functions and homeostasis.
  • We are experiencing a constant shortage of vitamins and microelements. But it is they who contribute to the stabilization of the correct metabolism and stimulate immune activity in times of physiological deficiency of strength. If there is not enough vitamin C, the reproduction of antibodies that can defeat the infection is weakened, and with a deficiency of vitamin A, the body is not able to protect it from harmful proteins.
  • Antibiotics are a very powerful tool for reducing immunity, by about 60%. Even if you try to use them as little as possible in their pure form, they enter the body through foods, such as poultry meat.
  • Stress can weaken the body and immunity in general.
  • Strong physical and mental stress.
  • A variety of viruses, bacteria and microbial infections.
  • Bad habits are the worst enemies of the immune system.

All these factors should make you think about how to quickly and effectively increase immunity on your own, because in fact, we all make up the same risk group.

Simple ways to boost immunity

First of all, there is no need to panic. No matter how unsightly the external environment looks, there are excellent ways to protect yourself from diseases and other bodily ailments. This can be done quite easily at home.

  • First of all, give up bad habits, otherwise all efforts will come to naught.
  • The traditional method of hardening helps an adult and a child to become stronger in body and spirit. This is done necessarily through a good warming up of the body. Our traditional bath, like nothing else, can help with this. After an excellent warm-up, it is just right to wipe yourself with snow or douse yourself with cold water. This is a very effective and affordable tool for everyone.
  • Contrasting water treatments or showers can be a good alternative to a bath. After a shower, be sure to vigorously rub with a towel to disperse the blood.
  • Change your diet and diversify your diet with healthy dishes: vitamin decoctions from herbs and dried raspberries, rosehips or lemons.
  • Use the moments more often to walk barefoot on the grass, on the ground, especially on the dew. There are many active and stimulating points on our soles that affect various organs in the most positive way.
  • Go in for sports and be more often outside the city, in nature and in the fresh air. Refuse transport and walk an extra couple of stops on foot, especially if the road leads along a forest park or square.
  • Ski, swim and do morning exercises for enthusiasm and energy to the body.

Folk recipes that increase immunity

In order not to harm the body with various folk remedies, consult a doctor to know for sure that there are no contraindications to this remedy. And there are a lot of them in traditional medicine:

  • A decoction of onions. You need to mix a glass of chopped white onion with a glass of sugar and pour this mixture into 0.5 liters of water. After that, keep on low heat for 1.5 hours. Add 60 grams of honey to the infusion and strain. Use a spoonful throughout the day.
  • Healing mixture of lemon, honey and garlic. An excellent remedy that has found many fans is a mixture of garlic, lemon and honey. This will require a couple of heads of garlic, three medium lemons and a glass of honey. All this needs to be ground and mixed. Take this healing mixture by a large spoon before meals.
  • Recipe from lemon balm, mint and Ivan - tea. Mix fresh or dry inflorescences of plants in equal proportions and pour boiling water over them. Insist and drink instead of tea.
  • Grind the walnuts, peel the apples and rub. Take these ingredients in 100 g. Squeeze the juice from two lemons and add a large spoonful of honey. This mass should be mixed well and eaten in small portions 3-4 times a day.

Our immunity is our health and should not be neglected. The human immune system should be a reliable shield against diseases and ailments. Love yourself and your body and be always healthy!

Inattention to oneself, stress, malnutrition are the main causes of reduced immunity, and as a result, frequent illnesses. Are you wondering how to increase immunity in an adult? We offer a choice of well-known modern and home methods of healing.

Taking care of your health leads to a decrease in immunity

General principles for maintaining immunity

Preventive methods to improve the quality of life and health are very simple, but they must be followed constantly.

It can be pleasant procedures or exercises, tasty and healthy food.

An active lifestyle is the best immune support

Among the physical exercises, choose the most pleasant for you:

  • gymnastic exercises;
  • aerobics;
  • fitness training;
  • running on a simulator or outdoors;
  • start swimming;
  • long walks in the fresh air;
  • shaping,
  • training sessions.

Physical activity that is performed with pleasure will bring the greatest benefit to the body and help boost immunity.


To correct a weakened immune system will help the alternation of exposure to different temperatures on the body.

The hardening effect is exerted by:

  • swimming in the pool;
  • dousing with water;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • baths, saunas.

Healthy lifestyle

If you follow fairly simple rules, it is not difficult to maintain good health. Basic Rules:

  • sufficient to restore sleep;
  • healthy eating;
  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • constant movement - take breaks every working hour;
  • positive emotions - rejoice more often, restrain negative emotions.

Effective ways to boost immunity at home

Improving the immunity of the house is, first of all, weekly wet cleaning of the room, frequent airing, and the quartz method.

Preparations to strengthen the immune forces

If for some reason the immune system is still weakened, then drink a course of special drugs.


Imudon - immunostimulant for the restoration of the immune system

Immunostimulants- restore the immune system and maintain the normal state of the body. They contain weakened viruses or bacteria and act like a vaccine.

Immunostimulating drugs are taken before the cold season to produce antibodies against viruses in the body. Bronchomunal, Imudon, IRS-19, Likopid, Pyrogenal have proven themselves well.

The main contraindications are: inflammatory processes in the acute stage, chronic diseases of a protracted nature, nervous disorders.

Immunomodulators- regulate the production of immunity, provide treatment when the disease occurs.

Take the first few days from the onset of the disease, or prophylactically - during the season of colds according to the scheme.

In order to strengthen the immune system very quickly, it is advisable to pierce Cycloferon or Derinat in the first days. These drugs most often contain synthetic interferon, which will help the body resist the disease until its own immune system recognizes the disease and produces antibodies.

Cycloferon helps to cope with diseases by strengthening immunity

Immunomodulating agents are prescribed with caution to patients with diabetes, disruption of the endocrine system. Since the drugs affect the functioning of several body systems, they are prohibited for use by pregnant, lactating women, those who have impaired liver, kidney or cardiac systems.

Dietary supplements based on herbs and fruits. As the most effective emit:, ginseng,. Produced in the form of lollipops, tablets, fees.

Some of them are called adaptogens - this is the best tool that aims to strengthen the body's resistance. Not recommended for allergy sufferers or people with diseases of the liver, gallbladder.

Immune Boosting Vitamins

If the correct diet does not compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, supplement the diet with synthetic derivatives.

Reduced immunity is restored by several groups of vitamin complexes:

  1. Contains all the main vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, as well as folic acid. They are used as a supplement to the diet. For example, Multi-tabs, Immuno-plus.
  2. Contains vitamins and minerals(relevant for hair loss, dry skin) - these are complex preparations Vitrum, Revit, Complivit, Alfavit.
  3. Have an antioxidant effect- Centrum.
  4. Formulated with immune-boosting plant extracts

A good remedy for increasing immunity on herbs - Immunal

You can take vitamin complexes on your own only from mid-spring, and for immunity - only as directed by a doctor. An excess of certain chemical elements causes an allergic reaction or disrupts the circulatory and respiratory systems.


homeopathic remedies- improve the work of all body processes, activating its own defenses. They have effects after prolonged use, and are divided depending on the action:

  • stimulation of the body's defenses, at the initial stage of the development of the disease (Influcid, Aflubin, Antigrippin, Adonis);
  • systemic effects on the body during recovery from a disease (Immuntox, Galium-Heel);
  • acceleration of metabolic processes (Echinacea compositum, Engystol).

It is difficult to prove the benefits of such drugs, but manufacturers have not identified contraindications for use.

Improving immunity with folk remedies

Folk remedies to increase immunity and prevent acute respiratory infections - recipes for those who prefer to be treated without pills.

The most common folk immunostimulants are:

  • ginger tea- cut a little root, pour 1 liter of boiling water, add honey and cinnamon before use. Drink 3 times a day for 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals;
  • green tea- 1 tsp leaves, 500 ml of boiling water, insist. Before use, add lemon, honey. Drink 3 times a day for 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals;
  • garlic- Grate 3-4 cloves of garlic, add 2 tbsp. l. honey. Take 1 tsp with water;
  • echinacea decoction- 1 tbsp. l. herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes in a water bath, strain. Take a warm drink 0.5 cup before this 3 times a day;
  • rosehip decoction- 4-5 tbsp. l. boil dry berries for 10 minutes in 2 glasses of water, pour into a thermos. Take after 4 hours 1/3 cup 3 times a day;
  • rosehip with herbs- 5 tbsp. l. mixture (rose hips, viburnum, lemon balm, sage - in 1 proportion), pour 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours, cool before use. Drink 2 times a day in between meals;
  • sea ​​buckthorn tea- Grind 100 g of berries, add 2 tbsp. l. cinnamon, 1 tbsp. l. honey and anise, 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes, drink like regular tea;
  • tincture of rowan- 3 tbsp. l. fruits, pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Add honey before use, take between meals;
  • aloe with honey- Dissolve 100 g of honey in 0.5 cups of warm boiled water, add a finely chopped aloe leaf. Take prophylactically during the cold season 3 times a day;
  • dry mix- mix 0.5 kg of ground buckwheat, 0.5 kg of chopped nuts, 350 g of bee nectar. Take 1 tbsp. l. several times a day;
  • vitamin boom- mix dried apricots twisted in a meat grinder, prunes, lemons with peel, raisins in equal parts, add a little crushed walnuts, honey to contrast the taste. Take 1 tsp. per day throughout the winter.

Carefully take folk remedies should be people with stomach ulcers, pancreatitis or cholecystitis.

What foods boost immunity

Products, the regular use of which leads to the normalization of all body processes and increase its resistance to negative influences.

  • onions and garlic - will help resist pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • yellow, red, orange fruits and vegetables(citrus fruits, tomatoes, apricots, peaches, persimmons) - contain vitamin C, antioxidants and carotenoids;
  • crab, shrimp, seaweed, fish- contain a lot of selenium, iodine - stimulate weak immunity;
  • dairy products- restores the intestinal microflora, it is recommended to restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract after antibiotics.
RecommendationsLimit useRefuse
  1. Don't mix multiple types of food;
  2. Include 60% plant foods in your daily intake;
  3. Eat food warm, not hot
After 19:00 only 1 apple
  1. Snack after 19:00;
  2. Eating 2 hours before and after workouts
SweetDo not overeatChocolate, sweets.Sugar, cakes
Fruits vegetablesConsume half an hour before mealsDon't eat after meals
  1. 1.5 liters per day;
  2. 1-2 cups of tea or coffee per day
Do not drink before meals, within 2 hours after
Consume with vegetablesNo more than 1 time per daycanned food

Eat different types of meat once a day

Immunity is a complex structure built by the human body to protect against germs and viruses. The immune system is non-static. It can weaken, rise and adapt to threats. Wrong lifestyle, excessive exercise, cold climate and many other factors reduce immune protection.

There are proven ways to raise immunity at home for an adult quickly. When used to increase immunity in adults, it will take a minimum of time.

Raising immunity with folk remedies is a universal method. Often, with minor malfunctions in the body, traditional medicine is enough to stabilize health, and the use of pharmacy drugs is not necessary.

In what cases is it necessary to quickly strengthen the immune system?

Immunity boosters have one goal - to solve problems with various immune diseases, thereby strengthening the body's defenses.

Cases when such assistance is needed:

  • regular colds;
  • frequent increase in body temperature;
  • sleep disturbances (disturbances, anxiety, insomnia, drowsiness);
  • headaches;
  • constant state of fatigue and apathy;
  • rash on the skin.

Simple recipes on how to strengthen immunity at home, having the following symptoms:

  1. Rosehip compote. The fruits of the plant are added to boiled water and boiled for 30-40 minutes. Such a decoction has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, helps to resist colds, and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Rosehip can also be added to tea or brewed in a thermos (4 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of boiling water). The drink improves the immune defense of a person.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil. Take up to 2 tsp. this oil per day. Useful properties of the berry: rejuvenation, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, reducing the risk of blood clots. Sea buckthorn is also used in the form of jam. It has proven itself as an effective tool for the prevention of SARS.
  3. Vitamin jam. A glass of walnuts, 3 apples (green), 0.5 kg of cranberries and 0.5 kg of sugar. The whole mixture is poured into 1/2 cup of water and brought to a boil. Vitamins from the ingredients treat colds, strengthen the body's natural defense system.

You can boost your immunity through proper nutrition. The diet should include:

  • meat and fish;
  • eggs and milk;
  • beans and peas;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.

You can quickly increase immunity with such folk remedies:

  • tinctures;
  • mixtures;
  • the drinks;
  • herbs.

Pharmaceutical effective remedies such as immunomodulators are widely used:

  • Arbidol;
  • Interferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Immunal;
  • Esberitox.

The main thing in the use of drugs is compliance with the measures and recommendations of the doctor. For example, Interferon is often needed to stabilize the immune defense, but you can not take it with every cold, otherwise it can be addictive and harm the body.

How to take immunity remedies correctly: precautionary rules

A specialist, such as an immunologist, will help in how to increase the immunity of an adult with folk remedies and medicines without harm to health.

Means for raising immunity in adults must be taken carefully. Medicines may have side effects and restrictions on use, and alternative methods are contraindications. For example:

  1. Arbidol and Cycloferon are effective at the time of a cold, taking drugs without a doctor's recommendation can first lead to an increase in the body's defenses, but subsequently to their decrease. The immune system will get used to being dependent on the drugs, and the natural defenses will no longer function properly.
  2. The use of aloe is not recommended for people suffering from indigestion. The properties of the plant give a laxative effect, which should be considered. There are restrictions on the combination of aloe and honey in food for people with impaired heart and kidney function. It is forbidden to use a biostimulant for people with benign tumors - honey and aloe have a positive effect on cell reproduction.

Taking medications and preparing folk recipes are allowed only after consultation with a doctor for the following groups of people:

  • pregnant women;
  • small children;
  • the elderly;
  • allergy sufferers.

Failure to follow the precautionary rules can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the body and even death.


All over the world, the medicinal properties of herbs recommended for adult immunity are used. Any means based on plants useful for the human body are suitable.

Useful effect

Schisandra chinensis seeds

Improve human performance and increase immunity. They have a calming effect. They are also used by sailors and astronauts.

cilantro (coriander)

The stem, seeds and root of the plant help regenerate body tissues and restore immune function. It is included in many dishes.

Leuzea safflower root

Reveals the body-strengthening properties of the central nervous system and eliminates chronic fatigue. With any kind of load (intellectual work, increased physical activity) is used as a stimulant.

Echinacea purpurea flowers

They start the process of strengthening the body's defenses and have a positive effect on the composition of human blood. Often used in decoctions.

high lure

Immunomodulatory herb. Used in the treatment of cancer.

A popular recipe for boosting immunity using horsetail is to chew 1 shoot of this plant once every 24 hours. The herb restores strength to the body and activates its protective functions.

Another recipe on how to strengthen immunity, according to popular recommendations: tea is brewed from corn hairs. The drink increases the number of antibodies and blood clotting. Recommended for pressure normalization.

Well cleanses the body of toxins and toxins Tibetan secret:

  • combine herbs St. John's wort, coltsfoot, add birch buds and chamomile;
  • elements are used in the same quantity and mixed;
  • herbs are brewed with boiling water (half a glass of water per 1 tsp of plants).

Drink this medicine in the morning and evening 20 minutes before meals.


A delicious and healthy recipe for immunity is jam from a mixture of berries and sugar. For the base, the fruits of raspberries, lingonberries and cranberries are suitable. In 1.5-2 kg of sugar, 1 kg of grated berries is added. It is recommended to heat the resulting mixture, but make sure that there is no boiling. Store a jar of cooled homogeneous jam in the refrigerator.

Improving immunity at home is possible without drugs - using products:

  1. Salad rich in vitamins from natural products: grate carrots (1 pc.), add granulated sugar and finely chopped prunes, apple and dried apricots to it. Fresh ingredients should be used. Fill the dish with liquid honey, stirring thoroughly. Place in refrigerator for 24 hours. Eat as a dessert.
  2. Mix 0.5 kg of cranberries and pitted lemon (1 pc.), Pass through a meat grinder or blender. Add honey to taste. Use during tea drinking 1-2 tbsp.
  3. Nut mix: pine nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, golden almonds and cashews. You can add pumpkin seeds. Use the components in dried form, 100 g each.

The two best components of the mixture, used as a means to maintain and restore health in adults:

  • dried fruits.

A popular recipe: grind raisins, dried apricots, walnuts, lemon with skin and prunes through a meat grinder. It is recommended to add honey to the mixture. There are 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp.

Ginger also goes well with honey. Its root must be grated and mixed with honey in equal proportions. The mixture can be diluted with warm water if desired. Eat or drink 1-2 tsp. 3 times a day.

The drinks

Traditional folk recipes for boosting immunity are various drinks, in particular teas. Preparing healthy liquids is simple, and the result will be visible quickly:

  1. Anise tea - increases the activity of protective cells of the body and has an antimicrobial effect. The fruits of common anise (1 tsp) are poured with boiling water (1 cup) and infused for 15 minutes in a water bath. After 30 minutes they settle. This tea is drunk 3 times a day, 50 ml, half an hour before a meal.
  2. Chamomile tea - tones and boosts immunity. Pharmaceutical chamomile (2-3 tablespoons) is poured with 500 ml of boiling water. Tea is brewed for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to drink in the morning and in the evening.
  3. Rosehip and rowan tea. The indicated ingredients (1 tablespoon each) are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left to brew for a day. Connoisseurs of traditional medicine are advised to drink the drink undiluted.

The Japanese method of maintaining health is the use of green tea as an immune booster. Representatives of this oriental culture arrange a “fasting day” once a month: they do not eat food and do not take other liquids for 24 hours. Only 10 cups of green tea are allowed.

Read also What is better to drink to increase immunity in adults

Another healthy drink is mineral water with lemon and honey. This combination is used in different ways around the world:

  • mixed in a bottle or thermos and drunk as a cold tonic tea;
  • 1 tbsp put honey on the tongue and drink cold mineral water, and when the taste of honey ceases to be felt, they eat a piece of lemon.

Drinks made from hibiscus rose are also common. Take half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.


The use of tinctures and infusions is another method of stabilizing the health of an adult at home with folk remedies. Proven Recipes:

  1. Tincture of chicory root. Pour 20 g of roots with 100 ml of alcohol. Leave for 5 days. Use morning and evening 20-25 drops.
  2. Mint infusion. Grind a small bunch of mint leaves and pour boiling water over it. Strain after cooling. In 25 g of infusion, add garlic (1 clove), honey (1 tsp) and lemon juice. Drink at night.
  3. A brew of garlic and milk. Heat 0.5 l of milk over low heat, add 1.5 heads of unpeeled garlic and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then insist for 3 hours in a warm place, after covering the container. Apply 30 minutes before each meal, 25 ml. Keep cool.

There are other healthy drinks for immunity. Cooking:

  1. Nettle infusion. Pour the dried leaves of the plant with boiling water in the proportion of 1 tbsp. raw materials for 1 glass of liquid. Boil 10 minutes. Infusion drink 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.
  2. A glass of orange juice, 0.5 cups of lemon juice and 20 g of fresh Kalanchoe juice. Drink for 30 days 1 time per day.
  3. Organize a water bath. Steam a pinch of St. John's wort leaves on it (about 1 tbsp). Pour in 1 cup warm milk and bring to a boil. Strain. Add some cinnamon and honey to taste. Leave for 30 minutes. 1 tbsp the resulting infusion to use with tea.

Infusions are used for the prevention of diseases and already at the stage when medical assistance to the immune system is needed.

Other folk remedies

In folk medicine, such general strengthening agents for immunity are often used:

  1. Garlic. It is recommended to add it to food, especially in winter. It kills intestinal bacteria that reduce the protective functions of the body.
  2. Salt solution. Take sea or table salt - 1 tsp. for 1 glass of water. The resulting solution can be used as a mouthwash or nasal drops.

Important: there are restrictions for use in pregnant women and children under 4 years of age.

Popular folk remedies to increase immunity:

  1. Viburnum jam. Viburnum berries are mixed with sugar and eaten strictly in 1 tsp. in a day. Limitations in quantity are associated with a dangerous side effect for people with low blood pressure.
  2. Knot of dried fruits, dry flower plants and frozen berries. The selected composition is poured with boiling water and settled for half an hour. For 1 liter of uzvar add 2-3 tbsp. granulated sugar. Taken every 4 hours. Enough 1 liter of drunk drink per day to improve well-being.
  3. Aloe with honey. The required juice can be obtained by taking the lower leaves of a 3- or 5-year-old aloe, crushing them and squeezing them with gauze. Honey is recommended to use a light type, the proportion is 4:1. For example, 4 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. aloe vera juice. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and defended for 4 hours. The finished product is often added to tea.

Self-medication without consulting a doctor is allowed only if there are no chronic diseases and tumors.

Folk recipes to quickly raise immunity

In order to raise the immunity of an adult, other folk methods can help. At home, it is possible to prepare healthy balms and take tonic or relaxing vitamin baths.

Special infusions and decoctions are added to the bathing water in the bath. Such procedures have a positive effect on immunity:

  • remove pain in the bones;
  • exclude migraines;
  • alleviate shortness of breath during a cold;
  • make the immune system stronger.

Useful should be in moderation. The bathing process will be safe if the following conditions are met:

  • water temperature should not be higher than 37 ° C;
  • a vitamin bath is possible before a meal, 1 hour before, or 2 hours after a meal;
  • after bathing, rest is required for 15-20 minutes.