DIY photo album page examples. How to make an original photo album with your own hands

Scrapbooking is the art of creating and designing original photo albums. The main goal of this direction of needlework is to turn a boring photo album into a unique story from our life. In this article, you will learn the history of scrapbooking, as well as how to make an album cover, binding and secrets.

In the 16th century, notepads were popular for writing down important dates, quotes, recipes, and more. At the end of the 17th century, a book appeared in which there were additional blank pages so that the owner himself could paste the illustrations he liked. After the advent of color printing, collectors actively began to collect cut-out images in their albums. This was the beginning of the development of scrapbooking.

In the 19th century, when photography began to actively develop in scrapbooking, a real revolution took place: they started special pockets for photos and colored pages on their own. Girls' albums with drawings, photographs, stickers and secrets became popular. Today there are many styles of scrapbooking and it has regained popularity all over the world.

Scrapbooking album, do it yourself

Scrapbooking photo album cover


- canvas;
- cardboard or paper with millimeter markings;
- synthetic winterizer;
- PVA;
- cardboard;
- scissors;
- eyelets;
- rings.

  • Decide on the dimensions of the album. In our master class, the album turned out to be 30 × 30.
  • With the help of a cardboard or a sheet, measure on a regular cardboard 30 cm long and 30 cm wide.

  • Cut a piece of synthetic winterizer of the same size.
  • Glue the synthetic winterizer onto the cardboard with PVA glue.
  • Cut off a square of canvas, while making a margin of 1 cm on each side, so that it is convenient to stick. Glue the canvas on the padding polyester.
  • To close the pieces of material, a sheet of cardboard is glued on the inside. The back cover for the album is ready.

  • Glue a synthetic winterizer on the front of the cover, and canvas on top, but without a window.
  • Now carefully cut out the window and glue the edges to the cardboard.

  • Make holes for the eyelets at a distance of 2 cm from the edge.

If you want the album to be not on rings, but like a bound book, then do not make holes for the eyelets. You can decorate the cover to your liking, not necessarily the same as in the first master class.

Sheets are needed to complete the album. It is best to use cardboard. Also cut additional strips, 2-2.5 cm wide, for gluing the main sheets together. Ready-made color pages, such as paper or thin cardboard with color prints, will also come in handy.

On each strip in the center, measure a strip 2-4 mm wide, for this you can use a pen that does not write or a sharp object. This is done so that the album can store voluminous decorations, for example, convex flowers made of paper. The edges of the strips must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees on both sides. Bend the strips so that the marked strip remains in the center, and start gluing to the pages. All pages must be glued evenly so that the album also comes out even, and not skewed.

You can determine the number of pages yourself. After the middle of the album is ready, we start binding. To do this, take a gauze or bandage, cut a strip along the height of the album and at the same time 1.5-2 cm more wide. Now you need to take a piece of braid or tape and stick it on the top and bottom edges of the binding. The lace will make the edges look aesthetically pleasing, and the binding will also be more durable.

From thick paper, make a spine that completely closes the binding and protrudes 1-1.5 cm. Attach it to the album, and glue the cover on top of the folds of the spine.

Do not glue the spine itself to the binding, otherwise the pages of the album will not open freely. Open the cover and glue the protruding layer of bandage or gauze and the ends of the braid to it. The most convenient way to do this is not with PVA glue, but with a transparent “Moment”.

Everyone who wants to make a photo album plans to make it interesting, beautiful and original. Sometimes the volume of the album does not allow to place a large number of photos in it, so we offer a unique idea for its design.

Secrets is a way of arranging inscriptions, drawings or photos, which is known to every schoolgirl who had a “girl's album”. There are several options for their design for a photo album.

  1. Secrets on the basis of a postcard. Make a postcard in the background color of the album page. Glue the main photo on the front side, and a secret inside. The flip page can be secured with tape, a clasp, or a cord.
  2. Secrets in pockets. Think in advance where such a pocket will be located and make it in the color of the page. Paste the main photos on top and decorate the page. Do not forget to put a secret photo in the pocket. In the photo, it is better to make a loop or make a hole for the grommet so that it is convenient to pull it out. You can decorate the pocket in such a way that additional pictures are pasted on it and visually hidden.

Thanks to the secrets on one page of the photo album, it is easy to stick a vertical and horizontal photo. Also, the photo itself can become a pocket for another one. You can stick a photo on a postcard and glue a few more photos inside. “Sandwiches” made of photo and paper look original, thanks to which you can hide a few surprises on the page.

Do you want to stick a large photo in the album, but feel sorry for the place? Glue the photo on a piece of paper in the background color so that it is convenient to stick the fold to the base of the album. Now the large photo can open, and paste other photos under it. Secure a large photo with thread or a lock. In the same way, it is easy to stick many more photos, if instead of a large photo you use a few small ones, and save the technology for secrets.

To make your album look creative, cut off the vertical or horizontal parts of individual pages and decorate them as if they were a continuation of the next page. Do not forget that it is permissible not only to stick a photo, but also to sew it on. This will bring zest to the finished product. Sew some photos with an accordion and fasten to a cord.

If it seems that some photos do not fit into the plot, hide them behind a decorative door. For children's albums, use drawings of flowers or animals, behind which secrets will also be hidden.

Also watch the video: Scrapbooking: DIY Wedding Photo Album

It all depends on the preferences of the owners of the future family heirloom and the style of execution. See more crafts in this.

Taking pictures is a unique activity that is not only popular these days, but also helps a person to open up and show himself. Modern technologies allow not only to take high-quality photographs by inventing and improving modern technologies, but also to share them instantly.

Every day, every second person shares their personal or other people's photos on social networks, by mail. However, it is much more pleasant to fit comfortably and look through the album. Especially if it is decorated with clippings, quotes and interesting thoughts. Undoubtedly, the second such will not be found.

A lot of articles have been written about how to make a photo album with your own hands, a lot of videos with master classes have been shot. It's quite difficult to make a choice. However, there are basic knowledge and invaluable tips that are worth learning before getting started.

Choosing a theme for the upcoming album

Of course, the idea of ​​creating a unique photo album with your own hands does not arise just like that. Perhaps a person is driven by the idea of ​​making money on such things. However, most often the decision comes suddenly, after a significant event in the desire to save every bright moment.

Creating an ordinary classic album is not difficult. It is enough to have a few hours of free time and a rich imagination. You can decorate an ordinary photo album, or you can create your own album from scratch.

The most popular photo albums are:

  • wedding theme. A wedding is a wonderful moment to start a new family life. The mass of events on this day exhausts the newlyweds, depriving them of the opportunity to enjoy this day and just contemplate each other. A professional wedding photographer is no longer a novelty. Beautiful photographs that convey every emotion of this day simply must be framed accordingly.
  • Photo album for the birth of a baby. The arrival of a child in a family is an important milestone. And every parent strives to remember everything and display it in the photo. However, even the most attentive mother is not able to remember every important moment, because there are so many of them. A photo album with quotes will help you remember the most important thing even after many years.
  • Album with a school, educational plot. The first day of kindergarten, first grade, graduation party, institute are the stages of growing up, which are accompanied by wonderful memories.
  • Capturing a bright moment in life. This is not only a vacation, or a trip. You can also create an album as a gift, for example, for an anniversary, or for a memorable date. Thematic albums for beloved, beloved are popular.

The reason for creating a photo album can be anything. The main thing is the creative inclinations and the availability of tools.

Tools and materials needed to create a photo album

The original handmade album is quite an expensive thing. Its cost will include not only the price of the materials used, but also the dignity of handicraft. But this does not make such a photo album inaccessible. On the contrary, everyone can make it with their own hands, using their talent and imagination.

In order to make a photo album yourself at home, you must have:

Required tool:

  • miniature scissors;
  • hole punch simple;
  • knife-cutter;
  • the pencils;
  • paints;
  • markers;
  • glue stick;
  • curly scissors;
  • figured hole puncher;
  • Double-sided tape.

Necessary materials:

  • paper. It should be tight enough. You will also need paper for substrates for photographs, its density should be lower than the density of the main sheet;
  • thick cardboard (2 sheets). You need it to create a cover. You can use old unnecessary cardboard boxes;
  • cover material. To do this, you can use completely different material. Old pieces of fabric, jeans, decorative colored paper, to create a soft cover you will need thin foam;
  • decorative material (depending on the general idea: fur, leather, wood, iron, beads, buttons, ribbons and other decor). You can make small details of the decor yourself: knit, sew, dazzle, dry.

Interesting details for your creation can be found both at home and in the scrapbooking store.

Making an album cover

When all the materials and tools are prepared, you can get to work. When making a photo album with your own hands, they often start with the cover.

There are two options for creating a cover:

  • Use a ready-made one: buy a new one, or remove it from an old album. This method is the easiest. All that is required from the master is to decorate beautifully using decorative material. You can sheathe such a cover with any fabric (depending on the idea), use colored paper, various decor. Often this option does not require gluing the inside.
  • Create a new one. This option is already more complicated. Since it requires certain knowledge. In order to make a cover, you need to decide what form the future album will be, how many photos to fit on 1 page. Having decided, you need to cut out a page from cardboard that we need in size. Do the same with the second sheet of cardboard. Next, you need to draw 2 lines on each sheet (2.5 and 3.5 cm from the left edge of the sheet). After that, cut with scissors along 2 lines.

To decorate the top of the cover with colored paper, you need:

  • take a sheet of colored paper, 4 cm more than a cardboard sheet on all sides;
  • place the album sheet in the middle and circle with a pencil;
  • it is good to cover with glue a sheet of colored paper, or both parts of the cover sheet;
  • put the cut sheet of the cover in a drawn square on a colored sheet of paper so that its edges clearly coincide with the drawn lines;
  • wrap the remaining edges of the colored paper onto the cover, gluing them tightly. It is important to try to do this carefully so that the waters come out as even and beautiful as possible;
  • also needs to be done with the trim of the inside of the cover. Colored paper can cover poorly glued corners.

When making the first albums, you should pay attention to the already finished covers. Building new ones from scratch can be tricky.

To work less on the cover design, you can use designer cardboard instead of ordinary cardboard.

Useful page design tips: how to fill the page correctly

It will be easier to fill the pages of the album in a disassembled state. Having issued each sheet, you can begin to collect the album.

Making an album is a whole science. Therefore, when filling out the page, you should follow certain rules:

  • Initially, the semantic center of the page should be determined.
  • Choose the right colors that complement the photo without breaking out of the overall color scheme.
  • Choose decor for pages that will match in color and meaning.
  • Choose captions for photos that will definitely correspond to the general meaning. These can be quotes of famous people, aphorisms, or your own thoughts. You need to write down words in the album based on the harmony of color.
  • Arrange large and small details on the page should be based on balanced proportions.
  • Each album page should have a bright accent. However, you should make sure that the page is not reloaded. It's hard to watch this album.
  • Each page should visually resemble a triangle "photo - title - caption".

It's good if the page has an odd amount of detail.

In order for the page to be balanced, one should try to follow the rule: a large item - several small ones. For example, in the upper corner you can place a large three-dimensional detail, and in the opposite corner below, several small ones.

Family Album Ideas

Creating a family album is quite an exciting undertaking that can be a great project for the whole family.

A family album is not only a collection of family pictures in one book. With this album, it is important to convey the history of the family, its spirit, having collected all the memorable moments in one photo album.

A family album can consist of named pages:

  • Little dad with grandpa or little mom with grandma and vice versa. This is an interesting idea that will help determine the similarities between all generations.
  • The birth of a new family or marriage. Here you can also place not only the wedding of mom and dad, but also grandparents. Scanned documents look original, their clippings, newspaper clippings made in vintage style.
  • The birth of a baby in the family. How to design this page is up to each mother individually. After all, everyone has their own ideas about the importance of a particular moment in a child's life. However, experience shows that a couple of pages are not enough for this event. Sometimes one album is not enough. The creation of mini photo albums made in the style of diaries looks original. It can be a whole series from birth to the right moment. Such an album is filled not only with pictures, but also with important records.
  • First year of life.
  • First time in first grade and beyond.

Pages that are intended for the baby can be supplemented with envelopes that will help save the first curl, the tag from the hospital, the first fallen tooth of the child.

A mother can supplement a children's album with her thoughts and memories. Addresses to your child, which he will read with pleasure when he grows up. You can also write down all the memorable dates here: the first sound, laughter, the first word, the first step, the first tooth. Such records will be a great addition to the corresponding pictures.

Another great idea for a family album is to make a family tree.

When choosing the style of making a family album (any other too), it is important to maintain this style in the smallest detail. So old photos, baby pictures will go well with retro and vintage style. Decor for such an album can be found in grandmother's things.

Original do-it-yourself photo album design ideas

Before you start work, you need to complete its sketch. On a regular sheet of paper, outline everything, down to the smallest detail. So you can not only visually evaluate the final result, but also not forget anything. Do this with every sheet. Their number, by the way, must be calculated in advance at the rate of 1-2 photos per sheet.

The photo album page must have 5 elements:

  • name of the picture;
  • a caption for each photo: when, under what circumstances the photo was taken. Perhaps there is something important in the picture that you would not like to forget over time;
  • page background;
  • decorations;
  • additions.

The blank pages of the album need to be marked with a simple pencil, so, after completing the design, it will not be difficult to erase the extra lines.

The page must be filled from top to bottom. The probability that paints, color works will be smeared will decrease to 0. To begin with, it is worth doing the work with a felt-tip pen and paints so that they have time to dry before the photo is pasted.

Inscriptions and quotes are written in the album with ink, felt-tip pen or helium pen. Ink color, font size, and letter tilt should also be considered in advance. You can use newspaper clippings to beautifully lay out the right words. Only after that the album is decorated with flat decorations. They are glued and sewn on. Volumetric parts of the decor are recommended to be fixed at the very end. Do this with glue, thread and needles, carnations.

It is better to glue the details of the album with a special glue gun.

Regarding the decoration of the album cover, the cover design looks beautiful with the help of small photos collected in mini collages. The form of these collages can be given completely different from banal geometric shapes to more artistic ones.

You can fasten album pages in various convenient ways:

  • using massive rings. Then each sheet of the album must be processed with a hole punch, making a hole in the right place;
  • use the same hole punch to make holes on each page and fasten them together with beautiful ribbons. In this case, you can use different methods of interlacing: from the simplest, all in to more complex;
  • album pages can be stitched;
  • you can glue the album.

Today, in the world of digital technologies, it is much easier to save your life in pictures. No need to sit for hours waiting for the result. Just a second and the perfect shot is ready. Most people store their photos on their gadgets, on the Internet. It is much more pleasant to look at photos, to touch them with your fingers. It is even more pleasant if this is an album with a unique decor, where there is something to remember, something to touch. Such an album captures, and every detail evokes its own emotions.

If there is a great desire, but no imagination, you can use ready-made ideas, which are quite a lot on the Internet. A lot of articles have been written about how to make a photo album with your own hands, a lot of master classes with detailed instructions have been filmed.

Well, hands came to prepare a master class on making a photo album from scratch)))
This is always a very inconvenient process, because. you need to have time to take a picture with one hand, and with the other, cut the paper and glue the details at the same time)))
Many operations are done so quickly and almost unconsciously that sometimes you don’t have time to fix such moments)))
Nevertheless, I made this MK! Of course, it is better to watch and repeat everything live, but many do not have the opportunity to attend a live Master class, they have to learn from photographs.
I am ready to answer your questions and help you as much as possible)

1. First, prepare the paper. For the manufacture of photo albums, special scrapbooking paper is used. It does not contain acids that can spoil your photos in the future and its quality is the so-called archival quality, that is, the paper should look perfect for at least 70 years. Many needlewomen manage to print the pattern they like on a color printer, but I recommend not experimenting. Scrapbooking is a fairly new trend in Russia, at most a dozen years old - during this time it is quite possible that the pages printed on the printer on acid-rich paper have survived. But do you hope that the album will be considered by your grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other subsequent generations? What will happen to your photographs in 40 or 70 years? It seems now - it's so long ... And time flies very quickly and you always need to remember about the future)

In addition, handmade albums are very expensive and it will be very disappointing if after 20 years the photos are hopelessly damaged, and the paper simply crumbles from antiquity (for ordinary paper of non-archival quality, the shelf life and shelf life is 25 years maximum).

Before starting to create an album, decide on a theme (decide at least for whom the album will be created - for a boy or a girl, a man or a woman, a colleague or a close friend), so as not to get a mixture of styles in the end.

Since this album was created for a newborn girl, the paper was chosen accordingly.
The number of sheets is selected individually, according to your idea.
To decide on the range, initially take a little more paper than you need, lay the sheets side by side and choose pairwise combinations that you like best and that look harmonious side by side.

Pair separation is necessary in order to make harmonious album spreads that will not drown out or spoil each other.

2. Preparation of tools and decor. In addition to paper, you will need scissors, double-sided scrapbooking tape (it is made on the basis of special glue), a craft or stationery knife, edge and corner punches, ribbons, lace, flowers, buttons and other decorative elements that you want to use in the album.

I usually collect everything that I would like to use, and in the process of work I sweep away the unnecessary, choosing only the most necessary parts.

I store buttons and small items (brads, anchors, etc.) in containers, sorted by color. So it is more convenient to select according to the scale.

For tapes, for example, there is such a container in which coils of tapes are stored in compartments. If necessary, pull out as much as you need, cut off and the rest of the tape remains in the container. Very comfortably.

3. Compiling a composition. When I make an album, I lay out the sheets in pairs - the way they will be placed in the album. This is necessary to arrange all the elements harmoniously so that one page does not conflict with another.

We lay out the necessary elements on the pages, look, add something, remove something.
Gradually we begin to attach the decor.

4. Making corners. When I didn’t have a hole puncher for photo corners, I made do with homemade corners. I really like them and still use them often. They are reliable and plump, I like them much more than the corners from the hole punch)))

Draw squares on the back of a sheet of paper. I take as a basis the width of the metal ruler - the side of the square is 2.5 cm - this is enough.

Cut out, fold diagonally right side out and walk along the edge of the cut with a pad of paint. Again - use special scrapbooking materials in your work, they are developed specifically for archival paper and photographs. This pleasure, of course, is not cheap, but it is spent wisely, and for example, I don’t have crazy expenses for such consumables - everything is even.

Next, apply to the sheet. A little trick - I cut out templates from paper according to the size of photos (12x12, 10x15) and do not measure each time with a ruler - I just put the template where I need it, try on the corners and sew it on.

A few stitches on a typewriter - and your corner is ready!

After sewing, be sure to bring the threads to the wrong side, tie knots and fix with adhesive tape - this is necessary to secure so that everything is held tight.

5. Fixing frames. In this album, I used ready-made frames from the set. They are fastened to the base with small legs and these burr legs need to be cleaned with a regular nail file so as not to spoil the look.
The movements of the nail file must be done in one direction so as not to damage the paper fibers.
The edges of frames made by hand from binding cardboard are also processed.

Next, I had to not just glue the frame, but raise it to a level, add volume. This is solved with the help of voluminous double-sided tape. You can use both squares and a solid tape.
We fix the adhesive tape on 3 sides of the frame, the fourth remains so that you can insert a photo there.

I glued the other frame with wood glue. Many now very widely use hot glue guns and the popular Moment Crystal glue .... Oh... Don't do this when you're working with paper, and in particular with a photo album! You cannot guarantee yourself or your clients that after 5-10 years this glue will not crumble to dust or damage the photos! Remember - you can only work with paper with glue intended for it! Now there is a very large choice, the same thick PVA, or for example, there is a very inexpensive wood glue - it is generally ideal, dries quickly, grabs perfectly and does not spoil the paper!

6. Fixing the decor. Well, as I just wrote above - try to sew on all the decor))) HB threads will not harm the album, and the look will be unique, hand stitching will only add additional attractiveness - you must admit, it's better than hot melt drops, just like it came off the Chinese conveyor belt ?))))

First we sew a leaf, then a branch of sakura.

We fasten the seams on the reverse side.

We pin the brads. Brads is such a thing, like a beautiful bead that has legs. And these legs hold onto the paper from the back.

First, with a thick binding needle, I make a puncture in the right place.

Then I insert both legs of the brads into the puncture.

And on the back side of the legs I move apart in different directions. From above, it is also recommended to close up with tape.

This is roughly how it works.

I glue transparent glass droplets to complete the look. Terrible evening light distorts very much (((

7. Fixing the tape. I put this procedure in a separate paragraph, because you often have to work with ribbons in scrapbooking and the process must be debugged.

The tape must be ironed before use so that there are no creases. Then it will not disappear anywhere and every defect of the tape will be visible to the naked eye .. Alas.

Glue double-sided tape on the back of the tape, remove the protective layer, turn the tape over and attach it evenly to the page. When sticking the tape, make sure that the tape lies perfectly flat, otherwise the tape will fix any bend!

They put a ribbon, smoothed it, wrapped the ends on the wrong side of the page and smoothed it again. This method will help in the future to flash the pages without worrying that the tape will lie wrong. Of course, this method is not mandatory, you can only fix the edges of the tape on the wrong side, it all depends on your idea.

We stick a frame from the set on the tape with adhesive tape and a beautiful inscription on top. The inscriptions can be used ready-made, or you can do it yourself.

Glue drops.

We sew flowers, and this is what happened in the end:

8. Making a photo box. I think it's interesting to consider how to make a mini-box for several photos. It happens that you need to put a lot of pictures on the page - how to do it optimally?

For such purposes, mini-boxes are used, consisting of 3-4 mini-pages fastened together, where you can place photos. When folded, such a box takes up no more space than 1 photo - the savings are obvious!)))

So, we take two sheets of paper measuring 15x10 cm, and on one sheet along the long side we make a valve, about 1-1.5 cm wide. With a hole punch, we cut the corners for the photo on one leaf, which will be the base, and glue the cut corners to the other.

Glue the valve of the top sheet to the wrong side of the base.

To the page of the album, where we plan to attach the box, we attach a ribbon or, as in this case, two waxed cords of different colors. The length should be 3-4 times the width of the box (in our case, if the box is 10 cm wide, we choose the length of the tape 30-40 cm).

We attach our box on top in an open form, base to the album page and sew along the edge on a typewriter (or by hand seam). We bring the threads to the wrong side and fasten.

Close the box and tie with cords. All. On the top of the box, you can write something or place another photo. In this example, 3 photos fit, but you can also increase the number of inner pages of the box and just put a few photos inside - the cords are tied, nothing will be lost!

I'll dwell on the details a bit. Sometimes I want to emphasize some elements on the page, for this I use bulky tape and bring the elements to a higher level.

Try and use different materials - here, for example, an ordinary paper napkin was used under a glass - you glue it where necessary, cut off the excess.

A very beautiful decor turned out using a regular picture and lace around the edges.

Tied a bow - sewn on. Very pretty and no frills. By the way, when using ribbons on a page, be sure to process the edges over a candle or a lighter so that the cuts do not crumble when used.

Tracing paper butterflies are very simple shapes, cut out the outline of the butterfly, glue a couple more wings on top and you're done!

9. Cover. Despite the fact that the cover is the very first page of your album, it is better to do it at the very end. It should reflect the general mood of the album and this is best done when you have tormented with the pages, felt them well and can easily create a unique cover!

We select a suitable sheet of paper (do not forget that there will also be a back cover, so everything should be harmonious), attach the tape.

For the cover, it is better to choose stronger and wider ribbons, as they will be constantly pulled - open-close, etc. I fix the tape with adhesive tape, I also strengthen it from the inside.

In parallel, I work with the back cover - there is no special decor, but the ribbon should be at the same level as on the first cover.

I glue the lace paper to the ribbon and attach the decor details. At this stage, you can still twist-twist, remove-add, that is, compose a composition that completely satisfies you. Next, we begin to gradually sew and glue. Somewhere I use double-sided tape, somewhere I sew it, I fix it with brads - I listed all the methods above in detail, nothing has changed, the principle is the same.

10. Connection of pages. Phew. Finally got to the end. One more push, one more try, as they say))))

Here's a little background. I'll tell you first about what materials I use and why.
When we have created the pages of the album, they need to be connected. But not just like that, but put inside, between them, something solid that will keep its shape. Many use incomprehensible cardboard, even corrugated cardboard, as far as I know, from ordinary boxes, glue it all with a thick layer of the moment, rejoice and give it to the client ...
As I wrote above, these are pathetic attempts to reduce the cost of production. Buying (or picking up in the trash) a box is much easier and cheaper than spending money on high-quality bookbinding cardboard and the right paper glue. Is it really beneficial? Let's get a look. The cardboard used in the packaging is made from such waste that you cannot even imagine ... All this waste is ground into flour, filled with glue and sheets of low-quality paper are cast, from which corrugated and other packaging cardboard is then made. I think that even without delving into the details, we can confidently say that such cardboard is not suitable for us, it is clearly not of archival quality and in general there is no quality in it.
Binding cardboard is also not all good. There are very cheap types of such cardboard, which consist of resins and acids, which can directly damage our album, even if these cardboard seals are inside the pages (believe me, a chemical reaction will occur even in this case).
Clay Moment. This is a separate song. Not only will you spoil the album with this terrible substance, you will also inhale until the green devils in your eyes ... After all, the Moment stinks terribly. Do you need it?

I could describe in detail the chemical composition of materials here, but it is very long and tedious, if you are interested, you can find information in tyrnetiks, read, think. Or just trust me as a print production technologist. No wonder I learned wisdom for many years?))))

Well, I rejected all your consumables, and what should I do now? How to be? Where to run?

There is an exit. First, you can buy quality binding board that meets all the requirements of scrapbooking. If you are too lazy to bother, you can use the second option, which I use almost always when making albums.

We will use regular watercolor paper. here the whole trick is that paper acids and resins also greatly interfere with watercolor artists, so paper is made for them that is free from such impurities. That is, ordinary watercolor paper. In terms of density, it is certainly inferior to cardboard, but in practice, albums with such a base are very popular, easy to use, much lighter in weight and lower in cost.

So, since our album sheets were cut into A4 format, we take watercolor paper of the same format. With double-sided tape we go a little along the edges of the sheet and in the middle. Remove the protective layer and carefully place the finished album page on top. It is very important that the edges match. small deviations are acceptable, this can be corrected later, but there should not be obvious shifts.
After we have fixed the page, we turn it over, and on the back of the watercolor sheet we do the same operation - adhesive tape, album page.

Be careful - the pages must match in serial number! Otherwise, you will be confused!

We also glue the pages that fall on the cover to the watercolor sheet, but it is better to two - to make it tighter.

After gluing the pages, you should get such a sandwich:

1. Page (face up)
2. Watercolor paper
3. Page (face down)

When all the pages are fastened in pairs and watercolor paper is laid between them, we begin to stitch.

We sew on a typewriter, you can use your hands, but for a long time. Do not forget that the pages already have ready-made elements that can be very voluminous, control the process, support somewhere with your hands, align somewhere - that is, carefully stitch all the edges.

Of course, you can not sew all the pages, but glue them with the same carpentry glue. But it seems to me that this method is not very convenient - firstly, glue is consumed in huge quantities, secondly, you need to dry each page for a long time and thoroughly (in conditions of our high humidity, this is difficult to do, the paper begins to warp if drying fails), and thirdly , if something is glued incorrectly, you will have to redo the entire page, and sometimes this is simply not possible.

On the typewriter, all edges are fixed, inside it is glued with adhesive tape - this is a “dry” method, you can be sure that the product does not deform from moisture (my clients have been using albums for quite some time, they say everything is fine), and if you made a little mistake when sewing, you can dissolve the seam and stitch again. Well, again - the line adds comfort))

After stitching, you can make holes for fastening. We punch from the side of the spine.
I do this with an ordinary clerical hole punch. For more complex holes (where you need to adjust the distance), of course, it is better to use a professional one.

Be careful - see which side you are punching with a hole punch! It's easy to get confused, but it's almost impossible to fix!

We open the ring, put the pages in order and close the ring.

To complete the rings, you can tie ribbons, lace, put on beads, if the diameter allows - in general, decorate and complete the album with such strokes.

This is roughly how it would work:

I tried to talk about the key points in the creation. Of course, you can show and tell for a very long time, I will be glad to answer your questions)))

If you want to know some points in more detail, write in the comments, I will do separate small master classes specifically for each process.

Who said that with the advent of digital photos, the time of paper photo albums has gone? My friends are convinced that printing digital photos is a waste of money. “Of course,” I agree. But only if the printed photos are then lying around in an unsorted pile in a desk drawer. And it’s a completely different matter if you put a little effort and imagination and compile a photo album. A thoughtful photo album of the most interesting photos is much more pleasant to show to friends and relatives, who, in turn, do not have to look through hundreds and even thousands of not always interesting photos on your computer.
I invite readers of MirSovetov to consider what modern photo albums are like.

Classic photo album

There are three types of classic photo albums:
  • with cardboard sheets on which photographs are pasted;
  • with magnetic sheets;
  • with plastic pockets where photos are inserted.
Of course, albums with plastic pockets are extremely practical and easy to fill. I stuffed the photo into pockets and that's it - they are well protected from dust and touch. That is why they are so widespread. However, these albums also have a significant drawback - they do not allow you to be creative. And guests often consider them. If you still prefer this type of album, I strongly advise you to take one so that you can insert photos of various formats into it. The 10x15 format is convenient, but large photos, for example, 20x30, look much more interesting. In addition, some albums have special stickers for inscriptions. Come up with a witty caption for each photo, or simply describe what is in the picture - human memory is short-lived.

The situation is completely opposite with a less practical cardboard album, which can be designed in plenty of fantasy. Well, at least with the size of the photos and their location on the page.
Albums with "magnetic" sheets also allow you to apply a creative approach and do not have to suffer with glue or sticky corners - you can place photos of different formats on the sheets, and subsequently change their location. But over time, the magnetic sheet turns yellow and scratches, the photos begin to peel off.
I offer readers of MirSovetov a few rules, following which, when filling out a classic photo album, you can achieve excellent results.
Each event has its own album.
It is better to dedicate a separate album to each significant event in your life: “My baby” (for the first year of a child’s life), “Our wedding”, “Kindergarten”, “A trip to the sea”, etc. If you keep a photo chronicle of your family, set aside one album for a specific period - a year or 5 years.
Choose your cover carefully. The choice of covers is now the most diverse: oilcloth, from various fabrics, with decorative elements, from fur, from artificial and natural leather, etc. Motley covers with flowers, kittens and dogs are no longer in fashion, choose more stylish solutions. In addition, there are special thematic albums dedicated to a particular event - pay attention to them. In my opinion, the option is very interesting if the entire family photo archive is placed in several numbered albums in the same style, a kind of "collected works".

Connecting sheets in an album. Paper sheets, for example, can be glued or book-glued, the latter being much stronger and more comfortable. Both plastic and paper sheets can be connected using a spring (it is convenient to view) or a ring (you can swap pages, remove excess, supplement).

Place photos in an album immediately after printing. Otherwise, unsorted photos will accumulate and accumulate, scaring you with their number.
Observe the timing principle. Place photos in the album according to the chronological order of events. It is strange if at the beginning of the album your child is 5 years old, in the middle - a year old, and at the end he is depicted as a seven-year-old.
Choose only the most interesting photos for the album.
Those that are of aesthetic value or are simply very dear to your heart. Avoid similar photos! If 300 wedding photos are stored on the computer, not all of them must go to the photo album.
Elementary computer processing of photos. For example, some photos will not interfere with cropping or editing contrast (this allows you to do Microsoft Office Picture Manager and other more complex programs for working with images).
Agree, household appliances visible on the right side do not paint this photo.

Create in photo editors. Working in Photoshop requires serious skills, but even in elementary photo editors you can do a lot of interesting things. For example, turn a photo into a pencil drawing or add an interesting texture.

It is also interesting to insert some photos into a frame - and send it to print along with it. Insert a photo into a frame allows the same Photoshop, and online resources.
In my opinion, this photo benefited greatly from a well-chosen frame.

Create compositions. This recommendation is for photo albums with magnetic and cardboard sheets. Of course, you can just post a photo, or you can use fiction and combine them according to some principle. For example, in a children's album, one page can be devoted to infant photos of all the closest relatives of the child. It will certainly be clear what features and from whom the baby inherited. And for the male album - how the main character goes in for sports (with a barbell, with a kettlebell, jogging, in the pool).
Here's what I got when I prepared small posters for my husband's birthday.

Ready-made thematic photo albums

These albums are most often sold in bookstores and are a cross between a book and a photo album. Usually such albums are dedicated to some specific event (“I was born”, “For the first time in the first class”, etc.). Those. There are blank spaces left in the book for pasting your photos and signatures.

These albums have undeniable merits. Firstly, this is an excellent workmanship: typographic printing, durable book covers. Secondly, everything is already thought out for you. Thirdly, this is something more than a photo album, it allows you to make various notes, for example, about when the baby erupted or what kind of juice he likes. But the disadvantages often outweigh the advantages, here are just a few of them:
So, when purchasing such a photo album, do not be lazy right in the store to carefully study all its contents. And for children's albums, do not forget to fill it out as the event occurs - mothers very quickly forget when their baby began to hold his head or sat down confidently.


Scrapbooking albums are gaining a lot of popularity right now.
So, scrapbooking (“scrap” is a clipping, “book” is a book) is needlework, the manufacture and design of photo albums from a wide variety of materials. In the scrapbooking style, not only photo albums are made, but also postcards, invitations, diaries, etc.
In such a photo album, along with photos, you can put whatever you like - memorabilia, magazine clippings, signatures (handwritten or printed) and even voluminous (buttons, beads, braid, etc.).

You can find ready-made scrapbooks on sale, but fans of this hobby prefer to do everything with their own hands - even making the album itself. To do this, on sale you can find special blanks made of chipboard (thick cardboard), acrylic, any cardstock (painted cardboard) is also suitable. In principle, any classic album with cardboard sheets can be used for scrapbooking.
Scrapbooking, perhaps, is becoming a whole science, whole styles and individual techniques have been formed. Scrapbookers use a variety of special materials, tools, and decorative items. For a beginner scrapbooker, this variety can even scare. I will list only some of the materials that you may need when working on a scrapbook.
1. Paper.
On sale, even in ordinary stationery stores, you can already find special paper for scrapbooking. Your eyes will run wide from its diversity: it can be single-sided (with a pattern on one side) and double-sided, plain and embossed, with sparkles and overflows, with certain patterns for thematic albums. But you can also use watercolor paper and colored pastel paper.
In my opinion, skillful hands will create a scrap album from anything, having only scissors, glue and a pencil in their arsenal. However, so that the flight of fancy is not limited to anything, it would be nice to have the following devices:
  • mock-up rug (it spreads on the table);
  • rulers, pencils (simple, better mechanical);
  • ordinary scissors of various sizes and a set of curly scissors;
  • breadboard knife and roller cutter;
  • tweezers;
  • devices for corrugating paper;
  • figured punchers, corner and edge composters;
  • various types of glue, adhesive tape, glue gun;
  • various paints and brushes;
  • crop dip (for installing eyelets);
  • stamps, etc.
3. Jewelry.
  • contour and volume stickers;
  • buttons, rhinestones, beads;
  • anchors, eyelets;
  • ribbons and braid, waxed cord;
  • felt figurines;
  • chipboard decorations (blanks made of thick cardboard in the form of various figures, frames);
  • cloves;
  • flowers, leaves, etc.
All this can be found in the departments of accessories and stationery, but it is much easier to buy in online stores dedicated to scrapbooking.
Scrapbooks, in my opinion, have two significant drawbacks - their creation requires a decent amount of money and time. The financial issue, by the way, can be quite easily resolved. To create and design the first albums, it is quite possible to get by with improvised means, in any house there are some stickers, used beads, unnecessary magazines, felt-tip pens, paints, sheets of cardboard, scissors. But, of course, special materials for scrapbooking are much more aesthetic, and more practical (they have archival quality - they do not oxidize the photo, they do not fade themselves).
Here's an example of a scrap card that didn't cost me anything. I made this many years ago, without even realizing that I used the scrapbooking style.

The advantages of such photo albums are obvious. This is no longer just a collection of photographs - it is an expression of your creative "I". Scrapbooks are real works of art, they are unique, individual, and also very informative, because here you can make notes about events, insert poems, songs, etc.
Thanks to the Internet, more and more people are interested in scrapbooking. There are special sites dedicated to scrapbooking, a lot of useful information can be found on the forums of sites for moms, there are even master classes and online scrapbooking schools - free and paid. And, of course, domestic and foreign online stores, where you can buy everything you need for this needlework (it can be difficult to find what you need in ordinary stores).
It should also be noted that the hobby for scrap-booking can develop into an income-generating activity, hand-made is now in demand.


And finally, the last type of photo albums that I want to talk about is photo books. They are of two types - Photobook and Printbook.
Photos for Photobook printed in a single spread, then they are glued to a plastic or cardboard base. The choice of covers for such photobooks is very large (laminated with any image, leather, fabric), besides, the Photobook itself can be of various sizes. These photo albums are not very popular, because. are extremely expensive, and I advise you to make them only for especially important events or in order to emphasize your status.
Photobooks of the Printbook type printed on printing equipment, their pages are sewn into a spine like a real book. On the Internet you can find special services that offer to create such photo books, any amateur photographer can figure them out. These photo editors contain templates for photo books of various formats and topics (“Amor ... Amor ...”, “Our Baby”, “New Year's Tale”, “Soldier of Fortune”, etc.).

Printbook can also be of various formats, soft or hard cover. Laminated, leather, fabric covers and even dust jackets are used.
You can take a ready-made template, for example, on the theme "First Graders", and just insert your photos. Or you can create by independently designing each page from the proposed elements (choose your background, frames, decorations, signatures, etc.). In addition, you can add your own elements downloaded from the Internet to Printbook. In this way, working with Printbook turns into a real electronic scrapbooking. This direction of scrapbooking is also very popular now, and Photoshop is the most suitable program for it. As with classic scrapbooking, there are plenty of tutorials and tips on how to create electronic scrapbooking online, and you can download or purchase numerous clip art, frames, brushes, and Quick Pages.
The main advantage of Printbook is that it is affordable, unique and allows you to express your creative potential, create an interesting chronicle of your family. Ordering a Printbook is very easy, you just send your layout via the Internet, and in a few days the finished photobook will be delivered to your home by courier or regular mail.

I hope my story inspired MirSovetov readers to create their own photo album. I wish you beautiful photographs and original photo albums!


Create a photo album The program for creating photo albums is AntWorks FotoAlbum. Download it from the official site. Download the program to your computer and open it. Click File - Create Album. Enter the name of the photo album in the window that opens and upload photos from your computer to it by clicking on "Add". If you want to select the entire folder with photos, then select "Add Folder". Click Create.

Design an album cover and view photos When you start the program, a list of photo albums will be presented on the left. Selecting one of them, all his photos will appear on the right. Creating photo albums involves accompanying images with a number of effects. You can make an album cover by pressing the F9 key and selecting the line "Cover Art". To set up a slideshow - F7, run a slideshow - F6, view photos in full screen mode - F5 (all this is in the "View" tab).

Add Music to Photo Album Press F8 to add music files from your computer. A playlist window will open, select "Add" in it. Save the song you want for the album by clicking OK.

Make a video from photos Select an album, go to "Tools - Create Video" or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F. In the "Create a video" window in the "Images" tab, left-click the photos while holding down the Ctrl key. In the adjacent "Settings" tab, set the video parameters you need (frame size and time, music in wave format, etc.). After that click "Create".

Make a collage of photos To do this, select photos in the album with the left mouse button + Ctrl. Go to "Tools - Create Collage", define the style (stack, grid, horizontal or vertical) and click "Create". If you are not satisfied with the position of the photos in the selected style, then click on "Create" until the program selects the position that suits you. Then save the collage.

Make an HTML gallery An electronic photo album can be uploaded to the Internet. Select "Tools - Create HTML Gallery - Template/Simple". Designate a directory, i.e. folder on your computer where the html album will be saved. Enter the name of the html page in Latin letters, select/upload a template (if you are creating a gallery using a template), name the gallery, click "Next", set the necessary parameters, then - "Forward" and "Finish". Now the photo gallery with html-code can be placed on the site.

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Modern technologies allow any computer user to edit their own video or movie. This can be done using both more professional programs - Pinnacle Studio and Adobe After Effects, as well as standard ones that come with Windows, such as Windows Movie Maker. It is on the example of Windows Movie Maker that we will analyze the creation of a simple video.


Open Windows Movie Maker. It is on yours regardless of the version of Windows. To do this, use the "Start" button, the "All Programs" link.

Click on the "Import media" button and indicate to the program those files that you plan as material for, these can be - and audio files, as well as static images -. The files you specified will be copied to the working folder of the program - "Imported Media Files".

At the bottom of the program you will see the editing area, it can be displayed in several modes ( -switch - in the lower left corner of the window): in the "Storyboard" mode and the "Timeline" mode. The latter gives you a lot more about the editing materials: the duration of the video and audio fragments, the text of the titles superimposed on the frames. The Storyboard mode is useful for bringing files from the Imported Media folder into the pasteboard, and for applying effects and transitions.

Drag the required files in the correct order to the pasteboard. In the Timeline mode, by highlighting a file, adjust the duration of its display in a future video.

Select Transitions from the drop-down list at the top of the window. You will see transition options that you can use between any two fragments in the pasteboard. Adjust the transitions in your video by dragging them to the pasteboard.

In the same way, adjust the "Effects" for each file separately.

Save the video by choosing one of the options in the "Publish to a selected location" menu. You can save the video on your computer, on a DVD, or send it by email.

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To date, websites bring their owners a good income. But in a competitive environment, it is necessary to constantly maintain your resource in the TOP, otherwise users and search engines simply will not find it. One way is to fill the site with video content.


There are many services on the World Wide Web that allow gallery on the resource for those users who do not have enough disk space in their computer memory to accommodate large video files. Video is stored on these services, it is played through them. Another advantage of this method is the relative ease of implementation. Of these services, YouTube is the most popular.

If you want to make a video gallery on your site, first place the video on If you are not registered on it, be sure to go through this procedure. First of all, as in most cases, create an account. Click on the appropriate button to go to a page where you will have to enter the following data: date and year of birth, country of residence, indicate gender and click on the box called "Accept".

Please read the terms and conditions of YouTube beforehand. Then enter the address of your mailbox, enter a new password twice. After that, carefully type the characters (captcha) that are presented in the window). Registration completed.

Click on the button labeled "Add Video". On the page that appears, click on the same button. After that, select the video to download that is on your computer. Click on "Open".

Come up with a name for your site, write tags for search robots, in the drop-down box, select the category in which the video file will be presented. Complete the posting procedure on the site by clicking on the button called "Save Changes". Be aware that the maximum size of the placed file is no more than 2 GB, and the playback time is 15 minutes.

In order for the video to be played on your resource in the HTML code of the page, write down the link and the HTML code.

Photo albums are able to keep the memory of important moments of life for many years. To make your album look as interesting as possible and please not only you, but also your guests, you can design its cover yourself.

You will need

  • - colored and shiny paper;
  • - jewelry (beads, rhinestones or sequins);
  • - glue;
  • - velvet or staple;
  • - gilded braid;
  • - Photo.


One of the most suitable ways to design any photo album is an application. Choose a story for her in accordance with the theme of the album. For example, to decorate a collection of children's photographs, colored and shiny paper, as well as shiny jewelry - beads, rhinestones or sequins, are suitable. Create a composition suitable for the age of the child. For the smallest, you can make an application with animals and cartoon characters. Older children will especially like models of cars, boats or planes. The album looks good with paper decorations in the form of beautifully dressed dolls or flowers.

The cover of the photo album, designed for both photographs and adults, can be covered with velvet or staple. Choose a color depending on the preferences of the child or other family members. In the center of the cover, put the best, in your opinion, photo of a child, newlyweds or other people important to you. The edges of the album can be carefully pasted over with gilded braid or other original decorations. Decorations made of thread or yarn will also be appropriate.

A wedding photo album provides a variety of suitable design options. The main place in the composition here can be occupied by an application of the newlyweds' favorite flowers. Lovers of everything bright can make a cover of contrasting shades - red and green, black and white, etc. Those who prefer the classics should choose calmer tones. Decorate the central area of ​​the cover with two wedding rings made of gilded paper or the best joint wedding photos. Creative people can also use various wedding accessories for applique: flower petals from the bride's bouquet, bows and ribbons from the cortege decoration, etc.

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You can make an interesting slide show from family photos. To create the simplest version of a slide show, Microsoft PowerPoint is suitable. This program is designed to create spectacular presentations. Microsoft PowerPoint is highly functional and is part of the Microsoft Office software suite.

You will need

  • - Personal Computer;
  • - installed program Microsoft PowerPoint;
  • - Photo.


Create a separate folder and save the photos in it, from which you will make a slide show. Remember the location of the folder.

Open the Microsoft PowerPoint program. In the Control Panel, click the "Insert" tab and select the "Photo Album" section. In this section, you need to select the "Create Photo Album" option. A dialog box will open in which you need to select the "File or disk" command.

After clicking the "File or disk" button, specify the path to the folder with the desired photos. In the Add New Pictures window, select multiple photos to create a slideshow using the Shift key. Click Paste. The photos will open in the Photo Gallery dialog box. Click Create.

Click Paste. The photos will open in the Photo Gallery dialog box. Click Create. All selected photos will be displayed on the right side of the monitor.

In the Control Panel, select the View tab. In this tab, click the "Slide Sorter" button. In this mode, you can change the order of the slides. To do this, select the desired slide with the left mouse button and drag it to the place of another slide. The photos will be swapped.

Click on the "Normal" button in the "View" tab. On the first slide, change the name of the slideshow.
In the Control Panel, click the Animation tab. In this tab, you need to select the type of transition between slides from those offered by the program. In the "Slide Change" field, check the "Automatically after" box and select the time.

To create an interesting presentation, you need to overlay music on a slide show. To do this, go to the "Insert" tab in the control panel. Click the "Sound" button. The program will offer a choice of several positions. Select "Sound from file". In the Insert Audio window that appears, select a music file to accompany your presentation. Click OK. A dialog box will appear asking "Do you want to play sound during slide show?". Click the "Automatic" button.

To set automatic slide transitions, go to the "Slide Show" tab. Open the Presentation Setup window. In this window, set the following options: slide show - automatic, slides - all, slide change - by time.

Save the document. To save, select the file type "PowerPoint Demo" with the file extension - *ppsx. Assign a name and specify the path to the folder to save the slideshow.

Tip 6: How to make your own wedding photo album

A photo book, unlike in memory, will never let you down, it is a clear evidence of the best moments of life, which include a wedding.
Modern technologies make it possible not only to capture happy moments in the life of lovers, but also to save colorful, bright pictures for many years to come. Without a statute of limitations, when there is no yellowness on paper and small cracks in the upper corners.
Become the author of your own love story. Choose the best wedding photos and make a photo book out of them. Unlike ordinary photo albums, you can pass it on to the next generations!

You will need


Select the desired photobook template. Currently, 6 templates are available on the site, corresponding to the most popular album sizes.

Upload and arrange photos in special frames, add text.

When you click on the image, a window will pop up in which you can edit the colors, size or slope of the image. You can also add frames, clipart and choose a background.

The next step is to view your photobook. Click the "View" button in the lower right corner of the screen. If you like everything, then you can proceed to checkout. If you need to change something else, then click on the "Edit" button.

Complete your order by choosing a convenient delivery and payment method. If you have any difficulties, use the video instruction in the "Help" section or an online consultant.

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The online photo editor “accepts” images no larger than 10 MB. Simply put, if your photos are overweight, use the offline version by downloading it to your computer. And then every detail marked by the camera will fully appear in the picture.

Helpful advice

The quality of printed photobooks does not depend on the physical size of the photos. Do not use pictures from which a poster can be printed.

The size of the photos should approximate their size in the already printed photo book in order to get really sharp, bright pictures.

One of the most important characteristics that determine print quality is the number of DPI (dots per inch). It is optimal to use pictures with a resolution of 300 DPI.

Proper selection of paper means a lot for the future safety of your photo gallery. You can choose from the standard Colotech paper or, for special occasions, the exclusive non-yellowing EverFlat paper.


  • Wedding photoalbum

Beautiful photos deserve to be inserted into an unusual photo album. You can order it from a scrapbooking master or create it yourself from improvised materials.

You will need

  • - file folder;
  • - cardboard;
  • - fabric, ribbons, laces, laces;
  • - beads, glass beads, buttons;
  • - glue, threads, needles, jewelry and more.


Buy a file folder of any size, such as A4, A5 or A6. Get a strong durable cardboard of the appropriate size, it will serve as the pages of the future album.

Wrap the front and back covers of the folder with a thick, bright fabric, do not cover the spine, otherwise the fabric will fold into folds when the album is opened. It is better to paint this part with opaque paint. Make a hem of the fabric in the place where the spine begins, carefully glue, fold the material along the edges of the crust, glue from the inside. To hide the edge of the fabric, glue cardboard or thick colored paper on the inside of the front and back peel.

Decorate the album cover. Sew large buttons to the material, make a loop of elastic or ribbon, sew to the back of the folder so that a stylized clasp is formed. You can also use old strap buckles. Decorate the surface of the folder with pieces of leather, ribbons, appliqué. If you are preparing an album from a trip, arrange a folder in the appropriate style - glue waves from ribbons, steamers assembled from newsprint, seagulls from feathers.

Cut out sheets of cardboard suitable for the folder size, round off their edges. Create a unique look for each page of the album, decorate them on one side only, it is not necessary to stick photos on the back side.

Here are some page decorating ideas. Glue a light fabric onto cardboard with PVA glue, write the lyrics of a song that means a lot to you with a gel pen. Place photos on top of the text. Or roll a transparent tape into a loose tube, fasten it with a thread on one side, fluff the resulting one, make stems from ribbons or laces. Broad leaves can be made from pieces of skin. Place all the details at the bottom of the page, stick it, fix the photo at the top. Cut out leather or substitute flowers with four to five petals. Choose thick bright threads, make two stitches crosswise in each flower in the center, like a button. Fasten the thread from the wrong side. Fill the free space on the page with flowers.

A photo album is the most convenient way to store and display photos. In our time of digital technology, photo albums have become more of a souvenir item than a means of storing photographs, so an exclusive photo album will be valued more than purchased in a store. Namely, such a photo album, unlike other photo albums, you can make yourself.

You will need

  • Files
  • Heavy paper
  • Photo
  • Foil


A photo album can be made in many ways. The easiest is to remember how our grandmothers made it. They took an album or a notebook with thick sheets, cut holes in the sheets for the corners, or glued the corners. Less often, they simply pasted a photograph onto a sheet. They painted the pages with paints or felt-tip pens, signed the date of the picture and who is depicted on it. The cover of such an album was pasted over with colored paper or foil.

In our twenty-first century, you can always buy a folder with files of any format in an office supply store. Printed remains only to invest. It is not difficult to decorate the cover of the folder, it is enough to paste over it with velvet or soft leather and decorate it with rhinestones.

Now there is a fashion for photo albums - they are often for weddings and. To make such an album, a lot of work is not required. The box should be pasted over with wrapping paper or cloth, decorated with bows, beads or rhinestones, put inside in the same way decorated
