When does Petrovsky Lent begin and what can you eat? Petrovsky post for the laity. Petrov, Peter and Paul or the Apostolic Lent

During Peter's Lent, according to the church monastic charter, one should abstain only from products of animal origin. And on Monday, Wednesday and Friday also from fish, wine and oil.

Photo: Ted Major/www.flickr.com/

But this is a strict monastic charter. Lay people (not monks), as a rule, fast on Peter's fast in a milder manner - in agreement with their confessor and depending on their life circumstances.

Food without vegetable oil.

Fish is allowed at the meal.

food with vegetable oil.
It is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits and bread.

Food with vegetable oil.
It is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits and bread.

Food without vegetable oil.
It is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits and bread.

Fish is allowed at the meal.

Fish is allowed at the meal.

Food without vegetable oil.
It is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits and bread.

Food with vegetable oil.
It is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits and bread.

Food with vegetable oil.
It is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits and bread.

Fish is allowed at the meal.

Food with vegetable oil.
It is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits and bread.

Fish is allowed at the meal.

Fish is allowed at the meal.

Fish is allowed at the meal.

Commentary by Archpriest Maxim Kozlov:

In response to the question “How to conduct a Petrov fast?”, First of all, I would advise the readers of the “Thomas” website not to miss this post at all. Let us not pretend that during this time of the summer fast we will also be ready to focus on personal repentance, as in the sad days of Great Lent. But that doesn't mean you should give up on him. Here it is worth approaching from a slightly different angle. Find some purpose other than food restrictions, which must also be consistent with your powers.

Recall that Peter's post is dedicated to the memory of the apostles. The apostles are the first preachers of Christianity, the first missionaries. So, if in these weeks we would focus a little more on not tempting people with our lives, not pushing them away from the church, this is something that everyone can definitely do. We would try to make our faith more conscious. somewhat expanded their knowledge of church traditions so that the answers to those around were not from the wind of the head, but from some knowledge of church tradition. If we read at least 2-3 books that will make our understanding of Orthodoxy a little deeper, if we work a little instead of sitting on social networks or in front of the TV, then the meaning of the post will be fulfilled.

Peter's fast follows the feast of the Trinity and is a very important period for spiritual cleansing. In our article you will find the rules of nutrition in this post and delicious recipes to diversify dinner table in this period.

Peter's fast is otherwise called apostolic and does not have a fixed start date. It is not as strict in food restrictions as Great Lent. During this period, fish is allowed on all days except Wednesday and Friday. The most important thing at this time is to pray, go to church and grow spiritually, for example, to do charity work.

Food calendar in Petrov fast by days

Taking into account the peculiarities of each fasting day, we have distributed the products that fall under the ban on all fasting days. Refrain from them if you decide to fast according to all the canons of this summer fast.

1 week post:

27th of June: eggs, dairy products and meat are not consumed, fish is allowed. Each fasting person determines for himself how strict the abstinence from milk and eggs will be, since they are often included in the composition of bread or dough products.

June 28: allowed to eat fish, but do not eat meat, eggs and dairy products.
June 29: the first strict day of the apostolic fast. Fish, meat and eggs, as well as any dairy products are prohibited. While fasting, do not forget about prayer.
30 June: fish is allowed, dairy products and eggs are not eaten, as well as meat.
July 1: a strict day of fasting, the intake of any food of animal origin is excluded.
July 2: wine is allowed (but in very small quantities), fish. Dairy food, meat and eggs are prohibited.
3 July: it is permissible to eat fish, as well as wine in small quantities, but eggs and meat are not eaten, as well as dairy products.

2 weeks post:

4th of July: it is permissible to eat fish, but meat, eggs and dairy products are excluded from the diet.
5'th of July: meat is excluded from the diet, but fish can be eaten. Dairy products and eggs are banned.
July 6: strict fasting day. Any products of animal origin, including fish, are excluded.
July 7: fish is allowed for eating. The ban applies to eggs, milk and any dairy products, as well as meat.
July 8: a strict fast is kept, fish and meat are excluded from the diet. Also do not consume dairy products and eggs.
July 9: fish is allowed, but not dairy products and eggs. Meat is excluded from the diet. Wine can be consumed in small quantities.
July 10: you can eat fish and wine. The ban applies to eggs, dairy products and meat.

Last day before breaking the fast:

July 11: fish can be eaten. The rest of the food of animal origin is excluded from the diet.

The feast of Peter and Paul itself, which comes on July 12, is not included in the fast, so food restrictions cease to apply, and it will be possible to break the fast.

Recipes for Petrov Post

Baked fish with potatoes

  • 400 g perch fillet;
  • 6 potato tubers;
  • 300 g spinach;
  • 45 ml lemon juice;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • seasonings: nutmeg, salt and black pepper.
  • Take the perch fillet and cut it into slices. Then spray lemon juice, add salt and pepper to taste. Put a frying pan with vegetable oil to heat up, and at this time finely chop the garlic. When the pan is hot, sauté the garlic in it until golden brown. Next, you can add spinach. Warm it up over low heat, covering the pan with a lid. Then add nutmeg and salt to taste, you can season with black pepper.

    Take a baking dish and grease it with oil. Now you need to prepare the potatoes: cut them into slices, which you can immediately put in a mold. Place a layer of fish on the potato wedges and a third layer of spinach. To taste, you can once again salt, pepper and pour vegetable oil. Bake the dish at 180 degrees for about an hour and decorate with herbs before serving.

    lean gumbo

    • 100 g of rice;
    • 1 bell pepper;
    • 1 onion;
    • 225g green beans;
    • 300 ml vegetable broth;
    • 25 g wheat flour;
    • canned tomatoes;
    • vegetable oil;
    • tabasco sauce;
    • salt and black pepper.

    Allow the beans to soak for at least 2 hours before preparing this dish. It is advisable to leave it like this overnight. You can also boil the rice ahead of time.

    Heat up a frying pan, pour oil into it and lightly fry the flour so that it acquires Brown color. Place a pot of vegetable oil on the fire to heat it up. At this time, chop the onion and chop the bell pepper. First, fry the onion in this saucepan, then add the pepper and beans. Fry them a little.

    Once everything is cooked through, add the canned tomatoes and vegetable broth, as well as the fried flour and Tabasco sauce. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. To finish cooking, you can add salt and pepper to your taste. When serving, first place a portion of cooked rice, followed by a dark layer of vegetables.

    This period is a restriction not only in food. For example, the church does not crown at this time, and many people have a logical question about whether it is possible to get married during Peter's Fast. All the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The Apostles Peter and Paul were called to serve Jesus Christ and the Church in different ways, but according to legend, both ended their lives as martyrs - the Apostle Peter was crucified upside down on the cross, and Paul was beheaded with a sword. Therefore, Peter's fast is also called Apostolic.

The beginning of Petrovsky Lent does not have a fixed date - it always begins on Monday a week after the feast of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost) - in 2018 it falls on June 4th.

And the date of the Trinity depends on the day of the celebration of Easter, so the beginning of Peter's fast falls on different dates and lasts from 8 to 42 days.

The essence and meaning of the post

Peter's fast was established in apostolic times and refers to the very first times Orthodox Church. It used to be called the fast of Pentecost. Petrovsky or Apostolic fasting became after the construction of churches to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Constantinople and Rome.

Peter's Fast, like any of the four multi-day fasts in the year, calls for self-improvement, for victory over sins and passions, and prepares Christians with fasting and prayer for the celebration of the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

The clergy believe that spiritual life without fasting is impossible - this is an ascetic truth, which is paid for with blood. But Peter's fast is not only a memory of past persecutions from external enemies.

According to the gospel main enemy not the one who kills the body, but the one who takes root inside the soul. History remembers cases when baptized people forgot about love for God and neighbor and returned to their former sins, and fasting reminds of such a danger, church ministers say.

For a Christian, hunger, the refusal of food, is not in itself a blessing, since the need for food is natural for a person. Fasting serves to educate the will, which is important for morality, since by fasting a person learns to subordinate his bodily needs to the spirit.

During the days of fasting, the church calls to think about humility and martyrdom, as well as to appreciate the spiritual feat of each of the apostles. Martyrdom in Orthodoxy is one of the key phenomena. It is to go to the torments and humbly accept them - the highest spiritual feat.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

Peter's fast is also given in order to make up for lost time in Great Lent. This is a way out for those who, due to illness, while traveling, or for other reasons, could not observe great post before Easter.

What you can and can not eat in Petrov post

Peter's post, unlike the Great, is not so strict. It begins on Monday, on the 57th day after Easter (one week after Trinity). In 2018, it falls on June 4, and the last day of fasting is July 11. Accordingly, in 2018 it lasts 38 days.

During this period, you can also not eat meat, dairy products, eggs, but fish is allowed on some days of the week. The basis of the Lenten table is vegetables, herbs and dishes prepared from them, as well as cereals, fruits, berries and dried fruits.

During this fast, the use of hot food without oil, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays fish is allowed, on Wednesday and Friday - dry eating (bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey). And on weekends, some wine is allowed.

Memorial Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, which is celebrated on July 12, is not included in the fast. However, if it falls on a Wednesday or Friday, then it is lenten, but of a low degree of severity - food with oil, fish and wine are allowed.

Saint Seraphim of Sarov said that “true fasting does not consist only in the exhaustion of the flesh, but also in giving that part of the bread that you yourself would like to eat to the hungry (hungry, thirsty) ... Fasting consists not only in eating rarely, but in eating little; and not in eating once, but in not eating much.

How to fast

Petrov fast is considered the easiest fast for the entire calendar year. But even when embarking on such, not the most strict, fast, you need to consult with your confessor and your doctor if you have any chronic diseases.

In general, laymen are not subject to such a strict fast as monks, for whom the Charter provides for stricter rules. During fasting, foods should also be excluded from the menu. fast food i.e. fast food confectionery and pastries.

At the same time, it should be remembered that fasting is a spiritual cleansing and only in second place is abstinence from food. It should contribute not to weight loss, but to strengthening in a person spirituality. Therefore, it is very important to pray, confess and receive communion during fasting.

But, if for some reason it is impossible for a layman to observe all the rules of fasting, he can limit himself in other, non-gastronomic things. For example, do not watch TV or use social networks in the Internet.

Traditions and customs

By church canons, the sacrament of marriage - the wedding is not performed during the period church holidays, posts and individual temple public holidays. Accordingly, a wedding during Petrovsky Lent and on St. Peter's Day is not allowed.

To live long and happy family life, it is recommended to wait out the Petrov post. It is also necessary to postpone the conception of children until the end of the fast. According to folk customs, the wedding in Petrov Post was not held for other reasons.

Petrov fast is held in the summer, during the peak season of field work, so a centuries-old tradition has developed not to hold weddings at this time. This tradition is followed by modern rural youth.

An even older tradition claims that the souls of the dead visit the Earth at this time, and cheerful celebrations are disrespectful to their memory.

Signs on Petrov Post

During fasting, you should not cut your hair - your hair will be sparse. They do not sew and do needlework during fasting - the hands will be weak. Whoever lends money on Petrov Post will not get out of debt for three years.

A marriage concluded in fasting is short-lived, there will be no agreement in the family, and it will soon fall apart. If on Petrov Lent, at the end of the moon, you touch a dry branch with a wart, saying at the same time: as in Lent, the meat is empty on a platter, so that the wart was not thick, then the wart will dry up and fall off. If the commemoration coincided with the fast, then according to the rules, the commemoration should also be fasting. But there is nothing wrong with the fact that on the table on such a day there was fast food. If during fasting, at a feast, someone persuades a fasting person to eat meat, ridiculing him or fasting, then he will die hard and for a long time.

Petrov fast is not the time for divination, rituals, fulfillment magical rituals. So you can invite trouble on yourself and your loved ones, left without support. higher powers. It is better to devote time to prayers and sincerely ask for what you want from Heaven.

If on the first day of fasting it's raining, then the harvest will be excellent. Three rains in one day - the year promises to be rich in joyful events.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Petrov post in 2018 lasts from June 4 to July 11. Fasting before the day of Peter and Paul is not very strict. We will tell you what you can and cannot eat during Petrovsky Lent, and we will also offer a food calendar for the days of the Apostolic Lent, in accordance with the monastic charter.

How to keep the Petrovsky post in 2018

Petrov fast is established to be cleansed after the celebration of the Trinity before the day of Peter and Paul. Apostolic fasting is not the strictest of the year. On many of his days, you can eat fish, cereals with vegetable oil, mushrooms.

Most people no longer doubt the beneficial effects of fasting on the soul and body of a person. Fasting, like a diet, is recommended even by secular doctors, noting that a temporary rejection of animal proteins and fats has a beneficial effect on the body. But for a believer, any fast, including Petrovsky, is, first of all, not a diet, but a spiritual feat.

Petrov post in 2018: food calendar by day
