What flowers will grow near the Christmas trees. Blue spruce on the site: a bad omen, superstitions and interesting facts

Tree planting: compatibility

Only others grow well next to the spruce coniferous crops and heather (blueberries, rhododendrons, honeysuckle, etc.) get along well.

But apple trees are very flexible, many cultures feel good next to them, which is often not good for apple trees. But on the other hand, they feel good if oak, linden, poplar, maple are planted in the distance ...

Roses do not like anyone, preferring to grow in splendid isolation. However, they do not harm their neighbors either. For some varieties of roses, a small openwork shadow is beneficial - flowers and buds do not fade so much in the sun and acquire a more saturated color.

Walnuts and hazelnuts do not like anyone at all, they crowd out any culture, even shade tolerant plants: viburnum, chokeberry- and they wither under them ...

Mock orange, lilac, roses, viburnum, barberry, horse chestnut, fir oppress apple and pear trees.

Cherry likes to grow next to cherries, cherries, grapes, apple trees.

Plum does not like the neighborhood of pears, prefers black currants.

Raspberries cannot stand red currants, cherries cannot stand black currants.


It is good if preferences are taken into account before laying the garden. And if not, then what - cut down trees? It can be cut down and uprooted. But such an approach means losing several years that were spent on the growth and formation of trees. Instead of an ax, you can force incompatible cultures to “make friends”.

Take, for example, raspberries and strawberries. They are bad neighbors not because of energy, but because they have common diseases and pests. In principle, this is not scary, only the growth phases do not coincide.

For protection, it is necessary to process adjacent landings at the same time. Otherwise, pests and diseases will master the simple trick that is demonstrated in apartment buildings cockroaches: if we kill strawberries, everyone will run into raspberries ... And vice versa.

Therefore, you can spray more often, trying to carry out treatments at the same time, and then the pests will not survive until the next new year. (At the same time, it is necessary to spray them at the beginning of bud break. Then, when the strawberries bloom, cover them with a film and process the raspberries again. The third time the plantings are sprayed after harvesting the raspberries and strawberries).

Birch - bad neighbor not because it's a vampire tree. She just has a powerful superficial root system, which beats other crops in the race for water and fertilizer. Drill holes 40 cm deep along the periphery of neighboring trees with a drill, add additional fertilizers to them and water them - then the trees will stop withering.

It is quite possible to plant shade-tolerant crops under a walnut if you carefully collect the foliage every autumn and burn it. Then harmful "emissions" will decrease and joint "living" will become possible.

Spruce is bad because it acidifies the soil. IN middle lane this is bad, on the alkaline soils of the South - on the contrary, it will be beneficial. Well, powerful growth can be limited by secateurs.

But almost all the trees next to the birch do not grow well, wither and often get sick. Draw your own conclusions and good luck

Evergreen spruce looks impressive at any time of the year. Decorative, fairly simple care, a variety of shades, crown shapes and varieties, attractiveness in both single and group plantings - all this attracts designers. And, of course, what new year holidays without fluffy beauty- a glauca planted near the house will perfectly cope with the role Christmas tree, you can often find photos where street tree becomes the center of New Year's celebrations.

There is a prejudice that ate is not a place near the house, some even call it a "graveyard" tree. In addition, it is generally accepted that spruce is a female tree, and if it is planted near the house, then it “survives” men. In fact, the spruce symbol is immortality and eternal life. Among the Slavs, spruces were protected from evil spirits, and that is why they were planted in the cemetery - it was believed that low, spreading branches “seal” evil spirit in the ground. So, spruces planted in a row near the house can be considered a reliable protection from evil forces.

Norway spruce and its varieties

Norway spruce is a “native” inhabitant of our forests, it is a slender tree with a dense pyramidal crown that can grow up to 50 m. It prefers fertile, loamy sandy loamy, slightly moist (but without stagnant water) soils. It does not tolerate smoke and gas pollution, so common spruce is rarely planted in the city, suburban areas are more suitable for it.

Serbian spruce - or Bulgarian spruce, more attractive than Norway spruce - it has more decorative, bluish-green needles and purple-brown cones. But the main thing is that it perfectly adapts to the polluted city air. Spruce Serbian shade-tolerant, can grow on calcareous and acidic soils. This is one of the fastest growing species, it is distinguished by a narrow cone-shaped (less often - columnar) crown.

Of the other popular types of spruce, we note:

Akron - grows in a bush or in the form of an irregular cone. Growth is average, up to 8 cm in height and 10 cm in width, but at the same time, an adult acrone rarely grows above 3-4 m, a ten-year-old specimen usually does not exceed 1.5 m. Young needles are bright green, but over time very gets very dark. Branches - hanging, arched, raised. Akron acquires a special decorative effect with the appearance of cones that grow at the ends of shoots in in large numbers and having a very spectacular, rich burgundy or bright red (depending on the level of illumination) tint in the spring

inverse - a spruce with a weeping crown, if you do not initially fix the trunk on a support, does not grow above 0.5 meters, the branches will spread along the ground, annually adding 25-40 cm in length. 6-7 meters high

nidiformis - refers to dwarf species. Adult nidiformis does not grow above 1 m, while the crown (with densely spaced branches, spherical or nest-shaped) can be up to 2 m in diameter. Shoots - bright green color, annual growth - 3-5 cm. It is actively used for mass plantings in groups or creating borders, and in rock gardens

Karelian - one more dwarf species spruce, does not grow above 1 m, the crown is cushion-shaped, up to 1.5 meters in diameter. Photophilous, but tolerates partial shade well. Karel perfectly adapts to the conditions of the city

Blue spruce: queen of conifers

Blue spruce(another name is prickly spruce) and derivative varieties are most often found in landscape gardening. A tree with a cone-shaped crown, can reach a height of up to 40 m. In nature, it grows along the banks of rivers and streams, planting is carried out in well-moistened places, but the water should not stagnate. Limey and dry soils are not suitable. Preferably - well-lit places, it develops well in the shade, but the color of the needles and its density may be partially lost. It adapts well to urban conditions, easily tolerates gas pollution.

But at the same time, young prickly spruce will require attention - care consists, first of all, in regular watering (and even spraying) in the summer. For the winter, it is better to tie the branches to the trunk - the snow accumulating on dense needles can simply break them. In winter, prickly spruce can get burned (especially problematic in the southern direction) due to bright sunlight, so it is better to wrap a young seedling with cotton cloth (non-woven fabric).

Thanks to active breeding, prickly spruce has many varieties, the most popular are:

glauca (Glauca) - or gray-gray, with a cone-shaped, very dense crown, with bluish-blue needles, it is distinguished by more flexible, less prickly and denser growing needles. The older the tree, the richer the color of the needles becomes. Glauka grows faster than prickly spruce, in a year it can “stretch” up to 1.5 meters. Shade-tolerant, well withstands shaping and shearing, therefore it is often used to obtain hedges

globoza (Glauca globosa) - a miniature form of Glauka, belongs to dwarfs, grows slowly (annual growth is not more than 10 cm), not growing above 2 m. The crown is spherical or irregular, may have several trunks at once. Globoza attracts with its needles - very bright, blue in color, easily tolerates pruning

prickly spruce hupsi - has the most brightly colored needles, a festive silver-blue, very saturated shade. Sometimes it may even seem that hupsi is just artificial, her needles are so bright. The variety is fast-growing (can reach a height of 11-15 m), not demanding on the soil, light-loving.

Spruces in landscape design (photo): a variety of options

Choice specific type spruce for planting is largely determined by the size of the site. For big open spaces common spruce, Serbian spruce or prickly spruce are suitable - tall beauties planted in a group (3-4 plants), they will become the dominant of the site, acting as a counterweight to the volume of the house. For small plots medium-sized and dwarf specimens are more suitable.

Many are interested in whether the blue spruce on the site is bad or good omen, since it is believed that it is impossible to plant a Christmas tree near the house. It is important to figure out whether misfortune really attracts, perhaps it's just prejudice.

tree energy

Before you figure out why to plant a spruce Bad sign, you need to know what kind of energy comes from trees. Ancestors believed that absolutely any plant has its own energy that affects a person. Trees with negative energy include oak and willow, as they impair health and bring bad luck. These trees are called vampires because they absorb positive energy from the environment.

In addition, there are healer trees that attract good luck and normalize well-being. They should be planted near the house. It can be absolutely anything fruit trees: larch, acacia.

What trees should not be planted near the house?

Is the blue spruce on the site a bad omen? A question that many people are interested in, because no one knows for sure what effect this tree has on a person. According to the signs, you can determine the plants that can be grown on your site and which are not. The energy of plants is very difficult to check, but it is better to abandon trees that have an extensive root system. Often it is so powerful that it can even destroy the foundation of a house.

It is believed that oak has bad energy, since it is too powerful and heavy for him. The tree draws vitality from people suffering from various diseases. There is another belief, according to which you should not plant an oak near the house. It is believed that this tree can bring death to the head of the family.

In addition, it is not recommended to plant a birch near the house. According to signs, spirits live in the crown of this tree, which can be good or evil. There is a belief that if a birch grows near the house, then a woman may suffer from female diseases or infertility.

Bad omen - spruce on garden plot. The tree brings bad luck, destroys crops, and can even attract death. There is a perfectly logical explanation for this. From ancient times in Russia, the dead were covered with spruce branches, so the tree caused fear. Spruce is very flammable, which poses a great threat to wooden houses.

Spruce Legend

The blue spruce on the site is a bad omen, and this tree is also found in a variety of legends. The Slavs were sure that if you plant this tree on your site, then failures will surely begin in the family. There was an opinion that a wife would not be able to get pregnant or would only give birth to daughters. It was believed that if you plant such a tree near the house of a single woman, then she will be alone all her life, and will soon die.

Previously, they thought that if next to their house, and it suddenly dries up, gets sick or is struck by lightning, then all the inhabitants of the dwelling will soon die. It was believed that during bad weather or a thunderstorm one should not hide under a spruce, since lightning would strike it.

According to legend, this tree was planted by the first colonists in Finland. People revered him very much and were afraid of anger. Initially, the entire crop was shown to be eaten, only after that people collected food.

However, as soon as 1 branch dried up on the blue spruce, one of the colonists who arrived in these parts would surely die. This continued until only one old woman survived. After the withered tree completely collapsed, she also died. Only the descendants of those people who first came to conquer this land remained alive.

Spruce and Feng Shui

According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, the most useful plants flowering and fruit-bearing shrubs and trees are considered. They attract vital energy to themselves, becoming quite powerful emitters of joy.

A bad omen is a blue spruce on the site, according to Feng Shui. According to this teaching, a tree is able to attract to itself. The worst option is considered to be a lone spruce growing right in front of the house. In this case, the tree will literally saturate the entire surrounding space with bad energy. If you wish to land evergreen in front of the house, it is better to opt for pine rather than spruce.

The opinion of designers about spruce

Skeptical designers believe that spruce on suburban area represents only one danger, because it can fall from strong winds It also has a superficial root system. However, this problem can be easily solved by planting undersized varieties coniferous trees.

Designers do not think that blue spruce on the site is a bad omen, as this tree thins useful material throughout the site, so against its background the flowers will bloom even more brightly. But everyone decides for himself whether to plant this tree on his site or not.

Why is spruce not grown near the house?

Many people think that spruce in their summer cottage is a bad omen. The superstitions associated with the coniferous tree are based on the knowledge gained by the ancestors, who noticed the events taking place around them. It is worth noting that many of these beliefs remain relevant to this day.

Often, it is not the very presence of this tree on the site that is considered negative, but its height. The ancestors believed that if the spruce grew higher than the roof of the house, then someone in the house would soon die. In some countries it was believed that the person who planted the tree would die, but this would happen when it grew taller than him.

One of the existing superstitions is based on the qualities that are attributed to this plant. It was believed that spruce has the ability to draw out all the vitality from the owners of the house. Therefore, people did not even doubt that the plant would drink all the vitality and joy out of them.

The debate about whether to plant a spruce near the house, a bad omen or not, continues to this day. Some psychics claim that this plant absorbs other people's energy only in summer period time, and in winter the tree actively shares its accumulated forces. That is why in winter time When impotence and beriberi are observed, you just need to walk through the spruce forest and you will immediately increase your strength.

Signs and superstitions

The ancestors believed that the blue spruce on the site is a bad omen, especially one that grows to human height. She can mysteriously affect the tenants of the house and bring death. It is likely that the opinion about this coniferous tree It has developed due to the fact that it ignites very quickly: where there is a fire, there is grief.

However, despite all the existing superstitions and prejudices that have existed since ancient times in Russia, today the cultivation of pine and spruce on personal plot considered to be fairly common. It is worth noting that many bioenergetics believe that coniferous trees are capable of generating negative energy, which negative impact per person.

This tree has long been considered female, so planting it next to the house was not accepted. Like any other plant associated with the weaker sex, it easily survives from the house of all men. Not too much good attitude It was also caused by the participation of this tree in the funeral rite, since the road to the cemetery was paved with thorny branches so that the soul of the deceased could not find its way back, did not disturb relatives. The Christmas tree has a special effect on the atmosphere of the house. Esotericists are sure that it cleanses the energy of the house, eliminating any entities.

Scientific opinion on growing spruce

It is believed that living tree or a pine tree near the house is a bad omen, but all this can be explained with scientific point vision. It is worth noting that this tree has a very powerful root system, which is located in upper layers soil. In strong winds, the plant may tilt, which is dangerous for housing. Therefore, experts recommend planting a spruce away from a residential building.

Almost every superstition can be explained scientifically. Signs about Christmas trees are not considered an exception. In Russia, people will not allow themselves to plant such trees near the house, because they light up even from the slightest spark. And since the houses were completely wooden, the fire is guaranteed. Indeed, lightning can hit a spruce, but not because it is a cursed tree. Often it grows separately from others, alone. Do not take bad omens on faith. It is a very common practice in Russia to plant blue spruce near buildings.

What trees can be grown near the house?

Poplar, spruce and oak are undesirable to grow near the house. Many plant-related superstitions can be explained scientifically. However, there are various trees with good energy. If you want to grow a tree with positive energy, then you should pay attention to such plants:

  • juniper;
  • acacia;
  • maple;
  • Rowan;
  • pear;
  • rose hip.

In order for the energy in the house to be only positive, then on your personal plot it is worth growing trees and flowers that can only bring benefits.

In addition, many do not like to plant spruce next to residential buildings due to the fact that it grows tall with a dense crown. During strong wind spruce could cover the chimney with branches, because of which the residents of the house died.

Trees in a summer cottage or garden plot are not only an element landscape design, but your own piece of nature within walking distance. However, not all trees have been privileged to be planted on a person's land. For example, many people, especially those living in rural areas, are afraid to plant a spruce near their home, believing that green or blue spruce on the site - a bad omen . Why did the spruce get such a bad reputation, where did this popular superstition grow legs from - read in the presented article.

Bad omen - spruce on the site: interpretation options

Spruce, plain green or blue, is a plant with good decorative qualities. Beautiful colour needles that do not change throughout the year, and fluffy fragrant branches of this tree can decorate with themselves even the most unprepossessing land ownership, and on gloomy, gray and dull winter days, bring a little bright colors to the decoration of any site.

But sometimes prejudices in people are stronger than any arguments and common sense. The same thing happened with the tree. For some reason, the people imagined that the spruce on the site was a bad omen, not promising anything good. Consider at least options for interpreting this superstition:

  1. If plant a tree near the house, within your own yard- it will turndeath of someone in the household, as soon as the tree will grow higher than the roofdwellings. A sign popular in small villages and villages.
  2. Christmas tree planted next to the house will lead to the death of the person who planted it when it becomes above this man.
  3. Spruce - tree of loneliness. If you plant it on a plot near the house, thenlonely households will never find a mate(or the marriage will fail), and in married couples there will be a divorce.
  4. Spruce is a man-tree.She drives men out of the house, and in young families does not allow her son-heir to appear.
  5. Spruce on the site is a bad omen, becauseleads the dead. Superstition is connected with the fact that there used to be a ritual ceremony when dead people were wrapped around with fir branches.
  6. Spruce is a vampire tree.Planted on the site, she sucks the life energy from the household.

From the above interpretations, it becomes clear why some especially superstitious individuals disliked spruce - after all, her popular reputation is unenviable. People who are reasonable and free from any prejudices do not pay any attention to this sign and are happy to grow this tree on their site, rejoicing in its beauty and decorativeness.

What other trees can not be planted near the house - look at the video:

Scientific substantiation of superstition

Almost all superstitions can be explained scientifically. The sign associated with the spruce on the site, various scientists give their logical explanation.

What do historians say?

From the point of view of historians, a bad omen - spruce on the site - is associated with living conditions inhabitants of Russia. In the old days, most of the houses in the villages were built of wood. And spruce, as you know, has the ability to quickly ignite even from a small spark of fire. It is quite logical to assume that the flame from a tall burning tree could immediately spread to the house, to the adjoining buildings and even spread throughout the village, which, in the end, would lead to a major fire and disastrous consequences (and it is possible that tragic deaths too).

Another trend of spruce, especially standing alone, is to attract a lightning strike (it’s not for nothing that it’s not recommended to hide under the tree from the rain during a thunderstorm). If lightning strikes a tree, it can also result in a fire.

Another feature of spruce is a dense and massive crown. And now remember what the houses of the peasants were like in the time of Russia: low, with a chimney. If a spruce tree grew next to such a house and after a few years it became taller than this building, then the risk of getting burned in this dwelling increased, since the dense crown could obscure the pipe and cut off the access of oxygen.

That is why the inhabitants of the countryside in ancient times were afraid to plant spruce near their homes. Over time, these fears developed into a bad omen that spruce on the site - to death and trouble.

Cultural point of view

Cultural scientists associate the appearance of the sign of spruce with the beliefs of some peoples of the Finno-Ugric language group, which considered this tree a link between two worlds - the world of the living and the world of the dead. For example:

  • among the Karelians, the rite of confession spruce was widespread;
  • Komi brought spruce branches to the sorcerer who was near death - he also confessed in front of this tree and calmly left this world.

The Finno-Ugrians attached sacramental significance to almost all coniferous trees. Evergreen trees acted as a symbol of immortality and eternal life, divine power was attributed to them.

Opinion of bioenergy scientists

The version of bioenergetics and esotericists is associated with the belief that spruce is a vampire tree. They argue that the tree draws someone else's life energy and generates negative energy, which has a bad effect on people, only in the summer season. In winter, the spruce behaves exactly the opposite: the tree shares the accumulated favorable energy with others - therefore, those who find it hard to get cold season are recommended to take walks through the spruce forest more often during this period.

Is it worth listening to the sign?

Perhaps, in the time of our ancestors, the superstition about the Christmas tree justified itself. With the help of signs, ancient people tried to explain the incomprehensible phenomena taking place around them, which allowed them to live in harmony with nature, with the outside world.

Popular superstitions are undoubtedly a storehouse of wisdom and natural ingenuity of our ancestors. But in the 21st century, most of them have lost their relevance. The same applies to bad omens about spruce on the site. The vast majority modern houses built of stone, and the number of floors in them often exceeds one.

Spruce is also now regarded as christmas tree. Therefore, many people plant a Christmas tree in their summer cottage or personal plot. After all, you must admit that it is much more pleasant, more fun and interesting to dance around your own living symbol of the New Year than to contemplate the dead beauty of an artificial Christmas tree. Blue spruce is especially suitable for celebrating the New Year - its fluffy branches will harmoniously fit into the solemn atmosphere of the event.

listen to bad luck about eating on the site or not is the subjective matter of each person. faith in various folk superstitions has more of a psychological aspect. Often, trusting bad beliefs, weak-willed people defend themselves from events. cruel reality: it is easier for them to shift the responsibility for the negative to some natural object and survive, thus, the trouble or grief that happened.

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