Making a blacksmith's forge with your own hands. Do-it-yourself simple blacksmith's forge from junk Horn in the ground

A forge furnace (in other words, a forge) is necessary for welding or forging metal in any forge, since this work is usually done at fairly high temperatures, not counting "cold forging".

A forging furnace (forge) is necessary for forging metal. It tolerates very high temperatures and should be in every forge.

If desired, you can make forged items yourself and at home. To do this, you will need to design a forging furnace with your own hands. There is a wide variety of such furnaces, their differences are only in the use of the type of fuel.

Some Features

There are several types of fuel - these are solid fuels, charcoal or coal, firewood and coke. Experienced blacksmiths prefer fuel such as coke, but it costs much more than regular coal. Although, in terms of consumption, it needs much less than coal, about 5 times.

If we talk about forging metal in an artistic style, then this is the fuel that is best used. The coke will give a fairly high hearth temperature. And because of all this, forging will be well done, and there will not be much soot and waste in the form of slag.

If you opted for coke, then it is best to purchase coke. This is the same coke, only much smaller. If you take a large one, then it will still need to be split into small pieces. This will take a lot of time, which you can put to good use.

There are also forges that run on gas or liquid fuels, but this type of fuel is usually used in larger-scale production.

The forging furnace is quite simple to operate.

The working surface is the place where the main forging work is done. It burns coal, which will heat the steel blanks. At the moment, there is a wide variety of structures and designs of such furnaces. They have their differences due to the fuel that is customary to use on them.

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DIY forging oven

Let's talk about how to make a forging furnace on your own, and if you don't have the time or desire, you can order it from specialized industries. There are 2 types of ovens: closed and open.

The closed type of the stove is equipped with a special-purpose chamber, it is designed for preheating a metal workpiece. This type is the most economical, as its use requires minimal energy consumption.

However, there are restrictions on the dimensions of the workpiece, only those that match the dimensions of the chamber for heating will be suitable. One of the best closed forging forges is one that uses gas as fuel.

It is customary to heat the open type with solid fuel, it is poured on top of the grate, and air will be supplied below. In this type of hearth, the workpiece must be laid on fuel. With the help of this type of furnace, it is possible to perform forging on sufficiently large workpieces, there are no size restrictions.

The main part of the stove is a table, on its upper part there is the hearth itself and the necessary blanks. It is desirable to make the height of the furnace according to the growth of the blacksmith, while the table will fluctuate within the normal range from 700 to 800 mm. The surface can be any size you want, but it is customary to make it 80x80 cm or 100x150 cm.

For forging large metal blanks, it is enough to increase the size of the table, you can make a special removable tabletop. It is made with the help of corners and plates of metal of the desired size. In the center of the table there is a hearth nest, which consists of a tuyere, as well as a grate, this is necessary for air supply.

Scheme of the forge: 1 - exhaust pipe; 2 - exhaust hood; 3 - hearth box; 4 - lance; 5 - pipeline from the blower fan.

As a rule, a special brick with a refractory property and clay are used to cover the hearth. All this will make this design quite heavy. And in such a situation, there is a way out if you are not satisfied with the weight category of this equipment.

You can make a metal stove, it will have a special cover made of 4 mm sheet, a cast-iron grate. The grate must be placed in the center of the metal forging furnace. An important attribute for this stove is the hood, which is installed directly above it. The exhaust duct can be made independently from metal with thin walls.

It is customary to start metal forging directly from pouring fuel onto the grate. Many masters lay out their workpieces directly on the coals, and then pour another layer on top. A small vault will be formed inside the coal, the required temperature will rise.

close ×

A blacksmith's forge is an equipment that allows you to heat metal to a temperature of 1200 degrees. Its dimensions are wide. Some are large, stationary, others are small, portable.

You can make a forge forge with your own hands of any design that will work on both solid fuel and gaseous.

In order to understand how to make a bugle with your own hands, you need to understand its design. Physical processes are based on the combination of carbon and oxygen. In other words, there is a process of combustion of carbon with the release of heat.

To prevent complete combustion of the metal, the amount of oxygen is not supplied in full. This is controlled by air blowing. It is also not necessary to overexpose the workpiece in the forge. The metal will dry out and become hard but brittle. The classic example is cast iron.

Homemade forging forging consists of parts:

  1. Table made of refractories.
  2. A firebox or hearth having a grate.
  3. Air chamber.
  4. Air drainage.
  5. Supply air duct.
  6. Air valve.
  7. Camera.
  8. Window through which workpieces are fed.
  9. Umbrella.
  10. Chimney.
  11. Crucible.
  12. Bath for hardening.
  13. Gas chamber.

Figure 1: Drawing of a forge

Refractory bricks are used for do-it-yourself table lining. The hearth is based on a form that includes a firebox, grates and an air chamber.
By means of an air drainage there is an adjustment of a blast. The chimney is designed to remove accumulated gases.
A hardening chamber is not always necessary. It is required in the case of forging damask steel so that the product undergoes the necessary heat treatment.
A crucible is a place where the maximum temperature is maintained. At home, it is made of fireclay bricks.


The following can be used as fuel:

  • Small coke. Pre-kindling is carried out with firewood, on which coal is superimposed. The ignition temperature of coke is up to 600 degrees, so it fits last.
  • Charcoal burns better because it has a microporous structure.
  • Coal. When burning, it must reach the stage of carbon. It burns worse than coke, so less critical products are used for forging.
  • Firewood. They are burned in a shell so that harmful impurities do not fall on the metal.
  • Working with used oil.

solid fuel forges

To figure out how to make a solid fuel forge, you need to study the instructions and decide on the type. A closed-type forging furnace is better adapted to work on coal or wood. Its manufacture takes place at home from improvised materials. The charcoal burner does not require any special equipment.

Necessary materials:

  • The presence of refractory bricks.
  • Injection burner.
  • Hood.

Production order:

  • At the preparatory stage, drawings for the forge are developed.
  • A cube is being made from bricks. Inside there is a cavity with a hole.
  • Using reinforcement, the frame is fixed.
  • A burner is installed in one of the side bricks.
  • There is an extractor hood on top, which creates working conditions.

Figure 2: Drawing of a solid fuel forge

Making a forge for heating metal with your own hands makes it possible to adjust it to the necessary conditions. The material used must be only of high quality so that fire safety is observed.

gas horn

A do-it-yourself gas horn should be practical. Its walls are made of fireclay bricks.

  • Refractory bricks are being prepared.
  • The walls of the forge are being formed. The amount of material is different, depending on the complexity and size of the case.
  • With the help of a hacksaw, surface treatment is carried out.
  • All elements are tightly fitted. Slots are not allowed.
  • A threshold is set in the front.
  • A rectangular hole is cut in the back. It serves both for ventilation and for working with long workpieces.
  • On the side, under the gas burner, a hole of the appropriate diameter is cut out.
  • The gas burner is made of stainless steel. This is a pipe welded at one end and with a metal mesh at the other.

Such a horn has its advantages:

  • The furnace is structurally simpler than a coal hearth.
  • Simple fuel supply and easy temperature adjustment.
  • Light weight.
  • Low cost.

There are other types of gas horns made of metal. There are no fundamental differences between them.

Figure 3: Drawing of a burner for a gas hearth

Waste oil horn

Considering that oil products are expensive, it is advantageous to use a furnace on used oil. To make a forge for mining, parts that have served their time are used. After the processing of the furnaces, a significant drawback appeared - the spent mixture ignited poorly. To eliminate this problem, an additional compartment was built into the mining forge. Here the oil is preheated with coal or wood. To improve combustion, fuel processing passes through filters, diesel fuel or gasoline is added to it.

As a result, the mining forge has the advantage of yellow fire and stable temperature.

You can make it yourself:

  • Manufactured from fireclay bricks, dimensions: 85 × 48 × 40 cm.
  • The arch is made in the form of an arch to keep the temperature.
  • The body is completely upholstered with sheets of iron. On the sides, a thickness of 1.5 mm is used, and the top and bottom are lined with sheets of 2 mm.
  • Supports are made from corners based on the weight of the structure.

Air is blown into the chamber by a fan. A mining tank is installed on a hill. From it, the oil enters the chamber through the pipeline, where it is picked up by air, which moves under a pressure of 2 atm. The mining is broken up and fed into the nozzle.

To reduce the ignition time, a TEN is placed in the horn for testing. The ignition time can take up to 30 minutes. But the hot mixture burns well. Now you need to make sure that the fireclay does not melt.

Scheme of the furnace for working out:

aluminum smelting

Aluminum, which has a high degree of ductility, is a low-melting non-ferrous metal. The forge for melting aluminum is easy to make with your own hands. There are many designs in which furnace smelting is used. They do not differ fundamentally from each other.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a forge for melting aluminum:

  • The body is made of brick. The material is selected without cracks so that there is no heat loss.
  • Picking up scraps of steel pipes, shelves for grates are made from them. Low-melting material cannot be used here.
  • Steel strips up to 6 mm thick are selected and used as grates.
  • The grates are screwed on.
  • Both coke and coal can be used as fuel.
  • Ignition is carried out using a blowtorch or gas burner.

Such a home-made forge can only be used in open space, due to the lack of a chimney. During operation, a lot of gases are released, which should not accumulate in a confined space.

mini horn

A small, portable forge is often useful in the household. You can use it not only in the forge, but also in the garage or in the country.

To make a mini-forge with your own hands, you need to have 2 refractory bricks, a hacksaw, a drill with a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 15 cm. It is desirable that there is a victorious tip at the end. To fasten the structure, 2 studs are prepared, with a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 21 cm. In the process, you will need 2 hole saws, 63 and 26 mm in diameter.

The order of work is as follows:

  • 2 bricks, 250 mm long, sawn in half.
  • Two halves of one brick are stacked on top of each other and 2 through holes with a diameter of 63 mm are drilled using a hole saw.
  • Putting a third half under them, in two corners, diagonally, through holes are drilled for the studs.
  • With the help of studs, a block of three bricks is assembled and pulled together. First, washers are put on the ends of the studs and nuts are screwed on.
  • A hole for the burner is drilled between the first two bricks with a 26 mm hole drill. It connects to the main passage, but does not touch the second wall.

A burner is inserted into this hole and ignited. Any metal that falls under the flame and heats up in a few seconds is fed into the main passage.

Making a forge from a potbelly stove

In fact, this is the same potbelly stove, only without the grate. The appearance of blacksmiths can be in the form of a cube, parallelepiped and cylinder. After cleaning the grate, air does not enter from the space below, but is blown through the side channel, which can be adjusted. As a result, the oven warms up better. Gases are retained in it longer, which also increases the heat.

The production order is as follows:

  • From a pipe with a diameter of up to 300 mm, a ring is cut off, 100 mm wide. This detail is called a collar.
  • A sheet 4 mm thick is taken and a circle equal to the diameter of the collar is cut out of it. This will be the door.
  • A piece of air supply pipe is cut off. It can be from 76 to 102 mm.
  • A damper is inserted into it using a handle, a spring and a nut.
  • A strip 30 mm wide and equal to the perimeter of the door is cut from a 3 mm sheet.
  • The strip fits the door and is scalded.
  • On the side, a hole is drilled in the door and a pipe for air supply is welded there.
  • With the help of a locking device, the door is attached to the collar.
  • This assembly is installed on the firebox with a 100 mm offset from the bottom.
  • In the back, at the top, a hole is cut and a chimney is installed.

The disadvantages of such a furnace include the lack of an ash pan. However, longer burning results in improved solid waste combustion. Ash removal can be done less frequently.

Making a forge from a bucket

The bucket horn is also designed for aluminum smelting. To do this, you need a bucket with a capacity of 10 to 20 liters. In addition, gypsum and sand. This mixture is placed at the bottom of the bucket.

Step-by-step instructions for a forge made from a bucket with your own hands:

  • The selected bucket must not be galvanized. This is due to the fact that zinc, when heated, emits harmful gases. The container is taken made of ordinary metal.
  • A mixture of gypsum with sand, 5 cm thick, is laid on the bottom. The ratio is 1: 2. First, such a mixture is formed at the bottom. After drying, it also processes the inner walls of the bucket. Drying time is 15–20 minutes.
  • A water pipe is installed from below, through which air is supplied by a hair dryer.
  • The crucible is inserted into the bucket.
  • The ignition process starts.
  • Aluminum is placed in a crucible and melted under heat.

In this way, you can cast small products.

A blacksmith's forge, made by one's own hands, is a necessary device in the household. However, first, you need to read the instructions for its use. Purchase the necessary blueprints. The risk of fire must be completely eliminated. The right place has been chosen for it. Working with hot metal will bring not only pleasure, but also benefit.

Hello mankind, today I will tell you how to make a forge with a temperature of up to 1100 degrees Celsius. In the forge, the forge is used to heat the metal before forging, cementing and other heat treatment operations. When working with metal, it is almost always necessary. The forge will be coal, so closer to nature. In addition, it is very reminiscent of the historical horn that our ancestors used. And most importantly, it will be simple, both in manufacturing and in use.

We will need the following materials:

  • Refractory brick. The most common refractory bricks are red and fireclay. Although I used red, I recommend taking the second one. Since it can withstand high temperatures, and red can crack and break over time. Only 12 bricks are needed.
  • Chamotte clay. Any refractory clay will do. But fireclay is the most common. I bought a bag of forty kg, but this is too much. Ten is enough. It is ideal to take twenty kg, so that if there is clay to cover up cracks, make injection molds, etc.
  • Construction sand. If yours is not new, like mine, it must be sieved through a special grate.
  • Iron pipe with a diameter of 25-30 mm.

You will also need some tools and consumables (bucket, gloves, hacksaw, etc.), I will talk about them later.

Horn chamber

First, let's figure out how the bugle will look like. I visually arranged all the bricks as they will be in the finished forge.
The blow will be lateral. Oxygen will be brought into the hearth chamber through an iron tube. On one side, it needs to be filed at 45 degrees, although I never did this. We insert it into the camera also at an angle. The photographs show how we will lay bricks together with clay.

Let's prepare the clay

I kneaded it in a bucket of nine liters. Mix clay and sand in a ratio of 1:1. Next, add clean water. We knead the clay to the next state. You need to roll a small ball, put it on one palm, and start pressing it down with the other. Cracks should appear when you squeeze it in half. By consistency, it should resemble ... Well, it doesn’t matter what.
Next, we generously lubricate with clay all the joints of the bricks among themselves, the entire internal and external parts. So the heat will remain in the chamber for a long time. Well lubricate with clay the junction of the iron pipe with bricks. The brick that serves as the back wall can be left unattached. So it will be possible to move it away, and work with long workpieces. Of the upper bricks, I attached only the last one with clay. So the horn can be used both open and closed.
Also, to regulate the air supply, you can improve the pipe. In the middle it can be sawn and threaded on both sides. Now we screw into the part that is in the forge, a plumbing tee with a tap, like this:

So, by opening the faucet, we can regulate the air supply. But I gave up on that too.

A few words about the air supply itself

Of course, something must drive delicious oxygen into this pipe, which will heat the coals in the chamber to hellish temperatures. You can use bellows. Such that our ancestors used in the forges. But this is not the best option, you need at least a couple of bellows to get the required temperature, and it would be nice to have an assistant who will tirelessly press the bellows.
It is much more productive to use electric blowers. For example, a turbine for inflating mattresses. I used an old Soviet vacuum cleaner. He can even twist the hose from blowing to blowing, but it broke. I had to tape the bag on the side where the air is blown out.

A little about the use of the forge

I used it for forging and casting. It melts aluminum and other non-ferrous metals in seconds. It turned out to cast some parts using foam molds in sand and clay molds. He melted aluminum cans in a special crucible. The molten metal was then cast into sand and plaster moulds.

It is well suited for forging knives or some small metal products. About the manufacture of knives from files will be discussed in my next article.

One of the photos shows a heated forging, however, the color rendition is not at all the same. Due to the bright sun, it is impossible to determine the temperature of the workpiece by color. Therefore, earlier in the forges there was twilight. Here is a video of the forge working.

Igniting the forge

Everything is very simple here. The forge works on coals, so just pour the coals into the inside and kindle them like in a barbecue - with a highly flammable liquid. Next, supply air. In a few minutes, the forge will heat up to 1000 degrees, and this is not the limit, and the heat will also remain in it for a long time.
Blacksmithing can be both an unusual hobby and a highly paid profession. Professional blacksmiths get very good money for their hard work!
Blacksmith masterpieces have always enjoyed special love and popularity. And if there is strength, desire and opportunity, then you can always engage in this profitable craft within the territory of your private home. Moreover, a home-made brick horn turns out to be very simple to do on your own.

Purpose of equipment

In any forge workshop, the forge is used for a number of important operations - to heat the metal immediately before forging, to cement it, or to do other heat treatment operations. Even outside the production hall, it allows you to get temperatures up to 1200 degrees. The most amazing thing is that such equipment can be made by yourself - in its simplified version, it can be assembled in about thirty minutes, using only six fireclay bricks and a few pieces of steel. At the same time, both temperature and quality indicators of the heating process itself will meet the requirements for fine art forging and even melting.

Horns are divided into open and closed. In the first version, the source is heated in a special space-chamber.

For the second type, fuel will be poured directly onto the grate itself, and air will be supplied from below (it is convenient to work with large workpieces on it).

How will homemade equipment work? The operation of any (both industrial and home) such equipment is based on the principle of a chemical reaction that gives the combustion of carbon. This element is capable of literally “greedily” wanting to recombine with oxygen (which was noted in metallurgy). Ores of iron and other metals are oxides and their compounds. When heated, oxygen goes to carbon, and the metal begins to stand out in a free form.

However, you need to ensure that the metal itself does not burn out - overexposed, it will simply become overdried (this is, for example, cast iron).

That is why it is important to regulate the flow of air into the furnace. And this cannot be done without a properly built structure.

How the bugle works

An industrial apparatus has a somewhat different device from a home-made device. Before proceeding with the independent manufacture of such a product, you need to study its basis:

  1. Through a nozzle (otherwise called a tuyere), air enters the chamber space.
  2. Refractory bricks will maintain the necessary thermal power.
  3. The grates will hold the used fuel above the air chamber.
  4. A source of fuel will be loaded into the forge nest.
  5. Another brick will form the frame of the device.
  6. A fan supplies air to the crucible.
  7. The overall frame is usually made of metal.
  8. Air chamber.
  9. Ash pan.
  10. Air pipe.
  11. Casing.

Of course, in order to comply with all of the above, an ordinary person does not have enough knowledge and means. But a more simplified version is quite realistic to install on its own.

Horn made of bricks: a simple closed option

A temporary forge is easily built from available improvised means. For this you will need:

  • six refractory bricks;
  • soldering lamp;
  • homemade grate (grate) made of steel strips with a thickness of at least 3 mm.

All work must be carried out in a pre-designed fireproof place. The correct sequence of steps is as follows:

  1. The bottom "layer" of bricks is laid (two pieces).
  2. Then two cut drainpipes are laid on them, on which a grate is placed in such a way that a gap is still visible between it and the bricks from below.
  3. On the grate, you need to slightly bend the transverse rails - this will help them capture the flame of a heated blowtorch and already direct it straight up.
  4. Two side bricks are laid (these will be walls).
  5. On them, similarly to the lower ones, a pair of the remaining upper ones will be located.
  6. Coke (coal) is poured onto the grate and a blowtorch (already heated) is placed in front of the mountain itself. From its flame coals flare up and further burning is supported. Now it remains only to find the optimal direction for the flame, so that the output has a very high temperature.
  7. For safety reasons, it is better to shield the blowtorch from the hot forge with some screen made of non-combustible material.

Parts manufacturing

The working surface will be a table - that is, the base of the hearth, where it will place the hearth with fuel. It is on it that metal blanks are heated. This design is usually very heavy. It is easy to make: for example, you can make a metal cover in 4 mm steel sheet.
How is the grid made? You can “adapt” an old cast-iron skillet for this (only before that you need to drill a few holes with a 10 mm diameter). Alternatively, a wheel rim is also suitable.
After completing work with the grate, we adjust it by inserting it into the hole in the table. To better “fit”, the brick can even be slightly filed (after soaking it in water). The height of such a table can be chosen arbitrary, but it is better to do this at the level of the master's belt.

Gas options

Is it possible to replace coal (usually coke) and a blowtorch with some other analogues? For example, it could be a gas burner. In industry, yes, it is easy for the simple reason that the monogases used there are specially designed for such purposes (they consist of a specially selected mixture). But household gas will not give optimal air heating in use, which can heat the metal. In addition, in a household burner there is an admixture of sulfur, which can simply “kill” all the operational properties of the metal (for the reverse process, everything will have to be remelted). It also "poisons" steel and sulfur from wood.
Of course, this can be fought. Only ways are somewhat "exotic":

  1. Pass gas from the cylinder through a container with naphthalene before feeding it to the burner.
  2. Heat parts that are not very responsible and subject to stress with such a gas (these can be any decorative art elements of forging).

How to use "homemade"

homemade brick horn

An additional supply of air blowing can be provided using a foot drive (usually mechanical). It can be replaced with both a fan and a vacuum cleaner. As for the latter, it can be said that it is important here that the speed controller be present and make little noise.
The brick horn is almost ready. Now it is important to learn how to use it correctly:

  1. The forging itself will begin with pouring fuel onto the grate area. Although many blacksmiths act on this basis: the blanks are placed on the coals themselves, and another layer is added on top (this allows a vault to form inside the coal and create the necessary enormous temperature).
  2. Wood fuel is still allowed, but for this you will have to install one ring on the forge (height 15 cm and diameter 20 cm). A vertical cut is made inside the ring and the same on the other side.
  3. So, as it burns, wood waste will fall down, and the optimum temperature will be set in the lowest part for working with a metal product. If you plan to work with large workpieces, it is better to increase the working surface - for this it is enough to make a special removable table of the required size .
  4. An extractor hood will also need to be installed above the blacksmith's mini-workshop - such a box can either be purchased or made independently.
  5. The workpiece selected for forging must be buried in already hot coal, where it is aged to about a light orange color (this is an indicator that the temperature has also approached about a thousand degrees). It is impossible to hold blanks for too long - this will only worsen their mechanical properties and make the metal too brittle.
  6. For forging, a hammer weighing up to one kilogram is used. You need to work in special protective glasses - this will prevent hot scale from getting into your eyes.
  7. As an anvil, you can use any massive metal thing - a sledgehammer or even a piece of rail.

Homemade forge will even help to make welding- only in this case, the parts must be heated to white heat (and this is already a temperature of at least 1300 degrees) and overlapped. But for this, it is better to use low-carbon steel materials.
On such equipment, you can even solder. For such a part, they are preliminarily wired and coated with borax (or flux) and then sent to the furnace to be heated to a temperature of 900 ° - this will be seen by the orange color of the metal. It remains only to bring pieces of brass into the soldering places and wait until they spread along the seam.
With the help of such home-made equipment, you can make grills, tongs for a fireplace, decorative door and gate hinges, and even a candlestick. The assortment will depend only on the desire of the master behind the mountain.
For a more detailed disclosure of the topic, we recommend watching a video on making a simple forge:

A special device designed to heat workpieces to forging temperature during metalworking is known as a forge. There are several types of forge, each of which has its own characteristics.

It is possible that the forge forge with your own hands can be made in several simple ways.

The design and purpose of the device

The first do-it-yourself forge forge was invented by the ancient Khalibs. In our time, there are several options for the design of this device. When classifying them, they are guided by such factors of horns:

  1. Fuel used for ignition (coal, gas, coke, fuel oil).
  2. The structure of the mountain.
  3. Device dimensions.
  4. The purpose for which it is supposed to be used (heating for forging, heat treatment of the workpiece).

Fuel oil, gas or coal can be used as fuel. As a rule, coal is most often used. This fuel option is safe and low cost. As for fuel oil or coke, these fuels are expensive and also polluting.

The use of gas provides a high level of efficiency, but at the same time requires more careful maintenance of the installation.

Horns on the corner

Forges that use coal as fuel are distinguished by their simple design and practicality of use. The design of this type of device consists of the following working parts:

If we talk about the shortcomings of a solid fuel forge, it should be noted the complexity of the process of its ignition. The ignition becomes more difficult, especially when the forge has been unused for a long time. To do this, the blacksmith must have certain skills.

The preparation of the forge for use should be carried out in the following sequence:

Since the temperature under the crust is higher than on its surface, the workpiece is placed directly under the crust. If the thickness of the crust reaches more than 5-10 mm, it is recommended to destroy it. Otherwise, the level of thermal conductivity becomes lower.

In order for the workpiece to warm up evenly over the entire area, it must be periodically turned over. It is also worth paying attention to the color of the fire. It should be uniform and also have the same color.

In no case should the metal be overheated. This will make it much more difficult to process.

Gas powered devices

A distinctive feature of this type of forges is that it is much easier to prepare them for work than solid fuel forges.

If we talk about the design of gas-type furnaces, it consists of the following elements:

To ensure the operation of gas forges, the presence of an energy source is necessary. In this regard, the forges of this type are used for heating to the forging temperature of long workpieces. In such furnaces, the process of their heating is much faster.

The use of gas forges is possible subject to the following safety rules:

  • the blacksmith's room must be periodically ventilated in order to prevent the accumulation of gas;
  • it is not allowed to place devices containing oxygen or mixtures containing it near the hearth;
  • by using a gas analyzer it is necessary to check the final combustion of the gas before restarting the hearth.

Only if the rules for the use and safety of a gas-type hearth are observed, its use will be justified.


Before you make a bugle, you need to decide on the types of device. Homemade bugles can be of two types:

  1. Closed. Its design is equipped with a special chamber in which the workpiece is heated to the required temperature. It should be noted that in closed-type forges it is possible to work with workpieces whose size does not exceed the size of the chamber itself.
  2. Open. Falling asleep of fuel on the grate in it is carried out from its upper part. Air is supplied from the bottom. The workpiece for its heating is placed directly on the surface of the fuel. Due to this, workpieces of rather large sizes can be used.

First you need to take a steel plate and drill holes in it. After that, it can be inserted into the central part of the table, which acts as the base of the forge.

It is possible that a frame is being welded from the corner, into which the grate of the grate and refractory bricks are placed. To make a grate, you can use an ordinary old cast iron pan, in the bottom of which holes are drilled. It should be noted that when determining the height of the table, it is necessary to focus on the height of the blacksmith.

Now you can proceed to the installation of the air supply mechanism. It is possible to create such a mechanism, powered by a foot drive.

The best way to create a mechanism is using an electric fan from an unnecessary vacuum cleaner. Its power is enough to supply the air flow of the required force. It would be useful to equip the design with a power regulator.

It is possible to use the drive from a manual siren instead of a vacuum cleaner.

After that, all parts of the structure are assembled into one whole device. Now you can start the first test run. A home-made forging forge can be supplemented with various types of additional devices that increase the ease of working with it.

Features of working with a mountain

After making a forge, you need to learn how to use it. To do this, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The beginning of work with the device consists in loading fuel onto the grate. Some blacksmiths recommend putting a workpiece on a heated layer of coal, and pouring another layer of coal on top of it. Thus, it is possible to achieve the highest possible temperature in the chamber.
  2. If wood is used as fuel, an additional ring (21 cm in diameter) must be placed on the grate.
  3. To ensure good traction over a homemade mountain, it is necessary to mount a special hood. It can also be done on your own.
  4. In order to heat the workpiece to the temperature required for forging, it must be kept in the middle of hot coal. In this case, it is important not to overdo the workpiece. This can degrade the properties of the metal, making it difficult to work with the workpiece or making the metal very brittle.
  5. For forging, it is recommended to use a special hammer, the weight of which is not more than 1 kg. In the process of work, the eyes must be protected with goggles. This will help prevent hot metal from getting into your eyes.
  6. A large metal object can be used as an anvil. It can be a rail or a sledgehammer.

A homemade blacksmith's forge has significant advantages over the purchased one. It is much cheaper, easier to use and maintain.
