Insanely delicious yeast donuts with milk. Fluffy Yeast Donuts - Simple Delicious Recipes Delicious Yeast Donuts

For convenience, divide the finished dough into 2-3 parts. Roll out each part of the dough into a 1.5 cm thick layer.

If there is no special form for cutting donuts, you can use improvised means: a glass, a molding ring, etc. (you need two molds of different diameters). First, cut circles of larger diameter from the dough.

And then inside the resulting circles cut circles of smaller diameter. Get donuts with a hole inside.

Sunflower oil is well heated in a deep fryer or a regular saucepan. Drop a few donuts into the hot oil. This must be done very carefully so that the oil does not splash. Fry donuts on both sides until golden (about 1 minute each), then put on a napkin to remove excess oil. Before serving, if desired, the most delicious, soft donuts mixed with milk and yeast, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The remaining middle circles (which remained after cutting circles of a smaller diameter) can also be cooked in heated vegetable oil, and then put on a napkin, removing excess oil. Serve donuts sprinkled with powdered sugar.

In these resulting donuts, you can put a cream or jam filling by making a small incision on the side with a sharp knife. Donuts with milk and yeast turn out to be appetizing, tasty and, for sure, will appeal to both children and adults.

Bon appetit!

  1. 1 Mix milk with water in a saucepan and heat to mix sugar and dry yeast in it properly. Cover the saucepan with a towel and let sit for 15 minutes.
  2. 2 Whisk two eggs in another bowl. Add melted butter and salt to them. Vanillin can be added if desired.
  3. 3 Pour the contents of the saucepan into a bowl and gradually add wheat flour, kneading. The finished dough should not stick to your hands, but it should not be clogged either!
  4. 4 Cover the dough with a towel and leave to rise for about an hour and a half. The dough should double in size. If this happened before the allotted time, you can proceed to the next step.
  5. 5 Roll out the dough so that the thickness of the layer is at least 1 centimeter. To cut donuts, you can use a glass with a narrow neck or a glass with a wide one.
  6. 6 Leave the resulting circles until they swell by about half.
  7. 7 During this time, prepare a deep frying pan and pour enough vegetable oil into it so that the donuts, floating in it, do not touch the bottom. Heat up the skillet.
  8. 8 Fry donuts on both sides until golden brown. Lay out on paper towels to get rid of excess oil.
  9. 9 The final touch remains: sprinkle hot donuts with powdered sugar or add the filling inside, making an incision on the side.

Hi all! My family loves yeast donuts with milk. Milk donuts prepared according to this recipe are incredibly airy, very fluffy, tender inside and with a charming crispy outside. This wonderful delicacy is so loved all over the world that monuments are erected to it, skyscrapers are built in the shape of donuts, and in the USA there is even a national holiday - Donut Day. So, I suggest not to stand aside, and cook fluffy donuts with yeast for an afternoon snack, breakfast or dinner.

Yeast Donuts - Recipe


  • 250 milliliters of milk (you can take any fat content, but 3.2% is better);
  • 100 milliliters of water;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 65 grams of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 6 grams of dry yeast;
  • 600 grams of wheat flour;
  • powdered sugar for decoration;
  • vegetable oil (I have refined sunflower oil) - for frying.

How to cook

  1. In a saucepan, combine milk and water, heat a little.
  2. Then pour the contents of the saucepan into a deep bowl, in which we will knead the dough.
  3. Add sugar and dry yeast, mix with a whisk until smooth, leave warm for 15 minutes so that the yeast becomes “alive”.
  4. Melt the butter in a microwave oven or in a water bath (according to the recipe).
  5. When the dough comes up, beat one egg into a bowl and pour in the melted (and already cooled) butter. Salt and stir with a whisk until smooth.
  6. We add the sifted flour to the liquid components in parts, each time thoroughly mixing with a spatula.
  7. We first mix the dough in a bowl, and then continue kneading with our hands: on a table sprinkled with flour.
  8. The finished dough should be elastic and not stick to your hands.
  9. Transfer the dough for donuts to a bowl greased with vegetable oil. Cover with a lid or cling film. Leave warm for 1.5-2 hours: the dough should rise well.
  10. From the risen dough we form a cake, shifting it to the table.
  11. We roll out the cake into a layer 10 millimeters (one centimeter) thick.
  12. Cut out donuts with a glass.
  13. From the collected scraps, we again roll out a layer of the same thickness as the previous one. We also cut out donuts from it.
  14. We are waiting for the crumpets-blanks to rise about twice.
  15. Pour enough vegetable oil into the pan so that the donuts float in it without touching the bottom.
  16. We spread the blanks in very hot oil and fry on both sides until golden brown. Turn over, helping yourself with two forks.
  17. Donuts in milk are fried very quickly: 40 seconds on each side.
  18. We spread the finished airy donuts on a dish covered with a napkin, which will absorb all the excess fat.
  19. After the yeast donuts cooked in milk have cooled down a bit, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

We serve soft airy donuts warm, with jam or jam, and it is better to drink them with hot tea or cocoa. But they are also delicious cold.

Goodies from childhood bring us back to our parents' house, to a noisy family table. The atmosphere of comfort and warmth is given by favorite dishes from the family piggy bank. Donuts fried in oil, sprinkled with powdered sugar, with and without filling, are very suitable for a Saturday tea party with a large company.

We have selected the most delicious and uncomplicated donut recipes:

cottage cheese donuts

You can use 2-3-day cottage cheese. The taste of baking will not be affected by this.

cottage cheese - 300 g
egg - 2 pcs.
0.5 cup sugar
flour - 1 cup
sour cream - 3 tablespoons
sunflower oil for frying
salt, soda - on the tip of a spoon

Cooking method:

Mix cottage cheese with sugar, sour cream, eggs. Add a quarter teaspoon of salt and baking soda. Lastly add flour and mix well. To make the dough elastic, let it lie down covered with a towel for 15 minutes. Let's make a sausage, divide it into pieces of 2-3 cm and roll each piece into a ball. In the meantime, pour oil into a deep frying pan and put on fire so that it is well heated. Gently lower our balls into the oil, mix with a slotted spoon for even frying. Donuts are golden brown. Put them in a colander to drain the oil. You can dip donuts in jam, condensed milk or sour cream. What's in this recipe? Firstly, the main ingredient is healthy cottage cheese, and secondly, the dish is simple and quick to make.

Donuts on kefir

Incredibly tasty and tender donuts are obtained from kefir. They are easy to prepare and delicious to have tea in a large family.

kefir - 1 cup
egg - 1 pc.
soda - 1 teaspoon
sugar, salt - 1 teaspoon each
vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
flour - 1 cup

Add an egg to kefir, add salt and sugar. Then add soda. After the end of the active foaming process, pour in vegetable oil. We sift the flour, then it becomes lush, without impurities, enriched with oxygen. Add flour to the bowl and knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic. Divide the dough in half and roll out each part with a rolling pin. Cut out circles with a glass. In the middle of each of them we make a notch of a small diameter to make a ring. Fry the rings in hot vegetable oil evenly on both sides. With a slotted spoon, remove the donuts to a paper sheet so that the excess fat is absorbed. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or colored sprinkles on top (like on an Easter cake).

American milk donuts

These donuts are popular in America. They eat tons of them there. And in every house they know how to cook. There are many options. We offer you one of the recipes. American donuts are made with milk. The dish is high-calorie, but not every day we allow ourselves to eat it.

Ingredients (for 40 donuts):
warm milk - half a liter
yeast - 1.5 tablespoons
sugar - 4 tablespoons
salt - 0.5 teaspoons
egg yolks - 3 pcs.
butter (softened) - 50 g
alcohol (aromatic) - 50 g
vanillin - 2 g
flour - 4 cups

For glaze:
250 g powdered sugar and half a glass of milk

Cooking method:

Cooking yeast dough is not troublesome if you have a bread machine on hand. Load all the ingredients and knead the dough. If you are doing this without an assistant, first put a dough on half the milk. Add yeast, a little flour, sugar, salt to it. The consistency should be like sour cream. Let the dough stand for 30 minutes in a warm place. Bubbles on the surface will tell you when it's done. Then add milk, butter, cognac, egg yolks and remaining flour. Knead the dough, let it rise.

Roll out the finished dough with a thickness of 3 mm. Cut out circles. Make a small hole in the middle of each. Leave bagels for 1 hour. Pour oil into a thick-walled pot (cauldron) just enough so that the donuts float in it. Heat the oil until sizzling, carefully (so that the dough does not sit down) lower the donuts into the oil. Fry evenly on both sides. We spread on a sieve or paper napkins to remove excess fat. Meanwhile, prepare the glaze. Gradually add milk to the powder and melt. As soon as the icing becomes viscous, dip each donut on one side into it and let the icing harden. Everything, fragrant and tasty donuts are ready!

Condensed milk donuts

These donuts are very tasty. They are not too airy, but they can be quickly prepared for breakfast. The recipe is simple, even an inexperienced hostess can handle it.

condensed milk - half a can
eggs - 2 pcs.
flour - 2 cups
salt, soda - 0.5 teaspoons each
sunflower oil - for frying

Cooking method:

To prepare dough for donuts from condensed milk, you must first beat the eggs with condensed milk, add salt and soda quenched with vinegar. Then add flour. Knead the dough, leave for 15 minutes alone.

Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and fry the donuts in it. Brown evenly on both sides.

We remove them from the oil with a slotted spoon, let the fat drain, sprinkle the donuts with powdered sugar and serve with tea.

Yeast donuts

The highlight of these donuts is that they are airy and very tender. A special art is in cutting the dough. And now, in order:

warm milk - 0.5 l
egg - 2 pcs.
flour - 600 g
sugar - 75 g
yeast - 1 teaspoon
butter (melted) - 150 g
powdered sugar

Cooking method:

Dissolve sugar and yeast in 100 ml of warm milk. Wait for the foam to rise like a cap. Then add this mixture to the rest of the milk with salt, butter and eggs. Add flour, mix. The dough will be runny. After it rises, after about 2 hours, cut it into rings. Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil. So that they don't stick to the dough. Fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Sprinkle finished donuts with powdered sugar.

Donuts with filling

Filled donuts are the most delicious accompaniment to the tea ceremony. Inside you can put jam, boiled condensed milk, thick jam, chocolate.

How to make yeast dough, see above (yeast doughnuts). It will sleep well in the refrigerator. For breakfast, you can bake hot donuts.

Ingredients (for 12 donuts):
flour - 2 cups
yolks - 3 pcs.
sugar - 1/3 cup
milk - 1 glass
salt - a pinch
vanillin - 1 teaspoon
yeast - 1 sachet "quick"

Cooking method:
We roll out the finished dough 1 cm thick, cut out small circles. In the middle we put a piece of chocolate or 1 teaspoon of jam. Cover with a second circle and pinch the edges. We give the shape of a kolobok. Fry in vegetable oil until tender. We take out on a dish. Sprinkle donuts with powdered sugar on top.

Lilia Zakirova for the Women's magazine "Charm"

Who doesn't love fresh, fluffy, tender hot donuts? This delicious delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent! It is these melt-in-your-mouth donuts that are made only with yeast. Yeast dough for donuts can be prepared according to different recipes, but the result will always be the same - the muffin will be eaten instantly!

An important detail is that there should not be excess flour on the dough, otherwise it will burn when frying.

The frying process itself is the same, regardless of the dough.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. Heat a cauldron or a deep frying pan and pour enough oil so that the donuts float freely in it, without touching the bottom and walls of the cauldron. Bring the oil to 160o (a barely noticeable smoke should come from the oil).
  2. Fry donuts on both sides until golden brown.
  3. Next, donuts need to be laid out on a dish, which is covered with a paper towel in several layers. Excess oil will soak into the paper.
  4. Sprinkle slightly cooled donuts with powdered sugar. You can also cover them with any confectionery glaze.

To prepare airy donuts as in childhood, you need to knead the yeast dough in milk.

This will require the following products:

  • 0.6 kg of premium wheat flour;
  • 260 ml of milk;
  • two eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • a third of a glass of sugar;
  • 1 st. l. dry yeast;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Warm the milk a little, melt the butter and cool.
  2. Mix all the ingredients in a deep bowl, cover with a clean towel and put in heat for about an hour.
  3. When the dough has risen and doubled in volume, carefully transfer it to a floured surface.
  4. Cut off a piece of dough and roll it out to a thickness of one and a half millimeters.
  5. Cut out circles with a glass or a special notch. Make holes in them with a glass.
  6. Roll the dough scraps into a ball and leave to rise for a while. After that, roll out again and repeat the procedure.
  7. Put the resulting donuts on a baking sheet and leave warm for half an hour.
  8. You can fry.

How to knead with water

Dough on the water is a good option during fasting, when you want something tasty, but you can’t have milk. Also, this recipe is suitable for vegetarians - it does not contain any animal products.

You will need the following products:

  • half a liter of water;
  • 650 g flour;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp yeast;
  • salt - ½ tsp

Cooking instructions:

  1. Pour warm water into a deep bowl, add 2 tsp. sugar, yeast and 250 g flour, mix until smooth. Put in heat for 1 hour.
  2. When the dough is suitable (bubbles appear), add salt and sugar, flour to it, knead a little sticky dough. Leave the dough warm for another hour, covering it with a towel or cling film.
  3. After the dough has risen well, grease your hands with vegetable oil.
  4. Form a small piece of dough into a ball, then stretch a little and make a hole in the middle.
  5. Spread donuts on a greased surface, leave to rise for 20 minutes. When the donuts slightly increase in volume, you can start frying.

On kefir

On kefir, the most fluffy donuts are obtained, since in addition to yeast, it contains a fermented milk product.


  • one glass of kefir;
  • one egg;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 11 g yeast;
  • salt - a pinch.

How to cook:

  1. Kefir at room temperature, yeast, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 3 tbsp. l. mix flour and leave warm for 1 hour.
  2. Add soft butter and eggs at room temperature to the dough, add flour.
  3. Grease your hands with vegetable oil and knead the dough. Leave warm for half an hour.
  4. Then cut the dough into donuts, make a hole in the middle, stretch the rings. Put on a greased surface, leave to rise slightly.
  5. You can fry.

Puff pastry dough for donuts

The easiest way to buy puff pastry in the store, it greatly simplifies the process of making donuts. If the task is to make puff pastry yourself, you need to have free time and be patient.


  • half a kilo of flour;
  • 350 g butter;
  • 0.3 l of milk;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp


  1. In 100 ml of warm milk, add sugar, mix, add 1 tbsp. flour and yeast. Mix and keep warm for 30 minutes.
  2. Pour in the rest of the milk and salt, mix. Gradually add flour, stirring. Add 50 g of butter, knead for 15 minutes until smooth. Cover with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  3. Put the rest of the butter (should be soft) on baking paper, cover with another sheet of paper and roll into a rectangular layer. Put it in the refrigerator.
  4. 15 minutes before the dough rises, remove the oil. Then take the dough out and place it on a floured surface.
  5. Stretch the dough into a rectangle and roll it into a 1 cm thick layer. Put a layer of butter on one edge. Cover the butter halfway with the free edge of the pastry. Then the half on which the oil is put on top. You will get three layers of dough and two layers of butter.
  6. Pinch the edges. Gently roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 cm. You need to add a little flour at the same time.
  7. Fold the dough again in three layers (moisten the excess flour with a brush), cover with cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  8. Remove the dough and roll it out again to a thickness of 1 cm. Fold in three layers, brushing off excess flour. Send to the refrigerator and repeat all steps twice.
  9. After the last rolling of the dough, keep it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then, without cutting it into pieces, roll it out and cut circles with a large glass and holes in them with a small one. You can fry. Or you can cut circles, put jam or other filling in the middle, pinch the edges. Bake at a temperature of 160 degrees. 15-20 minutes.