Drawings of templates for cold forging. How to make a do-it-yourself cold forging machine

Architects and designers often use forged elements in their work. Openwork metal grates covering fireplaces, or beautiful balusters on the stairs look elegant and noble.

If you know how to perform forging and learn this craft, you can create original products yourself.

This activity is suitable for everyone who likes to do physical work and who is ready to get acquainted with the technology and features of the choice of metal.

What do you need to know about forging?

Forging is a process of processing a special workpiece. Its purpose is to give the metal the required dimensions with a shape. There are hot forging and cold forging.

The master needs to get acquainted with both varieties in order to know the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Hot forging method

In the hot method, the metal workpiece is strongly heated. As a result, the metal becomes plastic. Hot forging attaches to the workpiece required dimensions and desired shape. A variety of work options are available to the master.

Heating a metal workpiece has its drawbacks. First of all, you need to equip special room. You will need to buy a forge, for which you will have to buy fuel.

Need to follow the rules fire safety, it is important that the master knows how to work with fire.

Having an idea of ​​the temperature conditions used in the forging process, you can easily choose desired view forging.

Cold forging method

cold forging is a labor intensive process. To achieve the desired shape from a metal blank, it is bent, pressed and welded. The execution technique is a little simpler compared to the hot method.

The workshop does not require a lot of space, and for its arrangement you do not need to purchase a special forge, it is enough to buy a forging machine.

The process of manufacturing a product involves working with semi-finished products. Once a mistake has been made, it cannot be corrected.

Choosing a metal

Metals with certain properties are suitable for hand forging. The more ductile the metal, the easier it is to change its shape. However, plasticity is inextricably linked with strength.

An increase in one characteristic inevitably entails a decrease in another. When buying a workpiece, the master must know exactly what composition it has.

Decorative forging elements are made from copper, steel, duralumin or brass. In addition, alloys may also be used. Information about metals that can be easily forged can be found in the Steel and Alloys Grader.

What tools are needed for forging?

Inventory varies depending on the forging method. A blacksmith's forge with an anvil, hammers with tongs will be needed for hot forging.

For the cold method, you need the Gnutik tool, which allows you to bend the workpiece at an angle, and the Snail forging machine, which you can do yourself. The last machine allows you to create decorative elements with a spiral shape.


In addition to the basic tools for the cold method, Flashlight, Wave, Twister, ring machine and others can be additionally used.

The modern market offers industrial machines designed to perform technological operations. In the forging photo you can see the product made on the Master 2 machine from MAH.

Hand forged

In order for the workpiece to acquire desired shape, the master must apply different techniques and methods in his work. You will need to acquire various tools and master different technologies.

The cold forging method does not require much effort from the master. The following stages are distinguished in the work:

  • creating a drawing or sketching a decorative element;
  • procurement of blanks;
  • forging process.

Today, a drawing can be done using a computer program on your own or ordered by professionals. The project will allow you to calculate how much metal blanks you need to purchase before starting work.


The main forged elements are represented by the following groups:

  • Paws. The end of the metal rod is given a certain shape.
  • curls. The ends of the rod can be bent in one or two directions.
  • Rings. Decor elements are made of rods with a square or round section.
  • Torsion. It is characterized by helical twisting along the axis.

3 common technologies are used: drawing, bending and twisting.

  • The hood allows you to increase the length of the metal workpiece, reducing the value of its cross section.
  • Bending makes it possible to bend any part of the workpiece at an angle.
  • Twisting is a technology in which the workpiece is twisted along the axis. For twisting, the Twister machine is used.

All elements are assembled together and fixed by welding. These operations are performed on a special table. Homemade cold forging does not require special skills.

DIY forging photo


People have long noticed that warmed up in blacksmith's forge metal can be molded into almost any shape. Forged Products look great in any interior. They can be a decorative element of both wooden and stone cottages.

Among the owners of private houses, there is hardly a person who would not like to have a wrought iron fence, railing or stairs. But, despite the many advantages, products obtained by hot forging - a process in which the metal becomes ductile under the influence of high temperature, are not available to everyone due to the high price. There is an alternative - cold forging metal. Its main plus is not only low price, but also the availability of technology for independent repetition.

Cold forging of metal is a process in which the metal is not heated, and the shape of the product is given by bending, pressing, and welding from several blanks.

Some experts consider the name "cold forging" not entirely correct. In their opinion, only the process of plastic deformation of hot metal can be called forging. But the name of this metalworking method stuck. Moreover, users believe that in some cases, cold forging of metal can be a worthy replacement for hot forging. Is it really so we will tell in today's material.

Features of cold forging

There is a popular belief that products obtained by bending come out monotonous, more like factory stamping put on stream. However, practice shows that with the right approach, using cold forging, you can create real author's works.

Most often, the method of cold forging metal is done:

  • bars on windows;
  • elements of canopies, railings and canopies for the entrance group;
  • decorative elements for fences gates and gates;
  • curly legs for tables and chairs;
  • decor elements: flower stands, fireplace grates, framing of paintings, mirrors, etc.

For artistic - hot forging of metal, products obtained by cold deformation on special equipment are issued, later welded into one piece: elements of a fence, fence or gate. Moreover, an uninitiated person will not immediately understand how this product was made by forging.

Goblin 2 FORUMHOUSE user

In my opinion, forged elements made by cold deformation (bending) look no worse than the same elements made by hand - hot forging. And they cost less.

Kholmoff FORUMHOUSE user

Cold forging of metal allows, with the help of a fairly simple set of equipment, to create typical elements - torsion bars, rolled peaks, volutes, elements of spatial bending. And then, by combining this set, (from about 10-15 types of typical elements) create complex patterned products. Anyone who owns a metalwork tool can master the process of bending, there would be a desire.

Ordinary geometric shapes, combined with curls and waves, can look very beautiful in metal, because. any most complex pattern consists of many simple elements.

A significant advantage of cold forging metal over hot forging is high productivity. It doesn't take a lot of space to work. There is no need to equip and kindle a forge, to forge, to hammer on an anvil. By changing only the equipment, you can quickly create a variety of elements, but to connect the nodes you will need to master the welding business well.

Kholmoff FORUMHOUSE user

I used to do cold forging and learned how to cook semi-automatically in two days.

To obtain a good result, the process of cold forging of metal should be divided into a number of successive stages:

  • Idea and problem statement.
  • Schematic sketch of an idea by hand on paper.
  • Accurate drawing of the product, either by hand or in a graphics program.
  • Breakdown of the entire product into separate simple elements.
  • Drawing, or printing on a printer, life-size units of a product.

Some printers support banner printing, that is, they print parts big picture on A4 sheets, then it remains only to glue them.

  • Calculation of the amount of material needed.
  • Manufacturing individual elements.
  • Grinding and assembly (welding) of individual elements into a single structure.

Despite the apparent simplicity, cold forging of metal requires a thoughtful approach and competent calculation of all the details of the future product. FORUMHOUSE experts advise - to visualize the idea, pre-make individual knots from wire real size. This will help you understand how different elements will fit together and correct errors in time, or find more good combination patterns and individual elements.

The main elements obtained by cold forging of metal include:

  • Paws and peaks. These elements are rolled out from a metal rod.

  • curls. Includes: volute, chervonka and snail. At the volute, or, as it is also called bagels, the ends are bent in one direction. Chervonka looks like a $ sign. The snail resembles a comma.

  • Rings are made of rod, round or square section wound on a special mandrel. It turns out a kind of metal spring, which is then cut into rings.

  • Torsion. One of the most common elements. Obtained by twisting one or more rods.

All of the above elements can be made by combining just three technological processes.

1. Hood. Thanks to this process, by reducing the section of the workpiece, it increases in length. In this way, paws and peaks are usually obtained, for which the metal is placed in a special rolling or crimping machine. By passing the workpiece through the rollers, and gradually reducing the distance between them, the material is rolled out. Relief notches can also be applied to the rollers, which give the surface of the workpiece a certain texture.

2. Torsion. Metal (strips or rods) twist along its axis. You can twist one, two, three, or more blanks. To do this, one end of the workpiece (or workpieces) is placed in a vise, and the other begins to rotate along the axis. If you twist several bars, and then compress them, applying a force along the axis, they will disperse in an arc. You will get a thickening of woven rods called "Flashlight" or "Basket".

3. Bending. The metal is bent special machine using templates.

To bend metal in different planes, you need the simplest equipment and simple machine equipment. There are many cold forging machines on the market. But due to the high price, their acquisition is justified only if further profit is planned. A novice craftsman who is engaged in cold forging “for himself” may well get by for metal bending.

At first, you can get by with simple conductors and mandrels inserted into ordinary metalwork vise. You can make a torsion bar by holding the end of the workpiece in a vice, then put a pipe on it, and, using a wrench, twist the workpiece along its axis.

Alexei62 FORUMHOUSE user

All tools for cold forging (except for the welding machine) can be made from improvised means.

For cold forging metal, the following tools are most often used:

  • Gnutik. With its help, the workpiece is bent at a certain angle.

  • Snail. With its help, the workpiece is bent in a spiral. By changing the templates, you can change the bending radius.

  • Flashlight. It's like a tool for lathe. With this tool, metal blanks are intertwined with each other to obtain the element of the same name.

  • Wave. The principle of operation of this tool is clear from the name. With its help, the metal is given a wavy surface. The distance between the "crests" of the waves, and their height, can be adjusted depending on the setting of the machine.

  • Twister. Twists a strip or bar along the longitudinal axis.

The principle of operation of all the above machines is very simple. It is based on applying a certain force to the workpiece through levers, which leads to deformation of the metal. Bending of metal on machines is done manually. To facilitate labor, some machines are equipped with electric motors, which increases their price. Many home craftsmen prefer to make cold forging machines on their own. Also, with the advent of experience, and an increase in the complexity of products, it is necessary to equip the machines with a variety of equipment - templates, conductors, stops, limiters.

There is a lot of room for creativity here. Each master makes adaptations for his tasks. It is important to observe the principle of reasonable sufficiency. Most beautiful products can be done with a minimum of tools.

Secrets of cold forging

One of the main questions of novice craftsmen: "What metal is suitable for cold forging." According to the members of the forum, you should take the time to go around the local metal depots and get acquainted with the list that they offer. For cold forging, the most common "black" metal is used. The running size for strips is 14 and 16 mm wide, 2-4 mm thick. Bar - a square with a side up to 10 mm. Such material is easier to bend. Thicker material, a strip of 20x4 mm, etc., will have to be cut first.

Hot forging has been known to man since he began to process and use metals in his life. Before the invention of stamping and metal-cutting machines, hot forging and casting were the only ways to produce tools and weapons, household utensils and jewelry.

To master traditional blacksmithing, one had to study and gain experience for a long time. The blacksmith's products turned out to be very laborious and unique; undeniable dignity for artistic creativity and an equally obvious flaw where necessary a large number of identical products.

Such disadvantages of hot forging as:

  • great labor intensity
  • high requirements for the qualification of the master,
  • low product repeatability.

The cold forging method has no disadvantages. It is based on the property of metals to change their shape within certain limits under the influence of mechanical force. The technology is applicable to round and square bars, metal strip, pipes and rolled products of various profiles. Several basic operations such as

  • bending the workpiece given angle and along a given radius,
  • the formation of curls and spirals,
  • twisting one or more workpieces along the longitudinal axis

and the combination of the resulting details allows you to create lace fences, arbors, benches, decor elements and household utensils in a reasonable time and at an affordable price, several times or even tens of times lower than using hot forging.

In addition, all elements will be exactly the same in shape and size, which is especially important when forming patterns and ornaments from them.

To obtain the main elements, special machines are used.

  • Gnutik is one of the most popular. It allows you to bend the bar at a given angle and along a given radius, including in the form of a wave.
  • The snail is used to twist the end of the rod or pipe into a spiral
  • The torsion bar is designed to twist the bar along its longitudinal axis.

If you plan to produce large series of products, then you will need an industrial production machine. It has high performance, sufficient resource, is equipped with an electric drive of sufficient power, combining a bend, a volute and a torsion bar. Leading manufacturers equip their units with semi-automatic attachments, and the role of the worker is reduced to setting the desired mandrel, fixing the workpiece and starting the program. The system itself regulates the feed rate, the pressing force of the forming roller, the beginning and end of forming.

If you plan to start with just getting acquainted with the technology of cold forging, feel it with your hands, then the device entry level you can do it yourself, saving significant amounts, because industrial units close in price to the car.

Gnutik machine

One of the simple designs of a homemade gnick consists of the following parts:

  • Massive base with a groove.
  • Movable stop moved along the groove by a worm mechanism
  • Two fixed stops-clamps fixed on the base.

Device "Gnutik"

The rollers on fixed stops are interchangeable in order to be able to bend rods and pipes under different angles and radii. A replaceable roller or wedge is also fixed on the movable stop, depending on the required bending shape.

For the time being, the straight workpiece is clamped with fixed stops and, by rotating the drive of the worm mechanism of the bend, a movable stop - a wedge or a roller - is brought to it. Continuing to rotate the drive, bend the workpiece to the desired angle.

Making a bend for cold forging with your own hands is quite realistic, it is enough to follow the drawing exactly, observing the dimensions and allowances.

Difficulties in the home workshop can arise with milling high-strength steel and drilling holes in it.

If there is no such equipment in the workshop yet, it is better to place an order for the main parts of the bender in production - such work will not be done with a drill and a jigsaw.

Connecting and painting parts

To assemble the parts into the desired design, it is necessary to provide a flat free space - on the floor or on the table, depending on the size. Workpieces are best sandblasted to remove possible rust and clean the surface before welding and painting. A sandblasting unit can also be made independently from a used gas cylinder, a pair of nozzles and taps. For the injector, you can use the ceramic body of the spent spark plug. To do this, it is enough to have the skills of welding and metalwork.

After sandblasting, the parts are laid out on the assembly site. For the convenience of work, you can use the bars-linings. After the parts are placed, it is worth checking again that their location corresponds to the drawing. Further, having fixed the key structural elements with clamps, it is necessary to grab them to each other by spot welding. After checking the dimensions, angles and mutual arrangement, you can start welding all the necessary seams.

After welding, it is required to clean the scale with wire brushes fixed in a drill, and in hard-to-reach places and manually. The structure is ready for painting. Depending on the selected primers and finish paint, as well as on the method of application, the assembly is laid on cushioning bars or fixed vertically with temporary stops.

It is convenient to paint structures with a high density of parts from an airbrush; for a rare lattice, you will have to arm yourself with a brush to reduce paint loss.

Cold forged products

A wide variety of products are made by cold forging. These are, first of all, elements of lattices and fences - both the rods themselves and the crossbars, finials, decorations. From a distance of several meters it is difficult to distinguish it from a forged lattice. Curls and spirals, forming intricate patterns and ornaments, will enliven any lattice. An ordinary fence, thus, in addition to a utilitarian purpose, also acquires artistic value. This will require a gnick, a snail and a torsion bar.

Look great on adjoining territory forged racks for lanterns, railings for bridges over ponds, sheds and porches, tables and benches. Yes, and the gazebo itself is not bad to make from a forged bar. Unexpected lightness and airiness for harsh metal will be given to it by curls and spirals, and twisted supports will emphasize the desire to rise.

Forged braziers are also widespread today, which also complement the economic purpose with an aesthetic impression. Actually the brazier is lost among the canopy, patterned walls and supports, decorated with curls of the roof.

Parts of balustrades, railings of stairs and balconies are also very popular. Curls and spirals are also widely used here, not only as decoration, but also as a structural element. A baluster twisted along the longitudinal axis looks very appropriate, and corner supports are often made of several bars twisted together. Also on a torsion machine they make the so-called. "flashlight" - several bars bent in a spiral, connected by ends by welding.

The next area of ​​application of cold forging is the details of the decoration of rooms and furniture. Doorknobs and latches, fireplace tools and hangers, umbrella stands and cornices for curtains and drapes - small curls and twisted rods are widely used here.

Furniture is made both for garden furniture, which is not afraid of rainfall and the change of seasons, and for home furniture, combining metal with wood and fabric.

Forged products in architecture and interior design have been very popular for a long time. Lattices on windows and for fireplaces, a fence or balusters of stairs, forged from metal, always look elegant and attractive. Today, despite modern technologies in metalworking, hand-forged metal products are more popular than ever. Of course, do-it-yourself metal forging is not an easy task, and without proper preparation it is difficult to make a beautiful forged product. But for those who want to master this ancient craft and are ready for a hard physical work, you will have to get acquainted with the types and technology of metal forging, understand the metals for forging, understand the forging process and be able to handle the blacksmith's tool.

Metal forging

Forging metal is the process of processing a metal workpiece in order to give it a certain shape and size. In fact, there are two types of forging - cold and hot. When performing manual forging of metal, it is necessary to understand both types of forging, since each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In the process of hot forging, the workpiece is heated to a certain temperature, at which the metal loses its strength and becomes ductile. High ductility is the main advantage of hot forging. It allows you to easily give the metal workpiece a certain shape and size. Also, hot forging allows you to use most of the technologies of forging itself, which has a beneficial effect on a variety of work options.

But heating the metal has its drawbacks. First of all, this is the need to equip a special forge forge and the cost of fuel for it. This can be a real problem for those who want to do hot metal forging in urban areas. In addition, working with fire is a rather dangerous occupation and requires increased fire safety. Another factor that can significantly affect the choice of forging type is specific knowledge of temperature conditions for metal forging.

Unlike hot forging, cold forging does not require a furnace to heat the metal. The whole essence of cold forging is to give shape to a metal blank by bending, crimping and welding. Cold forging is somewhat easier to perform, and it does not require much space to set up a workshop. The whole creation process finished product does not require the use of high temperatures, which has a very positive effect on overall safety.

But cold forging has one significant drawback. All work has to be done with certain semi-finished products without the opportunity to correct your mistake. Of course, this does not apply to all cold forging work, but in most cases, a damaged blank is only suitable for scrap metal or a training manual.

In any case, regardless of the type of forging, you will have to familiarize yourself closely enough with a number of important points. Firstly, it concerns metals and temperature regimes for their melting and forging. Secondly, you need to know and understand metal forging technologies. Below we will look at what technological methods are used for forging and how they are applied in work.

Forging metal

Manual forging of metal is quite laborious and difficult task, requiring the use of certain metals, or rather, metals with certain characteristics. For manual cold or hot forging, the most important characteristic is the ductility of the metal, because it is on it that the simplicity and convenience of changing the shape of the workpiece depends. But it is worth noting that the ductility and strength of the metal are interconnected. As one of these characteristics increases, the other decreases. Therefore, it is so important to understand the characteristics of the metal and know about the composition of the workpiece.

Important! There are other equally important characteristics of metals. But since we are considering the forging of decorative items, such as fireplace grates, balusters, fences, and so on, there is no need to focus on wear resistance, redness, etc., as well as on alloying elements.

For decorative forging, the following metals are used: copper, brass, duralumin, steel, as well as other copper, magnesium, aluminum and nickel alloys. In fact, hand forging uses a soft malleable metal that can be easily bent or shaped. In order to select the lightest malleable metal, you need to look into the Grader of Steel and Alloys. In it you can find a detailed description of all metals and alloys with their characteristics and composition.

Despite the fact that the most malleable metal is copper and its alloys, craftsmen prefer the use of ferrous metals for cold and hot forging. This position is due to the high cost of non-ferrous metals. After all, the price of metal forging largely depends on the cost of the initial blank, and not everyone can afford to purchase a fence or balusters made of copper. When choosing soft ferrous metal for forging, it is necessary to focus on steels with a minimum carbon content of about 0.25%. Also with a minimum harmful impurities such as chromium, molybdenum, sulfur and phosphorus. In addition, structural and tool steels with a high carbon content of 0.2% to 1.35% should be avoided. Such steels are the least ductile and difficult to weld.

When choosing one or another metal, it is necessary to use the Grader of Steel and Alloys. But if there is no access to it, then you can use the tables below to determine the carbon content in steel. The determination process itself is quite simple, just bring the workpiece to a working sharpener and look at a sheaf of sparks, and then compare it with the indicators in the table.

Today thanks to industrial production metal, there was no need to create blanks for forging with your own hands. Modern forges use ready-made factory products for cold forging. The most commonly used blank sizes are as follows: 30x45 mm, 40x45 mm, 10x10 mm, 12x12 mm, rods with a section of 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm, sheet metal with a thickness of 3.5 to 6 mm, round pipes 1/2", 3/4", 1", profile pipes from 20x20 mm to 30x30 mm.

Metal forging tool

Performing any work on forging metal is impossible without a special tool. Blacksmith equipment for hot forging is quite diverse and includes an anvil, forge, various hammers, tongs, and more. The tool for cold forging is somewhat simpler and consists of several special machines. Of course, a modern instrument such as welding machine, grinder and grinder, used in both cold and hot forging. Knowing the purpose of a particular tool, you can correctly perform any work.

hot forging tool

  • Horn. You can't do without it in hot forging. After all, it is in it that the workpiece can be heated up to a temperature of 1400 ° C. For the most part, the hearth is a furnace designed for high temperatures and with blowing.
  • Anvil. This tool is the support on which forging is performed. The anvil itself has several types, among which the most popular is the two-horned anvil weighing 200 kg. But the weight can range from 150 to 350 kg.

  • Shperaki. When performing various artistic and decorative forging, it is shperaks that are used. They have many different types, and each master can make them for himself. A common feature of any shperak is that they are inserted into the square hole of the anvil or fixed in wooden log. The photo below shows the most common shperaks.

  • Sledgehammer and Handbrake. This is the main tool of the blacksmith. The sledgehammer weighs from 4 to 8 kg and is used for delivering strong blows. Depending on the type of work and the thickness of the workpiece, the weight of the sledgehammer is also selected. The handbrake weighs from 0.5 to 2 kg. Used to give the final shape to the product.
  • Ticks. Horn tongs are the second most important tool. Without them, it is impossible to hold a hot workpiece for processing. There are several types of rock tongs for a specific profile and size of the workpiece. The photo below shows horn mites of various shapes.

  • Shaped hammers. When performing artistic forging, it is required to create bent blanks or blanks of a certain shape. For this, shaped hammers are used. They can be both lower, on which processing is performed, and upper. There are many options for shaped hammers, and each master has their own. The photo below shows the main auxiliary tool.

In addition to those described above, various measuring tool, such as normal roulette,double caliper, blacksmith square, templates and calibers. The choice of blacksmith tools is huge, it seems difficult to list everything, so each master has his own set of only necessary and frequently used tools.

Cold Forging Tool

  • Gnutik(photo below). This is the basic cold forging tool. As the name suggests, it allows you to bend a metal blank at a certain angle. In addition, the bender allows you to create arc elements of a certain radius.

  • Snail. The name speaks for itself. With the help of a snail, you can create various spiral decorative elements. The spiral is made under a certain template, which, if necessary, can be changed to another one, with a smaller or larger radius.

  • Flashlight. This machine is designed to create a decorative element of the same name.

  • Wave. Allows you to create wave-like elements. When pulling a rod through this machine, the output is a beautiful sinusoidal workpiece.

  • twister. According to the principle of operation, this machine is similar to the Flashlight, but unlike it, the twister only twists the workpiece along the axis.

  • Ring machine. As in all previous machines, the name speaks for itself.

In addition to those described above, there are universal machines for riveting, cutting, crimping and adding volume. All the machines described above can be made both independently and purchased in a store. Certainly, homemade devices for cold forging will be somewhat inferior in quality to factory ones, but this is offset by the uniqueness of the elements created with their help. For the manufacture of cold forging machines, drawings can be found both in the public domain and bought from specialists.

Important! Cold forging machines can be manual or powered by electric motors. Despite the presence of transmission gears, manual cold forging is a rather laborious and lengthy task, and in order to obtain large volumes forged items it is better to equip the machine with an electric motor.

Separately, it is worth noting industrial machines for cold forging. Prices for such cold forging machines are about 6000 USD, but one such machine can perform almost everything technological operations cold forging. An example is the machine Master 2 of the MAN company. On the video demonstrating cold forging, you can see the capabilities of this machine.

Do-it-yourself metal forging

In the forging process, various forging techniques and methods are used to give the workpiece a certain shape. To perform each of them, a certain technology and a tool for forging metal are used. The technology of forging metal by hot and cold methods is significantly different. As already noted, hot forging requires heating the workpiece to change its shape, while cold forging only bends the workpiece. Based on this, the main technological methods are distinguished, knowing which you can safely take on forging metal with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself cold forging of metal

Do-it-yourself cold forging is quite easy and does not require much effort. All work is divided into several stages: the creation of a sketch or drawing of a future product, the purchase of materials and the metal forging process itself.

A drawing can be created in a special computer program, purchase ready-made or draw by hand. You can find cold forging blueprints for free. To do this, it is enough to turn to the masters who have been engaged in forging for more than a year and ask for one or two drawings for training. In fact, the drawing serves several purposes. Firstly, in order to know what elements will need to be made by cold forging. Secondly, having such a project in hand, you can calculate the number and type of metal blanks, such as rods, shaped pipes, and so on. Thirdly, the drawing will be required to assemble all the elements into a single whole.

Separately, it is necessary to consider the cold forging elements that make up the project. Today you can find quite a lot of different forged elements, but they can all be combined into several classic groups.

  • Paws. This element is the end of a metal rod rolled out in some form. This group includes the so-called Peaks. Despite the pointed end, Pikes are made using a similar technology.

  • curls. This group includes several common elements: volute, chervonka and snail. Volute or Bagel is a rod, the ends of which are bent in one direction. Chervonka- a rod, the ends of which are bent in different directions. This element is sometimes called the "dollar" because of its similarity to the sign of the American currency. Comma or Snail- a simple curl, one end of which is bent, and the other is straight.

  • Rings. This element is created quite simply: a rod of round or square section is wound onto a blank of the machine, as a result, a spring is obtained, which is then cut into separate rings.

  • Torsion. This element is quite easy to recognize by the helical twist along the axis. There are quite a few options for torsion bars, and one of the most common is such an element as a Flashlight, as well as a simple helical rod for a lattice or fence.

The entire process of manufacturing cold forging elements is based on the following generally accepted forging technologies - bending, twisting, drawing.

Hood- this is a technology that consists in increasing the length of the workpiece by reducing its cross section. In cold forging, one of the drawing options is used - rolling. It is with its help that various paws and peaks are created. To create paws, a special rolling machine is used. The end of the workpiece is brought in and then the rolling mechanism is started, as a result, the end is flattened with or without relief. For the manufacture of peaks, a pressing machine is used. The procedure is the same, but as a result, the end is rolled and pressed into a certain shape.

bending. This forging technology consists in bending the ends or another part of the workpiece at a certain angle. Bending itself is performed on almost all cold forging machines. The bending process can be traced during the manufacture of the workpiece on the Snail machine. First, the end of the workpiece is placed inside a special template and then bent at a certain angle. These works are performed on the Snail machine.

Twisting. This forging technology involves twisting the workpiece along its axis. In cold forging, this process can be observed using the Twister machine, on which various torsion bars are created. To do this, one end of the workpiece is placed in a vise, and the other end is rotated along the axis. Separately, it is worth highlighting the Flashlight element. For it, two or more rods are used, which are first twisted along the axis, and then compressed along the axis, as a result, the rods diverge to the sides in a certain place.

Assembly of all elements into a single structure performed by welding on a special assembly table. Today, the welding machine is publicly available and is a must-have tool for modern blacksmiths. Homemade cold forging is quite common among novice craftsmen and private entrepreneurs. It does not require special knowledge, skills and large premises for work.

DIY cold forging: video lesson

Do-it-yourself hot forging of metal

Compared to cold forging, manual hot forging is much more difficult and requires experience in handling the tool and good physical fitness from the master. The work is carried out in several stages: the creation of a sketch or drawing, the purchase of materials and forging.

Essentially, the difference between hot forging and cold forging is technological processes metal processing. First, it concerns the processing method. Secondly, almost any metal blanks can be used for hot forging. But for convenience, it is customary to use ready-made rods of square and round section. Thirdly, in artistic hot forging there are no frames for the elements of the finished product. Of course, you can stick to the creation of classic forging elements - curls, paws, peaks and other things, but hot forging allows you to use the full potential of the master's imagination, which opens up unlimited possibilities. All hot forged metal products are created using the following metal processing technologies: upsetting, drawing, bending, twisting, cutting, pattern engraving and relief stuffing.

Draft used in forging metal to increase the cross section of the entire workpiece or part of it. When forging, depending on the need, a complete or local heating of the workpiece for upsetting is carried out.

Hood is to increase the length of the workpiece by reducing its cross section. This can be done either by striking with a sledgehammer or handbrake, or by rolling metal between the shafts on the machine. Unlike cold forging, the creation of peaks with a drawing requires accurate and accurate blows.

bending. This operation is performed to give the workpiece a bent shape. At the same time, it should be taken into account that bending of thick workpieces can lead to their distortion, and in order to give the original shape, it is necessary to perform a draft. For bending the workpiece, various spurs, anvil horn, shaped hammers and conductors are used.

Twisting. This forging technology involves twisting the workpiece along its axis. As in cold forging, the workpiece is clamped in a vise and rotated. But unlike cold forging, it is possible to heat the workpiece locally, which makes it possible to easily make local twisting.

Forging technologies such as cutting, notching pattern and relief padding applied in artistic forging using chisels. The edges of hot blanks, depending on the project, are cut and twisted with tongs. Also, while the workpiece is hot, a different pattern is stuffed on its surface.

When hot forging metal, it is important to know temperature conditions heating. This will help to better process metal. Ferrous metal forging is carried out at 800 - 1250 °C. Of course, it will be impossible to measure a hot workpiece with a thermometer, and to determine the temperature, you will have to be guided by its color. The table below shows the temperatures and color of the ferrous blank.

Hot metal forging: video lesson

Do-it-yourself metal forging is a rather exciting business that requires constant improvement. This applies primarily to the creation of various artistic and decorative elements. Those who have just started forging will have to work hard so that their work has an ideal shape and high quality.

Any master, equipping a home forge, acquires minimum set tools and accessories. But, as a rule, the simplest technological operations with metal blanks are done only at the first stage.

With gaining experience with iron, there is both a desire and a need to do artistic forging - this is both a decoration for a home and additional income. Unfortunately, the machine for giving samples a spiral shape - a snail - is practically not found on sale. One way or another, but home craftsmen, as a rule, make it with their own hands. Features of self-design and assembly of a snail for cold forging are the topic of this article.

Snail Features

The author specifically decided to draw the reader's attention to a number of points. This will help you avoid some mistakes in the future. For example, having dealt with the device of the snail and the principle of its functioning, someone will want to assemble their own device, different from those whose drawings will be presented below.

Such a device is quite (if we are talking about do-it-yourself equipment) will allow you to bend samples with a cross section (square side) of no more than 10 - 12 mm. A snail model with "manual control" is implied. With more overall samples in everyday life, almost no one has anything to do. The machine can be improved by installing a drive and an electric motor.

But how rational is this for a small home forge?

  • Cold forging is carried out at low speeds. A sharp change in the geometry of the metal leads to the appearance of cracks (ruptures).
  • You will have to not only select the power of the electric motor, but also the gear ratio of the gearbox. Plus, to mount the automation circuit with the installation of the appropriate elements (buttons, starter, and so on). All this greatly complicates the manufacture of the machine.

Conclusion - for a home forge, a snail is enough, with which you can bend metal products manually. Anyone who understands all the nuances of its design and understands at least something in electrical engineering will be able to independently install an electric drive on it.

Making a snail

Several devices are shown in the figure. Approximately so (basically) it should turn out.

Assembling a snail with your own hands is one of the options for self-design, when to give recommendations indicating the exact parameters of all constituent parts doesn't make sense. Here you need to focus on your own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat and how it will bend (radii, the number of turns of the spiral, and so on). But if the essence of the manufacturing process becomes clear, then the assembly itself will not cause difficulties.

desktop device

The cold forging process requires a lot of effort. If you already have a finished workbench, then you may have to strengthen it. When making a snail from scratch, the table frame is made only of metal - a channel, a corner, a thick-walled pipe.

It is clear that the countertop must also be metal. During the operation of the cochlea, it will be subjected to both static and dynamic loads. Therefore, an ordinary iron sheet is not suitable. Only a plate, and not less than 4 mm.

Marking and installation of "mounted" equipment

Perhaps the most creative stage work. You can do everything with your own hands. But how, taking into account the prospect or limiting the production of the same type of samples?

Option 1. The easiest. The meaning of the operation is that a spiral outline is drawn on the tabletop.

In fact, this is a sketch of future figured parts, for example, from a bar. After that, it is enough to cut out several segments from thick strip iron, bent along the radius. They are welded to the tabletop, and the bending mechanism is basically ready.

Someone will find this performance more attractive - with a solid strip.

But practice shows that it is more difficult to work with such a snail. For example, when removing a finished product from it, certain difficulties will arise.

Option 2. The same, but several contours are drawn. Holes are drilled along each, in which threads are cut. It remains only to prepare templates for the stop segments. With their own hands they are made, as a rule, from thick cardboard or plywood.

Overlays are made of metal on them, in which, after the next marking, holes are also drilled, coinciding with the landing "nests" in the slab. This design will allow to organize the production of spiral blanks with different radii on one table. It will only be necessary, depending on the shape of the bend, to install the corresponding segments in certain places. Their fastening to the base is bolted. You can do it differently. Instead of such stops, put cylindrical ones.

For fixing, they are attracted by bolts (from the bottom of the plate) or are made immediately with legs (+ thread) and screwed into the tabletop. Much more comfortable with them. And if you have your own, then carving it with your own hands is a matter of a couple of hours.

Option 3. Prepare several removable modules, which can be changed as needed.

Snail assembly

A plowshare is installed, levers are attached, a side stop. All this is clearly seen in the figures.

Everything that is in the barn (garage, in the attic) will go into action - trimming pipes, rods, corners, and the like. If the principle of operation of the snail is clear, then no more hints are required.

Health check

This is always implied, so no comments.

In principle, making a snail for cold forging is not so difficult. Moreover, there is no single standard for similar devices does not exist. Someone will say - isn't it easier to buy a factory model? First, as already mentioned, you have to look for a long time. Secondly, it is not a fact that its capabilities will coincide with the fantasies of the master. Thirdly, you will have to lighten the wallet by about 19,000 (manual) and 62,000 ( electric model) rubles, at least.

Good luck in making a snail with your own hands!
