Actual problems of Russia. Global political problems of our time: causes and solutions

For several years, Putin carefully assembled the death trap with his own hands, in which he now finds himself.

While regular enthusiasts of the "Crimean spring" in Yalta are collecting signatures for the erection of a monument to Tsar Alexander III in Livadia, Vladimir Putin, who feels a spiritual affinity with the strong temper of the penultimate Russian emperor, found himself in perhaps the most difficult foreign policy situation for the entire period of his reign, writes Maxim Osadchuk for "Crimea. Realities" .

Donald Trump's missile strike order on the positions of "Assad's friend" in the Syrian province of Idlib, at one point put the Russian leader in front of a frightening alternative. Either decide on an open confrontation with the most powerful military machine in the world, or admit defeat in a long and cunning geopolitical game designed to return Russia to the world stage as a center of power. The irony of history, described at the beginning of the 19th century by the German philosopher Georg Hegel, is manifested here in the fact that for several years Putin carefully assembled the death trap with his own hands, in which he now found himself.

Individual far-sighted experts from the Kremlin pool have occasionally spoken out fearfully about the dangers lurking in Moscow's bet on then-US presidential candidate Trump. Despite all the latter's curtsies towards Putin and a series of loud statements about the recognition of Russia's "historical rights" to a number of regions of Eastern Europe, including the occupied Crimea, the eccentric red-haired billionaire turned out to be absolutely unpredictable, taking a chair in the Oval Office.

One has to be absolutely excluded from the global media space in order not to understand: this glove has been thrown in the face of Russia.

Maxim Osadchuk

The propaganda industry named after Kiselyov was forced to quickly correct the image of Trump in the eyes of Russians almost immediately after his victory. But no one expected a direct military strike against the Kremlin's main ally in the Middle East. The pile of versions that emerged after the launch of 59 American Tomahawk missiles at the Syrian Shayrat airbase included the whole spectrum of opinions: from the rapid rapprochement of the US President with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, as opposed to Russian influence in the world (Trump ordered the missile attack right at the time diplomatic dinner with the head of China) to traditional conspiracy in the spirit of the tricks of the all-powerful Washington establishment, not excluding the reptilians.

For the first time in seven years of a terrible war in Syria, in which all players with interests in the Middle East have been drawn in one way or another, America has openly used military force against the Assad dictatorship. You have to be absolutely excluded from the global media space in order not to understand: this glove is thrown in the face of Russia, without which - and this is quite obvious - the rule of the current regime in Damascus would have come to an end long ago. Trump's official statement to the media regarding the bombing sounded like an affectionate call to submit to the strong: "I call on all civilized forces to join the United States in efforts to end the bloodshed in Syria." The restrained commentary of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was limited to stating the fact that "to all appearances, there are no our servicemen among the dead."

If Vladimir Putin and his entourage are not ready to deepen the confrontation with the West, whose military potential is incomparably greater, the only thing left for them is to silently swallow the insult, resigning themselves to the role of schoolchildren prone to petty mischief. Or, try to take revenge in other areas. In particular, by continuing the creeping expansion into the territory of sovereign Ukraine, which not only marginal brawlers of the level of Alexander Prokhanov dream of. The possibility of this option is supported by a sharp increase in the number of regular Russian armed forces - from 800 thousand to almost 2 million people (!) By the summer of 2017, as modestly reported by the government resource of legal information.

The adventurism in which the Russian leadership is sinking deeper and deeper leaves no doubt about the truth of Navalny's old slogan: these people are ready to commit any crime so that you will never know how much they stole.

Maxim Osadchuk

It should be understood that the margin of safety of the regime, accumulated during the fat oil and gas 2000s, is practically exhausted by today. Russian Finance Minister Ulyukaev said last year that the Federal Reserve Fund was depleted to the limit, which means it's time to move on to the National Welfare Fund, which is the last bastion of Russia's socio-economic stability. The sudden growth of the Russian army to almost Chinese figures in this light cannot be perceived otherwise than as an all-in game. Pan or gone, the war will write everything off and so on.

In addition to the escalation of external aggression traditional for Russian politics, the existing system has other ways to appease discontent within its own society. Only the lazy did not pay attention to the fact that bloody terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro happened immediately after massive anti-corruption protests (one of the posters of the protesters, by the way, contained a successful response to Dmitry Medvedev's popular Crimean aphorism: "Hold on, Dimon!") Unprecedented in the history of Russia, the strike of truckers , threatening to paralyze entire sectors of the economy, in contrast to the previous round of protest, it already puts forward political demands - the resignation of the government. The adventurism in which the Russian leadership has been mired ever deeper since the occupation of Crimea and the start of the war in Donbas leaves no doubt about the truth of the old slogan of Alexei Navalny: these people are ready to commit any crime so that you will never know how much they stole.

2017, according to all the laws of the magic of numbers, will be a year of great upheavals for Russia: both in foreign policy and in domestic. Donald Trump, unlike the compassionate Barack Obama, is the "war president", as the popular publication Politico suggests. The world is too small for two Putins. And Russia, apparently, is becoming more and more crowded even for one.

Reprinted with permission from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

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Putin dismissed "United Russia"

Trump decided for Jerusalem

The stronghold was broken, the troops were withdrawn

"Shared Prosperity" in Chinese

Erdogan decides to become super president

1 Putin dismissed "United Russia"

Russian President Vladimir Putin during the annual press conference in Moscow, December 14, 2017

Russian President Vladimir Putin almost to the last kept the intrigue regarding his participation in the 2018 presidential elections. He announced his decision to run as a candidate on December 6 during a meeting with GAZ employees. However, in what format he will take part in the elections - as a candidate from the ruling party or as an independent candidate - became known a week later.

“It will be self-nomination,” the president said during the Big Press Conference on December 14.

Putin's decision not to run from the United Russia party, although such an option was considered by experts, plays into his hands. Thus, he actually killed two birds with one stone. On the one hand, he significantly expanded his own electorate, because not everyone who is ready to vote for Putin supports United Russia in the parliamentary elections. On the other hand, the creation of the initiative group demonstrated that the incumbent president relies, first of all, not on party structures, but on all segments of the population.

At the same time, there are certain negative consequences of such a step, however, not for Putin himself, but for United Russia. In a sense, the decision of the head of state can be considered an acknowledgment of the falling popularity of United Russia among the population discussed by experts - and among the elites, the organization has not enjoyed the same authority for a long time as in the first years of its existence.

2 Trump decided for Jerusalem

On December 6, the head of the White House, Donald Trump, announced the transfer of the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, effectively recognizing the latter as the capital of the Jewish state. The decision, initially controversial and prone to conflict, caused sharp criticism of Washington not only from the Arab states, but even from the long-standing US partners in Europe.

However, given that the US embassy will not move to Jerusalem today or tomorrow, it can be argued that Trump's statement is more of a political nature in order to demonstrate support for the Israeli government. This was especially true against the background of the rather vague policy of his predecessor Barack Obama towards this country. In general, “doing differently than Obama” seems to be becoming a kind of political style for Trump.

However, if Obama's position was rather caused by the desire - with varying degrees of effectiveness - to balance the position of the United States in the Middle East, then Trump is not afraid to enter into opposition with yesterday's allies - especially with the oil-bearing Sunni monarchies. Moreover, the United States promised to remember the list of countries that will vote for a resolution condemning Washington's decision at a meeting of the UN General Assembly, and then to reduce financial support for these states.

Well, the list, if it is created, will be quite voluminous. At a meeting of the UN General Assembly on December 21, 128 countries condemned Trump for the decision on the status of Jerusalem.

3 The stronghold was broken, the troops were withdrawn

Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin at the training ground of the Central Aerodynamic Institute in Zhukovsky near Moscow after a test flight of the fifth generation T-50 fighter developed by the Sukhoi company, 2010

Perhaps the wording “the last stronghold of the Islamic State (banned in Russia) is about to fall” was encountered quite often in 2017. But by the end of the year, apparently, it became a reality, if only because Moscow and Washington began to argue with each other about who actually defeated ISIS.

At the same time, the fact remains that the Russian Aerospace Forces, which have been fighting terrorists in Syria since 2015, in 2017 really often reported on the successes in their work. This was largely facilitated by the creation of de-escalation zones, which the parties managed to agree on during the Astana talks.

On December 11, Vladimir Putin visited Syria for the first time, visited the Khmeimim air base and congratulated Russian officers on the successful completion of their combat missions. Thus, the President of the Russian Federation announced the completion of the operation in Syria and the beginning of the withdrawal of troops from this country. And although the election campaign has not yet begun, we can say that this decision will become a good foundation for it to start in the future, because Putin has demonstrated that under his leadership, the Russian army has been effectively modernized, which is capable of performing complex and large-scale combat missions in a fairly short time.

4 "Shared Prosperity" in Chinese

China no longer looks forward to a broad partnership with the US, especially after Donald Trump's decision to pull out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership in early 2017. The PRC, of ​​course, used to feel quite confident as the leader of the Asian region, but in the past year, Beijing's interests began to extend not only beyond its borders, but also into the country itself. This is evidenced by the two priorities identified by the Chinese leadership after the 19th Congress of the CCP - the economy and foreign policy.

Xi Jinping is moving from an extensive model of economic development to an intensive one, that is, shifting the focus from high economic growth to quality improvement. Beijing is sensitive to the fact that economic growth is slowing down, which means that it is no longer possible to ensure its strategic interests only through high growth rates, so the PRC is trying to quickly respond to internal challenges.

China is also quickly adjusting its policy in relation to external challenges. In contrast to the harsh US reactions, Beijing has been very reserved in its response to Washington's withdrawal from the TPP. Moreover, the intensity of the work of Chinese diplomacy is increasing, which is expressed in the promotion of the idea of ​​a multipolar world, "common prosperity." China is also active in foreign investment - trade and economic "belts" and "roads" are increasingly tying various regions of the world to China.

5 Erdogan decides to become super president

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

The idea to strengthen his position in the Turkish political system came to Recep Tayyip Erdogan much earlier, but the president of the country actually started to implement it only this year. In April, Turkey held a referendum on changing the constitution. In fact, 51.41% of the country's inhabitants spoke in favor of turning Turkey from a parliamentary into a presidential republic, and Erdogan himself will receive broad powers and the opportunity to be in power until 2029.

The vote was a turning point not only for Turkey's political system, but also for the country's foreign policy. European countries have expressed concern that Ankara is retreating from democratic values, but Erdogan does not seem to be particularly concerned about this. Ankara's relations with the European Union, for example, have not been going well for a very long time, and in Turkey itself, it seems that no one takes seriously the idea of ​​joining the European bloc of countries. And in Brussels, more and more often they say that Turkey - at least in the form in which it exists at the moment - has no place in the European family.

Turkey, at the same time, realizing that it needs a strong ally to cope with external and internal challenges, is increasingly moving closer to Moscow, which is beneficial for Russia to protect its own interests and maintain stability in the region. It is probably not to be expected that this emerging balance of power will change in any way in the coming year.

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With the development of mankind and under the influence of the latest technologies, new problems appear that people did not even think about before.

They accumulate and over time begin to destroy modern society spiritually and physically. Everyone has heard about the global problems of modern society, such as the depletion of minerals, the greenhouse effect, overpopulation and the deterioration of the ecological state of our planet. In addition to global difficulties, any citizen can be affected, or are already being affected, by social, moral, economic and political problems. One of them can be attributed to various kinds of dependencies. Deteriorating living standards, job loss and lack of money for many lead to stress and depression. People want to forget and try to relieve nervous tension with alcohol or drugs. However, it is not only about bad habits, alcohol abuse or drug use. Modern society, like a virus, was struck by dependence on loans, computers and the Internet, as well as drugs imposed by advertising. At the same time, it is better to get rid of some modern problems or not have them at all, it remains only to adapt to others. After all, some of them are ordinary difficulties that can be overcome and gain invaluable life experience.

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The most common problems in society

Social inequality. Rich and poor citizens have always been and are. However, now there is a huge gap between these segments of the population: some people have bank accounts with fabulous sums, others do not have enough money even for meat. According to the level of income society can be divided into three groups:

  • Rich people (presidents, kings, politicians, cultural and art figures, big businessmen)
  • Middle class (employees, doctors, teachers, lawyers)
  • The poor (unskilled workers, beggars, unemployed)

Market instability in the modern world has led to the fact that a significant part of citizens live below the poverty line. As a result, the society is criminalized: robberies, robberies, fraud. However, in the absence of strongly pronounced social inequality, the number of crimes is much less.

Credit cabal. Intrusive advertising slogans, calling to take now and pay later, are firmly planted in the minds of the people. Some people sign a loan agreement without looking, so they don’t know how dangerous quick loans are. Financial illiteracy does not allow you to assess your own solvency. Such citizens have several loans that they cannot repay in a timely manner. Penalties are added to the interest rate, which can become even more than the debt.

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Alcoholism and drug addiction. These diseases are a dangerous social problem. The main reasons why people drink are general insecurity, unemployment and poverty. Drugs are usually taken out of curiosity or in company with friends. The intake of these substances leads to the moral degradation of the individual, destroys the body and causes fatal diseases. Alcoholics and drug addicts often have sick children. Antisocial behavior for such citizens becomes the norm. Under the influence of alcohol and drugs, they commit various crimes, which negatively affects the life of society.

Breaking away from traditional family values. The family provides the necessary psychological support to each person. However, in modern society there is a departure from the traditional family, which is associated with the promotion of homosexual relationships, which are so popular in Western countries. And the legalization of same-sex marriages in some states destroys historically established gender roles. Indeed, even in the Stone Age, a man was the main earner, and a woman was the keeper of the hearth.

Imposed diseases and medicines. Drug manufacturers need unhealthy people, because the more sick people, the better the product is sold. In order for the pharmaceutical business to bring a stable income, diseases are imposed on citizens and a stir is created. For example, the recent mass hysteria surrounding bird and swine flu was accompanied by daily media reports of new victims of the disease. Panic broke out in the world. People began to buy all kinds of medicines, vitamins, gauze bandages, which increased in price by five or six times. So the pharmaceutical industry is constantly making huge profits. At the same time, some medications do not cure, but only eliminate the symptoms, while others are addictive and help only with constant use. If a person stops taking them, the symptoms return. Therefore, citizens are unlikely to ever be offered truly effective drugs.

Virtual world. Most children have free access to a computer from an early age. They spend a lot of time in the virtual world and move away from reality: they do not want to go out, communicate with their peers, and do their homework with difficulty. Even during the holidays, schoolchildren are rarely seen on the streets. Sitting at computers, children can no longer do without a world of illusions in which they feel safe and comfortable. Computer addiction is an emerging problem in the modern world.

“ Read also:

Attacks. Terrorist acts in different parts of the world are a serious social problem. Hostage-taking, shootings, explosions in the metro and airports, undermining planes and trains claim millions of human lives. Terrorism can be global, like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, for example. These groups want to get their hands on weapons of mass destruction, so they use global means to achieve their goal. Acting all over the world, they arrange terrorist attacks in different states with numerous victims. Terrorists can also be loners who are dissatisfied with the policies of their state, such as the Norwegian nationalist Breivik. Both varieties are heinous crimes that result in the death of innocent people. It is impossible to predict a terrorist attack, and absolutely anyone can become its accidental victim.

Military conflicts and interference in the affairs of other states. In Ukraine, Western countries staged a coup d'etat, which they paid in advance, provided informational and political support. After that, the US and the EU ordered to go to war against the inhabitants of Donbass, who did not want to obey the Ukrainian authorities. At the same time, Western countries, which are so fond of shouting about human rights, remained silent in this situation. And the United States financially helped Kyiv and supplied military equipment. When Russia provided assistance to the Donbass with weapons and food, it was instantly criticized by the West and accused of interfering in the affairs of Ukraine. At the same time, it was possible to agree on a truce, but Kyiv, at the suggestion of the US and the EU, chose war. The victims of political games were the inhabitants of Donbass. Thousands of people lived safely and suddenly lost everything, left without a roof over their heads. This is not an isolated case, the United States has repeatedly interfered in the affairs of the countries of the Middle East and other states.



annotation scientific article on sociological sciences, author of scientific work - Savina T.N., Kontsova I.M.

Topic. In the Russian context, the problem social policy is especially relevant in connection with the low level of real incomes of the population, their excessive differentiation, the presence of vulnerable segments of the population and the high level of poverty. In this situation, there is a need for effective social policy.Goals. Identify problems social policy modern Russia and propose measures to eliminate them.Methodology. The methodological basis of the study was both general scientific methods of cognition (dialectical, a combination of historical and logical unity, methods of structural and functional analysis, traditional methods of economic analysis and synthesis), and specific assessment methods. social policy.Results. The growing role social policy in solving pressing social problems. Researched such social problems as social inequality, criminality of society, demographic situation, level and quality of life of citizens. The dynamics of federal budget expenditures for social policy. It has been established that the most serious socio-economic problem that most threatens the social stability of modern Russian society is social inequality.Conclusions and significance. Conducting effective social policy in Russia, the only effective tool for smoothing out social disagreements and conflicts, ensuring equal opportunities for citizens to meet their needs and realize personal and economic interests. The results of the study can be used in the development of programs and strategies for socio-economic development both at the macro- and meso-levels, the concept of sustainable social development, and the doctrine of social security.

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Social policy of modern Russia: Problems and prospects

Importance Low level of real income of the population, excessive differentiation of incomes, presence of disadvantaged groups and high poverty rate in Russia necessitate efficient social policy .Objectives The purpose of the study is to identify problems related to social policy of modern Russia and propose measures to eliminate them.Methods We employed general scientific methods of knowledge (dialectical, combination of historical and logical unity, methods of structural and functional analysis, traditional of economic analysis and synthesis) and specific methods of social policy evaluation.Results The paper examines social problems like social inequality , crime-prone areas, demographic situation, the level and quality of life of citizens, and presents trends in the Federal budget expenditures for social policy . It is established that the most serious socio-economic problem threatening the social stability of the modern Russian society is social inequality . We also analyzed the demographic situation in modern Russia. Conclusions The study shows that a sound social policy in Russia is the only efficient tool to smooth social disagreements and conflicts, to ensure equal possibilities for people. The findings may be useful to design programs and strategies of social and economic development at macroand meso-levels, concept of sustainable economic development, and social security doctrine.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "Social policy of modern Russia: problems and prospects"

ISSN 2311-8709 (Online) Scientific Review

ISSN 2071-4688 (Print)


a Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical Economics and Economic Security, National Research Mordovian State University named after V.I. N.P. Ogareva, Saransk, Russian Federation [email protected]

b Master's student of the Faculty of Economics,

National Research Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogaryova

Saransk, Russian Federation

[email protected]

Article history:

Adopted on 12/19/2016 Adopted in revised form on 01/12/2017 Approved on 01/26/2017 Available online on 02/27/2017

JEL: E24, E64, H51, H52,


social policy, social inequality, demographic policy, birth rate, unemployment


Topic. In the Russian context, the problem of social policy is particularly relevant due to the low level of real incomes of the population, their excessive differentiation, the presence of vulnerable segments of the population and the high level of poverty. In this situation, there is a need for an effective social policy.

Goals. To identify the problems of the social policy of modern Russia and propose measures to eliminate them.

Methodology. The methodological basis of the study was both general scientific methods of cognition (dialectical, a combination of historical and logical unity, methods of structural and functional analysis, traditional methods of economic analysis and synthesis), and specific methods for evaluating social policy.

Results. The growing role of social policy in solving urgent social problems is substantiated. Such social problems as social inequality, criminogenicity of society, demographic situation, level and quality of life of citizens are studied. The dynamics of federal budget expenditures on social policy is presented. It has been established that the most serious socio-economic problem that most threatens the social stability of modern Russian society is social inequality. Conclusions and significance. Conducting an effective social policy in Russia is the only effective tool for smoothing out social differences and conflicts, ensuring equal opportunities for citizens to meet their needs and realize personal and economic interests. The results of the study can be used in the development of programs and strategies for socio-economic development both at the macro- and meso-levels, the concept of sustainable social development, and the doctrine of social security.

© Publishing house FINANCE and CREDIT, 2016

The current state of the social sphere in Russia is largely determined by the social policy of the state. Not surprisingly, the dependency approach is becoming increasingly dominant in many areas of social security and well-being.

The question of the so-called social scissors seems relevant. Their economic meaning lies in the fact that the achievement of economic growth and the growth of the national

wealth occurs against the background of the existing high level of poverty and the extreme social insecurity of the majority of citizens. Today, a significant part of the population needs social support. In turn, the "dependent" model of social policy, which took shape in the last century, actually removes citizens from solving growing social issues and problems. Able-bodied citizens should in no case be passive recipients

Note that the beginning of the current stage in the development of social policy is associated with the implementation of market reforms in Russia and the formation of market relations in the 1990s. The creation of a social market economy was proclaimed as the main goal of the ongoing reforms.

Social policy is a system of specific measures and activities aimed at the livelihood of the population. With its help, the state provides a minimum level of social guarantees, creates favorable conditions for people's livelihoods, maintains optimal relations between the incomes of the active part of the population and disabled citizens, minimum wages, pensions, scholarships, social benefits and the cost of living, creates conditions for improving health population, the growth of its education and culture, the solution of housing problems.

Ideas about social policy are deeply rooted. Separate aspects of what we today understand as state social policy were discussed in the treatises of thinkers of the ancient world (Plato, Aristotle). Philosophers of the New Age - J. Locke, G. Hegel, K. Marx and many others studied the functions of the state in the social sphere.

Of great importance for this study are the works of domestic scientists, which examine the theory and practice of state social policy in modern Russia. The works of E. Gontmakher, S.Yu. Glazyev, R. Grinberg [p], D.S. Lvov, M.L. Korobova, E.G. Oleinikova, P.V. Romanova, I. Roshchina, T.Yu. Sidorina,

B.V. Rakitsky, Yu.V. Timofeev1, L. Yakobson.

In addition, in the works of a number of Russian scientists, issues of state social policy are studied through the prism of the theory and practice of the welfare state. Thus, conceptual problems and analysis of the category of "welfare state" are studied in the works of N.A. Volgina , E. Vasilyeva , P K. Goncharova , I.A. Savchenko.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, our country is a social state, whose policy is aimed at “creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person, ensuring a high level of social justice through the active work of the state to regulate the social, environmental, economic and other spheres of society, the establishment of social justice and solidarity, as well as the reduction of social inequality”. However, the question arises: is this principle implemented in practice?

In general, social policy in Russia in

2015 spent more than 5% of GDP. The main burden of social spending today lies on the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their municipalities, from which approximately 80% of the entire social sphere is financed. Let us demonstrate the dynamics of federal budget spending on social policy (Fig. 1).

Expenses under the “Social Policy” section increased in 2017 by 9.8% compared to

2016. However, if we consider 2018, the amount of funds decreases slightly (by 2.4% compared to 2017).

In fact, a clear model of social policy has not yet been fully formed in Russia and some principles of the Soviet concept of the welfare state are in force.

1 Timofeev Yu.V. Modern problems of the implementation of state social policy in Russia // National interests: priorities and security. 2010. No. 8. S. 82-87.

with appropriate methods and tools. For example, often the quality and quantity of services depends on the social status of the recipient. There is no system of redistribution of income from the rich to the poor. According to the Global Wealth Report for 2014, it is in Russia that the highest level of wealth inequality in the world is observed.

The inequality ratio has steadily increased over the past 25 years. If in 1990 the gap was 4.5 times, now it is 16.5. The largest gap between rich and poor is found in

2015 in Moscow, the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Dagestan. By the end of the first quarter

In 2016, according to Rosstat, there were 22.7 million people in Russia. with incomes below the subsistence level. At the end of last year, there were 14.4 million of them.

During the current economic downturn in Russia, there has been an increase in income inequality (Fig. 2).

According to Rosstat data, the Gini coefficient (the most common indicator of property stratification in the world) in the first half of 2016 increased to 0.399. In 2015, it was 0.396. The indicator has been declining since 2012, and it reached its maximum in Russian history in 2007. Thus, social inequality is a serious socio-economic problem that threatens stability.

This is a very dangerous indicator. The higher the social stratification in society, the higher the level of depression and aggression in it: the number of suicides is growing, especially among young people who do not see prospects for themselves; severe stress leads to an increase in diseases; an increase in violent crime. Thus, about half (45.6%) of crimes in Russia in 2015 are of a property nature. Among those who committed them, 65.9% did not have a permanent source of income. Let us imagine the dynamics of the state of crime in Russia (Fig. 3).

T.N. Savina and others / Finance and credit

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Thus, in the first 9 months of 2015, 1,700 thousand crimes were registered in the Russian Federation, which is 7.5% more than in the same period in 2014. The growth is so serious that it does not fit into the statistical error. Moreover, after the indicator of 2006, the level of crime in Russia, although not very quickly, was declining.

We can assume that there are two main reasons for the increase in crime: socio-psychological and economic. The fact that the standard of living and real wages of the population are falling, and rather quickly, is already recognized even by the official authorities.

Thus, the criminogenic situation in Russia is quite serious. The level of crime in Russia was already very far from ideal, but there was at least an encouraging trend that changed in 2015 not for the better.

Let us analyze the demographic situation of modern Russia. The number of inhabitants of our country and their ratio is calculated by the Federal State Statistics Service, or Rosstat. According to this agency, the population of Russia in 2016 is more than 146 million people. (Fig. 4). In terms of population, Russia is ranked ninth in the ranking of the most densely populated countries2. The first seven places belong to China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The policy of the state is aimed at increasing the number of citizens of our country. At the same time, such issues as a decrease in the death rate, an increase in the birth rate, and the attraction of migrants (Russian-speaking population from the CIS countries) are solved. All this is intended to cause natural growth and an increase in population density.

To date, a positive trend is observed in relation to a number of demographic indicators. Thus, for the period from January to July 2016, the number of deaths in

2 Top 10 most populous countries. URL:

country decreased compared to the same period in 2015 by 36,600 people, and the overall mortality rate decreased by 3.7%, amounting to 13 per 1,000 people. The number of deaths at working age decreased by 5.2% (by 11,900 people). The infant death rate in Russia fell to a historic low and amounted to 6 per 1,000 live births in January-July 2016.

In addition, the life expectancy of Russian citizens is increasing (Fig. 5). Thus, the life expectancy of Russians in the first half of 2016 increased to 72.06 years, that is, by 0.67 years compared with the figure for 2015 (71.39 years).

At first glance, the current demographic situation of the country is characterized by positive trends. Nevertheless, forecasts for 2025 suggest a deep demographic decline.

Among the unresolved problems of demographic policy in general and measures to stimulate the birth rate and support families with children in particular, one can note the inconsistency, and on a number of issues, the inconsistency of the tasks of demographic policy and policy in the field of education, employment, health care, social security and income, housing construction, tax politicians. The problems of reproductive health protection and family planning, the essence of which is the birth of the desired number of children at the desired time, are not solved at the modern level. The problem manifests itself in a large number of abortions, child abandonment, the birth of unhealthy children, the deterioration of the reproductive health of potential parents, etc.

The state is trying to solve the problem of fertility by various methods. Thus, in 2007, the Government of the Russian Federation introduced a form of state support for Russian families raising children - maternity capital. In addition, there are benefits for large families and social programs to support young families. However, parents resort to state assistance, but do not

feel economic and social stability to think about the birth of another child. At the moment, there is a positive trend in relation to the birth rate. When solving demographic problems, the state needs to pay attention to the dynamics of other indicators as well. Thus, there is a dependence of the birth rate on the unemployment rate (Fig. 6): the higher the unemployment rate, the lower the birth rate and vice versa. The unemployment situation in Russia is stable, it does not exceed 1 million people. for a long time now. In addition, since 2009, it has been declining. During the crisis, Russia did not enter into a situation where the number of unemployed citizens exceeds the number of vacancies.

To stimulate the birth rate, the state should not only financially encourage parents, but also try to provide them with comfortable conditions throughout their lives.

The focus of state family policy in recent years has been aimed at stimulating births. The issues of improving the living standards of families with children, support for education and further investment in children remained, at least until recently, outside the state interests. As a result, there is no support for families throughout the entire period of growing up children. The family is not supported during the transitional moments of its life cycle associated with the stages of socialization of children.

Thus, the number of regions in which a family of two working parents and two dependent children has less than 10 thousand rubles. decreased from year to year. But at the end of 2015, it again increased to 26 (in 2014 there were only six such regions, in 2013 - seven, in 2012 - 10, in 2011 - 29). In another 18 regions, from 10 to 15 thousand rubles remain. That is, it can be assumed that it is these funds that the average family living without additional state or other support can potentially rely on.

for the realization of your desires. Whether it is improving housing conditions, buying a car, going on vacation, receiving paid medical services. The well-being of families with one child, which, according to Rosstat, is the majority in Russia, is noticeably higher. In the vast majority of subjects of the Russian Federation, families have from 20 to 50 thousand rubles in their hands every month.

The Russian demographic policy is based on financial measures to support families and stimulate the birth rate. However, world experience testifies in favor of not financial, but non-monetary support measures and the creation of conditions that are friendly to families with children and mothers. In Russia, the market for services for the care and upbringing of children of different ages is underdeveloped, freeing up time for parents so that they can be more productively engaged in labor activities. Today, the labor market lacks a sufficient number of places with flexible and remote employment, which also makes it difficult to combine female employment with motherhood. In addition, in a number of regions there is a significant problem of lack of social infrastructure facilities (kindergartens, schools, etc.). The unaddressed demographic policy reduces its effectiveness. It can be strengthened by redistributing part of the resources from the wealthy sections of society to those who really need support, including young families.

In Russia, there is a very low standard of living, which is an obstacle to increasing the birth rate. We present the values ​​of some indicators characterizing this category.

In many states there is such a thing as a consumer basket. It is defined by law and represents the minimum detailed set of products and services necessary for a comfortable life. Russia has adopted a new composition of the consumer basket,

valid until 2018. It consists of three categories: food, non-food products and services. A total of 156 items (in Germany - 475 items, in the UK - 350) for the amount of about 9.8 thousand rubles. Let's take a look at these categories in general.

Food: the category has a share of approximately 50% of the total composition of all baskets. In general, the list of products for the day is quite acceptable. However, the cost of the consumer basket and, as a result, the size of the subsistence minimum with an adequate set of products is artificially low by at least 1.5, or even 2 times.

Non-food items account for half of the cost of food. That is, 2.45 thousand rubles. should, on average, be enough for a person per month for clothes, medicines, household goods, household chemicals and other things.

The same amount is provided for payment of the required services. This includes utilities, transport costs, cultural events, etc. Although it is unlikely that there will be enough funds for all this.

In addition, a unique, and perhaps paradoxical, situation has developed in Russia, when the level of the minimum wage (minimum wage) is significantly lower than the already low subsistence minimum, which provides a level of physiological survival, and not a normal life. Let's demonstrate the dynamics of these indicators (Fig. 7). It is obvious that in these conditions there can be no question of a decent level and quality of life.

Healthcare is also in a systemic crisis. Its essence lies in the fact that the problems generated by the gap between the requirements for the health care system and its organization are insoluble while maintaining the existing political and socio-economic restrictions on its development.

last, 55th place. Despite this, in the coming periods, it is planned to reduce federal budget spending on healthcare, although it is far from being in the best condition anyway.

Thus, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the principle of the welfare state in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation is not fulfilled. To effectively build a mechanism for social policy, first of all, it is necessary to create an effective concept for managing the social development of Russia, which will subsequently determine the state of the social structure as a social state.

It is obvious that Russia must improve the efficiency and stability of social policy, but the state needs time to fully resolve many social issues. The problems associated with providing the population with housing, social protection, healthcare, education and a number of other indicators that are included in the modern concept of "quality of life" are periodically exacerbated. This is caused not only by inefficient resource provision of social policy, but also by shortcomings in its practical implementation. At present, social policy, including the federal and regional levels, is not always implemented as a whole. For example, part of the population in Russia is on the verge of poverty due to difficult economic circumstances. The state seeks to fight poverty by assigning various social benefits and payments to the poor, encouraging labor activity, and strengthening the legislation on social protection. However, poverty still remains an important issue. It follows from this that in order to eradicate this problem, it is necessary to create a unified social policy that applies to all spheres of society.

Thus, in order for the modern mechanism for building social policy in Russia to be effective, the state must

be based on the support of all social blocks. Today, the standard of living of the population comes to the fore in the system of factors (they determine the international competitiveness of the national

economy). Therefore, the main goal of recent decades is the process of socialization of the economy, which

involves shifting the focus to the social sphere.

The formation of a new model of socio-economic development in Russia faces great difficulties, the cause of which can be understood if we analyze the contradictory nature of the task. On the one hand, the new economy should be socially oriented, that is, provide an opportunity for independent economic existence to almost all categories of citizens, regardless of their ability to work. On the other hand, it must necessarily be effective, that is, guarantee the effectiveness of the use of all socio-economic resources to the extent that would allow not only simple reproduction, but also ensure dynamic socio-economic development. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for expanding the participation of the non-state sector of the economy, and thereby support the development of social entrepreneurship in the provision of social services affecting such priority areas of the social sphere as pensions, health care, education, regulation of unemployment and employment, regulation of incomes of the population, formation social protection and social assistance to vulnerable categories of the population.

One of the reasons hindering the prosperity of non-governmental organizations working in the social sphere is the underdeveloped infrastructure of support from the state. In particular, it is necessary to introduce the practice of state support for debt financing of non-profit organizations providing services in the social sphere,

similar to the support mechanism

organizations of small and medium-sized businesses (providing guarantees, subsidizing interest rates), including those with the participation of development institutions. There is currently no opportunity for social entrepreneurs to use the infrastructure to support small and medium-sized entities

entrepreneurship, which significantly worsens the conditions for their functioning and limits the opportunities for obtaining the necessary assistance and support.

Experts believe that the social sphere in Russia has great prospects, and with proper support, by 2020 the share of this type of activity can reach 2% of GDP. The total potential of the social services market by 2020, according to the calculations of the non-profit organization Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects (ASI), will amount to 15 trillion rubles. However, in reality, there are serious doubts about this assumption.

State social policy in the Russian Federation is the only effective tool for smoothing out social disagreements and conflicts, a tool for ensuring equal

opportunities for citizens to realize their needs and interests. In the course of analyzing the experience and theoretical aspects of the functioning of models of the social state of foreign countries, it can be assumed that the departure from one-time state control of the social sphere and the emphasis on the implementation of public-private partnership mechanisms,

improvement of legislation, as well as the development of institutions such as microfinance, non-profit

activities in the socio-economic sphere and social entrepreneurship can become the best option for the social development of our country in modern conditions and the beginning of the implementation of the Russian model of the social state.

Picture 1

Federal budget expenditures on social policy, healthcare and education (2015-2019), billion rubles

Federal budget expenditures on social policy, health and education (2015-2019), billion RUB

Economic problems are not the only difficulties faced by the state. Another area is social problems.

Between themselves, these factors are closely interconnected, and to one degree or another are found in any country. Below IQReview prepared an analysis, highlighting and describing the current social problems in Russia and their impact on the lives of citizens.

What are social problems?

According to Wikipedia, social problems are situations, events and conditions that directly or indirectly negatively affect a citizen from the point of view of society. At first, this term ("social problem") referred only to the unequal distribution of wealth. It began to be used at the beginning of the 19th (19th) century, in Western Europe.

The list of problems has changed and continues to change over time with:

    changing circumstances (economic, social, political);

    and changing living standards citizens;

    change in the minds of citizens.

Types and classification

U s All problems can be divided into:

    Socio-economic. This includes all factors related to finances and material conditions.

    Social and household. They include factors related to providing citizens with affordable housing, living conditions, material difficulties of young and large families.

    Socio-psychological. Includes factors relating to the family and internal relationships between relatives. This also includes family conflicts, domestic violence, infidelity, divorce.

    Socio-political problems. This includes the arms race, regional and state conflicts, the growth of violence in individual countries and the world as a whole. This also applies to conflicts on religious or ethnic grounds.

E If another wording is given, the classification of problems will look like this:

    between social groups.

    Between classes.

    between separate individuals.

    between social systems.

The global problems include the following factors:

    Demographic. In global terms, it is associated with the overall growth of the world's population. In a number of states, it concerns a decrease in the number of inhabitants.

    Food. It concerns the need to provide residents with food.

    Energy. It concerns the need to provide the population of the planet with energy.

    Ecological. Concerns environmental pollution and waste disposal.

List of major problems in Russia and the world

Actual social problems all over the world are the same. The difference lies in the fact that in some countries some problems are more acute, while others are less so. In some states, some social problems are practically absent: the percentage of their manifestations is very small.

Now let's have a list. Current social problems today are as follows:

    Alcoholism, drug addiction (both among adults and among minors).

    Banditry, crime - both children's and "adult", terrorism, prostitution, extremism.

    Homelessness, violations of children's rights, abortions, abandonment of children.

    Fascism, conflicts arising on religious, national, ethnic grounds.

    Inequality between classes of residents (when one part of the citizens is poor, and the other is rich).

    Unemployment, poverty, insufficient wages.

    Disability (a high number of people with disabilities relative to the total population), attitudes towards citizens with disabilities.

    Demographic crisis: high mortality, low birth rate, high number of citizens who emigrated, a large percentage of pensioners and elderly citizens.

    Environmental pollution, the possibility of a man-made disaster.

    Health status: increased incidence, epidemics, high chance of infection.

    Social inequality, infringement of certain categories of citizens.

    Corruption (does not depend on the level of economic development - it can manifest itself both in a poor and in a rich state).


    Suicide (large number of cases relative to population).

    Restriction of the rights of citizens, suppression of freedom of speech, movement.

    Low level of education, lack of specialists.

Population of Russia

The full list of these problems is most clearly manifested in third world countries. In addition to their acute manifestation, in such states there is also a complete (or ineffective) system for solving them. That is, no one tries to influence the situation. As a result, the harmful situation can progress and last for years and even decades.

In more developed countries, these problems also exist, but they are felt much weaker.

In Russia, the key negative factors are poverty and low salaries, even for narrow-profile specialists and in-demand professions.

Less serious social problems are:

    High level of corruption, "nepotism", promotion of "their own". It can be traced in all structures.

    Unemployment, lack of jobs in the regions.


    Violence in family.

The remaining social problems in the Russian Federation are mostly the result of these factors, and to some extent depend on them.

Brief statistics

The social problems of Russia in numbers have the following indicators (for 2016):

    Alcoholism. Among about 5 million are alcoholics (of which 6% are minors).

    Addiction. There are about 3 million citizens who constantly use drugs. Among them, 60% are aged 16-30, 20% are minors, 20% are citizens over 30 years old.

    Crime. 2.16 million crimes were registered (10% lower than in 2015). Among them, 44% were cases of theft of other people's property. Every second crime was committed by persons who had previously violated the law, and every third was committed while intoxicated.

    Corruption. The Russian Federation is one of the countries with a high level of corruption. The most corrupt sectors of the social sphere (medicine, housing and communal services), law enforcement agencies and some government organizations (land distribution, government orders and public procurement, certification).

    Unemployment. Unemployed - 4.1 million (compared to 2015, there is a decline in unemployment by 0.4%).

    Inflation: 5.4% (in 2015 it exceeded 12%).

    abortion. In 2015, at the request of women, 447,000 abortions were performed. According to statistics, the number of abortions in the Russian Federation has been steadily declining over the past two decades. For comparison: in 1995, 2.76 million abortions were performed in the Russian Federation.

    Suicide. For 100 thousand citizens - 15.4 (for 2016). This is the lowest figure since 1960. In the "nineties" the Russian Federation ranked second in the world in terms of the number of suicides, in 2013 - the fourteenth, in 2016 - the thirtieth. About 22% of suicides, according to statistics, are committed by citizens aged 40-49 years, and men are 6 times more likely than women.

    Ethnic conflicts. Due to the multi-ethnic composition of the population of the Russian Federation, conflicts on national and religious grounds often arise. They mainly occur in large cities (where large diasporas of other nationalities live) and in cities located close to the southern borders.

    Violence in family. Statistics on this type of crime is complicated due to the fact that about 60-70% of cases are not brought to law enforcement agencies, and about 97% of cases do not reach the court. According to rough estimates, about a quarter of all families are at risk (family violence is present to some extent).

    homelessness. The exact number of homeless children in the country has not been established, according to approximate estimates, it is several thousand. There are about 72,000 children of various ages in orphanages. More than 500,000 children are complete orphans, but are brought up in other families.

    Prostitution. In 2014, according to rough estimates, the number of employees in this industry was about 3 million.

    Health status. Out of 188 countries, the Russian Federation was in 119th place in terms of the health of citizens. There are about 1.5 million HIV-infected citizens. About 300 thousand citizens die from cancer every year. Statistics on tuberculosis - 9 cases per 100 thousand of the population. In general, the assessment of the situation is below average.

    Social inequality. According to official statistics around the world, the rating of the Russian Federation in the list of countries is high, but far from the “leaders” (in which inequality is most pronounced).

    Demographic situation. Since 2010, the population has been growing steadily. As of the beginning of 2017, it is 146,804,372 citizens. From 1996 to 2009 inclusive, there was a demographic crisis: the population was steadily declining (from 148.291 million in 1996 to 141.9 million in 2009). The situation is more complicated with the age of the nation: the number of pensioners (at the end of 2016) is almost 43 million (that is, almost a third of the total number).

    Disability. In 2015, there were almost 13 million people with disabilities in the Russian Federation. Among them are 605,000 disabled children (under the age of 18).

    Poverty. According to Rosstat, 21.4 million Russians (14.6% of the total population) can be considered poor. In fact, this indicator is much higher, because (by which the amount of poverty is calculated) is much lower than the real amount needed for a living. According to various estimates, from 40 to 70 million citizens (that is, slightly less than half) are below the poverty line.

Poverty rate in Russia

Relationship between individual factors

Almost all problems are closely interrelated and usually do not develop independently, but in a complex manner.

Larger and more serious factors "pull" several related problems:

    The growth of unemployment leads to poverty, an increase in crime, prostitution, social inequality, and a demographic crisis.

    An increase in the number of alcoholics, drug addicts leads to an increase in crime, prostitution, domestic violence, early mortality, suicide, and an increase in morbidity statistics.

    The growth of crime entails increased corruption and prostitution.

T social andeconomic problems. In the event of a long the decline of the state economy will be aggravated by the following negative factors, along the chain:

    Decrease in the standard of living, incomes of the population.

    Rising unemployment.

    The growth of crime.

    Exacerbation of the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction - as citizens in difficult situations often resort to alcohol and drugs to distract themselves.

    Increasing incidence of domestic violence.

    Decline in the birth rate, aslow-income families do not have enough money to provide for the child.

    The deterioration of the health status of the population is due to cheap food, lack of funds for treatment and medicine, and difficult working conditions.

Reasons for the appearance

Actual social problems are a consequence arising from various causes. Each problem individually appears due to certain conditions. Often one problem is a consequence of another, since they are all closely related.

If we consider groups of problems, then the causes of their occurrence include:

    Demographic, family problems. They arise due to the low level of prosperity of the population, unemployment, low level of medical care, lack of social programs (or their low quality) aimed at supporting families with children.

    Crime. It is growing due to high unemployment, alcoholism and drug addiction, poor work of law enforcement agencies.

    Fascism and conflicts arising on religious, national or ethnic grounds. It manifests itself due to the presence of two or more different social groups in a certain area. Also, the reason may be historical background, due to which some groups are aggressive towards others.

    Corruption. It arises due to weak control by the state, the lack of public control over the activities of power structures by the population (or the lack of response from law enforcement agencies).

    Poor health status of the population, high percentage of disability. It arises due to insufficient funding for medicine, low living standards, poor environmental conditions, outdated production technologies, alcoholism and drug addiction.

    Social inequality. It arises due to the large difference between the living conditions of different groups of the population (in income levels, opportunities, benefits).

Violence Statistics

There are also common factors that lead to the development and progression of problems:

    Weak control of the state apparatus, slow (or ineffective) response to emerging problems (or lack of it at all).

    Insufficiently effective work of law enforcement and other control bodies.

    Insufficiently effective work of educational institutions.

    The poor state of the economy as a whole.

    High population density.

    Too fast change(technical progress, rapidly changing fashion trends), which leads to the development of a consumer behavior model, when the population seeks to have all the fashionable goods, spending money on it. Also in this case, people easily succumb to advertising and other information received from external sources.

Ways to fight and prevention

Statistics show that solving social problems forever and everywhere is impossible. It is possible to partially reduce their manifestation, up to a minimum.

Moreover, measures taken to solve some social problems can lead to other negative phenomena. For example, in the 30s of the last century, the Soviet Union actively engaged in the fight against unemployment. Its level has fallen: new jobs have been created for citizens in construction, industry and the agricultural sector. However, this resulted in inefficient employment and heavy manual labor.

Before starting a fight with a problem, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of it. It should include:

    Scale: what area (city, region, and so on) the factor covers.

    "Target audience": what segments of the population and age categories feel its influence.

    How dangerous is the situation.

    What problems and factors accompany its appearance.

    What is the key problem of the complex (for example, alcoholism is one of the main causes of poor health, increased crime, domestic violence).

After the “diagnosis”, the authorities should develop a set of measures aimed at combating negative factors. Solving social problems may include:

    Education of the "target audience". The public must be aware of the current situation and its development, as well as the consequences that it entails. For example, if we are talking about the fight against drug addiction, it is necessary to regularly bring to the attention of the population information about the consequences of using drugs, as well as about crimes committed while intoxicated.

    Development of measures aimed at solving key and related problems.

    Strengthening control over the situation, regular monitoring of dynamics. It is necessary to track in which direction the statistics are changing, and at what pace the changes are taking place.

    If possible, increase liability. For example, if we are talking about drug addiction, then the terms of imprisonment for the distribution and production of substances should be increased.

Modern measures to combat each problem separately are always an individual task. The same negative factor in each country will manifest itself differently.

Representatives of all levels of government, regulatory bodies and state structures, from deputies of the State Duma and up to, should take part in the struggle (prevention). The media should not be left out. Their task is to bring the current situation, its changes and possible consequences to the population.

Social problems in Russia (video)
