What is asphalt pavement. Asphalt and asphalt pavement: brands, types, differences

When the construction of a personal home is completed, the stage of registration of a personal plot begins. Making flower beds, pavement, planting different plants - this is just a small list of necessary operations that a person has to do. Many homeowners own a personal vehicle. That is why the presence of a quality driveway to housing is simply necessary. Few people dare to perform asphalt concrete pavement on their own. However, in this article we will consider all the subtleties and nuances of such a process.


Asphalt is made from a special mixture. This solution is used everywhere. With its help equip tracks, squares, streets and even garden paths. However, there are certain norms for asphalt concrete pavement. All this is spelled out in special GOSTs. It is also indicated there. For more than a century, this pit composition has remained without any changes:

  • Most importantly, the mandatory presence of bituminous material as a binder component.
  • Be sure to have, in a certain dosage, quarry sand, as well as mineral additives.
  • The last necessary component is a synthetically created additive.

When the use of asphalt concrete pavement was first started, the bituminous material used was of natural origin. However, due to its limited amount in nature, a need arose for a synthetic analogue. This analogue is produced from oil industry waste. It is still being used now.

Sand is used mined in quarries, but crushed stone, slag and crushed rock are used as mineral additives. Additives are used to improve individual coating characteristics, such as frost resistance, viscosity index, and much more.

What are the compositions?

The market for manufactured coating material is incredibly vast. The types depend on the dosage of the internal components, the type of additives. Professionals divide asphalt into the following types:

  • For the design of paving, paths in the garden or courtyard. The basis is sand mixtures.
  • Solutions of fine grinding are laid on city streets with light traffic, and they are also used for patching.
  • Coarse asphalt is used to create the underlying layer. It is performed in the case of using a multilayer processing method.
  • A coating made using bitumen and polymers is used in the construction of roads on bridges or large road junctions. Their distinguishing feature is considered to be higher durability and strength.
  • Concrete, which contains crushed stone and building mastic, is recognized as the most durable. Therefore, it is used to create asphalt concrete pavement on highways.
  • The processing of sports surfaces is carried out using concrete with bitumen-rubber components.

Rules for laying coatings

The device of asphalt concrete pavement is a rather serious matter and it does not matter who will do it. The technology of functioning for the arrangement of asphalt is prescribed in a special SNiP, as well as GOST. It is sometimes difficult even for professionals to understand everything that is written there, but in this paragraph we will try to carefully understand everything.

Preparatory work

Asphalt pavement construction.

No matter what you do, you need to start by marking the territory. It is necessary to determine exactly where the track will be located. It is also worthwhile to pre-install drainage and drain systems. Underground structures must be installed by the time the tracks are covered.

During the preparatory operations, it will be important to decide on the asphalt concrete pavement, or rather, on the materials of this pavement. If motorists periodically use pedestrian asphalt concrete pavements, it is advisable to make a special gravel and crushed stone layer about 15 centimeters wide. The width of the surface layer of the coating will then vary from 5 to 6 centimeters. With asphalt concrete pavements at gas stations, the width of the gravel layer is made about 30 centimeters. The top layer of asphalt is laid in about a couple of layers.

When the path is marked, they begin to dig a trench under it. Often, street pavement and sidewalk platforms are performed at the same height, because of this, the soil is removed over the entire width of the asphalt "pie". The technology for mounting high-speed tracks is slightly different, but we will not analyze it.

After the surface soil has been removed, the trench must be carefully compacted. You can do this with the roller. If provided, then it is better to install them at this stage. Asphalt "pie" will be in such a kind of curb formwork. You can also make special ditches for water drainage.

Further, the technology provides for asphalt concrete processes for the formation of a crushed stone layer. For sidewalks, one ball is enough, if more powerful concrete is needed, then crushed stone is laid in several layers. The lower layer is a special drainage for groundwater. It is made from large gravel. A further layer will help distribute the pressure on the asphalt surface.

The last treatment of the backfill layers is the formation of the last crushed stone layer of fine fraction. It will help to make the entire pillow durable and monolithic. Each of the layers must be carefully compacted. If asphalt concrete pavements are subjected to serious pressure, then crushed stone is compacted with a roller at least 6 times. During this operation, crushed stone must be additionally treated with water.

Making asphalt at home

The preparation of a mixture of concrete and asphalt is considered a complex process. However, there are a huge number of people who are ready to experiment. Such mixtures cannot be used for tracks, but they are quite suitable for decorating asphalt at home.

Classic method

The additive makes cold asphalt more durable.

For the manufacture of asphalt concrete pavement, sand, bituminous material (resin), as well as small gravel are needed. From the inventory you will need a large container and a bucket. It is better to use a fire for cooking a mixture of asphalt, it is cheaper and safer.

We place sand and gravel additives in a container in a ratio of 2 to 1 and mix thoroughly. Add water and place the container on the fire. At the same time, we begin the preparation of the bitumen additive. Here you will need a metal bucket. Over the fire it is necessary to melt the bituminous resin in a bucket. When the mixture additives in both containers have boiled, they can be mixed. After mixing, return the container to the fire again and continue to boil until the water has completely boiled away. Surface finishing with concrete is done while the mortar is hot.

Asphalt is a fairly reliable material used to cover roads. For high loads, grades with the best characteristics are intended, for example, M1200.

Less dense material (M1000) cannot withstand the loads from the mass of numerous vehicles, for this reason it is usually laid only when constructing sidewalks and paths.

First of all, it is necessary to plan the area on which the asphalt will be laid. The necessary work is planned taking into account the purpose of the coating. For a "light" motorway, with a low flow of cars, it will be necessary to pour only 1 layer of crushed stone, and for the construction of a serious highway, a minimum of 3 layers is required.

The crushed stone fractions are arranged from maximum to minimum, after which they are carefully rolled with a roller. This is required to create a special cushion (base), on which the asphalt is poured. All work on laying asphalt is carried out taking into account the requirements of SNiP and GOST.

There are 2 main technologies for pouring asphalt:

  1. Cold way. They are most often used for the repair of asphalt pavements, since such material sets in a short time, and the repaired asphalt can be used without restrictions;
  2. Hot way. Used to create new asphalt pavement. For this method, the heated bitumen-based mixture must be poured and rolled until it has cooled down.

The cost of repairing bitumen should not be less than 0.5 l, and when creating a new route, the material consumption must be calculated separately. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the dimensions of the asphalt surface, but also its structure, and possible additional factors.

During operation, it is mandatory to use a special thermometer, which makes it possible to measure the temperature of the bituminous mixture. Constant verification of this indicator is of great importance, because after the material has cooled down it can no longer be used for asphalt pavement.

Application of impregnation

Now 3 types of impregnations are used for this purpose:

  1. Based on acrylic polymer. The most expensive coating, it is used only in small spaces, for example, on a tennis court. They create the highest quality protection, in addition, it is produced in several colors;
  2. Coal tar. Oil resistant coating. With the help of special components, in addition to a long service life, an outwardly attractive shade is achieved;
  3. asphalt emulsion. An affordable and popular material, but it is not able to provide the necessary protection of the coating, which makes it necessary to repair the asphalt canvas more often.

If cracks appear on the asphalt, a non-bituminous mixture can be used for repair. And it is better to use a sealant sprinkled with cement on top.

To ensure maximum strength of the pavement and prevent the formation of cracks, special grids are placed under the asphalt.

They create high-quality coupling of a new covering, increase operational characteristics of asphalt and increase the time of its use.

Compaction is essential when laying asphalt pavement. It is produced with the help of special machines - a roller, an asphalt paver or a vibrating plate is used, this is not very mobile equipment, but it has a number of advantages over other rolling methods. For example, an asphalt paver can perform at least 2 types of work, and a vibrating plate is the most maneuverable among them.

Asphalt laying according to GOST

The components are mixed according to GOST 9128, the mixture is divided into 2 types, according to the laying conditions:

  • for use at temperatures exceeding +5 degrees;
  • for use at temperatures in the range of -25 - + 5 degrees.

Crushed stone, which is part of the mixture for asphalt laying, must be selected in accordance with the requests specified in GOST 8267, screening is normalized according to GOST 8736. As a binder component of the mixture, bitumen is used - BND 90\130 and BND 60\90, corresponding to GOST 22245.

Influence of the material on the quality of asphalt pavement

In order not to buy low-quality asphalt concrete, the seller must be required to provide a certificate of conformity for the product. There are a number of laboratories that perform asphalt testing and sampling. Asphalt analysis is carried out by examining a selected core (asphalt rod).

Improvement of asphalt pavements

Despite the practicality, asphalt canvases can be upgraded. One effective method is to use mastics specifically designed to improve asphalt. They contain bitumen, and special emulsions for it, which include rubber and polymer additives.

Bituminous mastics, in most cases, are used heated, and emulsions without heating. Mastics close the pores and cracks on the surface of the asphalt, this does not allow moisture to penetrate under the asphalt and destroy its structure - moisture breaks the coating when it freezes, and creates water hammer when the vehicle passes.

Do-it-yourself asphalt paving

In your home or country house, asphalt pavements are suitable for pavements and paths, blind areas are made of them. In addition, such material can be used to create roofing.

Paths are laid in stages:

  1. Remove trash beforehand and remove the soil to a depth of 30 cm;
  2. After that, the curbs are installed, serving not only as decoration, but also as walls for bitumen;
  3. Next, arrange a pillow. A layer of crushed stone is covered by 15 cm, then it is rammed, a layer of crushed stone of a fine fraction is covered and rolled again. Sand is poured last, with a layer of 5 cm. The prepared pillow must be well shed with water and then rolled with a hand roller;
  4. Hot asphalt must be evenly spread over the area of ​​​​the track. After that, the irregularities are leveled with a mop-engine, while simultaneously filling the resulting recesses with new portions of asphalt. Since the material cools quickly, the work is best done with 1-2 assistants;
  5. After the asphalt is laid and leveled, you need to compact it with a hand roller. The roller must be lubricated with diesel fuel before work, this will help create an even and smooth coating (asphalt will stick to a dry roller). It is advisable to lubricate all the tools used in the work with diesel fuel.

When laying asphalt, it is important to monitor its temperature. It must be maintained at a level of at least 120 degrees, the coating laid from cold material will completely deteriorate in a short time.

In addition, when laying, it is important to carry out exclusively direct movements with tools, in no case should they be returned to themselves along the surface of the coating.

After completion of all work, it is possible to impregnate the coating by replacing the impregnation with a special paint intended for asphalt. With its help, you can get the shade you need.

asphalt repair

The structure of asphalt is destroyed not only from physical exertion, but also under the influence of the rays of the sun, which eventually destroys the bitumen and makes the surface brittle.

There are 3 main asphalt recovery technologies:

  1. The first way: sealing cracks in the coating with the help of tar. The surface to be repaired is pre-cleaned. Taking into account the size of the crack, it is covered with sand for 2-3 cm and then filled with tar, or with a small width of the defect, tar is used immediately. After 10-15 minutes have passed, the sealed asphalt must be leveled with a spatula. Do the same with the rest of the cracks on the surface.
  2. The second way: you can buy rolls with ready-made asphalt. This is an inexpensive and practical product and, importantly, it is convenient to use for small repairs. The rolls are rolled out, and, having removed the protective layer, they are placed on the surface with an adhesive surface. For a few seconds, you need to press the roll tightly, and the repair is completed.
  3. The third way: will make it possible to eliminate small holes and damage on the asphalt surface. The defect must be cleaned in advance, remove all debris and sweep out the dust. Densely fills all voids with bituminous composition. After 2-3 minutes, the sealed place must be leveled and tamped.

To prevent the destruction of asphalt, it must be renewed every 4-5 years, and the detected cracks should be sealed with water and chemically resistant sealant.

If the asphalt began to crumble, then such a coating must be completely changed. It is very easy to apply the sealant, pour it out of the container and brush the surface to be treated well with a stiff brush.

Asphalt repair in winter

To repair asphalt in the winter, you will need to pre-prepare the place of work: clean the snow, chip off the ice and treat the defect site with a special compound.

Snow and moisture cool the asphalt, for this reason, in wet weather, laying and repairing thick layers of the canvas is not worth it.

In case of light precipitation, it is possible to perform work exclusively on the entire asphalt canvas, and it is impossible to pour asphalt at intervals, during snowstorms and during heavy rain. Otherwise, after a short time, the bituminous coating will require repair.

If you eliminate defects on time, repairing the most worn out places, then it will last much longer. The most important thing in the repair is to correctly mill, which means removing the layer of the old coating at the defect site using milling cutters.

A joint cutter is also necessary to remove the used coating layer, and to create seams. Heated asphalt is transported in a coher, it is designed to transport hot bituminous mass. To reduce the cost of manual labor, specialized enterprises use real automated systems.

For example, for the repair of highways, units are used to remove a layer of worn coating, which simultaneously perform cutting of defective material and milling.


A complete repair of asphalt is not always carried out, often a pitting technique is used, which consists of filling in the detected defects, cracks and potholes with a bitumen composition. It is used only if the damage to the canvas is not more than 15%.

Before starting the repair, prepare:

Markup. It is necessary to mark, in addition to defective places, a small part of the whole canvas. If several pits are in the same radius, then they will need to be painted with one contour.

Dismantling. After that, the damaged asphalt is removed, for example, using a jackhammer. In this case, it is advisable to use the cold milling method, since it can be used to obtain even walls.

Cleanup. At this stage, crumbs and debris are removed from the coating, and the processing of defective areas with a bitumen composition can begin.

Material rating:

  • Asphalts used are the most environmentally friendly, when compared with similar compositions of previous years;
  • The cost is quite expensive;
  • Can be used for almost any coating. In addition, it can also be used in the construction of buildings;
  • The new asphalt looks quite attractive from the outside but over time it starts to fade. You can restore its color by painting the surface with a special paint;
  • It is impossible to prepare asphalt at home;
  • Requires quick work and the use of assistants, because after cooling it is unusable.

When should cold and hot asphalt be used?

Cold laying of this material is mainly used for repairing coatings. The main thing at the same time is the high-quality compaction of the material. A big plus of cold asphalt is the possibility of using it at any time of the year. The necessary work can be done even in winter.

There are 2 types of cold asphalt:

  • summer. When laying, the air temperature is desirable in the range of +15 - +30 degrees;
  • off-season. When laying, the air temperature is desirable in the range of -5 - +15 degrees.

But such material is not well suited for major repairs or new coatings. Here it is better to use hot asphalt.

The road is considered one of the most profitable surfaces. It is practical, inexpensive and generally allows you to provide the characteristics necessary for operation. Of course, it cannot do without drawbacks, but they, as a rule, appear in cases of non-compliance with the laying technology. On the other hand, a well-arranged asphalt concrete pavement provides a sufficiently high bearing capacity and elasticity. At the same time, there are different approaches to the creation of such roads and sites, the differences in which are determined by the composition of the mixture and laying technologies.

The composition of the asphalt mix

The traditional asphalt device technology provides for the presence of mineral fillers and a binder in the main composition. The first group of materials includes sand and gravel. In this case, crushed stone can be replaced with gravel, and sand is used in whole or crushed form.

Also, depending on the requirements for the coating and its operating conditions, a finely dispersed organic component can be used to bind the main composition, usually bitumen. The characteristics that an asphalt concrete pavement receives as a result are determined by the approach to the formation of the base mixture. Differences in the methods of making the solution are due to the parameters of the components used. For example, gravel or crushed stone can be selected with a fraction from 10 to 40 mm. So bitumen can have different viscosity and density. These and other factors ultimately determine the characteristics of the coating.

Instructions for the delivery of mixtures to the object

First of all, the type, number and carrying capacity of vehicles that will carry out the delivery are determined. This choice depends on the scale of work, the volume of the mixture and the pace of future laying. The transportation process includes several stages, including weighing, loading the material, directly transporting and unloading to a receiving point. For maintenance of crushed stone, cold and hot mixtures, a dump truck with a clean body is used, which is covered with a protective awning or waterproof canopies. The cast mixtures from which the asphalt concrete pavement is formed are transported in so-called cochers. These are cars with thermoses-mixers, which provide mixing and heating of the composition during transportation. As for the transportation time, in the case of hot and mastic mixtures it depends on the characteristics of the mixture, and for cold solutions there are no restrictions on the duration of transportation.

Preparatory work

The main event in the process of preparing for the final laying of the mixture is the installation of a trial coating. The length of such a strip is at least 200 m, and the width is taken in accordance with the parameters of the asphalt paver passage. Based on the results of the test laying, the technologists determine the most suitable mixture recipe, and, if necessary, make adjustments to the laying method and compaction technology.

The trial asphalt pavement is tested for characteristics such as temperature, compaction quality, substrate condition, etc. Special control technologies are used for this. In particular, non-destructive express methods and taking core samples, which are further examined in the laboratory. Based on the obtained conclusion, the technologists give recommendations for the manufacturer. If necessary, the composition of the mixture is adjusted for specific operating conditions of the coating.

Mix distribution technique

Before distributing the finished mass, the paving slab is installed on the edge of the beam laid before, the height of which will correspond to the thickness of the layer being laid. To prevent the mixture from spreading, a sliding type formwork is used - it must move behind the paver. If there is no such device, then even before the start of distribution in the longitudinal direction, it is necessary to fix metal strips with a length of about 20 m. In this case, the thickness of this barrier should not be less than the height of the coating being formed. By the way, the thickness of asphalt concrete pavements varies on average from 5 to 10 cm. As the mass is laid and compacted, the metal bars are removed. As for the width, most often the distribution of the mixture is carried out covering the entire carriageway.

If, after spreading the base on the surface, defects are detected, they must be processed manually. The use of rammers is practiced, which allow spot-fixing of loose seams, tubercles and other flaws. Usually, defects are formed in the areas where the strips adjoin the thrust elements - the same metal bars. Crushed stone with gravel is also poured separately. These layers of asphalt concrete pavement are formed evenly in bulk immediately after the distribution of the mixture. Next, the granular material is sunk into the base of the coating with a light roller.

Sealing technology

The compaction process must run parallel to the asphalt distributor, which distributes the mixture. Compaction is carried out continuously by a link of rollers. Smooth-roller, pneumatic wheel and combined special equipment can also be used in the work. The force and load of compaction of cold and hot asphalt in structural layers are calculated according to several indicators. In particular, technologists take into account the characteristics of the density and temperature of the mass.

The device of asphalt concrete pavement from a dense hot mix is ​​produced with a compaction factor of 0.99. Cold mixtures assume a load with a factor of 0.96. The transverse junctions of the laid lines are arranged perpendicular to the road axis in one lane without leaving ledges. To fulfill this condition, the end of the previously arranged strip is cut off with a special tool with

Instructions for the repair of asphalt concrete pavements

Before the actual execution of repair operations, the coating is inspected. To do this, the surface is cleaned with road brushes, after which geodesic tools are used to check the evenness of the pavement. Depending on the nature of the identified defects, appropriate repair measures are applied. To further ensure the evenness of the layers, the place of cutting is marked with a rail. A bar with a level is overlapped on the coating. The place under the plank, where a decrease in thickness is noted, is considered as a line for future transverse trimming. Also, the repair of asphalt concrete pavement may include operations to build up layers. Typically, such measures are used for covering the wells. For this, special liners and reinforced concrete segments can be used.

Safety instructions

Even before the start of work, the target area must be fenced off using appropriate road signs. People working on the site must be in overalls established by the regulations. At night, the site must also be provided with lighting and signal lights. Separate safety measures are provided for the processes of handling solutions. So, when unloading a carrier with a mixture, it is forbidden for people to be between the car and the bunker with the material. During laying and compaction, the asphalt concrete pavement of roads must be free from foreign objects and workers. After the completion of the activities, all inventory, equipment and consumables must be removed from the coating and delivered to the appropriate storage locations.

Coating quality control

The assessment of the quality of the arranged coating is carried out using special tools. In particular, calibrated automated measuring instruments are used, as well as special equipment that allows deriving a complex conclusion based on the data obtained. Among the most common characteristics, on the basis of which the "work" of asphalt concrete pavements is evaluated, there is compliance with the design parameters in terms of thickness and width, evenness of the layers, slopes, temperature and quality of the joints between the strips.


Asphalt works are a complex of technical measures. At the same time, initial design calculations are of considerable importance from the point of view of the formation of a high-quality road surface. Even with conscientious laying and compaction, the coating will not be able to perform its functions if an unsuitable mixture has been selected. Although the basic technology of asphalt concrete pavements involves the use of a standard set of components to obtain a paving mortar, their parameters may differ. Therefore, it is practiced to lay trial mixtures, which later give an idea of ​​the most favorable characteristics of the coating for a particular area. And in the future, responsibility for the quality of the road passes directly to the working team, which distributes and compacts the asphalt mass.

Various new technologies are used to cover roads.

Cold asphalt laying technology

This technology is quite simple and is suitable for areas where it is not possible to make a coating of hot asphalt. These are narrow sidewalks, entrances to the house, playgrounds, and are also used to repair the road surface.

The process of laying cold asphalt is the delivery to the place of asphalting of the finished mixture, packed in bags. Then the mixture is poured out, leveled and compacted using vibrating plates.

The main advantage of this laying technology is the possibility of asphalting at low air temperatures of -25 degrees.

The disadvantage of cold asphalt is that this coating is not designed for a large load.

Foamed asphalt technology

This technology consists in the secondary use of the coating, which is mixed with other components of the asphalt.

Under the influence of high temperature and the injection of water into the composition, steam is formed and air bubbles are obtained.

These small bubbles help to improve the mixing of the mixture. The asphalt base increases in volume and its viscosity decreases.

The advantage of this type of asphalting is its good adhesion to the underlying layers and wheels of vehicles.

Another advantage is efficiency, such a coating is cheaper than conventional asphalt.

Technology of forming 2 layers at the same time

Coating technology consists of applying one layer to another. It turns out a monolithic structure due to the lack of gaps between the layers.

The advantages of this technology are wear resistance and reduced time for work.

With such laying of asphalt, expensive high-quality mixtures are used, but they are laid in thin layers.

Draining Asphalt Technology

This one is characterized by good adhesion to the lower asphalt surface, it allows moisture to pass into the porous structure from above.

The advantages of this type of laying is the safe movement of vehicles on such a coating during rainy weather.

Puddles do not form, but spread or soak. This type of coating is used for highways and in residential areas.

There are many new asphalt paving technologies that are already being applied to road construction or are still under development.

Asphalt concrete is a modern reliable material that is used for the improvement of urban and private areas. Asphalt is used for sidewalks, driveways, roadbeds, playgrounds, etc. Asphalt concrete pavements are characterized by high quality, strength and durability.

When laying pavements made of asphalt concrete, particular importance is given to the choice of material, the design of work and the technology of pavement construction. As a result, subject to all the rules and requirements, you will get a comfortable and safe coating that will last for many years.

Below we will consider in detail the typical designs of asphalt concrete sidewalks, find out their advantages and disadvantages, and also analyze the technology of laying sidewalks with our own hands.

Features of asphalt pavement

Experts distinguish two types of sidewalk construction - monolithic and prefabricated. Prefabricated structures mean the laying of sidewalks from concrete or stone slabs and paving stones, monolithic - this is the laying of a solid canvas of asphalt, cement or concrete.

Three types of asphalt are used for asphalt concrete pavement construction:

  • Sandy;
  • cast;
  • Fine-grained.

Molded asphalt concrete is laid with the help of special equipment in a hot state and leveled with vibratory rollers. The sandy mixture of asphalt concrete is most often used for repair work - eliminating holes, cracks, pouring an additional top layer of the coating.

For sidewalks, one layer of asphalt 3 cm thick is laid.

The composition of the asphalt concrete mixture according to GOST 9128-2009 includes:

  • Bitumen;
  • gravel and crushed stone;
  • Sand;
  • plasticizers.

On the building materials market, you can find several types of asphalt, depending on the type of work, different compositions are used. For example, for laying the roadway, asphalt with a strength grade of M1200 is used, and asphalt concrete for sidewalks is grade M1000.

There are certain requirements for the pavement:

  • High wear resistance and abrasion;
  • Rigidity and strength;
  • Hitch with shoes to avoid slipperiness;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Aesthetic appearance.

Pavement paving process

The technology of laying asphalt for sidewalks and footpaths is no different from asphalting the roadway. Specialists use two types of asphalt concrete:

  • Hot asphalt - used for laying a new canvas.
  • Cold asphalt - most often it is used for repair work.

Work with cold asphalt concrete can be carried out in any weather and at any time of the year. Cold asphalt can be purchased at the store and you can do the patching yourself.

Asphalt works are carried out in several stages. For the best result, it is necessary to strictly follow the correct sequence of actions.

  • Site marking;
  • Foundation preparation;
  • Installation of curbs;
  • Creation of a sand and gravel pillow;
  • Emulsion treatment;
  • Asphalt laying.

Preparatory stage

Before starting construction work on laying asphalt concrete, the dimensions of the sidewalk, its boundaries and the place where it will pass are determined. It is important that large trees do not grow at the site of future work, as their roots may damage the coating in the future.

The selected place is thoroughly cleaned, shrubs and trees (if any) are uprooted, and all debris is removed. Then the boundaries of the track are marked.

Foundation preparation

Within the specified boundaries of the sidewalk, it is necessary to dig a "bath". To do this, the top layer of soil about 30 cm thick is removed and carefully compacted.

The next step is to install the side rails. Curbs have two main purposes - to aesthetically design the boundaries of the sidewalk and to keep the asphalt concrete solution from spreading during laying work.

Curb installation process:

  • Dig parallel trenches on both sides of the path;
  • Pull the control thread along which the elements of the border will be laid;
  • Lay bricks or other selected materials on the cement mortar.

Preparation of sand and gravel cushion

After laying the curbs, work begins on the formation of a crushed stone cushion.

  • A layer of sand is poured onto the prepared base, its thickness should be 15 cm. The sand is leveled (evenness can be checked with a building level) and carefully compacted;
  • A layer of crushed stone of a large fraction is poured onto a layer of sand and is well compacted;
  • Waterproofing is laid on the resulting base;
  • Fine crushed stone or gravel is poured over the waterproofing layer, leveled;
  • The layers are filled with water and compacted, the water will ensure a snug fit of the layers to each other.

It is required to build drainage holes in advance so that rainwater does not accumulate on the sidewalk.

The technology of laying the sidewalk with asphalt concrete

Asphalt paving works are best entrusted to experts, as they have special equipment available, but if desired, laying can be done independently.

For the installation of asphalt concrete sidewalks, you will need the following tools:

  • shovel for spreading the mixture over the site;
  • mop-slider for leveling the surface;
  • manual roller for ramming asphalt;
  • diesel fuel for lubricating tools.

Of the materials, only a ready-made asphalt concrete solution and a special impregnation emulsion are needed. There are three main types of impregnating compounds for asphalt:

  • Bituminous emulsion is the most common and affordable, but does not have high quality indicators, so the coating requires regular updating.
  • Coal tar - its main advantage is resistance to oil products and durability;
  • Acrylic polymer impregnation is the most expensive option, but the highest quality of all. This type is used on sites with heavy loads, such as tennis courts and stadiums.

With the help of a shovel, a mass of asphalt concrete 3–5 cm thick is laid out on the finished base. Then it is carefully leveled over the entire area with a mop and compacted with a manual roller - the movements of the roller should only be in a straight line.

So that the asphalt mixture does not stick to the working tools and the roller. They must be pre-lubricated with diesel fuel.

The finished surface is impregnated with asphalt emulsion or a special paint designed for asphalt.

Impregnation can be of different colors.

Advantages and disadvantages of asphalt pavement

Asphalt pavement has gained great popularity due to a large list of positive qualities, among which are the following:

  • Affordable price - all materials can be purchased at the store and make a solution yourself;
  • The speed of laying and drying of the coating - the work is carried out in a short time, the complete drying of the asphalt occurs after a couple of days;
  • Simplicity of repair work - it is enough to remove the deformed part and lay cold asphalt in its place and carefully compact it;
  • Appearance - the coating is even and smooth, it is possible to choose the desired color or shade;
  • Strength and resistance to deformation;
  • Water resistance.

The main disadvantage of asphalt concrete paving for sidewalks is the unpleasant smell from bituminous fumes, which can appear in the heat.
