Acidantera cultivation. Features of growing and caring for acidanthera in the open field

Many flower growers were captivated by the tropical beauty of the perennial atsidantera. Planting and caring for this heat-loving plant requires the creation of favorable conditions in the garden. However, the effort expended will pay off not only with the luxurious decorative look of the flower, but will also fill the atmosphere with a pleasant delicate aroma of exotic.

Atsidantera: varieties and varieties

Atsidantera is known to flower growers under other names. These perennial flowers are also called Muriel's gladiolus or skewers. In nature, the flower is widely distributed in tropical regions of Africa and Asia.

Acidanthera white

Acidantera belongs to the Iridaceae family. These are bulbous herbaceous plants, varieties of which, when grown in open ground reach a height of approximately 1 m. It has long narrow xiphoid leaves. The stem can be decorated with from one to ten buds. The flowers are medium in size, about 5-6 cm in diameter, with a pleasant aroma.

Flower growers are engaged in the cultivation of acidantera not only in the garden, but also in room conditions. In open ground, the following varieties are propagated:

  • Acidantera bicolor is the most common variety. Its varieties form up to a dozen buds on one plant. The petals are white with a bright purple base, which creates the effect of a colored center.
  • Tropical acidantera is a tall perennial plant, the stem is up to 130 cm long. The flower combines pure white petals with large pink spots.
  • Acidanthera white - stands out among other varieties with pure snow-white petals.

Landing acidantera

The technology of planting acidantera is not at all complicated. But it is very important to choose for this tropical guest right place for cultivation. When breeding in open ground, it needs to provide access to the sun. In addition, these are heat-loving perennial flowers, and planting will be successful only in regions with a mild climate.

Acidantera bicolor

The soil should be slightly acidic. To ensure such conditions, you can add a little peat to the landing site.

The landing itself is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. In spring, the bulbs are placed in pots at a depth of about 5 cm for germination.
  2. The pots are left in a warm place, care for them consists in watering.
  3. With the advent of stable warm days, holes are prepared in the flower bed for sprouted bulbs.
  4. Depending on the variety, the holes are dug at a distance of 10 to 20 cm from each other.
  5. In the open field planting material placed at a depth of 10-12 cm.

plant care

Acidantera is undemanding in care. But it should be borne in mind that this is a moisture-loving culture, so you need to moisten the flower bed abundantly. At the same time, stagnation of water in the soil should not be allowed. This phenomenon is often observed on heavy soils. Here it is recommended to arrange drainage so that the bulbs and roots do not suffer from excess moisture.

Advice. It is useful to combine watering with loosening beds and mulching the soil.

The perennial belongs to heat-loving plants and it is undesirable to leave the bulbs in the open ground for the winter. With the advent of stable cold weather, they are taken out of the ground.

Acidanthera tropical

Before being sent for storage, the planting material is allowed to dry thoroughly at room temperature. This process takes 3-4 weeks. After that, the bulbs are laid out in paper bags and kept at a temperature of + 15 ° C until spring planting.

Fertilizer and top dressing acidantera

Caring for perennial flowers to maintain decorative look plants require fertilizing.

  • The first time fertilizer under the acidanter is applied 2 weeks after the appearance of shoots on the soil surface. To do this, use a complex mineral fertilizer with a high proportion of nitrogen or a solution of urea.
  • The next top dressing will be required during flowering. During this period, phosphorus-potassium mixtures are used.

Reproduction of acidantera

Reproduction of perennial is carried out by seeds and children of bulbs of an adult plant. To grow exotic from seeds, they adhere to the following technology:

  1. Sowing in containers begins in February.
  2. Germination of seeds occurs at a temperature of +20°C.
  3. Seedlings dive into pots or open ground.
  4. In autumn, bulbs formed from seedlings are dug up to be sent for winter storage.
  5. In the spring, planting material is germinated, and then planted in a flower bed.

Reproduction by children is carried out as replacement bulbs form. They are separated during the autumn harvesting of planting material from the garden, and in the spring they are planted on permanent place in the usual way.

Diseases and pests

Not proper watering flower provokes the development of rot. It can also occur in the absence of drainage on heavy soils. The care of the affected flowers consists in the treatment with fungicides.

Acidantera is a conspicuous flower that becomes bright accent in landscape design. The combination with other inhabitants of the garden should not compete with him. Therefore, it is better to choose undersized flowering perennials as partners in a flower bed, such as alyssum, begonia, lilies of the valley.

Advice. As medium-sized neighbors, you can use decorative leafy flowers - hosts, geyhers, bruners.

Acidantera in landscape design

In landscape design, the acidantera stands out beautifully from other, less vibrant plants. With its help, it is easy to give a more attractive look to artificial reservoirs, rockeries and alpine slides in combination with ground cover perennials. Plantings along fences and other fences make them organic decorative element in landscape design.

The combination of acidantera with other plants

Atsidantera, thanks to its tall stems, will perfectly decorate benches and benches installed in the garden, forming a row of plant railings. Planting flowers at the gazebo, porch of the house or veranda will be appropriate.

Once having seen a photo of an acidantera, it is difficult for a sophisticated grower to resist, so as not to land her on his site. The delicate beauty of the flower will adorn any garden, and thanks to the plant's ability to form planting material, a favorite variety can be grown an infinite number of times.

Acidantera: landing and care (video)

In contact with

Atsidantera is a beautiful relative of gladiolus with delicate flowers and subtle aroma. The plant belongs to the Kasatikovye family. Its homeland is tropical Africa. The name of the plant comes from Greek like a "sharp flower", which is explained by the shape of the petals. Popularly, atsidantera is also called "fragrant or wintering gladiolus." The plants are really similar, but the exotic beauty has a special charm. Flowering is very beautiful, so the acidanter should definitely allocate a place in the flower garden, and possibly a whole flower bed. After all, it is especially good in group plantings. Then the lawn is covered with green foliage, over which quivering multi-colored moths soar.

Botanical description

Acidantera - perennial herbaceous plant. The rhizome is represented by small oblong corms. Their average diameter is 5 cm. The white core is hidden under brown mesh scales. The dark green linear leaves have smooth edges and a glossy surface. Most of the foliage is concentrated at the base of the stem and only a few sheet plates located on the run itself.

The smooth stem can grow to a height of 1-2 m. Its top is crowned with beautiful large flowers collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence. Each bud is attached to the shoot with a long, curved tube. From it 6 wide open petals bloom. The diameter of the corolla reaches 7-12 cm. The petals are painted in white, yellow, pink colors. They can be monochromatic or variegated.

The flowering period begins in August-September and continues until the first frost. At this time, the air is filled with a pleasant aroma. It vaguely resembles the smell of daffodils with honey and fruity notes. After pollination, the fruit ripens in the form of an elongated seed box with many small, rough seeds.

Popular varieties

In nature, there are about 40 types of acidantera. Most common Acidantera bicolor or Gladiolus Muriel. The flower grows 90-100 cm in height. The base of the stem is covered with a rosette of dark green linear leaves 40-50 cm long. Spike inflorescences consist of 3-8 buds. The main tone of the petals is white or light pink. At the core is a small black-and-red spot in the shape of an asterisk. The flower diameter reaches 12 cm.

The plant grows 110-130 cm in height. Ribbed long leaves are painted in dark green. On a bilateral inflorescence with 5-6 buds there are white flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm. The petals are decorated with raspberry and purple spots.

Acidantera white (white). The plant has a straight stem, also covered with leaves. At the top of the shoot, snow-white flowers bloom without additional pattern. They exude an intense aroma.

The variety is distinguished by narrower and thinner foliage. Thin drooping peduncles bear beautiful flowers with white and purple petals.

Above the rosette of long leaves, straight flower stalks with 3-4 buds bloom. Attention is attracted by bright petals, which are painted in rich purple- purple shades.

Reproduction of acidantera

Acidantera is propagated by bulbs and seeds. During the season, several children are formed near the mother bulb. With proper care, they have time to mature and can develop on their own. In the spring, the children are separated and planted in the ground to a depth of 6-8 cm. From this moment on, their care is no different.

The grown seedlings dive into separate pots. In them, they will grow within 2-3 years. Only after the first flowering, the bulbs will grow and get stronger to such an extent that they can be planted in open ground.

Wintering and planting corms

Although many sources claim that acidantera can overwinter in the open field, in middle lane and northern areas it is better to dig up bulbs for the winter. When the flowers fade, the flower stalks are cut off completely, and the leaves are left until late autumn. This will help the bulbs build up mass and prepare for wintering.

At the first frost, corms are dug up and transferred to a room with an air temperature of + 18 ° C. Here, the specimens cleared from the ground dry out. After 3-4 weeks, they are put into paper or fabric bags and stored at a temperature of +10…+15°C.

Potted acidants can overwinter directly in the ground. It is important to completely stop watering and move the container to a dark and cool place.

In the spring, the bulbs are taken out of the bags and carefully examined. All dried and damaged plants should be removed, as well as some of the dry shells should be removed. They are kept at room temperature for 2-3 days. The day before planting, the plants are pickled in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Landing is carried out immediately in open ground. It is better to do this in the last decade of May. So that sudden cold snaps do not destroy the acidantera, it is deepened by 10-12 cm, positioned strictly vertically. The distance between plants should be 15-20 cm.

For earlier flowering, forcing can be carried out. From the first decade of March, corms are planted in a flowerpot with loose garden soil to a depth of 3-4 cm. They are germinated in a bright, warm room and watered regularly. By May, the plant will be strong enough and form shoots, so flowering will begin earlier and will be more abundant.

Features of care

For successful cultivation acidanters it is important to choose the right place. It should be windless and sunny. The soil needs fertile, slightly acidic. It is important that the soil is loose, with good aeration. heavy, clay soils should be mixed with sand. Even before planting, the site is dug up and organic and mineral supplements. In order for air to freely penetrate to the rhizome, it is recommended to periodically weed the ground near the flowers. Mulching the top layer with peat and humus also helps.

Atsidantera needs regular watering, it does not tolerate even short-term drought. However, stagnant water in the ground is even worse for her, as it leads to rotting of the bulbs. From May to September, twice a month, a complex of mineral fertilizers for flowers is added to the water for irrigation. If the summer turned out to be wet and there is no need for watering, you can evenly pour the powder on the surface of the soil.

After flowering is complete, cut off the flower stalks and part of the foliage. Without this procedure, the acidanter will not have time to prepare the corms for wintering.

With proper care, the plant does not suffer from diseases. If the acidantera grows in a damp, cool place, it may suffer from powdery mildew, rust and root rot. The plant is regularly attacked by slugs and snails. In dry weather, aphids, thrips and spider mites join them. Insects are treated with insecticides, slugs are harvested by hand.


Charming acidanthera can be used in a lush flower garden or in a group planting in the middle of a lawn. Large and unusual flowers will attract passers-by and delight the owners of the site. With the help of an acidantera, you can decorate a rock garden or the shores of artificial reservoirs. Flowers are good not only in the garden, but also in flowerpots.

The plant is widely used as indoor flower. It should be noted that in a small room the smell can be too intense, so during the flowering period it is better to put the flowerpots on the balcony or veranda. Not bad behaves atsidantera and in the cut. Each peduncle carries several buds that open gradually. The bouquet will stay in a vase for at least a week.

Acidanthera is a type of herbaceous corms perennials iris family. The homeland of this plant is the territory of tropical Africa, and to be more precise, Ethiopia and Mozambique.

Atsidantera has several alternative names. If this name is translated from Greek, then it will mean "sharp flower", this name is given to the plant because of the shape of its petals. This plant actually resembles gladiolus in appearance. In addition, both plants are similar to each other regarding care, wintering conditions.

Let's take a closer look at what an acidantera flower is, planting and care in the open field, as well as growing at home.

General description of acidantera

The flower has root system, presented in the form of small corms of a slightly oblong shape, which are about 6 cm in diameter. There is also a white, milky core, which is under the scales, brown and slightly reticulated. The stem of the plant is smooth, straight, in some plant varieties it can reach more than one meter in height. The main part of the acidantera is foliage, which is very abundant. The leaves are located at the base of the stem. On the shoot itself, only a few linear and very dark leaf blades are formed.

At the top of the stem are beautiful large flowers. The size of one petal can reach 10 cm. Their size seems even larger due to the luminous color. The petals are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, in which there are about 5 flowers. All flowers usually open at the same time. Each bud forms 6 wide open petals. The bud is attached to the stem with a long, curved tube. You can find both monophonic species and variegated.

Traditional are white colors with a pearly glow. But among the variety of species, you can also find light pink, pale lilac, cream, milk and yellow varieties acidants.

The flowering of the plant begins quite late. Flowers bloom in September or August. But flowering continues until the first frost. After flowering, the acidantera forms a fruit, which is a long box with big amount seeds.

The versatility of Acidantera

Acidantera is a versatile plant due to the fact that in addition to growing in the open field, it can also be kept as an indoor or greenhouse plant. Many flower growers want to watch the flowering of this beautiful flower during off-season. Despite the fact that acidantera forcing is quite difficult, it is quite possible to ensure that fragrant gladiolus blooms in your house or greenhouse with the onset of spring.

Certainly, Such versatility means And different care behind the acidifier. Weather are very different from stable greenhouse or indoor plants. That is why there is no guarantee that summer period it won't be rainy or cold. Similar unfavourable conditions may adversely affect the flowering of the plant. If you grow a flower as decorative culture, it is necessary to carry out a number of certain conditions of care.

Required growing conditions

chief necessary conditions growing acidantera is the choice sunny place. This condition can be explained by the birthplace of the plant. The site for growing fragrant gladiolus should be fairly quiet and protected from the wind.

If you want to grow these plants as indoor plants, then it must be placed only on the southern windowsills. In this case, direct sunlight should be avoided. If the light isn't enough, then it is recommended to use phytolamp lighting. In the summer, the acidanter is allowed to take out to the balcony or terrace. A houseplant must be protected from drafts and kept indoors with an air temperature of about 20 degrees.

Particular attention must also be paid to the choice of soil. The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral. It is recommended to add peat to the substrate. Acidantera prefers to grow in fertile, high-quality, deeply dug soil. In addition, it is completely necessary to eliminate the risk of stagnant moisture in the soil. It is also recommended to make a good drainage layer. Fragrant gladioli are allowed to be grown in elevated places.

If you decide to grow atsidantera at home, then you can use garden soil as well as prepare a loose, airtight substrate by yourself. In this case, the substrate should consist of the following types of soil:

  • Two pieces of turf;
  • One part sand;
  • One part of leaf humus.

Landing rules:

  • If you are planting fragrant gladiolus in boxes, then you must observe the distance between plants from 12 to 20 cm.
  • For a single planting of plants, a pot is suitable, the diameter of which is from 12 to 15 cm, no more, since the excess of free soil will not benefit the flower.
  • Recommended planting pattern: 3 to 5 bulbs per 1 garden container.

Planting and care in the open field

If you are going to grow an acidantera on the street, then the soil must be improved in the fall, in advance, while not leaving this occupation until the arrival of spring. Timely introduction into the soil is very important. organic fertilizers. It is recommended to use compost. The soil also needs to be mulched, using peat, hay, straw, humus. If necessary, drainage and sand can be added to the soil. The site is being dug along with mineral fertilizers, and the landing itself is made at the end of May. In this case, it is worth focusing on weather conditions.

Acidantera tubers also need to be prepared before planting. This procedure should be carried out a few days before planting fragrant gladiolus. Preparation involves the following steps:

  • Corms must be inspected, carefully peeling from the dry shell.
  • After that, the tubers must be pickled in potassium permanganate. This action will serve as a preventive measure against diseases and pests.

Plant bulbs are planted in open ground to a depth of about 10 cm. Such deep landing will be able to save the tubers in case of unexpected cold snaps at night. As for the distance between plants, for this it is necessary to take into account the size of the bulbs. For medium tubers, the distance should be from 15 to 20 cm. Accordingly, the distance increases for large tubers, and decreases for small ones. . To fragrant gladiolus felt quite comfortable in a new place, the interval with other types of garden flowers should be at least 20 cm.

Cultivation and care in the open field

Acidantera is a fairly undemanding plant in terms of care. It only needs regular watering, but their amount will depend on weather conditions. Weather conditions also affect the amount of watering. Under no circumstances should overdrying of the soil, it is also necessary to simultaneously monitor the timely departure of moisture so that the water does not stagnate in the soil, otherwise the plant may die. During the flowering period, watering is slightly reduced.

If the soil does not meet the above requirements, then it must be fertilized by applying several times during the growth period. complex fertilizers. Top dressing is carried out in the following cases:

  • During boarding;
  • IN growing season when there is an increase in the volume of green mass;
  • During budding, stimulating the flowering process.

Periodically, it is also necessary to loosen the soil, especially after heavy rains so that the fragrant gladiolus develops better. To avoid evaporation of moisture and nutrients from the soil, it is recommended to mulch the soil. The most common mulch options are: humus, fresh cut grass, peat. If you want the acidantera to please you with a full flowering, it is necessary to remove the faded inflorescences, which will also allow the plant bulb to grow stronger.

When the flowering period ends, you need to help the plant go into a dormant stage. Acidantera different from others bulbous species because given plant can't do it on his own. To do this, cut off the aerial part of the stem, leaving the lower leaves intact. Corms are not dug up, they should be stored in the ground, but watering should be stopped.

How to properly dig an acidantera?

When you cut upper part acidants, tubers must remain in the soil in order to gain strength, as well as to make a supply of nutrients. It is necessary to dig up tubers only with the onset of the first frost. As a rule, the first frosts occur in the period from September to the end of November, depending on climatic conditions.

Dig up tubers very carefully. while taking a large supply of soil so as not to damage the fragrant gladiolus bulb. When you have removed the bulb from the soil, you need to clean it from the soil and dry it. Tubers are heard at an air temperature of about 20 degrees and with intensive air circulation.

The drying period is quite long, it is about 1 month. If there is such a need, then for the prevention of tubers can be treated with fungicides. This will prevent mold and rot from forming. After drying, it is necessary to clean the bulbs from scales. Next comes the wintering stage for tubers..

Acidantera - bulbous plant. Its other name is also known - fragrant gladiolus. Indeed, there are external similarities with the gladiolus, for example, the height, shape and color of the leaves, an upright stem. But this is where the similarities end, as the acidantera is much more graceful in its beauty. As for the aroma, it is similar to the smell of daffodils.

Acidantera cannot boast abundant flowering(from one bulb), but for a long time. The fact is that two or three flowers can bloom at the same time, after they have faded they must be removed, then they will be replaced by new ones.

Varieties and types

(gladiolus muriel ). The length of the stem on which the flower is located can reach a meter in height, while the leaves are 40-50 cm long. The flowers are star-shaped, have snow-white or cream shades, and a bright burgundy spot spreads outward from the center, thereby bewitching and drawing attention to itself.

Tropical acidantera - has long ribbed leaves and a long erect stem, a little more than a meter, with a delicate inflorescence Pink colour with bright crimson spots.

- has snow-white flowers, without any inclusions and spreads a very strong aroma.

- It has narrow leaves, and the flowers have pale pink petals with bright crimson longitudinal stripes emanating from the center of the peduncle.

short tubularacidantera - flowers have bright purple hues with light and purple stripes, reminiscent of a candle flame.

Acidantera cultivation and care in the open field

Given the natural habitat given flower(Africa), it is necessary to ensure its comfortable coexistence. Therefore, if the area chosen for landing has cold climate(harsh winters), then in this case it would be better to use a flower, as indoor plant, or every year, with the onset of winter - transplant into pots and transfer to an apartment. The room temperature should not fall below 18-20°C.

For normal growth, the flower needs bright, but diffused light, excluding direct sunlight. This must be taken into account when choosing the side of the house (window) where the acidantera will be located.

gladiolus very beautiful plant, which is grown almost throughout Russia when planting and leaving in the open field. In order for the plant to grow well and bloom luxuriantly, several rules of maintenance must be observed. You can find all the necessary recommendations for growing and caring in this article.

Watering acidantera

Not a little an important factor affecting the healthy growth of a flower is proper watering. You need to water often, while avoiding waterlogging.

Therefore, when landing, you need to take care of good layer drainage. Watering must be repeated as soon as upper layer the soil will dry out.

Pot for acidantera

Pots for planting should have a diameter of about 12-15 cm. It is necessary to plant a plant to a depth of 4-5 cm, 3-4 tubers each (for more lush flowering).

It is better not to plant a lot of tubers, otherwise they will be crowded, which will affect growth and flowering. Less is also bad, as flowering will be unremarkable.

Soil for acidantera

The composition of the soil for planting acidantera should consist of the following components: one part of sand (coarse-grained), one part of soddy soil, two parts of humus and two parts of leafy soil.

Acidantera landing

Planting is carried out in the spring, in previously prepared, loosened, fertilized and moistened soil, to a depth of about 10 cm and at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other and from other plants. It also depends on the size of the bulbs themselves, then the distance needs to be adjusted.

There is another secret: for the acidantera to bloom earlier and be powerful (longer and lush bloom) and healthy, it must be grown in advance in pots (in March), and only then (in May) planted in open ground.

pruning acidantera

If the seed method is not used to propagate this flower, then faded flowers must be removed.

In order not to weaken the plant, but all useful material, came to still blooming buds.

Acidantera winter storage

Shelter for the winter acidantera is appropriate, only if warm winters, without severe frosts. In this case, you can cover the acidantera with leaf or straw mulch. Then she can safely spend up to five years in one place.

Otherwise, the tubers are dug up (the ground part is cut off), dried and stored in a paper bag, making holes for ventilation.

Aroma of acidantera

The only problem that can be encountered when growing acidantera indoors is the strong aroma. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the tenants of the apartment do not have allergies.

And for the same reason, it is best not to grow many tubers indoors. The best place is a balcony, veranda or household plot(garden), flower bed.

Acidantera growing from seeds

Acidantera can be propagated by tubers (bulbs), babies and seeds.

The seed method is used very rarely, this is due to the fact that it takes a very long time to wait for flowering from such specimens. Seeds are collected in autumn, or purchased in flower shops.

Ventilate from time to time and, if necessary, moisten with a spray bottle. Optimum temperature content is + 20 ... + 24 ° С. After two or three weeks, friendly shoots will appear, which dive into small pots, in which they will be grown for two to three years, until the tuber grows to such an extent that it can provide flowering. After the first flowering, young seedlings can be safely planted (in spring) in open ground.

Reproduction of acidantera by children

Reproduction through children is considered the easiest, since there are a lot of them growing on tubers. They are easily separated, landed on the site.

Care is simple: water, feed, loosen the soil and dig for storage in winter period. In this case, flowering will occur only in the third year, since the tubers need to grow and strength (juices) in order to be able to bloom.

Diseases and pests

The most dangerous for acidantera, with improper care, can be rot caused by excessive waterlogging of the soil. In this case, it will no longer be possible to save the tuber, it is possible to save only the children if the rot has not yet spread to them.

In addition, it is possible to plant a flower (bulb) in open ground only if you are sure that there will be no return frosts. The earth should already be well warmed up, and the temperature at night should not fall below 5-8 ° C. Otherwise, the plant will die.

As preventive measure, before storage, the tubers must be treated with a fungicide solution, then dried for a couple of weeks and stored in a dry place.

With proper care, acidantera does not suffer from diseases, but in the case when the plant is in a damp, cool place, it may appear powdery mildew , rust And root rot .

In dry weather, they may thrips , aphid And spider mite , in the fight against which treatment with insecticides will help.

Recently, you can often see a charming plant on flower beds, which many will find very familiar and similar to either daffodils or orchids. This is acidantera (Gladiolus Muriel, or fragrant) - its cultivation and care in the open field requires a decent amount of effort and patience.

Researchers have identified about forty species. The plant belongs to the iris family of the iris.

Muriel is striking in its elegance: a thin stem and the most graceful flowers resembling a star with a diameter of 10 cm. In our area, the two-color acidantera is considered the most popular, blooming with white petals with a dark spot in the center (shown in the photo). Grown as an annual. Its height can reach 120 cm in its natural environment.

Her homeland is Ethiopia, but, despite this, she can adapt to the less suitable conditions that characterize the zones. temperate climate- its cultivation becomes an easy task.

Types of acidantera

Many of the species are not yet cultivated. In addition to the two-color, there are other varieties:

  • Tropical- inflorescences of 5-6 flowers on both sides. The tone of her flower is white with a bright pink spot.
  • short tubular- the tube on which the purple flowers are located is short. Uncultivated plant.
  • White- color corresponds to the name, strong smell.
  • Cape- red streaks on white.
  • Fourcade- white-pink, not culture.
  • Grass-leaved- white flowers with a purple tint, unknown in culture.
  • Muriel- homeland - the Cape Peninsula. White color with purple streaks, in the pharynx - a green spot.
  • few-flowered - small size, leaves are thin, 2 flowers. Red and white tone.
  • broad-leaved- three flowers on one plant, white with a purple tint.
  • Pink white- three pink flowers with a white spot (photo).
  • tubular- long tube and four flowers.

How to choose a site for landing acidantera

Before planting it, you need to dig up the place that you have chosen, while applying fertilizers: organic, mineral.

Planting material: how to prepare

There are two ways to propagate a plant, followed by planting in open ground:

  1. Corms - before planting, you need to dig and sort, choosing only the strongest and most ripe: round, 3-7 cm in diameter, milk-colored, in a dried golden shell (as in the photo). When you are going to carry out the procedure, then in a couple of hours worry about soaking its bulb in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Seeds - not very popular with flower growers, because to find good material accidanters is not an easy task. Yes, and growing it from seeds is too long a task - it will bloom only two or three years after planting.


  • The soil is loosened, breaking up clods, followed by a strong moistening.
  • The distance between the bulbs should be at least 15-20 cm. The depth of its burying is 6-8 cm for medium ones, 10 cm for large ones.
  • At the landing site, you need to add peat or manure, which has rotted. It is necessary to reduce water evaporation, to prevent the rapid germination of weeds.
  • If you want to speed up the process, cover the bed with a film, creating the effect of a greenhouse. When greenery begins to appear, remove the shelter.

Muriel blooms in mid-July - September. But, the plant loves light and heat, therefore prolonged absence one of the factors may be causing delayed or missing colors.

This can be avoided by growing it at home. The beginning of spring - 3-4 bulbs are placed in a flowerpot 12-15 cm in diameter. Contain in a warm and bright place, observing the rules of watering. After that, digging and transfer to the ground takes place - the end of May - then the flower will grow healthy, the flowering period will increase.

Atsidantera - landing and care - though not a difficult matter, but requiring a sufficient amount of time and attention.

Care: features

Several simple rules, then your plant will look healthy and beautiful:

Preparing for winter

In late autumn or winter, when frost sets in, the bulbs should be dug up for storage. In winter, only large specimens can survive in the open ground - under a covering of dry leaves, but the possibility that they will deteriorate is high.

Small and medium-sized acidantera bulbs are removed from the roots, left for storage - 3-4 weeks in a dry, warm, well-ventilated place. Optimal temperature regime: +10° C - +15° C. The cold will cause the Muriel to not bloom in the future, the high temperature threatens to dry out. Proper care able to keep the bulb for 5 years.

Acidantera received recognition as experienced flower growers, and newcomers to this business. With rather uncomplicated and undemanding care, it will gratefully bloom with stunning beauty that will please the eye of anyone who only pays attention to the grace and elegance of this specimen of hot flora.
